Smash Ace
Tired of eating short hop aerials, need something to limit your opponent and throw them off? You've come to the right place
. Here we will go in-depth about our trusty Up+B and the great things it can do for us. Basically, you must understand what you can do with this, so here we go.
1. The properties of the spring
2. How to deploy without getting owned
3. Helping your already beastly gimp game
4. Stepping your ground game up
6. How to mix it up
7. Closing and other credit junk.
Other important things
This is from Tenki from his AiB spring thread.
1. The properties of the spring
2. How to deploy without getting owned
3. Helping your already beastly gimp game
4. Stepping your ground game up
6. How to mix it up
7. Closing and other credit junk.
Other important things
This is from Tenki from his AiB spring thread.
Expect something later I gotta get some things together, these are the topics this thread will be covering. You guys can still contribute still, remember this is for the Sonic community. So be a little patient and I'll explain everything.DEBUG MODE! aka the spring thread
LOL so BlueTerrorist created the spring thread first on SWF.
I'm thinking of either doing a combined-force thread with him, or just use the information from this thread and concede the rest to him.
Honestly, the reason I'm posting this was because I had it half finished on an SWF post, but wanted to save it somewhere.
At the moment, my laptop can randomly not connect to the network, and it might be like this for a while, so here are some movements that are PROBABLY covered by BT- or movements that I have been working on and either have left open intentionally or never fully mapped out. You should be able to tell. I guess you can say that this would have been all I had to contribute so far in the 'spring thread' I was planning, but I guess feel free to pick and choose :/
Grounded springs are... special.
Bouncing on them revives your double jumps, though they don't take you out of the airtrip state (only land can do this for you >_<), it sends you flying at a great height, and the most interesting part IMO is...
It cancels your previous move (with exception to 'invisible' moves like Zelda/Sheik/MK teleports and transformations).
Let me develop this idea of "L-cancel" further. In Melee, you could eliminate landing lag by pressing shield as you landed, then jump up and do another aerial to combo into your previous one. If you do a "spring setup" [reverse grounded spring]>[lagless d-air], and try to jump an aerial into it, your previous move is cancelled, and you jumps are replenished. However, you may also have noticed that the spring will usually send you upwards too high to follow up with anything useful!
...But you can double jump.
As soon as you land on the spring, hit jump and begin your next attack! B-air>B-air at low %'s? F-air>F-air!? It's possible now!
It's weird, and it will take a little getting used to, but you can weave in and out of spring, while doing 'lagless' aerials that flow into each other!
note: Unless otherwise noted, assume all of these springs are set up via [reverse grounded spring]>[lagless d-air], so the spring is between you and your opponent. This leaves about a 2 second window where you are free to do anything until the spring disappears.
Aerial choice : Lagless D-air (normal finisher), instant double jump, fastfall>aerial, and unique to grounded spring setups...
Homing attack (replaces all momentum; instant charge/quick-release will usually be around fullhop height)
Side-B (will replace all momentum, instant charge will usually release toward the top of the bounce, CAN spinshot if you didn't double jump after hitting the spring yet)
Down-B (will continue upwards momentum if done while rising, FF ASC if done while falling)
Spring > d-air [allows uber-FF aerials]
Kickspam - this deserves a name of its own. Spam d-air on a spring. Timing can be slightly delayed to rise higher and avoid an attack while still catching the spring on the way down.
Many of these are situational, but situations do arise. So I'll take it from a situational standpoint. Anything marked with a {} has not been thoroughly tested/mapped out yet.
Simple situation 1: Near ledge; opponent is recovering
[D-air kickspam]* Can be done straight from an up-B.
This can avoid low ledge attacks and punish a miss. If it's a high ledge attack or a ledgehopped aerial, you can delay a D-air and float up/avoid it before you come back down. If they try to ledgejump, they get D-air semispiked back off the level.
Variation: Opponent recovers above you
[D-air kickspam]> (opponent goes above you)> [N-air] > Aerial choice
VERTICAL CANNON! Of course, a good opponent can just airdodge as he passes you, just as you can VS thunder. However, if you do this out of a setup spring, you can replace the N-air with a Homing attack, or if you're doing this facing away from the edge, do a D-air after the N-air to chase.
Variation: Opponent is recovering from high/diagonally above, in front of, but somewhat close to you
[Spring bounce] > [side-B hop] > Aerial choice
AIMING CANNON! The side-B replaces all your momentum upon release. You can delay this to adjust to your opponent's height, or just hop into them and do an aerial spindash combo (U-air will kill at maximum spring height, and if not, U-air> jump > U-air will.) The main problem with this is move is that after you go under your release height, you lose your attack box.
Variation: Opponent is recovering from high/diagonally above, in front of, and somewhat far from you
[Spring bounce] > [rising ASC] > Aerial choice
SURFACE TO AIR MISSILE! As many of you know, ASC has a freakish amount of hitstun and vertical knockback. This CAN kill if you hit directly, but if not, you can always quickly cancel the ASC into a D-air if he's below you, U-air if he's above you, or whatever you can think of at the moment! (fly under> dj cancel > B-air?!)
This can also be delayed to hit opponents slightly under you as an alternative to side-B.
Simple situation 2: Grounded opponent; inside of/adjacent to spring
[SH F-air (aim it to land on the spring)] > Aerial choice
If you time the F-air to end (well, at least do the 'sweetspot hit') on the spring, the move hit them away. I personally usually use lagless D-air out of this then chase.
Variation: Shielding opponent
[SH F-air (aim it to land on the spring)] > [instant D-air kickspam x1-3] > Aerial choice
Oh no! Your opponent shields your attack! Kick the shield a few times via kickspam, then use an aerial of choice. Also a nice way to buy some time/mix up the opponent since F-air>kickspam is not a very common move and you can pretty much do anything out of it.
Variation: Grounded opponent inside spring (70-80%+)
[D-air]> [Aerial] > Aerial choice
D-air knocks them upwards, and you can immediately hit with an aerial. I once did a D-air>U-air combo out of this. I have tested this and if you can get the right % and placement, B-air WILL be a true combo from a D-air spaced so your opponent is behind you.
Variation: Grounded opponent inside spring (40%+); jumping/bouncing opponent
{grounded opponent: [D-air]} > [Footstool jump] > (fastfall+bounce) > [U-air 2nd hit] > [Spring+Instant U-air]
VS a grounded opponent, the D-air knocks them upwards, but it's cancelled by the spring, so you can immediately footstool jump them and force them to bounce on the spring. Either by doing a SH footstool and fast-falling to bounce on the spring or, if you're accurate/cool enough, FH footstool+ double jump, try to hit the U-air so it hits them at the top of the bounce height. The U-air's second hit outprioritizes basically... everything when spaced correctly, and it sets up the height correctly for a spring>instant U-air at 50-70%.
{}Simple situation 3: Opponent between you and spring
[SH N-air] > Aerial choice
[Side-B into spring] > Aerial choice
ummm yeah.
It's incomplete.