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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
well that's pretty much something "they give us" as their end of the bargain

we provide them:
1) labor (from people who actually understand the game and can settle disputes)
2) much bigger turnout (equals MUCH MORE MONEY)

they give us:
1) freedom to set the rules the way they should be (have you seen their flyers and legal stages =\, even though we usually ignore them)
2) a guaranteed time slot where we can all stay (offset by the extra money that they make with the bigger turnout). This is also directly connected to the bigger turnout; people won't travel for a tournament if they won't get some friendlies time, but taking it from experience, smashers are willing to go 2-4 hours if they can get in some good matches with good competition.

I'm sure you guys would be able to get some of OH to go, and WV has expressed interest in the past too (i told them not to come because turnout sucks, which it does). If it were truly big (doubtful) we could get shippensburg (reik, mow, cape, whoever if they're interested) or MD or maybe even philly

In addition, i think we would also be able to boost attendance by simply advertising on campus. cmu is one of the biggest nerd schools around so there will be a ton of smashers (there always is a huge turnout for on-campus events) and u-pittsburgh is just plain huge (and i doubt that justin and tim are the only people there who would be willing to travel 10 mins by bus to go to a smash event), not to mention duq (i don't know anything about duquesne lol) and others


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
I'll deliver the proposal then, though personally I can't say I'm confident in us getting anything too ideal from CyberCon. They'd really need to be aching to get the Smash profit back if they're willing to give up 6-8+ hours for events that we can't even guarantee providing a profit superior to the other business they could get in that time (especially now that they've lowered their cut from the Smash pots).

I'll give them the idea and support the plan, but I'm not making promises of its success.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
well their website doesn't actually say anything about TVs (even though i could've sworn i've seen them before, and i think tim can back me up on this), so that's some bad news

well think about it this way

currently, they open for smash at 11:00; singles at 12:00, doubles at 2:30, so let's say it ends at 4:00

that's 5 hours for say, a (very generous) turnout of 10 people, which is $125 profit (50% cut) if everyone enters both events; over the course of 5 hours, that's 25 dollars an hour.

if they give us 2 extra hours (let's say 2 hours, until 6 o'clock), and we can get a turnout of 25-30 (let's say 25), that's $250 profit (40% cut, which is reasonable) (assuming the one straggler somehow managed to pay an entry for doubles -_-); over the course of 7 hours, that's 35 dollars an hour.

now there's a good chance i'm underestimating how busy the rest of the store is, but usually (at least 6 months ago when i last went) by the time we are leaving, there are maybe 10 computers in use and maybe 1 or 2 projecters used by little kids to play WIIs. If they could just give us one of the rooms or a section of one of the rooms (to put in like 6-8 TVs) they could still run the rest of their business (unless it has picked up a ton since i last went, which is possible) and all this would just be extra money

i'm not expecting success per se, but i do think we have a strong case for a win-win deal (or win-win-win if you watch the office)


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
Naka that couldve been halo kids bringing setups. Hopefully not tho so we can use them.

Alaon I would re-calculate or copy the number pocky displayed. Yeah ppl easily see that we will be doing CCX more good than bad with this proposal, but having the numbers there like that, make it that much easier to see. Good luck.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2006
Rockville, MD/ Pittsburgh, PA
kevin's such a businessman. i dont want to discourage him from trying, but last year i had strongly considered dealing with with ccx and in the end decided against it. here is my arguement

the only reason why you would want to deal with ccx is
1) they bring in more ppl, which would bring in more $
2) they have a stable venue, tvs, setups
3) they'd sponsor you for outside trips

i am quite certain ccx does not come close in providing any of those things.

the clearer solution to me would be to organize it yourself, probably using duquesne/cmu as the venue. it cuts out the middleman which has so little to offer us.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
If we're looking for a stable venue for hosting tournies, doesn't anybody have the potential to host at their house or some other private property they have access to? I'm sure that the inconvenience of hosting would be offset by the availability and control, assuming somebody has a usable location. Any large garages, anybody?


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea
i'm going back around the 23rd/24th assuming i have housing at that point
i think housing opens to upper classmen on the 23rd. which is when i'll be back.


Ooooooohhh, do I get ranked now?
No! .... that is all..

thats it, samus is back in business.
when did she go away?? @_@)..??

you can't officially reserve the lounge unless you're an RA (and even then they wouldn't let you book it for 10 hours), so it's a week-to-week thing
oh right.. i was thinking we might get west wing tv lounge or somewhere but yea.., we do
smash for quite a while don't we -_-).

i really like these ideas for ccx. go for it. if it doesn't turn out well we can send pocky
in once he gets back XD HE'LL SHOW THEM!!


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
kevin's such a businessman. i dont want to discourage him from trying, but last year i had strongly considered dealing with with ccx and in the end decided against it. here is my arguement

the only reason why you would want to deal with ccx is
1) they bring in more ppl, which would bring in more $
2) they have a stable venue, tvs, setups
3) they'd sponsor you for outside trips

i am quite certain ccx does not come close in providing any of those things.

the clearer solution to me would be to organize it yourself, probably using duquesne/cmu as the venue. it cuts out the middleman which has so little to offer us.

looking @ what TSA has IMHO makes it worth a try regardless, because like any business owners want to make more profit and its a win / win. They would just have to bare with us for a little bit, but it garantees more pplz


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
2) they have a stable venue, tvs, setups

i am quite certain ccx does not come close in providing any of those things.
if they don't have TVs then no =\

the clearer solution to me would be to organize it yourself, probably using duquesne/cmu as the venue. it cuts out the middleman which has so little to offer us.
you can't legitimately run money tournaments on campus as far as i remember (the whole crew battle thing seemed very under-the-table) and if we are hoping for any sort of outside draw it needs to be official and open


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
pc still plays falco

anyway, the word for super champ combo is that it will go on late into sunday night, so i don't think we can get back until monday afternoon (even the redeye flight probably wouldn't get back till noon)

nealdt suggests we fly into ontario airport (ONT) because it's much closer to the venue

tickets for that look to be $214 at this point

is there still any interest?

sheik since you're the one with the strictest travel requirements maybe YOU should be looking for tickets instead of boiling your blood


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Regarding tomorrow:

I'll show up around 3 as usual, but I definitely won't be able to bring a TV. It seems that the second TV is officially MIA so I highly encourage somebody to bring a small TV -- doesn't need to be anything glamorous. If you can play Smash on it, and it isn't Naka's TV, please bring it.

@Taki: Jason got the AR at last, so once he gets back from vacation I'll be able to get my team built. Shouldn't be too long now.

@Evan: Show up tomorrow you ****ing pu$$y.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
pc still plays falco

anyway, the word for super champ combo is that it will go on late into sunday night, so i don't think we can get back until monday afternoon (even the redeye flight probably wouldn't get back till noon)

nealdt suggests we fly into ontario airport (ONT) because it's much closer to the venue

tickets for that look to be $214 at this point

is there still any interest?

sheik since you're the one with the strictest travel requirements maybe YOU should be looking for tickets instead of boiling your blood

im still down for super champ and I probly can find it for a tad bit lower if I take the time to look unless u whored the intranetz already looking for low rates. either way i;d like to actually make payment on a flight relatively soon since the prices will be olny getting higher as my avaiable money will only be getting lower.

in other words, shiel be decisive and make it kinda soon......if u dont wanna look for stuffz IM the details of ur date/time constraints and i'll work around it.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea
pc still plays falco

anyway, the word for super champ combo is that it will go on late into sunday night, so i don't think we can get back until monday afternoon (even the redeye flight probably wouldn't get back till noon)

nealdt suggests we fly into ontario airport (ONT) because it's much closer to the venue

tickets for that look to be $214 at this point

is there still any interest?

sheik since you're the one with the strictest travel requirements maybe YOU should be looking for tickets instead of boiling your blood
I'm out. not going. thanks alot though for all the effort put in to trying to figure this out.
i appreciate it : D

I said "pro"
ok.. i guess my definition/knowlege of 'pro' is off..
hmmmmmm...... dope? mathos? pyro? or do they not count..


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea
Sorry for the double post. didnt see this one until the page after.

im still down for super champ and I probly can find it for a tad bit lower if I take the time to look unless u whored the intranetz already looking for low rates. either way i;d like to actually make payment on a flight relatively soon since the prices will be olny getting higher as my avaiable money will only be getting lower.

in other words, shiel be decisive and make it kinda soon......if u dont wanna look for stuffz IM the details of ur date/time constraints and i'll work around it.
um.. well,,.. simply put. i will not sacrifice attendance to my classes.
especially since not attending equals grade decrease in some of them.
so.. preferrably leaving friday afternoon. classes that day end before noon for me.
and arriving anytime late sunday or EARLY monday.
i don't care how tired/how much sleep i get as long as i can get back to cmu for my
9:30 class. i know these are tough to meet.. but if they can be i want to go SO badly.
-sorry for the hassle and thanks


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
so look up some tickets then

you are the one always complaining about being bored and having nothing to do

also, what classes actually have grades attached to attendance


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
ok.. i guess my definition/knowlege of 'pro' is off..
hmmmmmm...... dope? mathos? pyro? or do they not count..
They're not consistently high-ranking players in major tournies. With PC maining Fox and Forward retiring, nobody but Shiz is really a high-ranking Falco main anymore.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Um Bombsoldier placed 17th at OC3, so hes still a pretty big deal I guess :psycho:.

I might not come tomorrow. What time is it going down?


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea
so look up some tickets then

you are the one always complaining about being bored and having nothing to do

also, what classes actually have grades attached to attendance
i could be wrong but i don't recall complaining about having nothing to do.
i've been complaining about having no one to play smash with but myself.
again. i could be wrong.. but that was what i was trying to say.

langauge courses deduct a portion or even sometimes full letter grades after a certain
amount of absences. i don't want 1 or 2 at the beginning of semester cause i'm not
confident i'll have perfect attendance for the rest of the semester. i lost my A in ***
last semester and i don't wanna repeat that fault this semester with spanish.

i'm not looking up my own tickets because i suck at research and i don't know where to look.
ok.. that's mostly an excuse i'm a very lazy person. happy? yet you have already tried
and tim has offered to look up tickets for my sake. I am very thankful of this. you (or tim)
happened to want more ppl to go and i happened to want to go also. So i figured while in
your search perhaps you might be able to also see if there were any tickets that fit me
too. if it made you feel like you were doing all the work and if it annoyed you, i apologize.
but just know that wasn't the intention.

They're not consistently high-ranking players in major tournies. With PC maining Fox and Forward retiring, nobody but Shiz is really a high-ranking Falco main anymore.
ok.. point taken. just for the record i wasn't trying to say there are other Falcos ranking
high, i was actually just asking quesions.

EDIT: yo tim, if you do happen to come across some tickets at those times then i'm
still in. thanks for the trouble. i won't be complaining if nothing good comes out
cause as stated above i probably won't do my own search due to lazyness....
So thank you sir : D


Smash Cadet
Jul 27, 2007
who'se ready to get pwned tomorrow (rollcall)?

Bring as many TV's as we can people, Matt try to come with that TV.
I will be there at 3, but i can't stay to long. Obviosly this is evan, i came to hate the name harm. Also not sure if u guys know this but renth recorded some pretty cool matches against phanna if u guys want to check em out.

edit* if i go any earlier will anyone be there to play?


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
ok.. point taken. just for the record i wasn't trying to say there are other Falcos ranking
high, i was actually just asking quesions.
And I was just giving answers. :)

I will be there at 3, but i can't stay to long. Obviosly this is evan, i came to hate the name harm. Also not sure if u guys know this but renth recorded some pretty cool matches against phanna if u guys want to check em out.

edit* if i go any earlier will anyone be there to play?
I'll be there 2:30-3ish.

Your name sucks balls.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Double post. I like asserting myself.

Taki, we ought to do some recording in the near future and replace those old-*** vids on the first page. The Pitt players could use some publicity anyway.
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