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The Silly Kyle Video Archive and Critique Thread


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2010
In a little island called D.R
Hey guys, my name is William, im pretty inactive on the Smashboards forum, even though im very active on brawling. I come from the Dominican Republic, a very underated country which no one has never really though that we had a brawl league. I am considered the Best peach in this country, i am also top 5 in the monthly/national ranking (last time i was 6th, now im 3rd ^^).

Friends of mine keep telling me to put up videos so you guys can give me a critique, i dont really care about others opinion, but i have realized that i Really need it, to correct my flaws and maybe get some few tips :p

I would like to be more active on this forum to help out and stuff, so lets start by you guys making a critique on my vid =3

Peach VS Fox


Peach VS Marth (best marth here)


For the moment i dont have more matches since i literally DONT save any replays :p (i forget). But lets hope you enjoy my Peach :3

OH!! BTW... Yami your peach is awesome!! :D

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
I'm loving all this new Peach love and Peach styles. Shows just how unique she is which is awesome!!!! I'll have a look sooner or later. I watched bits and pieces of some. Liking what I see.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
diobolique, i noticed in the MK matchup, u reaaaaally like peach bomber, which i'll admit i think is a good move in situations, but you were throwing it out far above his head and leaving yourself wide open, try to cut down on that XD.

another thing, alot of times u could have pulled turnips but instead were throwing out alot of random Fsmashes with no chance of them landing.

other than that i'd say just work on your spacing and you'll improve alot.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
i didn't watch the fox match, but the marth match was done very well, altho i think that marth should be pressuring peach alooooot more than he was. you had very good use of turnips and very good timing of your Fsmashes and pretty good mixups. u play marth alot like i play marth, so i can't say much of anything bad about it.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2009
I tried B stick, I still couldn't free pull or bonewalk. :(

Awesome stuff Yami! Kyon, put Yami's vids on the front page!!!!



Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
Way to go Yami. Not once have a seen any Peach players that have the same style. I learned a bit from the vid myself.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
@william: It's hard to critique Peach's from other countries because the metagames are different. I see that in the Dominican Republic, the metagame is more aggressive (like Europe). You called the match with the Marth campy, but that is probably the most aggressive we would ever see peach fighting marth here in the US.

My advice would be to work on your DI (for both you and the marth) and basic spacing and reading. You don't punish enough. Your mastery of the character is impressive but you lack mastery of the game itself, if that makes sense at all. With better spacing and more focus on what the other player is doing, you will find that your aggression pays off even more than it does now, and you'll be able to be more safely aggressive. I play rather aggressively (though probably not by your standards) but I never forget the spacing I learned when I used to play gay, and it helps me stay safe and take less damage while dealing a great deal to them.

Keep being bold and taking risks, you are doing good things.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2010
In a little island called D.R

Thanks for the critique, i dont really lack mastery of the game, its just that, it was a friendly and we played so so much that day, but no johns.

Yes the style here is really aggresive at some point, but sometimes it gets really campy, I normally space well and dont fall into those FAIR grabs out of shield, also that marth match-up is one of the most annoying imo :s sadly i am forced to play campy, spacing and punishing, which i will be honest im not really fan of that gamestyle, but its a must. That match was very old, i have improved, the thing is that i forget to save replays :p

But maybe ill save some other MUs for your critique. Btw did you get to see the Fox vs Peach one?? i found it quite entertaining. :)

Btw thx for the critique, already improving. :)

btw hadnt notice ur a lady :3 :p


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
Just some general stuff I noticed:

You should probably manage your double jump better for safer recovery, I saw you waste it a lot.

You have a spotdodge habit, particularly after PSing an attack, leaving them time not only to NOT be punished but also punishing you for spotdodging.

You should Nair OoS more, it's one of the best OoS tools Peach has and you definitely could have used it a lot more, instead you spotdodged and either punished because they were too slow to punish or got punished.

When you did Nair OoS you were slow to do it, you delayed a little bit when you couldve Naired immediately. Luckily the sheik was using dash attack so it didn't matter in that case, although you also could have up smashed (or down smashed OoS to save Nair for killing).

Your zoning in many cases is either good or bad, you'll have fantastic zoning and then throw out a move randomly that has no benefits whatsoever; it's not a terrible thing it's just you could use that time zoning them in a different, more beneficial angle or plucking a turnip instead.



Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
I feel like you're uncomfortable with close range combat KB just coz you roll back a lot after you fair. You roll a lot actually. Not that it's bad and it only rly got you killed once but you probably have better options.

An actual problem that I see with your Peach though is that the reason you take hits the majority of the time is because you approached too much or landed next to him too much. I see this in all 3 games but the Lylat match is a good example. He took your first stock and then you proceeded to lose your entire 2nd stock because you approached too much. You just walked/ran up to him trying to hit him or you'd land next to him and it wasn't working. Even your last stock, you took about 80 percent because he was baiting your kill moves. Anyway I feel like you need to camp a little more or zone more or just shield more general, powershield if you can help it. At any rate I feel this sheik has the same problem too coz sometimes he just runs up to you or tries to get cute w/ double jump cross-ups/approaches.

At any rate game 3 was much better than the other ones.

Oh, also I think you need to shield more. Sometimes I feel like you spotdodge too much and you get hit for it. He's not even trying to grab you so just shielding or jabbing or some other bull**** would've been better.

I think that's about it. ;o

edit: *actual


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008

Just some friendlies against good ol' MK. He knows alot of my tricks (and didn't want me to post a video of him losing). I think the Yoshi's one is a good example of how not to get gimped though, even though I lose way worse in that one.

I should have some more up against different players after this weekend.

Thank you very much 2link121 for putting up my videos for me!

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Hmm an Olimar main using MK seems like a scary mix...

Well done, Nicole. I studied a lot of what you did in those matches. Can you tell me why you use backward sh dairs on him?

He could have been a little more aggro in a couple of situations and a little sharper on his edgeguards/gimps imo but overall he knew what he was doing (very Kel-esque with the patience factor).

I see you've gotten really quick with your groundfloat aerial execution as well. Good **** Red. :3


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)

Well done, Nicole. I studied a lot of what you did in those matches. Can you tell me why you use backward sh dairs on him?
I've been trying to figure out why reverse SH Dairs seem really useful and I think its the disjoint associated with them

Try to imagine where her legs are in the hitbubble (it helps if you use the tip of her dress on the front part of Dair to visualize where her legs are

These pictures sort of help (it would be better if they were the same size). Dair's disjoint is huge on the back in comparison to the front
So reverse Dairs = not offering as much hurtbox

Buuuuut from my experience, you have to use reverse Dairs prematurely because the top part of Peach (ie: head and chest) is all hurtbox and she's leaning in the direction of an incoming hitbox. So reverse Dairs work only if you get there before an attack - otherwise their move will get Peach's head/back rather than getting tangled up in the back of legs because they're at the same height as Peach. If someone is above you, reverse Dairs aren't good because your hurtbox is closer than if the Dair was frontal (because Peach is leaning back and her feet are pointing at a frontal angle, so she's more likely to lean out of the way of an attack and have her feet poke at the bottom areas of the the enemies hurtbox)

I hope that sort of makes sense :embarrass:
Oh and you can also throw people sometimes by landing behind their shield with reverse Dairs. You avoid grabs this way but remember you can simply B reverse Up + B OoS so that won't save you from that UNLESS your opponent does Up + B OoS the wrong way cause you tricked them :p

Anyway, I like your playstyle Nicole, it very much 'gets the job done'. A few things maybe is that if you ever see MK using Drill Rush, DI/hold the sticks sharply towards the opposite direction of MK, diagonally down if he's going up with it. That way, you have no chance of ever getting hit by the knockback blow. You could have maybe thrown a couple of SH Z Drop Fair Turnip catch thingys as a mix up as well. I was confused by the Ground Floating Bairs. Don't always throw Turnips on the ground - MK's got transcendant priority on everything except Dash Attack, Nair and Specials (I think?). Turnips will go through things like Fair and you can always be gutsy and go for a follow up

But yea, I like the playstyle very much :) Keep it up :)


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Here's a quick and dirty overlay.

I still don't get it.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
The pictures must have been taken at different frames?

Weird though, since the upper-bodies match up nearly perfectly. I don't remember her legs moving around that sporadically.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
Oh Nicole I think you need to be more patient when you recover. Like both of your first two stocks on battlefield you yourself moved into MK's shuttle loop death zone. Gotta be more wary about that space that's above and slightly in front of MK.

Hmm...and when Cook is offstage sometimes you try to do other things to set-up potential juggles or frame-traps but you're not anticipating nado enough so all he does react with nado'ing through you and back onstage as soon as you jump/pull turnip/float/etc. Well this is rly just the battlefield game.

I'm not really a fan of the sh dairs. You got away with some but if they touch his shield you should get hit by nair/up b and if you don't touch anything then ftilt/fair/dtilt/fsmash/nado/etc. I think it's not very good against MK unless it's to punish a landing.

I think you try to dair to the ground too much too instead of just focusing on avoiding Cook. You sometimes do it when you're not even near him. You're gonna get killed during the move or during its lag coz MK can easily just run up and space up b. So yea if he's not even close just do nothing.

I think that's all the critique I can think of after watchin' those.

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
Hey guys,

Here is a tournament set that was recorded at the last tournament I attended.

I believe this was Loser's Quarterfinals...

This was against my friend Tommy, who is now Power Ranked in Arizona. He's definitely improved a lot lately and his Snake gives me a lot more trouble now. Whenever he comes over, we play tons of friendlies and save lots of replays, and I know he likes to watch them and learn from his mistakes.

I was hoping you guys could help me out a little bit.

I wasn't exactly playing my best, but I did work it out on game 3 after I shook off the nerves.

November 6th, 2010

Silly Kyle :peach: vs. TommyDerMeister :snake:
Match 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVrYAqBXAr8 - Battlefield
Match 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIrUVgpDF5Q - Battlefield
Match 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d781hCOpGHA - Yoshi's Island



Smash Master
Jan 20, 2007
Alchemilla Hospital, FL
These are nothing much. Just some friendlies I had with one of the better flacos in this state(there's a lot here >.>). I thought they were fun/funny so I thought I'd put 'em up since I don't have anything recent of me up.

DJ Jack(Falco/Snake) vs. 2link121(Rosalina) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

I know there's a lot lol. They're not all too long really. Just watch up from 1 if you don't want to see all of them.



Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
dark pch, i wanna critique ur stuff but there's just so many, maybe later.

kyle, quit getting naired or hit out of float. just calming down and fastfalling out of float is not hard. just gotta discipline yourself a little. when ya float you expose yourself b/c of limited defensive options so ya have to be more careful.

also watch how you hit his shield. double jab on shield is punishable by jab or ftilt and i guess grab (powershield or bad spacing).

hmm, and be more careful about wanting to land next to people or aerial them, especially when they're already grounded. that stuff gets punished coz it's just more obvious that ya think. even in the 3rd match where ya did so much better that lulzy fsmash...lol

and you should quit autopiloting dsmash after certain moves like bair or whatever. sure it's a good poke but mix up your pokes b/c a lot of your dsmashes are getting punished pretty hard.

and for tommy b/c i play snake too, don't finish your ftilt if it hits shield! never ever finish it! it irks me a lot when i see it. there's other stuff but **** that, this is the peach critique thread after all xD
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