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The Snorlax Room

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You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I'm not gonna do a troll response like L2somethingclever, but that was a joke. Or were you joking with that reply..
Wait, you were joking? You didn't make that obvious at all. >_>

Why do people use jokes/sarcasm on the internet without clear indications for people like me with defective sarcasm detectors?

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
*Sigh* So guys, before the nonsense started I was talking about how I thought I was the maknae here, but Roach and Charmander are younger than I am. If you guys don't already know how old do you think I am?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I think the real question is "does anyone care?".

Because in all honestly, age is not a determinent of anything that should/shouldn't be used to discredit/credit anyone, which is how I see this conversation gearing, which in itself is immature.. It's simply a measure of how long you've been on this Earth.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
There's nothing guaranteed when it comes to college applications, which is really lame.
Unfortunately, a lot of it is politics. Who knows who, who is willing to fork over the most money, your ethnicity/race, etc.

Just keep those grades up and get a solid SAT score and you will most likely make it into a good college.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 20, 2008
Thousand Sunny (TX)
I'm Gifted (say what you want) and I don't think colleges care about that at all -_-
They really don't. It's an equal playing field for everyone. No offense to you roacher, but I used to believe the best were in the gifted/talented programs in elementary and middle school, and I held a grudge against those people because I felt like I had "it", and they connected with each other; in high school, it was leveled out a little because anyone could take AP and Dual classes, and I was finally satisfied that I could compete with everyone else. Idk if it's a school environment thing to prevent bullying or whatever, but I'm over it.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
They really don't. It's an equal playing field for everyone. No offense to you roacher, but I used to believe the best were in the gifted/talented programs in elementary and middle school, and I held a grudge against those people because I felt like I had "it", and they connected with each other; in high school, it was leveled out a little because anyone could take AP and Dual classes, and I was finally satisfied that I could compete with everyone else. Idk if it's a school environment thing to prevent bullying or whatever, but I'm over it.
Dude, I know that they don't count towards collage, a teacher told us. The only reason why Gifted exists (in his explanation, so don't hold me accountable) was because something about the Cold War and the US trying to pick out the most intelligent or something, which we don't care about today...

And I know for a fact that if I want to get into college in a state in the US (outside of Florida), it's gonna be a pain due to the fact that a lot of Americans hate latinos. And I should know about that because I've had Americans (or gringos as we call them) call me nasty stuff because I'm latino, which I blame Mexicans mostly for because they seem to be the reason why most Americans hate the latinos. And I would know because every time an American is being racist on me, they always call me Mexican and to climb over the border back to my country :(


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2007
Head and Heart, Dance Floor
Dude, I know that they don't count towards collage, a teacher told us. The only reason why Gifted exists (in his explanation, so don't hold me accountable) was because something about the Cold War and the US trying to pick out the most intelligent or something, which we don't care about today...

And I know for a fact that if I want to get into college in a state in the US (outside of Florida), it's gonna be a pain due to the fact that a lot of Americans hate latinos. And I should know about that because I've had Americans (or gringos as we call them) call me nasty stuff because I'm latino, which I blame Mexicans mostly for because they seem to be the reason why most Americans hate the latinos. And I would know because every time an American is being racist on me, they always call me Mexican and to climb over the border back to my country :(
Every time I take a huge exam or the FCAT, there is an option if your hispanic to get a better scholarship. And if people are just going around calling you a gringo for no reason they're just ignorant. I could understand they may call you Mexican, but maybe they dont know the other sects of the race and just generalize. That insult is never warranted though. I'm Mostly Black, but no ones ever called me anything.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
And I know for a fact that if I want to get into college in a state in the US (outside of Florida), it's gonna be a pain due to the fact that a lot of Americans hate latinos. And I should know about that because I've had Americans (or gringos as we call them) call me nasty stuff because I'm latino, which I blame Mexicans mostly for because they seem to be the reason why most Americans hate the latinos. And I would know because every time an American is being racist on me, they always call me Mexican and to climb over the border back to my country :(
I'm sorry but I can't stand people like you. Since both of us are minorities (I'm black), are we going to let society control what we can or can't do or are we going to do something about it? You can't use your race as an excuse to complain about how "unfair" life is, because the cold, hard, honest truth is that life isn't fair, but we have to make the best of things. If our ancestors had the attitude that you have right here, then I guarantee you neither you nor I would be here today. So instead of trying to blame Mexicans for your inability to get into a good college, go above and beyond the average "Latino" and make something out of yourself.

Check out this statistic: Only 55% of African Americans will go on to pursue a college degree. Of the African American males that make up that percentage (The minority. African American women in college almost double the amount of African American males in college.), only 36% of them will finish their degree. As you can see by this statistic, the odds are totally against me, but am I going to back down and make excuses? No. I'm going to continue to further my education and get that degree, and I plan on going further.

Sorry for coming off as a bit harsh but I'm just a no-excuses type of guy.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
And I know for a fact that if I want to get into college in a state in the US (outside of Florida), it's gonna be a pain due to the fact that a lot of Americans hate latinos. And I should know about that because I've had Americans (or gringos as we call them) call me nasty stuff because I'm latino, which I blame Mexicans mostly for because they seem to be the reason why most Americans hate the latinos. And I would know because every time an American is being racist on me, they always call me Mexican and to climb over the border back to my country :(
My roommate was Mexican/Iranian, and his last name was of the Iranian origin.

And you thought YOU had it hard.

Actually, he has it harder finding a job outside of Detroit as opposed to a place in college. He applied everywhere around campus and on campus last year and didn't get a single job.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007

So is it better to apply directly to a college or rather go for a 2 year community college and transfer? Because here in California, it is now nearly impossible for me to get into a good UC school. The only reliable way to enter a UC school right now is to do a Transfer Admission Guaranteed Program (which I will do since my grades are rather subpar and my SAT score isn't amazing imo).


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2005
Not really. Technally you can take the SAT 2s whenever you want. Also, not all schools require SAT 2s. They're mainly used to get into the better colleges.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
Some colleges don't need the SAT, they use the ACT, which is what my High School offers. I'm pretty sure my school doesn't offer the SAT, but luckily it isn't required for the college that I want to go to. And I plan on going to a four year college and then on to a university to get a Master's degree, and I don't know if I want to go any farther than that.

And at the race/nationality thing, don't they have a lot of scholarships for minorities?

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Tery, how the hell do I learn Chinese? I don't understand anything.
I'd start with just learning the pinyin first. Once you grasp the concept you can start looking at characters with pinyin to pronounce.

SAT scores came out.

730 bio <_<. Comparatively worse than my math 2 and chem scores (both 800).
Shut up, Supermarth. I scored even worse on the SATs than I did in March. I'm screwed.

So it goes SATs, SAT 2s and then on to college in the US? I'm trying to work this out here. ~
Or ACTs, if you don't do well on SATs (like me).

And Roach, it's probably better for you that you're Latino. If you can score really well and stand out, colleges would rather accept you than say, a white male of the same general profile, because colleges want diversity. And there are so many (read: many) scholarships based on if you're Asian / Pacific Islander, Hispanic, African American, etc. it's no longer funny. Abuse it. :)


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
And I know for a fact that if I want to get into college in a state in the US (outside of Florida), it's gonna be a pain due to the fact that a lot of Americans hate latinos. And I should know about that because I've had Americans (or gringos as we call them) call me nasty stuff because I'm latino, which I blame Mexicans mostly for because they seem to be the reason why most Americans hate the latinos. And I would know because every time an American is being racist on me, they always call me Mexican and to climb over the border back to my country :(
So, let me get this straight.

You're not going to get into college because you're Latino, even though colleges love diversity and there are tons of scholarships merely for being a minority.

You hate that some Americans are racist towards you but you're blaming it on Mexicans and generalizing that "a lot of Americans hate Latinos".

I'm seeing some paradoxes here.

You're not going to have trouble getting into college unless you don't do well in school. Simple as that. Even if INDIVIDUALS are racist, which not all of them are at all, colleges aren't going to go around saying "WOW YOU'RE NOT WHITE YOU CAN'T GET INTO OUR COLLEGE" for a handful of reasons.

Douchebags will be douchebags, there's no denying that. Racist people don't tend to make sense and they make silly generalizations which tend to make them look even more silly when they don't match up (e.g., your skin is a certain color, you must be Mexican). That doesn't mean you're not going to succeed in life, it just means that you've learned an important life lesson: people are stupid.

Ryu Shimazu

Smash Master
Nov 5, 2009
I was going to start College in the fall, but I have to wait until the Winter because I messed up the deadline (go, me?)

Roach being a minority is great. Being Hispanic/Latino/African American you can get some serious scholarships just off your color. Also being a ****** gives you some funding as well.

Honestly, being white can suck. I didn't have to take the SAT for Accounting, and I did well enough on ACT to get into the 4yr school I wanted. For money reasons/diviristy though, I'm doing community > 4 year because it's cheaper, and I've heard it helps ready you more. (Again, it's cheaper)

I'm poor, and I failed for Financial Aid (my life has a lot of negative points >_>) so I have to take out federal loans. 2yr>4yr is so much cheaper so...yeah. Also that is the reason I have to start in Winter; they didn't bother telling me I can't receive financial aid until 3 days before the deadline.

But I felt better knowing all my friends bar-2 are taking a year off, so I guess one semester of just working isn't bad.

But I want to be done so I can have a real life D:

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
I need as much money as possible. My family has one income for three kids, where I'm the first to go to college. My dad does not make 6 digits.

I'll hopefully abuse that, my general application, scholarships, ethnicity, and SAT scores if I could get them higher.

Ryu Shimazu

Smash Master
Nov 5, 2009
I need as much money as possible. My family has one income for three kids, where I'm the first to go to college. My dad does not make 6 digits.

I'll hopefully abuse that, my general application, scholarships, ethnicity, and SAT scores if I could get them higher.
Unless you're trying to go somewhere like ivy league it'd be easy for you based off your grades and etc. Even if you go somewhere high up, all you have to do is apply yourself.

It's partially my fault I'm in this, I thought I'd have financial aid (which would support all of my funds except maybe 6000 for the 4 years combined), and I just realized that I can't get any ><.

The good news is Federal Loans have a pretty low interest rate and you don't pay them back until 4 years after you graduate/get a job in your field. (What I read anyways). Accounting doesn't make 6 digits either, but as thrifty as me/my girlfriend am, it definitely works.

If I had the courage to do Tax Accounting I'd be rich. D=

Cease Tick

Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2008
Got SAT scores back.
730 reading
720 math
620 writing

Fortunately most colleges only care about reading + math.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
So, let me get this straight.

You're not going to get into college because you're Latino, even though colleges love diversity and there are tons of scholarships merely for being a minority.

You hate that some Americans are racist towards you but you're blaming it on Mexicans and generalizing that "a lot of Americans hate Latinos".

I'm seeing some paradoxes here.
Lol you just pretty much repeated everything I said, and I wholeheartedly agree.

Just let him point the fingers. Soon enough he'll realize he should be pointing at himself.
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