AITA for assaulting my gf's dad? Yesterday, I (37m) went to my gf's (18f) high school graduation to pick her up, and take her to my place. We agreed on this as soon as her finals were over. Well, I swung by, called her out by name as she was taking pictures with her family, and explained to her fam who I was (we never met). Well, her parents weren't having it, her mom looked mortified for no reason, and her dad was a little agressive (idk why, toxic if you ask me). He was calling me names such as "disgusting pervert" and told me to stay away from his daughter. Well, I got in his face and told him off, but he wasn't budging, so I went to grab my gf but he pushed me away from her, so I punched him. Well he proceeded to kick my ass, and ruined my gfs graduation. But I feel bad for some reason (probably stockholm) and I want to apologize to her. Reddit, Am I the Asshole?