[COLLAPSE="Read me first"]Alright, first of all, please don't just post saying "Good post" or whatever. Contribute. MU specific, super specific scenario that almost never happens, anything. Contribute any and everything you can.
Secondly, don't post saying "Oh I do X all the time." Congrats. You contributed nothing and made yourself look like an ***.[/COLLAPSE]
Watching people play, there are a few things that REALLY jump out that are problems everybody seems to have that are largely easily fixed.
First of all, my biggest annoyance and the most likely reason you're losing/getting hit in the air/I won't critique your videos:
YOU DON'T ZONE WITH FAST FALLING ENOUGH. During the era of Emblem Lord, FFing was the #1 most basic thing when playing Marth. All of a sudden everyone is leaving themselves open with slow fall fair and badly timed rising fair (while approaching none-the-less, ugh). That's not to say they don't have their uses- but I never see FFfair anymore.
Now then, moving on.
General things:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Read the two semi walls of text here http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=13796589&postcount=13999
- Don't swing your sword for no reason. There should always be a purpose. Positioning, pressure, option limitation, likely hits, etc. Throwing out an attack and hoping it hits is the easiest way to lose a good situation.[/COLLAPSE]
Stuff about DB:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Stop being lazy and letting people escape. DB1, DB2U, DB3D, DB4U/S. It's not that hard... at all.
- If you're facing a grab-happy opponent who isn't Dedede, don't be afraid to SH DB1 -> Fair their shield, too many people immediately trigger finger a shield grab. (Side note: I remember Shaya telling me that aerial DB1 is good vs D3. I'd say it's not COMPLETELY out of the question to mess around with.)
- If you're on the ground and you think you MIGHT trade hits with DB, don't use DB. It's transcended and you'll come out behind on the trade, a LOT.[/COLLAPSE]
If your spacing is off:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- If your spacing is off for a falling fair... don't do one:
FF uair has huge shieldpush.
FF into grab (people tend to wait for a hitconfirm).
My favorite, fall and land with DB. They try to shield grab (expecting a fair) and they get hit with the rest of the combo
- If you're in close, don't be afraid to cross-up with Nair if you have to, it'll save you from getting shield-grabbed.
- Cross-up FF uair is also an option.
[COLLAPSE="DISCLAIMER"]Cross-ups are risky and amazingly unsafe is expected. They should only be used in specific situations, as a mix-up, and only against certain characters.[/COLLAPSE]
On choosing your options:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Quit using fsmash from the opposite side of the stage when dsmash will tipper and put them above you in the air. Why stale fsmash and potentially let them reset to neutral (and do less damage? Idk how much tipper dsmash does) when you can dsmash and set up juggles and landing traps.
- Dsmash is FAST. You know MK's annoying dsmash that you can't react to? Our's is only 1 frame slower (although a lot more unsafe on shield). It's okay to use it more than you do.
- Non-tipper D-Smash is an absurdly good trap against people who like to airdodge into the ground, and it's trajectory will destroy them if they're trying to fastfall.
- If you have a tall platform above you like the middle in BF, or the left statue on Castle Siege, don't be afraid to ***** Dolphin Slash. It's extremely safe when you can land immediately.
- Usmash to punish/usmash OoS. It's a bit longer than your other moves on start-up, but at 12 frames it's still fairly quick. It's fast enough to hit MK's nado OoS when they land on you (a HUGE application for it that isn't done enough). It's also your most damaging move over all. It does 18-22 fresh (depending on hitboxes) and doesn't stale your kill moves.
- Stop going for the grab and nothing else against people you have grab combos on at low %. Most of the time, your fair (13%) will lead into DB (14-18%) on those characters you're fishing for the grab on. You're just letting yourself take unnecessary damage.
- Know when to nair and when to fair. I'm tired of people using them in the exact wrong situation.
- You know, just watch NEO. His option selection is gdlk.[/COLLAPSE]
Anti-air (AA):
[COLLAPSE=" "]- If you're in the air with your opponent and they have a strong air game, nair is a great AA if retreated. Fair is a great AA if you're slightly above your opponent.
- Jab will stuff a lot of aerial approaches. It will trade with Diddy's fair (I've had jab beat it a couple times actually..) and trade w/ Marth's fair. Anything shorter than those you'll probably beat you.
- Ftilt will stuff even more, although it's a larger commitment. Ftilt beats Marth's fair and Diddy's fair and will trade with Marth's nair (1st hit. If the first hit isn't close to you and they're moving forward ftilt will hit them before the 2nd hit comes out since they're floating right into a hitbox).[/COLLAPSE]
On platform pressure:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- SHFFuair takes about 55 frames from start to end according to NEO. It's really not THAT good of a platform pressure tool.
- Nair is probably your best platform pressure tool.
- The back side of nair is safer, and if it shieldpokes, hits harder.
- Utilt will shieldpoke frequently and is fairly quick.
- Ftilt will hit from a VERY surprising distance away. It also has good knockback and might push them off the platform for follow-ups.
- When someone falls off a platform while shielding you HAVE to react and punish them.
- Usmash is NOT what you want to use.[/COLLAPSE]
On ledge trapping:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- I don't care who you are, your ledge trapping game needs work. If the character on the ledge isn't Falco or *maybe* MK, you should be dealing 30-50 damage from them being on the ledge- if not a stock.
- Quit overcommiting to actions while their opponent is on the ledge (I see charged smashes a lot and SH slowfall nair as pressure for example) which lets them get back on for free.
- SHFFfair is SAFE pressure to do and covers them jumping up and most other ledge options other than get up attack (will probably trade).
- WALK. Never ever ever dash here. Dashing is a HUGE commitment. Walking is zero commitment. There's not even an argument here.
- Dtilt and jab are AMAZING. If you use them and your opponent rolls instead, they end quickly enough for you to punish the roll.
- Go to training mode and learn the length of both ledge attacks (over and under 100%) of every character. Stand the smallest bit outside of that range and punish it non-stop. You should never be hit by a ledge attack.[/COLLAPSE]
Landing traps:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Pivot grabbing landings is safer than and more reliable than normal grabbing them. It's out longer and is gives you space if you whiff. This also allows you more likelihood of grab armoring through an attack.
- Watch for air dodges. It's a really common occurrence.
- Dtilt landings is reliable, lowers your hurtbox, is safe, and leads into other moves.[/COLLAPSE]
Grab game:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Watch, wait, and react. You have a fairly large advantage after you throw a character. Don't run in trying to follow up and get hit yourself.
- Look for habits. Positional wise, fthrow and dthrow put characters into terrible positions. Look for their habits since they HAVE to act to try to avoid follow-ups.
- If you think they're going to AD into the ground, dtilt is ****.[/COLLAPSE]
On footstools:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- These are SEVERELY underused.
- You're above MK and he nado'd/you popped out. Don't just AD into it; that's just letting yourself get hit for no reason. That solves nothing. Counter MIGHT work, maybe. Just footstool the nado and go somewhere else.
- If your opponent tries to come after you offstage and you have no more jumps, mash jump/hold up while you do normal offstage things you do. If they fall into the range for you to footstool them, all of a sudden they're in a terrible spot.
- Footstool to avoid landing traps.[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE=" "]-Get used to all the timings for all the spotdodges if spammed.
- If you don't feel comfortable with punishing it because you're not used to the timings yet- especially vs Tink/Link/Falco/Yoshi/Pika- walk away and dtilt. This puts characters in a terrible situation. They can't just try to shield it (assuming it's spaced well) unless they're MK/Marth, if they keep spamming spotdodge they put themselves of being hit by dtilt which leads to follow-ups, and if they roll you get a free DB on reaction.[/COLLAPSE]
While you're on the ledge:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- BE PATIENT. Being on the ledge isn't the worst thing in the world. It's okay to hold onto the ledge and grab it more than one time in a row. Be patient while on the ledge, no reason to jump into hitboxes non-stop.
- Ledgedrop DB away from the stage backair works just as well for poking through the stage as ledgedrop fair does and has more range. Mix it up if the latter isn't working.
- Unfortunately the above affords a lot of time to let them speedhug since bair is kind of laggy. If you think they're going to do that, after DBing away, just jump back to the ledge. They'll run and FF past you while you get to laugh and begin ledge trapping them instead.
- DS instant regrab trick. I see people drop sooo many gimps on Olimar/Diddy/Falco/Marth/etc because they're afraid of getting hit off the ledge. Instead of waiting for your invincibility to run out, just renew it while they fly past you/into the stage helplessly and die.
- Don't be one track minded with ledgedrop-> jump-> nair onstage. You're asking to get *****.[/COLLAPSE]
Dolphin Slash:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Preemptive DS while offstage is a good thing at time. You hit people coming offstage after you and you can get to the ledge safely.
- Be aware of platforms that will give you more safety.
- Get rid of your RCO lag as soon as you can. However make sure you do it safely.
- You know what? Just go watch NEO. His DS timing is incredible.[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE=" "]- SB's range is HUGE. HUUUGGGEEEE. Do they like coming at you? SB.
- Characters that have a very long range grounded move they like to zone with are asking to get hit with this move.
- Unless you're trying to hit a habit/you've conditioned them to shield in a specific situation, charging SB for a little bit is a good idea. If they're shielding and they see it, they'll probably panic spotdodge. Now they're dead or have a broken shield.[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Bair will never get outspaced by any move in the game. The combination of it's vertical and horizontal ranges make is near unbeatable.
- USE MORE BAIR. Double Jump Bair covers a deceptively huge distance in a short amount of time, it's one of our best edge-guarding tool.[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Don't be afraid to use counter against moves with slow start-up. One that immediately comes to mind is Dedede's fair. If you can, you should.
- Countering smashes at the beginning of them is dangerous. If you want to counter a smash, wait for them to charge it a little bit first.
- Wavebounce/B-reverse counter onto the stage from the ledge is a REALLY solid mix-up.[/COLLAPSE]
Defensive options:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Instead of rolling away or spotdodging all the time, drop your shield and just walk/dash away.
- That's not to say that our back roll isn't good- it is. Don't shirk away from it. Just be don't spam it.
- If you are on the ground (ESPECIALLY from Snake's dthrow and Diddy's bananas) be aware of ALL of your options; normal get-up (especially into upB or grab), get-up attack, roll right, roll left, and just laying there for a little (less so vs Diddy of course) are all valid options.[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE=" "]-You HAVE to have a refined item game.
- Be able to use all the item tricks very consistently.
- When you have an item (especially vs Diddy) don't just throw it away or waste it. Think about your options.[/COLLAPSE]
While you're recovering:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Make sure you recover low most of the time.
- Save your jump for the love of Marth. If you use your jump for no reason, you lose the ability to stall out invincibility frames[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE="When hit"]
- Don't just aerial to MC if it means giving your opponent a follow-up option. This holds especially true for throws that will never kill.[/COLLAPSE]
Character specific things:
[COLLAPSE="MK"]-You're in the air and MK is gliding at you, what should you do? Fall and uair? Ehh, alright, but what he follows you down. It's still going to clash. Fair? Glair will clash. AD. He can cancel it and chase you.
Just nair. He's coming at you- if he glairs the first hit of nair clashes with it and he gets hit by the second hit. If he just keeps gliding or cancels the glide, he just gets hit.
- If you get a stun jacket vs MK and grab him, but not close enough to the ledge to spike him (assuming kill %s), GR, DB1 to use the stun jacket, guaranteed regrab-> GR spike[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE="Falco"]- Don't be too hasty letting go of shield. Falco's moves are quick, don't frame trap yourself for him.
- Falco has copious tools to **** dash approaches. Be careful and methodical.
- Falco wants to camp you and is looking for an opportunity to escape pressure via side-B. don't give him the opportunity to do so.[/COLLAPSE]
- Against Pikachu, learn up to what percent utilt and usmash can hit and not kill you. This way, if you miss your DI, you don't get stuck needlessly momentum cancelling with fair and eating a thunder, unable to air dodge. Some times you can get away with it on usmash if you have a little DI, but it's still not worth it if you weren't going to die anyway. On top of that, when you do remember not to fair, watch the Pikachu and don't air dodge before he even calls the thunder.[/COLLAPSE]
Secondly, don't post saying "Oh I do X all the time." Congrats. You contributed nothing and made yourself look like an ***.[/COLLAPSE]
Watching people play, there are a few things that REALLY jump out that are problems everybody seems to have that are largely easily fixed.
First of all, my biggest annoyance and the most likely reason you're losing/getting hit in the air/I won't critique your videos:
YOU DON'T ZONE WITH FAST FALLING ENOUGH. During the era of Emblem Lord, FFing was the #1 most basic thing when playing Marth. All of a sudden everyone is leaving themselves open with slow fall fair and badly timed rising fair (while approaching none-the-less, ugh). That's not to say they don't have their uses- but I never see FFfair anymore.
Now then, moving on.
General things:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Read the two semi walls of text here http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=13796589&postcount=13999
- Don't swing your sword for no reason. There should always be a purpose. Positioning, pressure, option limitation, likely hits, etc. Throwing out an attack and hoping it hits is the easiest way to lose a good situation.[/COLLAPSE]
Stuff about DB:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Stop being lazy and letting people escape. DB1, DB2U, DB3D, DB4U/S. It's not that hard... at all.
- If you're facing a grab-happy opponent who isn't Dedede, don't be afraid to SH DB1 -> Fair their shield, too many people immediately trigger finger a shield grab. (Side note: I remember Shaya telling me that aerial DB1 is good vs D3. I'd say it's not COMPLETELY out of the question to mess around with.)
- If you're on the ground and you think you MIGHT trade hits with DB, don't use DB. It's transcended and you'll come out behind on the trade, a LOT.[/COLLAPSE]
If your spacing is off:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- If your spacing is off for a falling fair... don't do one:
FF uair has huge shieldpush.
FF into grab (people tend to wait for a hitconfirm).
My favorite, fall and land with DB. They try to shield grab (expecting a fair) and they get hit with the rest of the combo
- If you're in close, don't be afraid to cross-up with Nair if you have to, it'll save you from getting shield-grabbed.
- Cross-up FF uair is also an option.
[COLLAPSE="DISCLAIMER"]Cross-ups are risky and amazingly unsafe is expected. They should only be used in specific situations, as a mix-up, and only against certain characters.[/COLLAPSE]
On choosing your options:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Quit using fsmash from the opposite side of the stage when dsmash will tipper and put them above you in the air. Why stale fsmash and potentially let them reset to neutral (and do less damage? Idk how much tipper dsmash does) when you can dsmash and set up juggles and landing traps.
- Dsmash is FAST. You know MK's annoying dsmash that you can't react to? Our's is only 1 frame slower (although a lot more unsafe on shield). It's okay to use it more than you do.
- Non-tipper D-Smash is an absurdly good trap against people who like to airdodge into the ground, and it's trajectory will destroy them if they're trying to fastfall.
- If you have a tall platform above you like the middle in BF, or the left statue on Castle Siege, don't be afraid to ***** Dolphin Slash. It's extremely safe when you can land immediately.
- Usmash to punish/usmash OoS. It's a bit longer than your other moves on start-up, but at 12 frames it's still fairly quick. It's fast enough to hit MK's nado OoS when they land on you (a HUGE application for it that isn't done enough). It's also your most damaging move over all. It does 18-22 fresh (depending on hitboxes) and doesn't stale your kill moves.
- Stop going for the grab and nothing else against people you have grab combos on at low %. Most of the time, your fair (13%) will lead into DB (14-18%) on those characters you're fishing for the grab on. You're just letting yourself take unnecessary damage.
- Know when to nair and when to fair. I'm tired of people using them in the exact wrong situation.
- You know, just watch NEO. His option selection is gdlk.[/COLLAPSE]
Anti-air (AA):
[COLLAPSE=" "]- If you're in the air with your opponent and they have a strong air game, nair is a great AA if retreated. Fair is a great AA if you're slightly above your opponent.
- Jab will stuff a lot of aerial approaches. It will trade with Diddy's fair (I've had jab beat it a couple times actually..) and trade w/ Marth's fair. Anything shorter than those you'll probably beat you.
- Ftilt will stuff even more, although it's a larger commitment. Ftilt beats Marth's fair and Diddy's fair and will trade with Marth's nair (1st hit. If the first hit isn't close to you and they're moving forward ftilt will hit them before the 2nd hit comes out since they're floating right into a hitbox).[/COLLAPSE]
On platform pressure:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- SHFFuair takes about 55 frames from start to end according to NEO. It's really not THAT good of a platform pressure tool.
- Nair is probably your best platform pressure tool.
- The back side of nair is safer, and if it shieldpokes, hits harder.
- Utilt will shieldpoke frequently and is fairly quick.
- Ftilt will hit from a VERY surprising distance away. It also has good knockback and might push them off the platform for follow-ups.
- When someone falls off a platform while shielding you HAVE to react and punish them.
- Usmash is NOT what you want to use.[/COLLAPSE]
On ledge trapping:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- I don't care who you are, your ledge trapping game needs work. If the character on the ledge isn't Falco or *maybe* MK, you should be dealing 30-50 damage from them being on the ledge- if not a stock.
- Quit overcommiting to actions while their opponent is on the ledge (I see charged smashes a lot and SH slowfall nair as pressure for example) which lets them get back on for free.
- SHFFfair is SAFE pressure to do and covers them jumping up and most other ledge options other than get up attack (will probably trade).
- WALK. Never ever ever dash here. Dashing is a HUGE commitment. Walking is zero commitment. There's not even an argument here.
- Dtilt and jab are AMAZING. If you use them and your opponent rolls instead, they end quickly enough for you to punish the roll.
- Go to training mode and learn the length of both ledge attacks (over and under 100%) of every character. Stand the smallest bit outside of that range and punish it non-stop. You should never be hit by a ledge attack.[/COLLAPSE]
Landing traps:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Pivot grabbing landings is safer than and more reliable than normal grabbing them. It's out longer and is gives you space if you whiff. This also allows you more likelihood of grab armoring through an attack.
- Watch for air dodges. It's a really common occurrence.
- Dtilt landings is reliable, lowers your hurtbox, is safe, and leads into other moves.[/COLLAPSE]
Grab game:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Watch, wait, and react. You have a fairly large advantage after you throw a character. Don't run in trying to follow up and get hit yourself.
- Look for habits. Positional wise, fthrow and dthrow put characters into terrible positions. Look for their habits since they HAVE to act to try to avoid follow-ups.
- If you think they're going to AD into the ground, dtilt is ****.[/COLLAPSE]
On footstools:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- These are SEVERELY underused.
- You're above MK and he nado'd/you popped out. Don't just AD into it; that's just letting yourself get hit for no reason. That solves nothing. Counter MIGHT work, maybe. Just footstool the nado and go somewhere else.
- If your opponent tries to come after you offstage and you have no more jumps, mash jump/hold up while you do normal offstage things you do. If they fall into the range for you to footstool them, all of a sudden they're in a terrible spot.
- Footstool to avoid landing traps.[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE=" "]-Get used to all the timings for all the spotdodges if spammed.
- If you don't feel comfortable with punishing it because you're not used to the timings yet- especially vs Tink/Link/Falco/Yoshi/Pika- walk away and dtilt. This puts characters in a terrible situation. They can't just try to shield it (assuming it's spaced well) unless they're MK/Marth, if they keep spamming spotdodge they put themselves of being hit by dtilt which leads to follow-ups, and if they roll you get a free DB on reaction.[/COLLAPSE]
While you're on the ledge:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- BE PATIENT. Being on the ledge isn't the worst thing in the world. It's okay to hold onto the ledge and grab it more than one time in a row. Be patient while on the ledge, no reason to jump into hitboxes non-stop.
- Ledgedrop DB away from the stage backair works just as well for poking through the stage as ledgedrop fair does and has more range. Mix it up if the latter isn't working.
- Unfortunately the above affords a lot of time to let them speedhug since bair is kind of laggy. If you think they're going to do that, after DBing away, just jump back to the ledge. They'll run and FF past you while you get to laugh and begin ledge trapping them instead.
- DS instant regrab trick. I see people drop sooo many gimps on Olimar/Diddy/Falco/Marth/etc because they're afraid of getting hit off the ledge. Instead of waiting for your invincibility to run out, just renew it while they fly past you/into the stage helplessly and die.
- Don't be one track minded with ledgedrop-> jump-> nair onstage. You're asking to get *****.[/COLLAPSE]
Dolphin Slash:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Preemptive DS while offstage is a good thing at time. You hit people coming offstage after you and you can get to the ledge safely.
- Be aware of platforms that will give you more safety.
- Get rid of your RCO lag as soon as you can. However make sure you do it safely.
- You know what? Just go watch NEO. His DS timing is incredible.[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE=" "]- SB's range is HUGE. HUUUGGGEEEE. Do they like coming at you? SB.
- Characters that have a very long range grounded move they like to zone with are asking to get hit with this move.
- Unless you're trying to hit a habit/you've conditioned them to shield in a specific situation, charging SB for a little bit is a good idea. If they're shielding and they see it, they'll probably panic spotdodge. Now they're dead or have a broken shield.[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Bair will never get outspaced by any move in the game. The combination of it's vertical and horizontal ranges make is near unbeatable.
- USE MORE BAIR. Double Jump Bair covers a deceptively huge distance in a short amount of time, it's one of our best edge-guarding tool.[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Don't be afraid to use counter against moves with slow start-up. One that immediately comes to mind is Dedede's fair. If you can, you should.
- Countering smashes at the beginning of them is dangerous. If you want to counter a smash, wait for them to charge it a little bit first.
- Wavebounce/B-reverse counter onto the stage from the ledge is a REALLY solid mix-up.[/COLLAPSE]
Defensive options:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Instead of rolling away or spotdodging all the time, drop your shield and just walk/dash away.
- That's not to say that our back roll isn't good- it is. Don't shirk away from it. Just be don't spam it.
- If you are on the ground (ESPECIALLY from Snake's dthrow and Diddy's bananas) be aware of ALL of your options; normal get-up (especially into upB or grab), get-up attack, roll right, roll left, and just laying there for a little (less so vs Diddy of course) are all valid options.[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE=" "]-You HAVE to have a refined item game.
- Be able to use all the item tricks very consistently.
- When you have an item (especially vs Diddy) don't just throw it away or waste it. Think about your options.[/COLLAPSE]
While you're recovering:
[COLLAPSE=" "]- Make sure you recover low most of the time.
- Save your jump for the love of Marth. If you use your jump for no reason, you lose the ability to stall out invincibility frames[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE="When hit"]
- Don't just aerial to MC if it means giving your opponent a follow-up option. This holds especially true for throws that will never kill.[/COLLAPSE]
Character specific things:
[COLLAPSE="MK"]-You're in the air and MK is gliding at you, what should you do? Fall and uair? Ehh, alright, but what he follows you down. It's still going to clash. Fair? Glair will clash. AD. He can cancel it and chase you.
Just nair. He's coming at you- if he glairs the first hit of nair clashes with it and he gets hit by the second hit. If he just keeps gliding or cancels the glide, he just gets hit.
- If you get a stun jacket vs MK and grab him, but not close enough to the ledge to spike him (assuming kill %s), GR, DB1 to use the stun jacket, guaranteed regrab-> GR spike[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE="Falco"]- Don't be too hasty letting go of shield. Falco's moves are quick, don't frame trap yourself for him.
- Falco has copious tools to **** dash approaches. Be careful and methodical.
- Falco wants to camp you and is looking for an opportunity to escape pressure via side-B. don't give him the opportunity to do so.[/COLLAPSE]
- Against Pikachu, learn up to what percent utilt and usmash can hit and not kill you. This way, if you miss your DI, you don't get stuck needlessly momentum cancelling with fair and eating a thunder, unable to air dodge. Some times you can get away with it on usmash if you have a little DI, but it's still not worth it if you weren't going to die anyway. On top of that, when you do remember not to fair, watch the Pikachu and don't air dodge before he even calls the thunder.[/COLLAPSE]