Deleted member
"The online sucks". It's something I read a lot but no one ever gets really into why. So here we go.
It sucks for teams
Let me know if you have anything to add, let's get a definitive list going. This is just off the top of my head.
- INPUT LAG, this cannot be overstated. All the matchmaking fixes and options in the world do not mean a thing if input lag sticks around. The game is completely different online because of this and it's embarrassing.
- No ability to see if your opponent is on WiFi or wired, no ability to see ping or even a more vague bar connection icon before accepting the fight.
- Many have reported not getting their rules on a frequent basis (I don't have this issue but I hear it enough).
- Lack of more granular options (such as team attack, specific items, etc.)
- The ability to hard lock rules in exchange for longer waits
- No taunting
- Can't change character for a rematch
- Can't choose random in quick play.
- Arenas do not allow more than one player per console (Smash 4 allowed up to 2 additional players).
- Only one match can take place at a time meaning up to 6 people are just waiting.
- It is very unclear whose stage will be chosen.
- No way to communicate outside of a mobile app no one uses and no way for the host to take full control over things like stage/teams makes a very messy experience where something like Discord becomes almost mandatory.
- Changing stage, character or song forces you to give up your place in line, discouraging any switching.
- Even if someone does not specify a song on a stage, the song used the first time will be used each and every time that player's stage comes up until they re-select their stage.
- Random stage does not mean random unless every single player in a match chooses random, it otherwise just forfeits choice. A forfeit option should be available in addition to random, not in place of it.
- You cannot change the rules from within an arena.
- Cannot add CPUs at all
- Players can only have amiibos replace them, not add them in addition to themselves
- Lag can be caused by spectators, seemingly because the game tries to keep them updated in the same way as the players. Other fighting games don't have this issue as they put them on a lower priority separated from the people playing.
It sucks for teams
- There is only one mode for 2v2 with a local player, it has no options and all of your opponents must be 2 local players (randomly selected).
- No option to take an online friend against random opponents for 2v2/FFA or to be a single player and get placed into 2v2 with another single player.
Let me know if you have anything to add, let's get a definitive list going. This is just off the top of my head.