Now that Multiversus is ending, I have a few things to say about one of the characters I was always kind of rooting for. Ben 10. And that's I'm glad he didn't get in.
Let me explain, the last thing I wanted from Ben was for him to be 10 year old Ben from Classic done like Pokemon Trainer with a handful of his most "popular aliens" (most likely some combination Fourarms, Heatblast, XLR8, Diamondhead, and Cannonbolt). I wanted Ben at the end of his story arc, which means Omniverse (despite my feelings on the show) because I wanted the Ben that I grew up with and who grew up with me. The version of the character I had an attachment too. Further more I wanted each move to be a different alien form, reminiscent of how he fights when he has Master Control. This is how Ben fights when he's at his full potential.
IDK. I guess I'm just better off with him not being in the game at all over him being in the game with a moveset and/or design that frustrated me (like what happened with Bugs, Wonder Woman, and Steven).
Would what I had wanted from the character be a lot more work? I honestly don't know. From a modeling and rigging standpoint yes, but each model would have only needed like one animation as opposed to doing full move-sets for three to five characters and in the Pokemon Trainer style. So honestly there had to have been a bit of give and take. But it doesn't matter anymore since the game is over.