NoA doesn't want you to buy XenoBlade.lololololol. Nintendo clearly doesn't want me to buy this game. You can't even play an imported copy unless you hack your Wii or buy a PAL one.
NoE/NoJ wants you to buy the **** out of it.
I also strongly believe that all games that are worth it should be bought so the developer knows what's good.
The difficulty of breaking a Tales of series game is really really easy lol.I've played a lot of RPGs and my favorite game(s) are Fire Emblem for the GC and Wii. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn respectively. Do both games in normal mode and come back.
I've broken:
Pokemon RBY
Tales of Symphonia
Radiant Dawn
I mean actually broken them.
Radiant Dawn also isnt hard considering how amazing Ike and Mia is.
And 1st gen Pokemon isnt hard to break at all considering how EVs and IVs work then, and how Psychic was the ****.