All right guys, here it is
1. Toronto Joe: Joe has kept placing above everyone else in the region in singles. He defeated Swordgard, and has a winning record against anyone else in the region since the new season. Since he is undefeated in singles by anyone and he is the only one to beat Swordgard and Holy, he still maintains his position on our PR.
2. Tin Man: I was able to team with an unranked player and maintain the same momentum and prowess in doubles, even defeating Toronto Joe and Iliad. Has a winning record over everyone else in the region besides Toronto Joe and Raidos. While Raidos is 1-1 with me, I’m 2-0 with Ambrose who has beaten Raidos, and I have a far better doubles record.
3. Raidos: Was able to defeat me at Pharaoh’s Judgement. This success has negated his losses to Rhyme and Gichan to some extent. Good doubles performances also help justify his rank.
4. Culex: He defeated Raidos at the preservation, and placed 5th in singles at the 2 tourneys he has been to. While he did suffer a loss to Ambrose, ultimately it is his ability to place well at Pharaoh’s Judgement. The hardest tournament in the region’s new season so far.
5. Ambrose: Went to 2 tournaments and placed 5th twice like Culex, has placed better than Culex in doubles and beat Culex at the preservation, however not going to Pharaoh’s hurt his placing. In addition, we might not be seeing much more of Ambrose in the future.
6. Gichan: The only person below him who he lost to in singles is Iliad. He has beaten Raidos and King Kong at Pharaoh’s Judgement, and these two accomplishments really allowed him to maintain his position. The only person who hindered his progress is remorse due to getting 2-0’d by him.
7. Iliad: Excellent doubles performance at Pharoah’s judgement. He also managed to defeat Gichan. Other than that, he has lost to, or not placed as well as everyone above him, and has outplaced everyone below him more times than they have bested him. He lost as set to Phiddlesticks so that is a little set back and thus places him here.
8. Phiddlesticks: He has shown consistency in getting 9th 3 times in a row. He also defeated Iliad at the preservation. The main factor here is his consistency. Therefore allowing him to achieve this position.
9. Rhyme: Poor performance at Pharaoh’s Judgement. Losing to Jasuke then Sauc3. Defeating Raidos and having a great performance at the preservation is what is keeping him up here. His doubles performances aren’t that bad either.
10. JMo: Achieving honourable mentions after the monster smash allowed him to maintain a certain reputation even after not showing up for the preservation. While he lost to Darkshadow whom Phiddlesticks and Rhyme beat, he was able to defeat Jasuke in the tournament and again for the 10th spot. Ultimately, his biggest accomplishment is placing in 2nd with doubles with me, beating teams like Gichan & King Kong, Raidos & Culex, Swordgard & Googs, and even Iliad & Toronto Joe. Even though I was his partner, no scrub could have made it that far.
Da-Da-Man: To be able to go to his 1st tournament and place as well as 13th among names like Sauc3, Jasuke, and Dark Shadow is extremely impressive. He got 2nd seed in his pool which had Swordgard, Arrows, and Mprime. He managed to beat Arrows who beat Mprime and then managed to make it to 13th place by winning twice in bracket.
Jasuke: Jasuke has consistently made it out of pools and placed about the same at all 3 tournaments in the new season. He even managed to take a set off Rhyme. Jasuke was really close to making the PR. He lost to JMo in tourney, and had the chance to make it to the PR, but lost to him again in the PR set.
Mprime: Even though he had a lacklustre performance at Pharaoh’s judgement, his history in singles and doubles is still good enough to allow him to maintain his position as an honourable mention. However it’s fairly borderline. He can’t afford to suffer any more tragic losses.
Drop Outs:
Doc and JL have both dropped out of the PR due to not showing up to 2 tournaments. This has made it quite easier for certain people below to get on the PR since 2 spots have to be filled.
Logan dropped out of honourable mentions due to not being able to participate in Pharaoh’s judgement and therefore was unable to defend or reinforce his position.