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The Official Princess Rosalina for SSBB Thread (Confirmed as AT)


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Yeah I love how only person has mentioned that her name is Rosalina. I didn't know that till I played the demo at Nintendo World today, but I am a little sad. Rosetta was a much better name.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
@Silver777: no, it's not...it's some Princess from space that helps Mario...I think...

btw...HollaAtchaBoy...where did you get that Mawile sig? That is so freaking awesome!


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
@Silver777: no, it's not...it's some Princess from space that helps Mario...I think...

btw...HollaAtchaBoy...where did you get that Mawile sig? That is so freaking awesome!
Creative Worlds. http://www.creativeworlds.net/index2.htm

The original Mawlie sig is there, but I didn't know that when my friend on the board had it. It taunted me, so I gave Mawlie some Lon Lon Milk and made her go Hyper Mawlie.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
Maybe as a trophy (lots of not-yet-released stuff was in trophy form in Melee), but not anything else. She's just too new (Don't bring up the Roy argument; I don't think we're going to get another Roy).

Besides, with all that hair covering her right eye, I don't think she could fight. she would have horrible depth perception.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Maybe as a trophy (lots of not-yet-released stuff was in trophy form in Melee), but not anything else. She's just too new (Don't bring up the Roy argument; I don't think we're going to get another Roy).

Besides, with all that hair covering her right eye, I don't think she could fight. she would have horrible depth perception.
You never know.


Smash Cadet
Oct 11, 2007
It might be kind of cool to have her in Brawl. She could have mechanics similar to SMG (Low-gravity, Star bits, etc.) I'll come up with a brief Special moves list.

Height: 3.5/5. Just a bit shorter than Peach.
Weight: 2/5
Speed: 3/5. She can't be that fast.
Jump: 5/5 Only 2 jumps, but they go ridiculously high.

Floatiness: 5/5. She's the princess of the Lumas star people from space. Space =/= gravity.

Standard Special: Star Bit Shooter- Rosalina points her wand forward and launches a Star Bit. Works like Falco's laser, but slightly faster in shooting, not traveling,, though not
quite as fast as Fox's. 3% damage per Bit. Knockback is just like Falco's laser.

Side Special: Pull Star- A blue star appears at a distance from Rosalina, depending upon how long you held B. She is quickly pulled to that star with a small blue aura around her. The attack will be canceled if anything hits Rosalina while she is being pulled. Goes a lot faster than the Pull Stars in SMG, and only does about 6% damage with minimal knockback.

Up Special: Star Launcher- Rosalina spins around with a blue Star Launcher around her, then launches up. There's some start-up lag, similar to Fire Fox/Falcon, but she won't flinch from attacks while spinning. Goes up pretty fast and high, and the direction can be controlled by tilting the control stick before attacking. 7% damage from spin, 14% from Launch onwards. Low-mid knockback.

Down Special: Spin Attack- Just like Mario's signature move in SMG, Rosalina spins around briefly with her arms outstretched. This attack can reflect projectiles, but not physical attacks. Very similar in timing to Zelda's B attack, minus the giant crystal. The attack can do damage to nearby enemies, in which case it deals 8%.

Final Smash: I've got no clue.

I'm not so happy with side Special, could be swapped for Star bit Shooter, and Standard special could be replaced with some counter attack involving those Lumas, similar to Peach's Toad Counter attack. Of course, then her Down Special would have to lose it's reflective properties, but that may make it a better movelist.
Tell me what I should do!


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
It might be kind of cool to have her in Brawl. She could have mechanics similar to SMG (Low-gravity, Star bits, etc.) I'll come up with a brief Special moves list.

Height: 3.5/5. Just a bit shorter than Peach.
Weight: 2/5
Speed: 3/5. She can't be that fast.
Jump: 5/5 Only 2 jumps, but they go ridiculously high.

Floatiness: 5/5. She's the princess of the Lumas star people from space. Space =/= gravity.

Standard Special: Star Bit Shooter- Rosalina points her wand forward and launches a Star Bit. Works like Falco's laser, but slightly faster in shooting, not traveling,, though not
quite as fast as Fox's. 3% damage per Bit. Knockback is just like Falco's laser.

Side Special: Pull Star- A blue star appears at a distance from Rosalina, depending upon how long you held B. She is quickly pulled to that star with a small blue aura around her. The attack will be canceled if anything hits Rosalina while she is being pulled. Goes a lot faster than the Pull Stars in SMG, and only does about 6% damage with minimal knockback.

Up Special: Star Launcher- Rosalina spins around with a blue Star Launcher around her, then launches up. There's some start-up lag, similar to Fire Fox/Falcon, but she won't flinch from attacks while spinning. Goes up pretty fast and high, and the direction can be controlled by tilting the control stick before attacking. 7% damage from spin, 14% from Launch onwards. Low-mid knockback.

Down Special: Spin Attack- Just like Mario's signature move in SMG, Rosalina spins around briefly with her arms outstretched. This attack can reflect projectiles, but not physical attacks. Very similar in timing to Zelda's B attack, minus the giant crystal. The attack can do damage to nearby enemies, in which case it deals 8%.

Final Smash: I've got no clue.

I'm not so happy with side Special, could be swapped for Star bit Shooter, and Standard special could be replaced with some counter attack involving those Lumas, similar to Peach's Toad Counter attack. Of course, then her Down Special would have to lose it's reflective properties, but that may make it a better movelist.
Tell me what I should do!
Oh... cool moveset, you mind if I put it on the first post?


Smash Lord
Oct 5, 2007
I can imagine that many of you might be frowning, shaking their heads or just thinking "double-you tea eff?".
Well, this is now the official support thread for the Princess Rosalina.
Yeah, whoopdeedoo, another Mario rep, Princess Daisy knockoff. "Spare me, lord."
So what's so special about this one that makes me, who is by no means the greatest Mario fan in the world, invest such effort into a support thread for it?

Let me tell you just why this one is so special to me.
This year I played Super Mario Galaxy for the first time. It was the first time I played a Mario game without knowing anything about it beforehand.
Shortly after finally gaining those darn stars and setting foot into new lands, I discovered a peculiar lady named Princess Rosalina. I first saw the grace and beauty of this new form of hers, I was out of my mind. It was possibly the best moment I ever had when playing a game.

Princess Rosalina is based on emotion. She is beautiful, but her beauty is graceful rather than sexy, and one might see in her a loving self to comfort you when you feel lonely. I still share a certain bond with this woman.

Not to mention she's darn pretty. :p
Put that as the description in the first post.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2007
Jackson, NJ
I could see her as at least be in as a normal trophy or maybe an AT.
Oh and Xianfeng about the long hair comment long hair isn't just for emos its also metal =P.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2007
i can see her as an AT. but not a PC. actually i doubt shes gonna b in at all. they usually dont put in Smash characters from games that are that recent. look at all the chars that are in the game, they all have previous games that are at least a year or so before the SB game they appear in.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Couldn't they design her to be a bit more....original? However, I will say this, she looks way way better than Peach!!

Still though, she's a newbie. She might not appear in Smash considering alot of people asside from smashboards don't even know who she is.


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2007
I agree 100 percent!

Mario series is still lacking a newcomer *Crosses fingers for Bowser Jr/Shadow Mario* And Rosalia would be a welcome addition, plus another female fighter!

Just think!

I have FOUR final smash ideas!
1. She extends her arms as THOUSANDS of those small rainbow colored star shards rain down.
2. She extends her arms as some lumas float around and pummel opponents. They even pick them up and move them.
3. She will wave as Tyke appears. He can then take control of an opponent for a quick moment. Controlling ALL movements. He can switch characters too!
4. 0. Gravity. Gravity disappears and all players rise off the ground. Only Rosalia can attack.

She floats like Mewtwo

Standard Special: She fires star shards *Rapid fire*
Down Special: TBD
Up Special: TBD
Side Special: TBD

She would be AMAZING!


Smash Cadet
Oct 11, 2007
Oh... cool moveset, you mind if I put it on the first post?
no problem. I just need a more original idea than "___ rains down/flies around doing damage" (no offense, they're good ideas, but I want something mind-blowing).
Maybe when I get a chance to play SMG, I'll be able to improve her moveset.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2007
Well, one thing I think people should consider is that for Melee, the cloaking device was added as an item, and that was way back when Perfect Dark Zero was going to be on the Gamecube. The game hadn't even come out yet and an item from it was in SSBM. So really, anything can happen.

I personally would like to see her, I think using things from SMG is a great idea. So far on the Nintendo.com poll, SMG is voted the best Super Mario game. I'm sure we'll see something from this game though, maybe the Bee suit will be an item, who knows.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I'd love to see her in brawl in some way, she does look alot cooler than peach (but peach is still better). Perhaps an AT

I'm getting Super mario galaxy for christmas too! :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007
I would love to see Princess Rosalina in Brawl in some way. I really doubt she would be a playable character, but a AT of her would be pretty cool. Maybe she could start shooting star bits at everyone or command a army of Lumas or something :laugh:.

Rosalina for assist trophy!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 19, 2007
I really don't mind if she gets to be an AT or whatever, but as a playable character... I think that Mario has already too many reps (IF Luigi gets in.. and still I think with 3 Mario reps it's ok) so if she's in the I prefer as a trophy or AT xP


Smash Lord
Oct 5, 2007
I really don't mind if she gets to be an AT or whatever, but as a playable character... I think that Mario has already too many reps (IF Luigi gets in.. and still I think with 3 Mario reps it's ok) so if she's in the I prefer as a trophy or AT xP
There is no IF with Luigi.
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