One thing to think about is that playing with somebody doesn't always make you develop a style similar to them, but instead can sometimes make you play in a quite different fashion. From what I've been able to tell, this holds for playing with Adam. The thing I've noticed about Adam is that he has a really good, unpredictable offense. The way to beat him most effectively, is to not work as much on predicting him, but to focus more on punishing him (of course being good at both is best, but I'm talking about his weaknesses). Adam doesn't always do safe moves, and if you are prepared sometimes you can react and punish him. This makes a lot of sense to me, because I would say Josh's greatest strength is punishment by far. This is the same reason why I would say Josh tends to beat me harder than Austin/Cam, because my weakness is that I make a lot of stupid mistakes that can be punished hard.
It's not as simple as saying one style is more straight-forward than another, though, because there are many aspects of the game to be creative in. I think that Josh is very creative in the combos he does, whereas Austin and Cam are more creative with movement and other things (although this can have the effect of making their combos look weird, but mainly because they started the combo in a novel way, which makes the whole thing look different, where Josh creatively combos even when he starts the combos in a very standard way oftentimes).
But yeah, beware oversimplifying.