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Dixie Kong's Barrel Of Support Spirits. Farewell Everyone, Thank You ALL For Making This Thread An Excellent Place For DK Fans!

Justin Little

Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2013

Kremling Kampaigner has brought to light an abhorrent excerpt from an article at IGN back when DKCR was announced. Imagine being human being writing that with a straight face. What sucks the most is that for a long period of time Nintendo actually listened to these kind of people.

I'm not going to sugar coat it, but it was crap like that from major publications like IGN, Nintendo Power, and Gameinformer that contributed to my depression during the 2000s and 2010s. I know not everyone should like everything that I'm a fan of, but goddamn was it way too widespread. Game journalists gave power to the bullies at my school as proof that my tastes sucks and gave way years of torment on my psyche. I know what I loved was a gem, but that didn't matter to the people who didn't even give the games a chance, all because they hung on every word that was spread on these magazines.

I don't look back on these with anger anymore though. As time passes, the love and the appreciation of this series has grown overtime. Fans literally came together for a common cause. That was to bring back an "irrelevant, ugly crocodile" that we all grew up with. It wasn't just the love for the King, but it was for the series in general. It was that sense of vindication, that yes, I was not alone, that helped me along the way. The Tropical Freeze reaction is something I firmly believe will be the last of widespread contempt people have had for the series if evident by the love it received on the Switch. Sure, we'll see the casual **** heel responses from some of these people, but they are a dying breed especially in the media. With evidence of a new DK on the horizon, I have no doubt the reaction will be much more positive than the last time.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
It's amusing to me that you could change the words in that IGN review to Sonic and various characters, and it could pass for a review of Unleashed or Colors from around that same time. IGN in generally is not really worth paying attention to at any point; the same outlet that produced the silliness of the "Sonic was never good" sentiment is one that is worth little more than as a punchline.

History and sentiment have gradually whittled away much of the unwarranted dismissal and antipathy the DKC games have had. Their soundtracks are highly praised, the merits of their level design are well known, and the popularity of K Rool alone demonstrates the the franchise's enduring popularity. And that's doubly impressive given its hit and miss prioritization by Nintendo in the past two decades. Even with the somewhat underwelming sales of the Wii U version of Tropical Freeze, releases of the Country games (even the GBA ports) have delivered in terms of sales numbers; the factor that's allowed it to keep going in spite of Nintendo proper often having inconsistent understanding of what to do with it.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
That IGN page was common knowledge. I'd been known about it, along with the anti-Kremling sentiments when it came to DKCR's marketing through Nintendo Power and such as pointed out... The worst part was how their absence was actually celebrated thanks to those outlets. Is no wonder it took the kind of push it did to bring K Rool back into the limelight. The fans have spoken.

Guessing the only reason this didn't happen with the Space Pirates and Ridley in the Metroid Prime games is because they weren't made by an outside team that happens to no longer be with Nintendo, but even then, Ridley and such being in MP4 is questionable, with Tanabe being the type to not care at all for what fans want. Even if Rid's not in MP4 though, he'll be fine I guess thanks to Smash, and there's always other possible sidescroller boss appearances.

And thanks for the reminder about the Metroid cameos in DKCR and TF. Forgot about some of those, but yeah, them being a shared universe would actually be cool, even if it's only implied through cameos.

At least DKCR can be more appreciated retroactively now with the revisionist nonsense mostly behind us, even if Returns is my least favorite out of the main titles, but even the worst rated DKC on anyone's list is still a high quality game.


The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
At least DKCR can be more appreciated retroactively now with the revisionist nonsense mostly behind us, even if Returns is my least favorite out of the main titles, but even the worst rated DKC on anyone's list is still a high quality game.
While I definitely dont hate DKCR and is a fun title to play, like I said earlier it is my least favorite of the 5. As a classic trilogy purist it just did too much that disappointed me in ways. While some of the stuff im about to list can be considered minor it still bugged me on release. Obviously I can overlook SOME of these things now in retrospect but it still bugs me is some ways. Lol

- The bonus rooms are terrible. They are bland and lack the creativity of DKC2 and DKC3. TF did not correct this problem IMO.

- Lack of K.Rool/Kremlings. Im sorry the Tiki Tak Tribe is terrible and I dislike anyone that tries to argue that Tiki Tong is a better character/final boss than K.Rool. The classic generic giant floating head/hands boss than Nintendo reuses to death is NOT better than K.Rool no matter what Kelbaugh and Tanabe say. Luckily despite Fredrick being a blatant King K.Nockoff at least he was better than Tiki Tong and the Snowmads were decent.

- Reused/remixed soundtrack. The remixes are good/great IMO. But when 85% of the soundtrack is just DKC1 remixes it just comes off as bland and uninspired to me. I get they were trying to nostalgia bait but they could've done for a few more original tracks. Honestly besides the Rocket Barrel theme, Mast Blast, and Feather Fiend theme the rest of the original tracks are very forgettable IMO. Luckily Tropical Freeze fixed this by bringing back David Wise for an amazing original OST.

- Lack of Kongs. I get that they wanted the focus to be back on DK with Diddy tagging along by necessity. But come on though. Just bringing back Cranky also felt like a slap in the face to old school DK Rare fans (not to mention his characterization is extremely weak/tame). I get that Candy, Wrinkly, and Funky's purpose in the original DKC trilogy is irrelevant by todays standards. But they could have found other places for them and honestly Dixie should've been playable in Returns as well. Once again Tropical Freeze corrects this problem.

- Treating the Kongs as power-ups instead of individual characters. Returns started the trend and sadly TF didnt correct it but it sucks controlling only DK on normal mode especially since they gave him no special/unique ability of his own.

- Blowing mechanic it was terrible and slowed gameplay down to a crawl to hunt for puzzle pieces and banana coins.

- Forced motion controls. Nuff'said

- Lack of animal buddies. Rambi being the only animal buddy hurt me physically. While yes Rambi was my favorite of the bunch I still loved Expresso, Squitter, and Enguarde. Squawks being a optional power-up sucks but at least he's there somewhere. Also minor detail but I hate Rambi's redesign he looks like a high doofus.

- Lack of Underwater levels. Returns sticks out like a sore thumb within the rest of the franchise. Returns is the only mainlime DK game where you can't swim you die if you touch water. While some people praise the fact that their is no underwater levels I hate the inconsistency.

- Bland world themes. 1/2 of the worlds feel very standard and sterile something you would find in a NSMB game. The generic jungle, beach, lava, mountain worlds. Even the world map lacks that DKC theming it feels like a NSMB world map. Once again Tropical Freeze fixes these issues cause even when levels are standard themed they do things in them that make them feel fresh and unique. Stuff/set pieces you haven't seen before in a 2D platformer. Returns has these too but I feel they are too far and few between.

- DK Island redesign. While yes DK's head being the island is kinda of an easy cop-out/design you can easily/instantly know thats Donkey Kong Island/Country. You take a screenshot of DK Island from the Retro games and you could honestly mistake it for any generic looking island from any animated movie or a Crash Bandicoot game.

- Lack of barrel tossing. This one is minor BUT the original trilogy had level design/enemy design that required a barrel to solve a puzzle to get a bonus/secret and the Returns lacks this (far as I remember). Tropical Freeze brought it back in spades.

Anyway those are my gripes with Returns and while it is my least favorite of the DKC games it still does some things right like the minecart and rocket barrel levels. The K levels are great and challenging. The boss battles are great despite my dislike of some of the designs (MuglyThugly are ugly, and the Crab and Mole bosses are very generic looking).
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Justin Little

Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2013
Having recently played DKCR again but on the 3DS, I agree it might be the worst of the DKCs with many of the reasons you stated. It sucks even more my biggest gripes about DKCR was carried over to TF as well: poor bonus rooms and forcing the player to play as DK.

Having said that, It's still a great game, and it's probably in my top 5 Wii games.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
Mariomaniac45213 Mariomaniac45213 fair enough with everything else. For the new music tracks though, I adore Sloppy Sands and Boulder Roller as well as the ones you named. Thugly's theme was surprisingly catchy, especially with the xylophone solo and Sticky Situation, being a mellow version of Boulder Roller was pretty good. Tidal Terror I'll count as new even though it has a riff on Northern Hemisphere. Stormy Shore sounds like it came straight from DK64 and I enjoyed it. Also the Golden Temple theme I think is better than Tropical Freeze's Secret Seclusion theme. I do remember liking the two volcano themes as well for being so dramatic.

Blowing was pure garbage though. Very glad that's gone. Man that game was really 9 years ago. I remember walking to Target and buying it on a cold fall Saturday...Damn..
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
It's sad to see Returns get so much flack when it brought the DKC brand back to life and made Donkey Kong relevant again. Prior to DKCR, DK fans lived in a dark age of bongos and other experimental spin offs. Returns might be one of the most important DKC games ever and saved the franchise. Cut it some slack.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
It's sad to see Returns get so much flack when it brought the DKC brand back to life and made Donkey Kong relevant again. Prior to DKCR, DK fans lived in a dark age of bongos and other experimental spin offs. Returns might be one of the most important DKC games ever and saved the franchise. Cut it some slack.
Your username seems familiar... :kirby64:

On that note, what a coincidence that DKCR was brought up right now - I just felt like revisiting the game...

I have some of my own thoughts with it here and there, but for starters, I tend to treat DKCR and Tropical Freeze as separate/rebooted AUs for DKC-verse as a whole- since Retro's take on that world is so removed from Rare's worldbuilding of Kongs.
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
It's sad to see Returns get so much flack when it brought the DKC brand back to life and made Donkey Kong relevant again. Prior to DKCR, DK fans lived in a dark age of bongos and other experimental spin offs. Returns might be one of the most important DKC games ever and saved the franchise. Cut it some slack.
Highly agreed. I'm striking a balance to let people air their grievances but I absolutely loved DKCR. The only DKC I wouldn't return to (lol) is DKC1 since it's too basic for my tastes nowadays, which is fine cuz it's the 1st one, but the rest all have something special going for it.

With DKCR I thought the Banjo-Kazooie style partnering was clever; we played as both Kongs at once. I didn't exactly see Diddy as a powerup and Jungle Climber was the first game to do this, but DKCR gets the most flak for it. It solved the logistic problem of the inactive Kong trailing behind. Yes I would've loved to play as Diddy solo, but having him back in a platformer was a step in the right direction.

Nobody seems to acknowledge this, but Returns also had the best minecart stages in the series, as well as the most. Bombs Away and Prehistoric Path blew my mind with how they made the cart go off-rails. They constantly shifted our understanding of the level and kept my adrenaline pumping throughout. Grip & Trip and Roasting Rails deserves a ton of credit for combining clinging with fast-paced cart stages as well.

Most stages are far more dynamic than any from Rare's trilogy too, and not just cuz of updated graphics. Weaving in and out of the fore, middle and background was excellent and makes the stages feel far more alive; it stretches what we took for granted as 2D platformers and gives the game depth, especially when most others of the genre are flat obstacle courses. Longshot Launch was jaw-dropping when I first played it. Using barrels to shoot deep into the forest for what appears to be miles in treetop town was exciting. In the first DKC, Treetop Town used barrels extensively, so having Longshot Launch take it to the literal next level and fire you dynamically through the stage was something we've never seen. And Music Madness? We've always loved DK's music, but nobody's ever thought to weave a soundtrack with a level and have it sync with the obstacles. It was impossible to play that level without being impressed, AND we got a mesmerizing remix of Fear Factory from it. I'd happily replay all those levels and more. There's dozens I could name: Handy Hazards, Tippy Shippy, Clingy Swingy, etc...

Another thing worth mentioning, is that DKCR gave us the silhouette levels. That was something we'd only see from indies, so a big-budget platformer pulling it off was exciting. Sunset Shore set an atmospheric tone, and the Beach section was a welcome addition, because it told us early on that we'd be visiting new areas of DK Island in addition to the jungle, temple, cave and factory. The Beach brought us Mast Blast, Rocket Barrels, Sloppy Sands, Stormy Shore and Tidal Terror; honestly the locales were beautiful at the time, so it hurt even more to see it ruined by the Snowmads. I cannot imagine a DKC without silhouette levels now and we have DKCR to thank for it.

With bosses, Retro stepped up what I expected from a DKC. I don't like any from DKC1 aside from King K. Rool; resizing beavers, vultures, a bee and an oil drum + giving them more hitpoints isn't fun, and the 2 recolor bosses aren't either. DKC2 did much better with theirs; the only one IDC for is Kapain Krow, but his ghost is much better. Kleever, Kudgel, King Zing, Kreepy Krow and Kapt. K. Rool were excellent fights, but DKC2 was the lone exception in that trilogy because none of DKC3's bosses were fun to fight either. Fighting The Mole Train, Mangoruby, Thugly, Col. Pluck and yes, even Tiki Tong was really fun. We FINALLY got a minecart boss, and they combined that with lethal Wack A Mole. Clinging was a brand new mechanic, and they threw a boss at us (Mangoruby) that made us navigate using it. Thugly was just a fun fight overall with all his tricks, and we all know how fun Col. Pluck was. Fighting a giant robot chicken and giving him crotch shots was hilarious. Tiki Tong was serviceable since we've seen that concept done to death but still it was a solid fight nonetheless.

Lastly we have enemies. The main faction is wack, but I like their cohesive theme. Their musical element is a nice touch, and they have a more coherent reason to steal bananas than K. Rool did. Both are nonsensical, but tikis using it for magic surprisingly makes more sense, and we recently learned that Rare put no thought into why DK's bananas got stolen outside of: umm, he's a monkee. Most of the tikis are garbage; outside of bosses there's nothing going for them beyond musical motifs and who they're possessing. They don't have the charm of Kremlings, or even whoever we beat up in Jungle Beat, but they don't bring the game down and are mostly meh than anything else.

Overall, Returns was an excellent game and far from generic. Any given level from Returns has more going on in it than NSMB Wii--which IS generic--or Rayman Origins, which isn't generic in the slightest but is near-completely 2D. A generic game has nothing going on in its fore or background. Rayman and DKCR have tons of things going on and are far more immersive; with either of those games you feel involved and yet you're free to blast through the stage or slow down and appreciate what's happening. Retro even said they avoided random floating platforms, and made everything integrated into their level. Handy Hazards's obstacles are all controlled by an AI that's tracking you while you navigate the stage. There are literal essays about the immaculate detail these stages have, and Rare wouldn't dare attempt that level of cohesion if they could. Each level tells a story; for instance when you enter a new World (AKA Section), it contains elements from the previous one. It's an organic transition that we rarely see in other games, so people calling it bland is honestly inaccurate. The gameplay was slick, tight and gave us the first action-packed DKC. All that held it back was motion controls honestly, and no water levels despite Jungle Beat giving us a great example of such is no excuse. Tropical Freeze kicks DKCR's ass but to downplay it as some half-hearted cash grab in NSMB's league is misguided at best.

Retro packed more detail into DKCR than they did Metroid Prime 3. Let that sink in. Reading their interviews and Iwata Asks made it clear they took the franchise very seriously and put their best feet forward. The aesthetic changed from Rare's era, but that's to be expected from a new studio, much like Crash 4 and I won't fault them for not being a pixel-to-pixel match of Rare's trilogy. Despite the aesthetic differences, the Jungle, Temple, Caves, Forest, and Factory felt very much like the ones from the 1st DKC and are certainly the same location. The Kremlings missing is no doubt disappointing, but overall they would've been an excellent icing on an already very delicious cake. DKCR was one of the best platformers of its gen.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Returns would probably better regarded if the motion controls were optional and it wasn't competing with the likes of DKC2 and Tropical Freeze, both of which would make any platformer seem a bit less impressive by comparison.

Honestly Returns does feel like the DKC1 of its time. Like that game it certainly has its issues, but the groundwork and innovations it has are remarkably critical and after a decade of Nintendo trying to turn the mainline brand into a haven for wacky control experiments, DKCR proved the heart of the series is challenging but engaging platforming. The likes of the NSMB may have proven that the 2D formula had popularity, but it was Returns that demonstrated it still had depth.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2018
Personnaly I don't have a Switch, so I played DKCR on the 3DS and the controls are just what you would expect for that kind of game. Bought it in second-hand and didn't expect much, because I don't like the NSMB and Yoshi's New Island was such a disappointment that I don't think I even bothered to finish the first level. But DKCR is in a totally different category. Sure, I lack some background since I never played DKC2 and 3, but it's still a great game. I don't miss the Kremlings (even if they should return at some point), but Cranky could have been, well, more cranky, and the option to play as Diddy only would have been great. Overall, a great, captivating experience.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Come to think of it, yeah, DKCR did have more detail than MP3, but I guess there's bound to be some more detail/effort when they're trying to make a name for themselves on an IP than after the fact.

The minecart levels and boss were probably the most memorable part of the game (in a good way). If nothing else I know people remember the boss for how it almost made them want to throw their Wiimote at the TV screen when figuring it out. That game's difficulty was nothing to sneeze at.

DKC1 I would say only shows its age because of the bosses (K Rool notwithstanding), but otherwise excellent game for what started it all. I agree though it's only fair to show as much lenience for DKCR, for the game that restarted the series in the modern area, even if their respective sequels tremendously surpass them.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2018
By the way, how would you compare DKC to Yoshi's Island? I love both, but I may have a preference for the last one.
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
By the way, how would you compare DKC to Yoshi's Island? I love both, but I may have a preference for the last one.
I'd say Yoshi's Island is better than DKC1, lesser than DKC2, and probably neck and neck with DKC3. The former is a fantastic title, but it does have a tendency of dragging out certain levels a bit too much, especially in the latter half. Blasphemous as this is I think Yoshi's Woolly World might actually a better game with its pacing and variety in level design.


The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
By the way, how would you compare DKC to Yoshi's Island? I love both, but I may have a preference for the last one.
I think Yoshi's Island is the better game than DKC but I enjoy playing DKC more due to nostalgia I guess.

Yoshi as a series has sadly never done much for me. I find its gameplay to slow and clunky for me. I dont really enjoy the slower pace/collectathon nature of his series and the egg throwing mechanic Im not a huge fan of tbh. If I had to rank the Yoshi series it would go like this:

1. Yoshi's Island
2. Yoshi's Wooly World
3. Yoshi Story
4. Yoshi's Crafted World
5. Yoshi's New Island
6. Yoshi's Island DS

Never played Touch n Go and played Topsy Turvy for like 10 minutes and never touched it again.

Also to clear things up I like DKCR. I dont hate the game by any means and respect the game for bringing DKC back into the limelight. Without DKCR their would be no Tropical Freeze (the best 2D platformer of all time) so of course I respect the hell out of DKCR. I enjoy playing it just not as much as the others (including Jungle Beat).


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
By the way, how would you compare DKC to Yoshi's Island? I love both, but I may have a preference for the last one.
Damn that's tough. I remember loving both games as a kid but DKC was my number 1. I do think Yoshi's Island was a better game and the way Yoshi twisted the....I guess Mario Formula into something brand new made it really special. It has more going for it; not that DKC wasn't good, but both games seemed to hit in unique ways that were really memorable. I suppose they were competing for being spinoff sidescrollers but they branched out so well that they made platformers really exciting, plus they were refreshing alternatives to Super Mario World which was also excellent. Basically, I think DKC and Yoshi's Island were revolutionary and deserved the praise they got. Yoshi's has a better design though. It has more replay value and DKC has more of a wow-factor.

Justin Little

Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2013
Quick question, has anybody here with a Resetera account asked any of the insiders there if they know anything about a new DK coming next year?

I know the place isn't exactly DK friendly from what I've seen, but the insiders seem to know their stuff, and it would be nice to have more sources than just DK Vine, Kremling Kampaigner, and Fatmanonice.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
Time once again for a new moveset idea! Since this is Dixie's birthmonth I'm gonna have a consistent stream of ideas for her, which brings me to this.

For this attack, we're going back to the 5th Limb category--as in stuff Dixie does with her hair that she can do with her arms and whip-like maneuvers. So, without further delay:

Dixie crouches and swings her ponytail wildly! It violently thrashes and flails in a vicious manner, swiveling and lashing the space above her like a tentacle being possessed! It swings with a feral edge, moving rapidly enough to look like Dixie unleashed multiple ponytails upon her victim, and thus it's able to hit many targets frequently and quickly. Foes caught in this frenzy of whips will sustain heavy damage if they stay in it, so don't, and beware attacking her from above.

Here's another ponytail move from Dixie. The idea is an anti-air attack that shows how dangerous her ponytail can be. The strength of her hair and its wild contortions make each strike painful, so multiple lashes makes this a very serious obstacle. It's only hurting those above her, so this is Up Tilt or Up Smash material. If we go with Up Tilt, it can be a move that has a set duration OR be used indefinitely as long as you Hold A. Up Smash means it's a set duration (and even more powerful). So, which is it? An Up Tilt with a set duration, an Up Smash with a set duration, or an Up Tilt you can use indefinitely? That's up to you.

I hope everyone appreciates the concept! It's inspired by Dixie's helicopter spin, the thing she does underwater in Tropical Freeze and..........epilepsy. The epilepsy part is nothing to take lightly IRL, but the thought of Dixie flailing her ponytail like it's having a seizure is very useful for a fighting game. Because of that, this attack goes to the 5th Limb category instead of Super Hair. I mean no offense to anyone who experienced this or has family/friends/people they know of who have gone through this. Wanna make that disclaimer crystal clear, and assure everyone that Dixie's only mimicking erratic behavior when she does this, cuz she's a wild Kong. For her, it's just an attack.

Here's the transparent version:

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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
I'd love to see another 2D entry but I'm skeptical of any rumor until I see a full blown trailer.

I also don't know what to make of EPD Tokyo developing a main DK game given that the best titles since 1994 have almost always been done by 2nd party Western Studios. When the biggest success by the core Nintendo team with Donkey Kong in the past 25 years is Jungle Beat, it leaves me with mixed feelings at the idea of them doing a potential Country title.
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Justin Little

Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2013
From what we've heard from Hyle, it doesn't seem like it's a new DKC. It's probably not a new Jungle Beat either. There's a new DK coming, we know this much, but no one seems to know what kind of game it will be or who will be developing it. I'm both excited and nervous.

I'm praying to the Kong gods that it's 3D, though. It's been a long time coming.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
Great work, BirthNote! It's a natural and believable extension of her hair powers.

I'll post it within the next day!

Can I post that on the Tumblr, too? If not, that's fine too of course.

By the way, I know you have that google doc with all your Dixie moveset drawings. But do you have any moveset sheet? It's not 100% necessary, but I wonder if it would be good to have to post next week, assuming Sakurai does post a picture for DKC2's anniversary. Something that has the "highlight" attack ideas I guess, since it's not necessary I think to include every single move and that would probably take a long time and also could be hard to read/see on Twitter if it's too big. Just something to "summarize" Dixie's moveset potential.

I could just post a link to your google doc too, of course.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
Great work, BirthNote! It's a natural and believable extension of her hair powers.

I'll post it within the next day!

Can I post that on the Tumblr, too? If not, that's fine too of course.

By the way, I know you have that google doc with all your Dixie moveset drawings. But do you have any moveset sheet? It's not 100% necessary, but I wonder if it would be good to have to post next week, assuming Sakurai does post a picture for DKC2's anniversary. Something that has the "highlight" attack ideas I guess, since it's not necessary I think to include every single move and that would probably take a long time and also could be hard to read/see on Twitter if it's too big. Just something to "summarize" Dixie's moveset potential.

I could just post a link to your google doc too, of course.
Thanks! Sure you can put it on tumblr; as for the moveset sheet I don't have one. Back when I made the original set I was scanning in my sketchbook drawings, and I didn't have the programs that could let me work digitally. Looking back on it, an easy to digest sheet would've worked wonders lol.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2020
Switch FC
I don't come i this thread and read every page, so I'm sure I've missed the conversation but...

Why isn't Dixie at least an Assist Trophy?
I am not sure, but I am pretty sure that Sakurai want her as playable but maybe for time and nintendo asking him other stuff he left her behind. And I hope for next smash she can make it if is an AT I would be really sad


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Could simply be that Sakurai and company couldn't think of a way of using Dixie as an assist trophy that satisfied them. Given the immediate instinct would be her as a short range character, possibly grabbing fighters with her hair, they may have concluded that her attacks were potentially redundant given other assist trophies.
That is a potential, sure, but...
Doesn't that seem a bit farfetched for a character that almost became playable in the third installment of the series?


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
That is a potential, sure, but...
Doesn't that seem a bit farfetched for a character that almost became playable in the third installment of the series?
Well that given we don't know the process of character consideration realistically I'd say we're down to three possibilities:

A) After seeing how well Diddy worked by himself in Brawl, that Dixie simply wasn't (and isn't) that much of priority in terms of significant representation.
B) That she has been considered as an assist trophy, but Sakurai and/or others simply haven't found a manner to use her that satisfied them.
C) Dixie being playable has been a possible idea for the team and they don't to make her an AT until they're absolutely certain she will not be a fighter.

Any one of them are possible though my obvious hope is that its the latter if just so she can be a in the main game some day.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
With the DK franchise in general, its not just a matter of lack of releases (which is unfortunate) but also the lack of highlighting DKU elements within the games that did come out. Numerous spin-offs could have been rife with characters and settings from the series; a chance to both indirectly promote it and generally shake up the monotony of typical concepts in those titles.

Super Mario Party with a board on DK Island or Crocodile Isle, Mario Tennis Aces having a playable Diddy/Dixie, and the chances to go nuts with DK aspects in Mario Kart are too many to name. This was the decade they could have really brought relevance back to the brand, but ultimately didn't outside some token references here and there.

The general positive reaction to things showing up in MK Tour is a rather damning indictment of how badly they dropped the ball with the franchise; that just getting something like Dixie in the mobile spin-off is worth celebrating.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
There was a problem fetching the tweet

Yeah, no kidding.

Nintendo, please step up your game this decade.
I have now decided, I have two big (and unlikely) hopes for The Game Awards.
1- Golden Sun
2- Donkey Kong

I don't even care about a Smash reveal, as that's coming, regardless.

Justin Little

Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2013
After the Cranky Kong reactions, I'm not sure if the VGA's would be a great venue for a reveal. Granted, times have changed since then and people seem to have a better appreciation for DK. Perhaps they could reveal that 2D Metroid game that's been rumored first, then reveal that ambitious 3D DK game right after, and finally top it all off with BotW2.

Those three titles would certainly make my night. VGA's is kind of a wild card when it comes to reveals though. Last year wasn't great, with the exception of NMH3.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
After the Cranky Kong reactions, I'm not sure if the VGA's would be a great venue for a reveal. Granted, times have changed since then and people seem to have a better appreciation for DK. Perhaps they could reveal that 2D Metroid game that's been rumored first, then reveal that ambitious 3D DK game right after, and finally top it all off with BotW2.

Those three titles would certainly make my night. VGA's is kind of a wild card when it comes to reveals though. Last year wasn't great, with the exception of NMH3.
Yeah, last year was incredibly mediocre.
And here you want a bigger series of reveals than we get at E3
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