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The Queen of Rock! The Great Barbara the Bat Support Thread!


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
The Great Barbara rocks in from WaruWaru Town!

Where is Barbara the Bat from?
Many people may not know this character but they might have seen her. She comes from a series of music games called Daigasso! Band Brothers or Jam With the Band in the UK. The games are Nintendo's answer to Rock Band or Guitar Hero but come with a variety of instruments you can choose from. You were also allowed to write your own songs and the latest game used Vocaloid to add vocals to the songs as well! There were three games in the series, an application for the 3DS and one for the Nintendo Wii. One game managed to get to Europe but never America.

But fear not Americans! Barbara also owns a magic shop called "Great Barbara's Magic" in a game called Master of illusion which was released in the states. In it Barbara is your host to variety of practical magic trick tutorials you can learn for real life. You could consider this a spin-off series.

Who is Barbara the Bat?
"What?! You haven't heard of The Great Barbara?" she might respond. Barbara is, to put it bluntly, an arrogant, manipulative, egocentric, flirty, sadistic, scheming, owner of GB Production and lead guitarist of her band. The "GB" stands for Great Barbara of course! If you know Jessie from Pokemon's Team Rocket or Doronjo from Yatterman then you got a pretty good idea of what her personality is like. She's always coming up with a get rich scheme and whips around her underlings (her brother Tingtin and drummer Pockin') into doing what she wants with hilarious effect. This is what makes Barbara so unique compared to most Nintendo characters. She has a very big personality! While most mascots of a Nintendo series are very simple Barbara is showcased all the time. In fact she has her own Twitter account where she gives updates about her game as well as complaining about how she deserves better or about other Nintendo stars stealing the spotlight from her. In addition her website has a variety of comics dedicated to her trying to run her business.

Looks like she wants a game on the Nintendo Switch. Or else!

Where have I seen her?
Despite not being a huge Nintendo franchise, she loves to appear all over the place. No one can stop her! As you all know, she appeared as an Assist trophy in Brawl where she sent electric cords out to attack people in the battlefield.

But she has also made her way into Super Mario Maker!
And she even hosted the 3DS Badge Arcade a couple of times to promote... herself!

She pops up in the most unlikely places like the Mii Plaza as a costume and more. One of the craziest things she's done is have a crossover comic with Ashley from WarioWare... I'm not kidding!

This was used to promote an original recording of Ashley's theme in Daigasso! Band Brother's P! For the 3DS.

Barbara is determined to be famous! And Smash is her big break!

How would she work in Smash?
I'd imagine she'd fight by swinging her guitar around, using a variety of instruments as weapons sending explosive sound waves out, and even placing amps around battlefield acting as musical turrets that shoot musical notes. She can turn the arena into her own concert that way, making sure everyone hears her music! Such an ego would be loads of fun to see in Smash. If you have any moveset ideas, I will be sure to post them here.

How do you guys feel? let me know if you support the idea of The Great Barbara in Smash.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
The way you described her personality made her seem like a really unique pick for an obscure character. It’s rare to get a character with so much personality, so I guess I support.


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
Although i'd prefer Rhythm Heaven being the Rhythm Game smash rep, i won't mind supporting Barbara too!


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Rhythm Heaven and Jam With the Band are radically different games. Stylistically and gameplay wise too. Saying they can't coexist would be like saying there can't be a Donkey Kong Country character because we already have Super Mario characters and they are both platformers. Or we can't have a Mario Kart stage because we have an F-Zero stage.

But I get your point. It is something I think about too. And I appreciate your support.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
They probably will only be able to use the many remixes of Nintendo songs from the games or the small handful of original songs (like Barbara's own song). Otherwise almost all the song from Daigasso! Band Brothers are copyrighted and not owned by Nintendo. Popular music from popular bands in Japan.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2018
The way her series is music-themed and how she’s hosted Ashley already I think she needs to start inviting more of Nintendo’s muses like Marina & Pearl, Pauline, the Squid Sisters, and Azura. Would definitely help self promote her games even further.

I only know a little bit about Barbara, haven’t played her games but I’m interested.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
I've played two games. A used copy of Master of Illusion, which is not a music game but a magic trick tutorial game (like how Cooking Navi is a cooking tutorial game). And I've managed to try Jam with the Band through well... emulation. Sorry Nintendo but I want to buy your games but you bar me from them.

Either way Barbara's presence is the same in both games. She is your guide, shopkeeper, and source of comedy throughout the games.

But it wasn't until Daigasso! Band Bros P for the 3DS that you actually got to PLAY as her. That's right. Even though I haven't played the game, I have seen tons of footage and and done tons of research on it. While Rhythm Heaven is about cute and quirky rhythm games, Daigasso! Band Bros is about customization, creation, and tough as nails performances to popular songs.

I think the main reason why we don't see these games in the West is the same reason why Donkey Konga had such a terrible selection of songs in the West. Nintendo of America probably can't afford to get the rights to use popular American songs for these games. Or atleast don't want to invest in such a thing. The reason why Konga was such a success in Japan is because they got all the top hits from Japan on them. And it's the same reason why Daigasso! Band Bros is a consistent series over there too.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Finally, you made this! Can I please be put on the support list? I supported Barbara wholeheartedly pre-Smash 4, and I support her wholeheartedly now!


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
The personality is interesting for a potential Smash character. There'd really be no other character similar to her, so I'll support her. Smash could use an equivalent to Sonic's Rogue or Street Fighter's Juri.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Barbara the Bat is the baddest **** Nintendo's got as far as protagonists.

So I am all for her inclusion.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Thanks for your support everyone, I've updated the list!

Any suggestions for a moveset? If you've seen FLCL and think you'd get an idea for her standard attacks. The specials however could be a great number of things.
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Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Thanks for your support everyone, I've updated the list!

Any suggestions for a moveset? If you've seen FLCL and think you'd get an idea for her standard attacks. The specials however could be a great number of things.
Well, I've had this floating around in my head for a while. What if she had a counter? Specifically, she would counter by unleashing a sound wave from her guitar.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Well there are so many characters that have counters already I must admit I'd be a bit disappointed personally. But if it was really uniquely done in some way perhaps I could like the idea.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Well there are so many characters that have counters already I must admit I'd be a bit disappointed personally. But if it was really uniquely done in some way perhaps I could like the idea.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I certainly hope Smash doesn't go with my counter idea, but it's something interesting I just thought of.

Otherwise, I had the other idea of her using her guitar as a swinging weapon that would lose more and more power the more you successfully strike someone with it.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
So it would start off strong and get weaker as time goes on. Sort of like Bowser's fire breath.

I had two ideas.

1. Amps and Battlefield control: Barbara can place guitar amplifiers around the stage with her down Special. She can place 2 to 4 depending on how big the stage is. Any time she uses her Neutral special attack, (which is playing her guitar and shooting soundwaves), the amps ALSO shoot soundwaves from wherever she placed them. This allows her to attack from multiple spots and control the battlefield. On top of that, she can warp to any of the amps by using her down special again, once all of them are on the battlefield.

2. Popularity and Money: Barbara is always performing for an audience and the same is true for Smash. Depending on how well she performs on the battlefield, the more her admiring fans will give her money so she can afford better equipment, making her guitar and amplifiers more powerful. KOing your foes, performing combos, and maintaining low damage will increase your profits. However, getting KO'd, taking damage, and repeating too many of the same attacks will upset fans and you will lose money. You can end up becoming quite weak that way.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
So it would start off strong and get weaker as time goes on. Sort of like Bowser's fire breath.

I had two ideas.

1. Amps and Battlefield control: Barbara can place guitar amplifiers around the stage with her down Special. She can place 2 to 4 depending on how big the stage is. Any time she uses her Neutral special attack, (which is playing her guitar and shooting soundwaves), the amps ALSO shoot soundwaves from wherever she placed them. This allows her to attack from multiple spots and control the battlefield. On top of that, she can warp to any of the amps by using her down special again, once all of them are on the battlefield.

2. Popularity and Money: Barbara is always performing for an audience and the same is true for Smash. Depending on how well she performs on the battlefield, the more her admiring fans will give her money so she can afford better equipment, making her guitar and amplifiers more powerful. KOing your foes, performing combos, and maintaining low damage will increase your profits. However, getting KO'd, taking damage, and repeating too many of the same attacks will upset fans and you will lose money. You can end up becoming quite weak that way.
Wow, this is a really neat concept you've come up with for Barbara! I can totally see her working with this! I guess the only criticism I have is that I feel like the 'warping' feature would be a bit...OP?

As for the second thing, I take it that Barb would be the first Smash character where the audience we've heard for the last four games would finally have more of an impact than just being there for aesthetic purposes?
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
You're right about the warping thing. That might be too OP. But I also figure that fighters could destroy the amps and reduce her power.

And yes the second idea I had did come from the audience cheering. I thought "Barbara is so egotistical. I wonder if the audience cheering for her would make her stronger?"
Then I thought about how Barbara is always trying to become rich and famous. With fame comes money, and with money comes better equipment.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
So, I came across this...

If she sounds a tad odd, don't forget that Jam with the Band DID get an European release...



Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Yeah her European voice seems odd because I'm so used to her Japanese one. Her European voice doesn't have that "I'm so awesome and you're not" tone to it. She just sounds like a nice lady.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Yeah, her European voice seems odd because I'm so used to her Japanese one. Her European voice doesn't have that "I'm so awesome and you're not" tone to it. She just sounds like a nice lady.
Honestly, I can't shake the feeling that Nintendo of Europe "purposely" didn't really want to try with Barb's voice in their version of Jam with the Band. I agree with you that Barb felt pretty "boring" what with her being all TOO calm and not having her whole "I'm awesome and you're not" tone to her voice.

BTW, everyone. Do we expect anything for E3?
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Honestly, I don't haha! I would love to see her return as an Assist and see more Jam with the Band trophies and music. But I highly doubt a character will get in. It's not impossible (I used to think Cloud was impossible) but it's improbable.

This thread is to support the idea of Barbara. To show what a cool character she is and maybe get more of a following. Afterall, look at all the support other characters get, that I highly doubt will get in. Barbara is too awesome to ignore even if I ddon't have much confidence in her as a playable character.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Honestly, I don't haha! I would love to see her return as an Assist and see more Jam with the Band trophies and music. But I highly doubt a character will get in. It's not impossible (I used to think Cloud was impossible) but it's improbable.

This thread is to support the idea of Barbara. To show what a cool character she is and maybe get more of a following. After all, look at all the support other characters get, that I highly doubt will get in. Barbara is too awesome to ignore even if I don't have much confidence in her as a playable character.
Just wanted to give this thread a bump. I still support her for Smash, alongside characters like Isaac, Ray, Saki, Takamaru (who was de-confirmed...), Prince Sable, and Jill! All of whom are ATs, no less...

Also, I've been wondering if Nintendo's been doing anything with Barbara recently. If my memory serves me correct, Barbara's Twitter is still open, right? I haven't checked there for a while...


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
I think it's very interesting that Barbara's assist trophy still hasn't been revealed to be honest. I'm eager to see what happens here.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
I think it's very interesting that Barbara's assist trophy still hasn't been revealed to be honest. I'm eager to see what happens here.
Yeah, that's been on my mind for a while now. I mean, she DID get a new game in 2013 (that, AFAIK, continues to update even TODAY), and she made a surprise appearance as a playable character in Super Mario Maker, so hopefully Barb's considered relevant enough.

Also, considering how she, Isaac, Ray (Custom Robo), Saki, Prince Sable, and Jill all haven't been seen as ATs yet, I'm feeling cautiously optimistic here. I've lost Takamaru though, so there is that...


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
First of all, that Barb stock icon?

Secondly, is that video basically supposed to be "Everything Barb says in Jam with the Band"?

And finally, that Shin Onigashima medley... well...

BTW, Koopaul Koopaul . How do you think Barb's chances are for Smash? Like, how requested is she in Japan?


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
First of all, that Barb stock icon?

Secondly, is that video basically supposed to be "Everything Barb says in Jam with the Band"?

And finally, that Shin Onigashima medley... well...

BTW, Koopaul Koopaul . How do you think Barb's chances are for Smash? Like, how requested is she in Japan?
Thank you I do my best, and I love her design :)


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Sorry I've been a way for a while. There's been so much to talk about with Ultimate that I keep forgetting to check this suppprt thread.

I'm not sure how I feel right now. Judging by Barbara's Twitter, the only thing she seems to be implying is that there might be a Jam with the Band for the Switch. Which I consider to be highly likely.

As for Smash? All the newcomers added to Smash have either been super popular characters or easy to make echoes. Unfortunately Barbara doesn't fit into that category. And those other assists? I'm not so certain either. Sorry to sound negative but that "Everyone is Here!" really changes the nature of the game. When Smash was For the 3DS/Wii U they seemed to focus on contemporary fighters who had a game from the previous gen system. If that were still the case, I'd say Barbara might have a slightly better chance of making it in.

Still, even now nothing is impossible.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Thank you I do my best, and I love her design :)
Oh, don't mention it! I love her design myself!

Sorry I've been a way for a while. There's been so much to talk about with Ultimate that I keep forgetting to check this support thread.

I'm not sure how I feel right now. Judging by Barbara's Twitter, the only thing she seems to be implying is that there might be a Jam with the Band for the Switch. Which I consider to be highly likely.

As for Smash? All the newcomers added to Smash have either been super popular characters or easy to make echoes. Unfortunately, Barbara doesn't fit into that category. And those other assists? I'm not so certain either. Sorry to sound negative, but that "Everyone is Here!" really changes the nature of the game. When Smash was For the 3DS/Wii U they seemed to focus on contemporary fighters who had a game from the previous gen system. If that were still the case, I'd say Barbara might have a slightly better chance of making it in.

Still, even now nothing is impossible.
Well, I suppose you're right, but never say never. Smash is known throwing total curveballs from time to time. Heck, let's all be glad if she even returns as an AT at this point. Still though, I'm a little surprised that any and all discussion about her just stopped out of nowhere. I figured there'd still be talk about a moveset for her at least.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Like I said once Smash was revealed at E3 it threw us all for a loop. Every character returning. Echo fighters. Ridley! It was so overwhelming I think all regular speculation was shaken up quite a bit.

But yes, I will accept her return as an Assist if it means getting her in the game at all. Quite frankly I think her series deserves atleast some Trophies of Ting Tin and Pocken. Maybe even a few new Jam with the Band songs.

Also I would love to see a brand new HD Barbara model too!


Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2014
Yikes! Barbara! Sure, with DK's new FS, I'll be happy with her returning as an AT to fill the gap. As a fighter on the other hand... Yikes! Barbara!


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I've played two games. A used copy of Master of Illusion, which is not a music game but a magic trick tutorial game (like how Cooking Navi is a cooking tutorial game). And I've managed to try Jam with the Band through well... emulation. Sorry Nintendo but I want to buy your games but you bar me from them.

Either way Barbara's presence is the same in both games. She is your guide, shopkeeper, and source of comedy throughout the games.

But it wasn't until Daigasso! Band Bros P for the 3DS that you actually got to PLAY as her. That's right. Even though I haven't played the game, I have seen tons of footage and and done tons of research on it. While Rhythm Heaven is about cute and quirky rhythm games, Daigasso! Band Bros is about customization, creation, and tough as nails performances to popular songs.

I think the main reason why we don't see these games in the West is the same reason why Donkey Konga had such a terrible selection of songs in the West. Nintendo of America probably can't afford to get the rights to use popular American songs for these games. Or atleast don't want to invest in such a thing. The reason why Konga was such a success in Japan is because they got all the top hits from Japan on them. And it's the same reason why Daigasso! Band Bros is a consistent series over there too.
At any rate, Jam With The Band did get a release in Europe, so it's not entirely stuck in Japan.



Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Sorry I should fix that. I knew it got a release in Europe but I still said "the West" instead of the US.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
So is Barbara actually supposed to be a bat or is that some kind of title? Because she looks nothing like a bat

And if she isn't actually a bat, what the heck is she?


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
The funny thing is. She used to look like a bat when she was a little girl.


I'm guessing in Barbara's world, the older you get, the more human like you look? I'm not certain.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
So is Barbara actually supposed to be a bat or is that some kind of title? Because she looks nothing like a bat

And if she isn't actually a bat, what the heck is she?
Supposedly, she IS an actual bat, just heavily (and I do mean HEAVILY) anthropomorphized. Like, she (and her little brother, Tingtin) both have miniature bat wings, fangs, and just about the rest of the package.

Like I said, once Smash was revealed at E3 it threw us all for a loop. Every character returning. Echo fighters. Ridley! It was so overwhelming I think all regular speculation was shaken up quite a bit.

But yes, I will accept her return as an Assist if it means getting her in the game at all. Quite frankly I think her series deserves at least some Trophies of Ting Tin and Pocken. Maybe even a few new Jam with the Band songs.

Also I would love to see a brand new HD Barbara model too!
Yeah, same here. Even if she's an AT (which I'll be admittedly HIGHLY disappointed by), I'll still take it as we'll end up getting the return of her (and her franchise) in a more meaningful fashion than in Smash 4 (where there was nothing but a trophy of Barb herself), and Barb herself would finally be seen in HD!

Yikes! Barbara! Sure, with DK's new FS, I'll be happy with her returning as an AT to fill the gap. As a fighter on the other hand... Yikes! Barbara!
I take it we have another Barb supporter here?

BTW, guys. Does anyone here think Barb (and the rest of the 'Jam with the Band' universe, for that matter) exist in the Wario universe? I mean, that mini-comic from Nintendo featuring Barb and WarioWare's Ashley felt kind of telling....

The funny thing is. She used to look like a bat when she was a little girl.

View attachment 160285
I'm guessing in Barbara's world, the older you get, the more human like you look? I'm not certain.
Oh, yeah! I was aware of this, but I wasn't certain if this was supposed to be a "super-deformed" Barb or Barb during her younger years.
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Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2014
I take it we have another Barb supporter here?
I'm not sure! I played Jam with the Band and that Magic game, but I still find Barbara such a strange character. Oh well, I would like her to return as an AT at least, she's iconic I guess!
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