where does melee take place?
is it the video game characters fighting on the television?
or is that too simple?
i think it's clear that Ocean's dilemma is far too complicated to solve without giant walls of text, but it's just simple enough for anyone to conclude that your problem, Kyle, is that during your smash matches, your mind is not focused enough on the right things.
the human brain is programmed to constantly improve its circuiting, and this is especially effective for tasks that are most REPEATEDLY performed. the extent to which you have improved and continue to improve at handling knives, remembering recipes, and applying your senses have collectively contributed to your overall skill at "cooking."
so it's evident that in order for you to improve in melee, you have to focus on something that you have, up until now, perhaps COMPLETELY NEGLECTED. this something would probably come up short if attempted to be explained briefly (like most common expressions that you truly can't understand until you feel from every angle through real-life experience), but no matter what it is, it HAS to contribute to your confidence level, and therefore it probably can't be found on smashboards.
play with someone. record your videos. then, please, for god's ****ing sake. go talk to Dr Peepee. have him critique those videos. it's a shame that such a valuable source of insight is taken for granted in a state with so much potential.