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The Guardian Angel of Namco - Valkyrie for Smash Bros Ultimate!

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Holy Maiden Knight of Marvel Land: Valkyrie for Super Smash Bros Ultimate!

So due a rather increased awareness on this character lately, decided to reboot this thread for newer speculation era. Let's try my luck here...


Valkyrie is from her titular franchise by Namco, starring a sacred female warrior descending down from heavens to protect Marvel Land, providing salvation from anything wicked that arises in her home world. Usually she's joined by her peaceful yet tenacious amphibian friend, Krino Sandra.

For most part, her personality comes of as pure-hearted and mature, preferring to not settle things with violence if a choice - yet, her super-human strength and agility are quite a sight to behold upon growing throughout her journeys, capable of slaying monsters many times bigger than her.

With such spectacular powers and veteran prestige, Valkyrie's gained quite a mythical presence in Namco's legacy: having been inserted to numerous quest cameos in some of their IPs that aren't short on playing up her holy status, even lending help on those meeting her or alllowing an fine honour to be dueled against! This usually is how most might have to come to spot her in Western seas, as not her own games saw rather limited releases - more below.

Nonetheless, Valkyrie remains still gentle, sweet and responsible swordswoman from the heavens - though Fuji Hiroshi gives her bit of a no-nonsense and reserved streak now and then in manga adaptations and a visual novel featuring Rosa, her child apprentice.


Valkyrie made her debut through her first major quest, "Adventure of Valkyrie" for Famicom. This had her free Marvel Land from the dark wizard Zouna, who had stolen the Key of Time from Marvel Land's giant clock tower, distorting the flow of time.

The game can be described to be a fusion of Legend of Zelda and Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest I - though it was deemed too brutal and clunky in controls to be released overseas by Namco, along with facing competition with the aforementioned games.

The game however, possessed some innovative RPG-mechanics that were first of their kind at the time, such as a day/night cycle, life bars for the enemies, and unique growth rates to Valkyrie's stats according to the blood type and horoscope inputted at the beginning of the game.

Long while after the series' relative success, Adventure of Valkyrie would receive a rather extensive remake in PS1's Namco Anthology Vol 2, taking after the series' most well-known game's format.

Valkyrie's true breakthrough came from her second and probably most well-known game, Legend of Valkyrie - eleased in 1989 as an overhead platforming/shooter hybrid for the arcades.

In that game the maiden travels with Sandra to retrieve an ancient wish-granting artifact called the Golden Seed, and eventually prevent it from falling to Underlord Kamuz's hands. Valkyrie's joined by Krino Sandra of the Sandra-tribe on her quest, who'd also become revealed his own legacy prior to events of Valkyrie's adventures.
The game ditched away the RPG-formula popularized by then-growing action game IPs in favour of more accessible, linear action platforming with shooter mechanics. Along with these were the adventure game elements, with you meeting many colorful characters to exchange in fun magic abilities and upgrades to your arsenal of weapons and items that are quite essential for good trip through Marvel Land.

The arcade game never made it out of Japan like the first installment, but eventually got exposed to oversea releases through Namco Museum Vol.5 for Playstation.


Valkyrie has had quite a following for being one of the oldest and strongest females in videogaming - endearing easily everyone her sweet, yet unyielding personality. She's arguably been most well-known second-quota mascot for Namco after Pac-Man - proven by her sheer number of quest appearances across many of their other franchises beyond.

Currently, most would recognize here as cute sprite through Pac-Man's "Namco Roulette"-taunt, complete with the jingle from the start of her most well-known game, Legend of Valkyrie:​

Post-Smash 4, Valkyrie would appear once more Project x Zone 2 as a Solo Unit, much like the previous one.

There she'd be memorably meeting the main cast of Fire Emblem Awakening, such as :ultchrom:and :ultlucina:.

Most of all, Valkyrie had made cameos or got directly reference in games like Tales Of-series, Super Robot Taisen, Soul Calibur, and more. Perhaps her most well-known role in this vein, would be in Namco x Capcom, taking on a multi-dimensional threat along with her close partners Krino Sandra and Sabine, while fighting among many stars of Capcom and Namco at the time.

  • Tales of Phantasia

  • Tales of Eternia

Tales of Hearts:

  • Soul Calibur II ( Valkyrie Armor for Cassandra)

  • Namco x Capcom

  • Project x Zone:

  • Project x Zone 2:

On that end, there's been also non-videogame content, including some figurines, a visual novel game featuring a young apprentice, and a lieu of manga adaptations of the games by courtesy of her long-time character designer Fuji Hiroshi, who also provided rest of the characters to Valkyrie's world across all of her titles and adaptations alike since the first installment.

There was also a revival webcomic by now defunct ShiftyLook-site, drawn by Jailbird, which gave more Kid Icarus Uprising-like humoristic depiction of Valkyrie's world along with quite distinct art style in the later half of the series.

Why Valkyrie in Smash Bros?

  • With the advent of lessened retro choices and probable explorations for a 3rd party kind, Valkyrie could be a favorable choice for the next Namco-rep due her cult classic status in both Namco and Japanese fanbase.

    This might not help her well against more widespread choices like Heihachi or Lloyd Irving however, so at the very best, she might be more pushed for DLC, or might unexpected choice sidelining other two. .

  • Her shooter-styled magic would lend for an interesting take on swords-fighters - more below.

  • She would also be easily introduced to the outer-sea audiences of Smash by being another recognizable strong female. In fact, this characteristically timeless appeal of hers has gained Valkyrie a very enduring underground following so many years, including certain parts of Smash-fanbase.

How would she fight?

Valkyrie carries primarily her short-sword, aptly named Sword of Light. Like it's name suggests, it's imbued with light magic, which lets her shoot various types of beams, depending on what she's carrying around. She also carries a shield for defense against attacks and weak projectiles, both physical and magical.

This would easily make her sound like a female Link, basically how she started back in the 80s! But there would be two core gimmicks to bring in her signature playstyle: Sword Beam Magic and Option Magic.

Sword Beam Magic

Depending on the talismans or weapons she buys or unearths during her adventure, Valkyrie's Sword Beam Magic is able to change to those of 3-way bullets, homing swirls, 4-way cross beams, miniature bombs, thin drills, and so on.

Sword Beam Magic could possibly function as her Side B, which lets her shoot a semi-random projectile in some fashion. This could allow her use projectiles as secondary ways to deal damage when not close. However, this idea can be made more unique and integral to a more unique playstyle for her through Option Magic.

Option Magic

Option Magic, as it suggests, lets Valkyrie create a miniature familiar of herself. This tiny copy then mimics the moves she'll do relative to it's size, firing off smaller bullets while also capable of movement. It's very much comparable to standard "Option" upgrade in classic horizontal SHMUPs like Gradius. Valkyrie can summon 3 familiars at a time, but they share half her health and can easily fall down on hazards.

SSBU could basically take this concept along and turn her into a hybrid of an unit-managing swordsfighter with long-range projectiles. By using Neutral B, she can deploy up to 3 Options on top, front, back and bottom of her, extending her hitboxes and dealing additional chip damage, along with mimicking her magic when performed for extra power. If conceptualized further, she could even move the Options to different types of formations for interesting places of attacking - like two on the bottom, all stacked up, making them spin around here, a huge shield of options on the back, and so on.

These would provide interesting setups and formations of kind, similar to Option-formationsfrom Gradius-games:

By using Option, Valkyrie could extend her duration or even phases of her attacks due multiple hits as she wishes, or even have the attributes or functions of her specials change depending how many familiars she has. However, these options won't provide necessarily as good of a meatshield like that of Rosalina's Luma, but would be more easier to use and add in interesting depth of shooter-based play.

More Magic

Other types of Magic Valkyrie can do are:

- Big Magic: Valkyrie will grow to about five times her original size, upping her damage and radius of her attacks. She can also crush people under her--- weight, if need be. Option Magic can be overlapped to create options of normal size she formerly was.

(Possibly part of a Final Smash)

- Cyclone Magic: Valkyrie sends out a spiraling cyclone of fire from themselves, damaging all surrounding ground-borne enemies.
(Down B, could be time-based in power)

- Tornado Magic: Valkyrie will be enshrouded by a miniature tornado around her, making her whirl non-stop while damaging any enemies she comes in physical contact with. She has limited control over spinning though.

(Possible Up B)

- Time Stop Magic (Adventure of Valkyrie): All enemies will freeze, locked in time and unable to move at all - allowing Valkyrie to come and do as she pleases. Consumes most of her magic.

(Another idea for Final Smash?)

Her other skills also include techniques like "Valkyrie Strike", "Valkyrie Saber" and even borrowing some artes from Tales Of-series now and then, such as Demon Fang or Lightning (which is a reference on using a lighting bolt magic in her first game).

Nonetheless, Valkyrie could provide an interesting take to the usual swordsfighter mold popularized by Link and Heroes from Dragon Quest-fame as of this writing, while also bringing in a highly beloved strong female from Namco's best eras through all the times.

Marvel Land Residents

~ Valkyrie ~
(Formerly Young Horsetail)

~ Wintropy

~ Azure Warrior

~ Pacack

~ Smashkirby

~ SSBCandidates

~ Midnight Twinkle

~ Raijinken

~ AwesomeAussie27

~ Meleebrawler

~ NotAMoth

~ P.Kat

~ Arcadenik

~ NukeA6

~ Freelance Spy

~ Teeb147

~ PlanetCool

~ YsDisciple

~ NintenZ

~ smash puffle

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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
I'd really like to see Valkyrie, if only to get a better chance of experiencing her games.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
I supported her pre-Smash 4, and I support her now!

Still a bit shocked she didn't get a DLC Mii costume, yet Gil did...


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
Been wanting to play the original game for some time now. Is it any good?

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Still a bit shocked she didn't get a DLC Mii costume, yet Gil did...
Intriguing still indeed - I mean Gil-costume was kind of neat to get, but Valk missing was peculiar, given her overall company favorite status.

Been wanting to play the original game for some time now. Is it any good?
Which one you referring to, Adventure of Valk or Legend of Valk?



Smash Master
May 17, 2002
Intriguing still indeed - I mean Gil-costume was kind of neat to get, but Valk missing was peculiar, given her overall company favorite status.

Which one you referring to, Adventure of Valk or Legend of Valk?

Either one. Just want to know if her original games were worth it.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Either one. Just want to know if her original games were worth it.
For starters, I'd recommend highly to play Legend of Valkyrie- since it's the signature Namco-masterpiece Valkyrie became known for, and is pretty damn good arcade-style game by it's own.
If you love free-roaming run-gunners from the 90s' golden gaming like Pocky & Rocky (Kiki Kaikai), Legend of Valkyrie is definitely up your alley.

Try it through Namco Museum Vol.5, since that has it fully translated in English - and the room where you can get to play is really sweet too:

Now Adventure of Valkyrie... that one's much harder to recommend. That one really is a Zelda 1-clone, but much finickier and less accessible with the added mechanics like RPG level up system + day & night cycle - yet has bit clunkier sword combat compared to Link's trusty thrusties. The beginning especially is pretty difficult to get past to, get ready to hear the game over a lot. But when you level up and get the gears you need here and there, it gets better.

The good news however is that the original FC-game has an extensive walkthrough guide still around, which you can find in Devimension's site. You can pick that up and play the game more manageably that way, if you wish. In whole, if you wanna explore Namco's take on Zelda 1's formula, go ahead!

I wanna get to the PS1-remake of this game sometime, as that one not only has no proper translation, but is so drastically different from the original that it might as well be it's own entry in the series. Project x Zone 2 BTW brought Adventure of Valkyrie PSX to 3DS, and even added a fun feature of being able to play as Xiaomu. Sadly it's all Japan-only... :urg:
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Sounds good. There's something appealing about feminine heroines! :ultpeach::ultdaisy::ultrosalina::ultzelda::ultpalutena: Count me in!


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
Intriguing still indeed - I mean Gil-costume was kind of neat to get, but Valk missing was peculiar, given her overall company favorite status.

Now that we're getting honest-to-goodness remixes from old Namco titles, it'll be shocking if themes from Legend Of Valkyrie don't ultimately get the same treatment.


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
For starters, I'd recommend highly to play Legend of Valkyrie- since it's the signature Namco-masterpiece Valkyrie became known for, and is pretty damn good arcade-style game by it's own.
If you love free-roaming run-gunners from the 90s' golden gaming like Pocky & Rocky (Kiki Kaikai), Legend of Valkyrie is definitely up your alley.

Try it through Namco Museum Vol.5, since that has it fully translated in English - and the room where you can get to play is really sweet too:

Now Adventure of Valkyrie... that one's much harder to recommend. That one really is a Zelda 1-clone, but much finickier and less accessible with the added mechanics like RPG level up system + day & night cycle - yet has bit clunkier sword combat compared to Link's trusty thrusties. The beginning especially is pretty difficult to get past to, get ready to hear the game over a lot. But when you level up and get the gears you need here and there, it gets better.

The good news however is that the original FC-game has an extensive walkthrough guide still around, which you can find in Devimension's site. You can pick that up and play the game more manageably that way, if you wish. In whole, if you wanna explore Namco's take on Zelda 1's formula, go ahead!

I wanna get to the PS1-remake of this game sometime, as that one not only has no proper translation, but is so drastically different from the original that it might as well be it's own entry in the series. Project x Zone 2 BTW brought Adventure of Valkyrie PSX to 3DS, and even added a fun feature of being able to play as Xiaomu. Sadly it's all Japan-only... :urg:
Thanks a lot. I'd rather not like Valkyrie for the wrong reasons. The Namco Collection is even on the PSN for real cheap so there's no trouble. And I thought Adventure of Valkyrie was that remix on the TurboGrafx which is why I didn't care which one to start with. But I'm fine with Zelda 1 clones. If I could get past Golden Axe Warrior (which is ridiculously harder than it should), the Valkyrie game won't give me any trouble.

Freelance Spy

Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2013
I'm all for this. I bet that when Shantae gets in you can scoop up her supporters.

Add me to the list! If we get a new ballot I will lead the charge.
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I love Valkyries. I remember seeing something of her, but not much. It's pretty rare right?
In any case, I'd love a character like that :)
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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
I love Valkyries. I remember seeing something of her, but not much. It's pretty rare right?
In any case, I'd love a character like that :)
Look for Namco crossovers of any kind, and rule of thumb is there's a good chance you'll find her there.

My first "sighting" of her would be that third outfit for Cassandra in Soul Calibur II.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
And I thought Adventure of Valkyrie was that remix on the TurboGrafx which is why I didn't care which one to start with.
It's more an enchanced port of srots - also it has an additional boss, Black Valkyrie. Makes also an appearance in Namco x Capcom. :ultdarkpit:

I'm all for this. I bet that when Shantae gets in you can scoop up her supporters.

Add me to the list! If we get a new ballot I will lead the charge.
I'm inclined to agree here. Valkyrie's appeal has been amazingly enduring all these years for same reason Shantae's been, so I'm sure people would be... en-shantae'd by her.

Nevertheless, I'll be highly appreciating that when that time comes. Until then I'll be here building on the momentum now that interest on Valk has risen this much.

Plenty resources and material to go through and probably rewriting the OP a bit - but that all can wait until the Direct's done with.

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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
Well the latest direct has given me a chance to experience the game of origin of a character in Project X Zone I wouldn't have expected.

Looking forward to Captain Commando.

Incidentally I suppose the first Project X Zone was when I first became aware that the Soulcalibur II costume was an actual character.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Well the latest direct has given me a chance to experience the game of origin of a character in Project X Zone I wouldn't have expected.

Looking forward to Captain Commando.

Incidentally I suppose the first Project X Zone was when I first became aware that the Soulcalibur II costume was an actual character.
Yeah, that was a big surprise in the Direct.

As you said, Project x Zone-games are really interesting piece of work at times due this - as much as it's not holding much candle on other crossovers in gameplay department, the amount of series it introduces is pretty phenomenal. Otherwise wouldn't have ever met Valkyrie, Sakura Wars and other series I love today, and never really dug deep on Capcom's amazing legacy from the 90s.

It's even weirder in hindsight since Namco x Capcom wasn't allowed outerstates, when it would have worked fine due how there was Marvel VS Capcom introducing plenty of older Capcom-characters and more, while you could probably find the more retro Namco-chars through Namco Museum-games...

Speaking of Marvel VS Capcom, I wish they'd do a compilation game for the two first games for Switch... :(
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
If nothing else I hope that she can get more music than one part of a medley

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
If nothing else I hope that she can get more music than one part of a medley
The composer team in this game seems really pushing the variety, so I highly believe we'll be getting good sum of gems. Dunno what's the preference with the Namco-based music among the composers though...


~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Haaah! Been a while since I put my helmet back on!

Anyway, the slate's been insanely swept clean with various Spirits probably deconfirming ton of characters for the time being...

Probably might want to get it all the way of finding out if Valk's shown within Ultimate as a Spirit. In the meantime, I could go dig through her games again for more info and content on her character. Something I wanted to for my own fun a bit, due a particularly interesting thing I never thought would see a light of the day...

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~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I checked the list of spirits and apparently, there's none based on Namco's other retro games, meaning Valkyrie, "ahem", SURVIVED THE SLAUGHTER

Sadly no music-related content or similar towards Valk on that end - Mappy meanwhile gets a medley mix. Sorry meleebrawler meleebrawler .

With that out of the way, I guess the slate's looking pretty clean for Valkyrie. Probably gonna start things regarding her the following month.

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Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
I don't think Spirits can be referred to as a disconfirmation of a character, considering that they're basically the equivalent of a trophy which are still fair game if Mewtwo, and Lucas thought us anything. But yeah things are looking good for Valkyrie.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
I don't think Spirits can be referred to as a disconfirmation of a character, considering that they're basically the equivalent of a trophy which are still fair game if Mewtwo, and Lucas thought us anything. But yeah things are looking good for Valkyrie.
If we believe stuff like that then Valkyrie's probably already deconfirmed because she's probably still a part of Pac-Man's taunt.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I don't think Spirits can be referred to as a disconfirmation of a character, considering that they're basically the equivalent of a trophy which are still fair game if Mewtwo, and Lucas thought us anything. But yeah things are looking good for Valkyrie.
I guess why I find this little difficult to take that way is that Mewtwo and Lucas were both veteran fighters, as opposed to being wholly new characters. On that end, Piranha Plant wasn't shown as a Spirit so far... :ohwell:


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
I guess why I find this little difficult to take that way is that Mewtwo and Lucas were both veteran fighters, as opposed to being wholly new characters. On that end, Piranha Plant wasn't shown as a Spirit so far... :ohwell:
Because he was being developed alongside the base game, therefore didn't need to have a different spirit "just in case". You can argue whether or not he was planned to be DLC, but it doesn't change the fact they had him close to being done enough to have a proper introduction video, unlike Mewtwo who only had a model until later.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
So uh, Joker from Persona 5 is a thing in Smash now.

I'm curious of what this pertains to DLC at large, but as it seems, it's looking much less likely that we'll be getting much 1st party reps from existing franchises in Smash as of now...

Valkyrie seems an interesting case with all this, since she'd be repping her own franchise, but it depends if she'll be even chosen over other reps of Namco,



Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
I know nothing about her outside of X zone.

But what I DO know is that she would make a good assist trophy

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I know nothing about her outside of X zone.

But what I DO know is that she would make a good assist trophy
She most likely would made sense as one, especially with how we still have likes of Akira Yuki in his glorious blockiness be an Assist in Smash Ultimate now.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
OP has had broken images for quite a while, so went to clean it up a bit.

Nevertheless, to supporters first time here, I welcome you warmly!

Something I must say now though: it astounds me happily how Valkyrie's appeal still seems to be strong watching the media related to her even today - good sum of fans are actively showing their support for her to be in Smash or similar in them, such as Youtube-comments. And now and then, there's been people here in Smashboards still showing support to her randomly, which has me quite happy.

It had me wonder if this all could lead to enough powerful movement to rival likes of Geno one day - something about her timeless appeal seems to give a hint of that feeling.

Of course, this might be kinda shooting into stars at the moment, exploring such thoughts - but I feel I ought to keep nurturing her presence out to people who need a representative for the collective voices of support and fond adoration to her I keep stumbling across. It makes me feel there's a good potential for a passionate community to be built here while the Fighters' Pass Campaign is still going.

For now I'll be keeping on bringing in as much of media about her in while exploring her moveset in some new, fresh ways - since Hero's movepool shown in Smash Ultimate had me rethink her over. Though there's some sum to draw from for me, including particularly insane fangame I've been following for quite many years during my speculation of Smash 4 and Ultimate.

I try to keep that yet unmentioned for now to stick on exploring more of Valkyrie's source material throughly. Might start with her first game in this case again, after getting around half-way some years back.

To some people out there unable to play it for various reasons, or want an extensive overview nonetheless, here's a video from Jimmy Hapa of Import Gaming FTW! :

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Planet Cool

Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2014
I only know Valkyrie from Namco High and the ShiftyLook comic (not that those would ever be acknowledged in Smash, probably), but she's my #1 pick for second Namco rep. She's tough, sweet, funny and has a great design.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I only know Valkyrie from Namco High and the ShiftyLook comic (not that those would ever be acknowledged in Smash, probably), but she's my #1 pick for second Namco rep. She's tough, sweet, funny and has a great design.
Hehheh~ she had quite a charming character back in those adaptations and Namco High - boy did I want to romance her if I had a chance.

Got to agree on most of the things you said about her. I kinda feel Valkyrie as depicted by her original character designer in her manga adaptations, has some parallels of those traits that made you fall for her back in ShiftyLook's adaptations - though perhaps with less self-awareness and fun sense of humor.


Planet Cool

Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2014
Have modern adaptations preserved any of her sense of humor from the ShiftyLook adaptation? That really is the version of her I love, although I'd be happy to learn more about her "classic" incarnation.

Namco High is still out there if you're willing to look for it. A Klonoa fansite had a fully-functioning mirror up until recently, too. And Valkyrie's path was one of the most emotional. I'll tell you about it if you want.

EDIT: Just read about her Option Magic. What if Valkyrie in Smash looks like her classic design, but her mini-clones look like her ShiftyLook design? Food for thought!
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Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
With Lloyd Irving and Heihachi Mishima being mentioned most of the time as the potential picks for a second Bandai Namco rep, it had not occurred to me until I saw this thread that Valkyrie has very much the same (if not greater) possibilities of being the pick as one of the two remaining DLC fighters for SSBU! I first learned of Valkyrie playing Project X Zone (1 & 2), and after reading up on her history in this thread, I see her chances increase due to the fact that she could represent a different game genre (top-down shooter with some rpg elements), and her playstyle could be unique (if not crazy). She could very much be a mix of :ultlink:(because of her sword & shield stance),:ultpalutena:(because of the fact that she's a form of deity, plus she uses magic),:ultolimar:(because of her Option Magic, and the ability of her to control familiars, which could very much be translated to a Pikmin management mechanic).

Planet Cool

Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2014
I think Valk would more closely resemble Rosalina than Olimar, because presumably her Option Magic clones would mimic her own moves instead of just kind of attacking blindly.

Or maybe they could shoot a small projectile in whichever direction Valk is attacking, like the projectile gloves from Rayman Legends.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Have modern adaptations preserved any of her sense of humor from the ShiftyLook adaptation? That really is the version of her I love, although I'd be happy to learn more about her "classic" incarnation.

EDIT: Just read about her Option Magic. What if Valkyrie in Smash looks like her classic design, but her mini-clones look like her ShiftyLook design? Food for thought!
It kind of depends, most of the crossover appearances Valkyrie had that deployed her Option Magic in her arsenal tended to stick on the general depictions of herself miniaturized, though also playing with SD-style looks.

But I personally would find it very funny if they tried to corporate ShiftyLook's design to it. Maybe they'd try their own depiction with that sort of mindset.

With Lloyd Irving and Heihachi Mishima being mentioned most of the time as the potential picks for a second Bandai Namco rep, it had not occurred to me until I saw this thread that Valkyrie has very much the same (if not greater) possibilities of being the pick as one of the two remaining DLC fighters for SSBU! I first learned of Valkyrie playing Project X Zone (1 & 2), and after reading up on her history in this thread, I see her chances increase due to the fact that she could represent a different game genre (top-down shooter with some rpg elements), and her playstyle could be unique (if not crazy).

I'm quite intrigued myself if there'd be a chance pick for Valk due her beloved retro status these days, though as you said, Heihachi and Lloyd Irving (or Yuri Lowell), look to be quite formidable competitors due more mainstream presence.

Frankly, I'd be floored though if she happened to be like, the final DLC Fighter. :drflip:

She could very much be a mix of :ultlink:(because of her sword & shield stance),:ultpalutena:(because of the fact that she's a form of deity, plus she uses magic),:ultolimar:(because of her Option Magic, and the ability of her to control familiars, which could very much be translated to a Pikmin management mechanic).

I think Valk would more closely resemble Rosalina than Olimar, because presumably her Option Magic clones would mimic her own moves instead of just kind of attacking blindly.

Or maybe they could shoot a small projectile in whichever direction Valk is attacking, like the projectile gloves from Rayman Legends.
That last bit is pretty close to how she performed in original games, since I also had played Rayman Legends - so I get the picture here.

After these ideas being tossed around here, I've been bit exploring her moveset possibilities through reviewing her games out so far - and there's a good sum of setups to build from her core mechanics I presented here. She could at best up being a hybrid of :ultshulk:'s mode management applied on :ultmegaman:'s projectile play, with :ultlink:'s sword attacks at base, Then there'd be the capabilities of micromanagement and extending hitboxes through familiars, inspired by mechanics of :ultrosalina:'s Luma and :ultolimar:'s Pikmin.

For now I'll be exploring her Sword Beam Magic before Options, since latter might be better implemented when this might be more central to her entire moveset.

Anyway, with Sword Beam Magic, I feel could be implemented within her standard attacks to be fired everytime she uses any of them akin to how she shoots a beam everytime you swing her sword in the games:

With this, for example her standard attack could be comparable to :ultmegaman:'s Neutral A with this, doing her signature slash down and firing the beam with it. The projectile could be weak but good for approaching - meanwhile if she's close enough to you, you'd take a hit from her sword which do more damage and knockback.

If to make a playstyle out of this entirely, I could see Valkyrie gaining a Standard B that that allows her to change the type of Sword Beam she'd use for her standard and aerial attacks, akin to :ultshulk:'s Monado Arts.

Each of these Sword Beams would have different properties, changing ways Valkyrie can inflict damage and knockback on opponent, and even alter the followups she can do from them. They could grow even in power and utility during charging Smash Attacks or other things.

For example, if she picked the Drill Shot Beam, it would penetrate through opponents in style of Drill Arm-item, while her sword could flinch them repeatedly like Corrin's F-Smash during charging, and more. Might lead to easy followups and traps, but the damage would be weak in comparison to other Sword Beams.

On that end, in the games, after running out certain number of bullets, Valkyrie would lose her current Sword Beam, switching to next type in her reserve.
In Smash this'd be much quicker, and she'd either have to wait for them Sword Beams to be usable again while switching to another.

Anyway, I feel this would be closer to how she'd be in the games, except applied all around her moveset and making a playstyle out of that. So like, if Shulk's Monado Arts became projectiles instead, laid down on Link's sword attacks, I believe.

I try to explore Option Magic later, but quite intrigued with the thoughts tossed here so far.

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Planet Cool

Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2014
Here's a question: what would her stage and taunts be like? Any particularly memorable settings in Marvel Land?

EDIT: Is there a cool 3D image of Valk I can use in the roster maker?
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~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC

Just wanted to drop in and say that I support Valkyrie, she IS basically Ms. Namco and she does deserve to have more attention honestly, I would really love to see her so count me in!
Added you to the supporter list! Welcome aboard, even if the ride's been relatively slow over the years.

So... as of last few days, I've actually sat down to try clearing the original Adventure of Valkyrie for the Famicom.

I must tell you all, it can really wear on you if you don't know how to play your beginning cards right and know some secrets. The enemies, especially with those spamming fireballs at you while flanking Valk in in groups of four, can be easily occurring insta-death on your run.

The leveling system and the strength-centric stat mechanic tied to it can really make or break how fast can progress through the game too:

As the super-human mechanic of Valkyrie being able to level down entire mountains with a mere axe, is only unlocked after her maximum HP grows over 128 units in-game. Depending on your blood type and zodiac sign chosen, can take quite a while to reach.

You may ask, why on earth does she need to level down mountains? Because she can't access the right half of the 2nd Continent of Marvel Land otherwise for further progression, and some wells (this game's equivalent of dungeons), are also surrounded by mountains way back in 1st Continent. Those places are pretty deadly, but do possess equipment that never break. Yeah, this game also features breaking equipment, though mainly through random chance of happening when you get damaged by many enemies over time.

I'm kind of inclined to do a "Quick Guide" on tackling the game for whoever might feel curious around here to explore it after experiencing the later, more accessible classics of Valkyrie. Until then, it's back on to the quest.

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