The Italy-inspired region of Purore (from “puro”, the Italian word for “pure”, and “cuore”, the Italian word for “heart”) is a vast landscape and is one of the most diverse regions in the world in terms of its Pokemon population. In addition to the region being where the new Love type was discovered and researched, the type diversity is enormous, and the Pokemon of the region exhibit a huge array of different pure and dual typings.
The leading Pokemon professor of the region, Professor Oleander, is an expert "type biologist", being the one who first defined and classified the Love type, soon made a discovery that explained this huge diversity - Purore is a hotspot for powerful Typergy Crystals.
Typergy is a lifeforce that runs through all Pokemon. A Pokemon draws its type's power and attacks from its internal Typergy. However, Professor Oleander discovered that when a Pokemon comes into contact with the mysterious Typergy Crystals that match up with their typing...they become capable of externalizing their own Typergy and taking on all new Typergy Forms!
Typergy Forms are special new forms of specific Pokemon that draw out the power of a specific type they have. They lose their other typing and become pure-typed if they are a dual-type Pokemon (for example when a Greninja uses a Dark Typergy Crystal, it becomes a pure Dark type and loses the Water type). However, this grants them access to powerful Typergy abilities, which give them different boosts based on each type they have. And here are all 19 of them!
Normal Typergy Ability: Core Power
The Pokemon’s Normal moves can deal super effective hits against Ghost types and damage Rock and Steel types normally. Chances of additional effects of moves become doubled.
Fire Typergy Ability: Blazing Sun
The harsh sunlight weather condition is activated, and will not be removed until another Typergy Ability overrides this condition. Normal type moves become Fire type.
Fighting Typergy Ability: Pure Determination
Normal type moves become Fighting type. The Pokemon’s Fighting moves can deal super effective hits against Ghost types. The Pokemon’s critical hit ratio also increases.
Water Typergy Ability: Aquatic Wrath
The rain weather condition is activated, and will not be removed until another Typergy Ability overrides this condition. Normal type moves become Water type.
Flying Typergy Ability: Unstoppable Flight
The Pokemon has increased priority on all of its moves. Normal type moves become Flying type.
Grass Typergy Ability: Floral Fury
The Pokemon becomes immune to all status conditions, volatile or otherwise. Normal type moves become Water type.
Poison Typergy Ability: Ultra Toxic
The Pokemon’s Poison moves can damage Steel types. Normal type moves become Poison type.
Electric Typergy Ability: Rolling Thunder
The Pokemon’s speed, attack and special attack increases at the end of each turn, and its Electric moves will be able to damage Ground types. Normal type moves become Electric type.
Ground Typergy Ability: Ultra-Magnitude
The Pokemon’s Ground moves will be able to damage Flying types, and all of their Ground moves earn a +20% chance to lower the opponent’s accuracy. Normal type moves become Ground type.
Psychic Typergy Ability: 1000000 IQ
The Pokemon’s stats will not be lowered by any means, while still being able to be increased. Normal type moves become Psychic type, and the Pokemon’s Psychic type moves will be able to damage Dark types.
Rock Typergy Ability: Geo-Surge
The sandstorm weather condition is activated, and will not be removed until another Typergy Ability overrides this condition. In addition, Stealth Rocks are automatically deployed around the opponent’s field. Normal type moves become Rock type.
Ice Typergy Ability: Never-Ending Blizzard
The snow weather condition is activated, and will not be removed until another Typergy Ability overrides this condition. The Pokemon is now immune to Grass-type moves. Normal type moves become Ice type.
Bug Typergy Ability: Summon the Hive
All enemy Pokemon that share the field will become trapped and cannot escape, and will take 1/16th of their HP’s worth of damage each turn. Normal type moves become Bug type.
Dragon Typergy Ability: Reptillian Fury
The Pokemon’s moves will no longer miss. Normal type moves become Dragon type, and the Pokemon’s Dragon type moves will be able to damage Fairy types.
Ghost Typergy Ability: Spiritual Takeover
The battlefield will begin to cycle through the different kinds of terrain every few turns. Normal type moves become Ghost type, and the Pokemon’s Ghost type moves will be able to deal super effective damage against Normal types.
Dark Typergy Ability: Total Eclipse
All enemy Pokemon that share the field will have their stats dramatically drop. Normal type moves become Dark type.
Steel Typergy Ability: Iron Insanity
The Pokemon’s Defense and Special Defence stats will increase at the end of each turn. Normal type moves become Steel type, and the Pokemon’s Steel type moves will be able to damage Love types.
Fairy Typergy Ability: Magical Aura
All stat drops are nullified immediately, and the Pokemon’s entire team is protected from critical hits until it faints. Normal type moves become Fairy type.
Love Typergy Ability: Absolute Love
The Pokemon gains immediate access to all Affection/Happiness benefits – it may endure hits that would knock it out, avoid attacks, shed status conditions on their own or land critical hits more easily. Whenever the Pokemon switches out, Baton Pass comes into effect and all its stat increases get passed to the Pokemon that switches in. That Pokemon also gains Affection benefits, as do all allied team members. Normal type moves become Love type.
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Last but not least, this is an example of a Typergy Form. I'll figure out other Pokemon that'd get these forms as I go along!