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The Diver Dives In, Explore The Blue Through The Wii’s Hidden Jems (Endless Ocean Franchise Rep)

Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018

Endless Ocean was a highly underrated Wii series that saw you, the player, take on the task of exploring the deep blue, finding animals and determining species through petting them. The games would also see you working for a company or person, sometimes asking you to take on tasks like taking clients for a tour of the deep. The games’ also have simple stories to go along with gameplay, usually introducing mystical elements.

The first game was generally about exploration, but you learn that your boss, Katherine, lost her father as he never came back after looking for the White Mother a mysterious new species of Whale.

The second game, subtitled ‘Blue World’, has the player work for Jean Eric and his grand daughter, Océane. Océane pendant breaks off at the beginning of the game creating a sound that prompts a whale attack. After dodging the attack the player and Océane go back to Jean-Eric. Océane sees that her pendant isn’t complete and goes to find one of the pieces she lost. The pieces make out ‘The Song of Dragons’ which is a mystical and contains a map to treasure

The game is very good, but most people will probably recognize it due to Game Grumps 2 lets play series of the titles.

Why Endless Ocean Deserves a Rep
Endless Ocean deserves a rep due to the lacking amount of any representation in Smash. The series is a good decade old at this point, and Nintendo has seemigly forgot about this hidden gem of a series. Endless Ocean really breaks the mold of other Nintendo games, being more realistic and more about learning and discovering more about the sea, making it an amazing edutainment game. The series, while not the most talked about is deeply loved by many, and deserves far more recognition than it gets. Honestly, there really isn’t a big reason to include EO as it doesn’t have that much popularity and is a more forgotten franchise, but I’d argue that Smash should put it in for that reason, as more people need to play these games and hopefully it could spark interest in a Switch sequel.

How the Diver Would Play
The Diver would be a very interesting character, having to use real world objects and animals in their move set. This would make the Diver very different as dolphins, orcas, sharks, and the like all come together to form their move set. The Diver themself would be a very floaty character to give off the idea that they’re floating in the sea. Their jumps are less jump looking, and more like swimming upwards, and their shield is formed to be a bubble instead of the usual. The Diver will be a hard hitting fighter, but with decent air speed, but don’t be to worried as their running ground speed is awful, capturing how a person would be slow moving in water. The Diver will heavily represent the Ocean and it’s physics in gameplay.

Moveset For The Diver

1) Neutral A - Jab/ Punch

2) Neutral A combo - Jab, Jab, then a kick with their flipers.

3) Neutral Up A - They go into a hand-stand like position and move their legs as if they are swimming down

4) Running Neutral A - Fall into a swimming position, kicking feet in back and moving hands in front

5) Neutral Down A - Character swipes hand downwards as if they were petting a small creature

6) Charged Up A - Orca whale friend jumps out of water and into air. Can be seen at (0:24)

7) Charged Side A - Diver takes out bucket of fish food and splashes it on opponent.

8) Charged Down A - Diver holds out fish (arctic cod to be specific) as Spotted Seal jumps up.

I chose the spotted Seal because it is in both titles and will occasionally find itself on the boat with the player.

The attack would work as a seal bounces in the air to attack opponents.

9) Neutral Air, A (Air)
This diving position could work as a neutral air.

Down Neutral Air, Down A (air)
The Diver goes straight down, similarly to someone jumping into a pool. Land creates splash on platforms, enemies get hit.

Back Neutral Air, Back A (air)
The Diver holds the legendary Big Bobby Penguin, which moves backwards to poke opponents with beak.
Big Bobby: http://endlessocean.wikia.com/wiki/Big_Bobby

Up Neutral Air, Up A (air)
Otter climbs on Diver and hits opponents with tail. The otter will be a sea otter due to that being one of two otter species in the game and it being in both Endless Ocean titles


1) Neutral Special B - Pulsar Gun
In the second game, the Diver gets a pulsar gun to calm violent creatures such as Sharks, in Smash, the move would function similarly to ZSS’s gun and stun opponents

2) Up Special, Up B - Dolphin Ride
In both Endless Ocean games, the player is able to ride on a Dolphin companion that they befriended. For the up special, the diver’s first companion in 2, the Short-Beaked Coomon Dolphin helps in aiding the player by jumping up with them.

Short Beaked Common Dolphin: http://endlessocean.wikia.com/wiki/Short-beaked_Common_Dolphin_Partner

Diver will hang on from the top

Dolphin will jump at an arch, making it easier to recover from a distance, but they could be hindered in height.

3) Side Special, Side B - Jet Ski
The Diver will pull out and ride a jet ski in a similar fashion to Wario and his bike. There have been Jet Skis in Endless Ocean that the player gets to ride, but it could also be a subtle reference to Wave Race.

4) Down Special, Down B - Get Out of The Way! Predator Approaching! (Counter)
The Diver is able to counter attacks and accidentally dish out a devastating blow to opponents. I say accidentally as the Diver wasn’t dodging the opponent’s attacks, rather the shark that swoops in from the background. The Shark will quickly attack the opponent as the Diver uses his pulsar to stop it. Showing the mechanics of predators and the pulsar for his down Special, as well as involving the sharks everyone loves.

Magu Tapa: http://endlessocean.wikia.com/wiki/Magu_Tapa
Thanatos: http://endlessocean.wikia.com/wiki/Thanatos

The Diver will essentially flip over the sharks to dodge. Also the two sharks will be represented by the two games respective scary sharks being Magu Tapa and Thanatos as shown above.

This is the danger symbol that appears before attack.

Final Smash
The Song of Dragons
The Diver uses The Dragon Flute, an item found in Blue World. Once played, Whales enter the arena swimming around to cause major damage or KO opponents on their dive.

The left side will have the Hump Back Whale duo of momma and calf from the beggening of Blue World. The right side will be the White Mother, a new species of whale for Endless Ocean.


White Mother: http://endlessocean.wikia.com/wiki/White_Mother
Humpback Whale: http://endlessocean.wikia.com/wiki/Humpback_Whale

1) Up Taunt
A sea lion appears and starts clapping by Diver.

It could be any sea lion from the games, but I’m choosing the California Sea Lion

2) Side Taunt
The Diver simply pulls out his book of identified Ocean species and reads a page. Referencing the book of species you have to fill out in the game.

3) Down Taunt
The Diver pets the unrepresented Ocean partner, the Beluga Whale as it makes its iconic noise.

Endless Ocean Stage
The best stage from EO would be Nineball Island from Blue World

The Island would be like Tortimer Island from 3DS, but a cool addition could be companion animals jumping up from the edge of the board walk. Companions include Belugas, Dolphins, and Orcas.

Diver Skins

Default - African American man in blue swim suit. I believe this should be the default as the blue swim suit is used as the main suit, and honestly, not to bring out any SJW, but Smash could use more human diversity as they have White/Asian and Latino covered, so since the Diver can be why not?

Default Female - Let’s just make it the Game Grumps female. Same default skin tone and suit as male, just female with a ponytail.

The Green Suit Male - This could be the bearded and mustached white male option from Endless Ocean 2, just wearing the green version of the outfit.

The Green Suit Female - This would be the Blue World version of the female. She follows the male, being white, but having short hair as opposed to the pony tail from the other female.

The Black Suit Male - The race could be the middle/ latino choice, and they will wear a fully black swim suit. The male Diver didn’t have any other i game divers to have costumes for, so the female will have more Diver character costumes.

Hayako Sakurai

GG, The American Treasure Hunter (Gaston/Gary Gray)

Oceana Louvier, Jean Eric’s Grand daughter.

I believe Endless Ocean is a great franchise that is severely overlooked and I hope it can get more followers with a character inclusion in Smash. I hope you guys enjoy the moveset, and if you have any suggestions leave them below.

I want to thank the Krool community for encouraging me to put this together as their view point on how fan requests can get a chachter in, made me believe that EO might have a chance. Check them out if you have time

Anyway, thanks for reading, I’d love to see and discuss the Diver below.

For more potential move sets check out

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Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
Captain Shades
Head crab Jackalope
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Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2013
I know a few people were hoping for a stage in Smash 4 from this series. Is it a Nintendo owned series?


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2013
Nintendo published the two titles, so yes.
Well it wouldn't be my first choice as playable especially if we are ony getting a few newcomers, but I would love a stage or assist. The more unique universes in Smash, the better.

Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
Well it wouldn't be my first choice as playable especially if we are ony getting a few newcomers, but I would love a stage or assist. The more unique universes in Smash, the better.
Yeah, I don’t expect anything from EO in all honesty, since Wii U and 3DS didn’t have any content, but I’d love for some representation for such an underrated jem. I just had a move set idea and wanted to share it.
Honestly they won’t be my first choice either as that spot goes to Bandana Waddle Dee.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2018
Totally agree you have my support for this. I have an Oceana support thread up too if you wanna check it out. Maybe we can do something together for Endless Oceans?
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Headcrab Jackalope

Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2013
Switch FC
Whoa never thought I'd see Endless Ocean get brought up on Smashboards! Blue World is one of my favorite Wii games and I'd love to see the series represented in Smash. I'm a big fan of diving and marine life too, and having a character with a moveset that incorporates both of those things would be awesome to see. You have my support!
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Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
I support! Honestly, I always figured Endless Ocean would just get a stage, but you've piqued my interest for a playable character, so why not?

Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
Whoa never thought I'd see Endless Ocean get brought up on Smashboards! Blue World is one of my favorite Wii games and I'd love to see the series represented in Smash. I'm a big fan of diving and marine life too, and having a character with a moveset that incorporates both of those things would be awesome to see. You have my support!
Thanks for the support. Honestly this franchise deserves better, it has fun gameplay and is pretty educational. I would love more water/ocean based characters in Smash so thanks for the support.

I support! Honestly, I always figured Endless Ocean would just get a stage, but you've piqued my interest for a playable character, so why not?
Yo, aren’t you the dude from the Pilot Wings thread? Anyway love the support, and I’m glad a piqued your interest. Hope the series gets its much deserved love in Smash.

Totally agree you have my support for this. I have an Oceana support thread up too if you wanna check it out. Maybe we can do something together for Endless Oceans?
I’ll post your thread in my description.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Yo, aren’t you the dude from the Pilot Wings thread? Anyway love the support, and I’m glad a piqued your interest. Hope the series gets its much deserved love in Smash.
Yup! Also, you're welcome! By the way, I don't suppose you saw the message I posted on there? There's something I was talking about there that I guess would apply to Endless Ocean as well.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
This is idea is a little... off the deep end.

I didn't even know I wanted this (or what the heck it was) until now, but I'm sold. The opening post was THAT informative, and this is so out of left field.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2013
What if one of the sharks was an assist? The whole stage floods and goes underwater (complete with amazing lighting effects) and you get the shark attack warning icon appears in the middle of the screen. Then shark attack- but it can attack the summoner as well. Oh and the water makes fall speed a bit slower/floaty. Kind of like the flying variation of Pokemon stadium.

Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
Yup! Also, you're welcome! By the way, I don't suppose you saw the message I posted on there? There's something I was talking about there that I guess would apply to Endless Ocean as well.
Saw your post, and commented

This is idea is a little... off the deep end.

I didn't even know I wanted this (or what the heck it was) until now, but I'm sold. The opening post was THAT informative, and this is so out of left field.
Thanks for the support, I’ll add you to the list. I didn’t know my opening was that convincing. I will say, I heavily enjoy left field characters, so I hope Endless Ocean can be the one for this game.

What if one of the sharks was an assist? The whole stage floods and goes underwater (complete with amazing lighting effects) and you get the shark attack warning icon appears in the middle of the screen. Then shark attack- but it can attack the summoner as well. Oh and the water makes fall speed a bit slower/floaty. Kind of like the flying variation of Pokemon stadium.
I thought about assists, and honestly, if they were to do one I believe it’d be one of the two main supporting human cast members, being either Katherine or Jean-Eric. Both can’t swim, making them unable to be skins, but they could have a nice supporting role. Katherine would most likely work as she pops out with a penguin. The penguin gets a way, causing her to chase after it, shoving opponents out of the way. Jean-Eric could work by driving his boat into the battlefield, creating massive waves where players can either be hurt from his ship or the waves it causes. Since they’re both human, I think they’d be in the no kill section of assists since realistic people getting smacked around seems a little cruel when they aren’t really fighting back.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2013
Saw your post, and commented

Thanks for the support, I’ll add you to the list. I didn’t know my opening was that convincing. I will say, I heavily enjoy left field characters, so I hope Endless Ocean can be the one for this game.

I thought about assists, and honestly, if they were to do one I believe it’d be one of the two main supporting human cast members, being either Katherine or Jean-Eric. Both can’t swim, making them unable to be skins, but they could have a nice supporting role. Katherine would most likely work as she pops out with a penguin. The penguin gets a way, causing her to chase after it, shoving opponents out of the way. Jean-Eric could work by driving his boat into the battlefield, creating massive waves where players can either be hurt from his ship or the waves it causes. Since they’re both human, I think they’d be in the no kill section of assists since realistic people getting smacked around seems a little cruel when they aren’t really fighting back.
I think an assist would be better featuring the environment and creatures- the important part of the game and what makes it more unique.
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Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
I think an assist would be better featuring the environment and creatures- the important part of the game and what makes it more unique.
I’m going to say no.

Assists are usually fan favorite characters or characters that couldn’t make the cut as fighters. Take Shadow for example, No one but him uses Chaos Control, but he’s a popular character, so they choose him over a character that uses speed and spin dashes. Really, almost every assist is really just a popular character, like since when has Krystal really had that much of an impact on Star Fox.

Jean-Eric and Katherine are both fan favorite characters from the series, along with being the most important side characters of the two games. I think it’s important to represent them in a way that isn’t a trophy. They obviously can’t be Diver skins like Océane due to their lack of swimming ability, so assists would be a good place for them.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2013
I’m going to say no.

Assists are usually fan favorite characters or characters that couldn’t make the cut as fighters. Take Shadow for example, No one but him uses Chaos Control, but he’s a popular character, so they choose him over a character that uses speed and spin dashes. Really, almost every assist is really just a popular character, like since when has Krystal really had that much of an impact on Star Fox.

Jean-Eric and Katherine are both fan favorite characters from the series, along with being the most important side characters of the two games. I think it’s important to represent them in a way that isn’t a trophy. They obviously can’t be Diver skins like Océane due to their lack of swimming ability, so assists would be a good place for them.
Not all the time. Sure, sometime it is popular characters who don't make the cut, but sometimes it is something that represents the game more than actually showing off the character. A good example would be the infantry and tanks from Nintendo Wars/Advance Wars, Helirin, Color TV game 15, Nintendog, Pac Man Ghosts, etc.

Either way an assist isn't crazy likely so we may never know what they'd actually do :/
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Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
Not all the time. Sure, sometime it is popular characters who don't make the cut, but sometimes it is something that represents the game more than actually showing off the character. A good example would be the infantry and tanks from Nintendo Wars/Advance Wars, Helirin, Color TV game 15, Nintendog, Pac Man Ghosts, etc.

Either way an assist isn't crazy likely so we may never know what they'd actually do :/
If Endless Ocean gets a rep, then the assists should be characters from the game. There’s no point in needing to show mechanics when you have a character that fully does that already. Jean and Katherine are both fan favorites while being integral parts of their titles, so not having any representation of them outside of trophies would be a waste.

I personally believe that they should be the assists as they are more interesting than a generic sea creature and they can add some level of fan service to the game. Leave the creatures to the Diver, not the assists.
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