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Team Lora tears apart! - Lora, Jin and Haze for Smash Ultimate! (Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country)


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018

— Knight of Torna, Paragon of Torna, Goddess of Indol —

Lora and Jin are the protagonists of Xenoblade Chronicles 2's story DLC, Torna - The Golden Country. Together with Haze, they form the so-called Team Lora, one of three playable teams within the story DLC, with Lora as the Driver, and both Jin and Haze as Blades. Outside of the DLC, all three of them also have major roles in the main game of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, with Jin in particular being one of its antagonists.
In regards to its scope, Torna - The Golden Country is essentially a full game in its own right, receiving a physical release and being kept seperate from the main game's story mode within the main menu of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, complete with its own New Game Plus+, cutscene viewever and versions.
With the inclusion of Rex and Pyra for the base game of Smash Ultimate unlikely, Lora and Jin are the most recent Xenoblade protagonists, making them possible choices for DLC.

Who and what are Lora, Jin and Haze?
Team Lora is a team consisting of a driver, Lora, and two Blades, Jin and Haze. To quote from the explanation from the Rex support thread:

Existing alongside humans are powerful creatures called Blades. Blades take on many forms, and wield many different weapons. Blades have much longer lifespans than humans, but as a price, they are trapped inside Core Crystals until a Driver awakens them. Drivers are rare people whom are strong enough to harness a Blade's power. Those whom are not strong enough to bond with Blades often get sick when they touch a Core Crystal--or worse. If a Blade's Driver dies, he/she/it will return to its Core Crystal, and all of its memories will be erased. Rinse and repeat.
Lora is a Driver recruited by prince Addam of Torna to aid her in the battle against Malos, a Blade of great power, capable of easily wiping entire kingdoms out of existance by himself.
Jin is an ice-elemental Blade known in Torna as one of the strongest Blades there is. Lora accidentally resonated with him as a ten year old child, with him protecting her ever since then, as they had to fend for themselves.
Haze is a wind-elemental Blade who Lora resonated with at an unknown point in time somewhere between her resonating with Jin, and the main story seventeen years later. Haze's unique powers allow her to supress the abilities of other Blades.

What could Team Lora offer to Smash?
In contrast to the base game of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Torna - The Golden Country features a revamped battle system, in which there's always two members of a team active, a Driver and a Blade, with one acting as the supporting member in the rear, and the active fighter in the front. The two fighters can switch places at any given time, with each switch being accompanied by a so called Switch Art, which also come with valuable bonus effects. Additionally, switching also allows the Team to recover some HP that hasn't been fully "lost" yet, resembling the team-based gameplay in fighting games such as Dragon Ball FighterZ or Marvel vs Capcom.
For Smash, this could be translated into a character dynamic similar in function to the Pokémon Trainer, with a team of three that can switch between characters at any given time. For such a concept, there could also be a balance between the team members be applied:
Jin is the primary damage dealer, with swift and strong attacks.
Haze is more defensive, with her role as a healer in Torna being translated into a defensive character with a good recovery.
Lora is the middle ground between the two, with her own traits being slightly changed in accordance to which Blade she has active.
In terms of the fighting style of the individual members of this team:
Jin is a swordsman, which admittedly isn't that convincing by itself. However, what would set Jin apart from other swordsmen in Smash is that he uses a dual-handed fighting style, reminiscent of samurai, in addition to various ice related powers, such shooting icicles. His own personal talent art damages himself for temporary buffs.
Haze wields a staff, which already is a more unique weapon in Smash. That aside, she of course has various wind abilities, including small storms, and wind shots.
Lora fights mostly with hand-to-hand combat, using various punches and kicks, while also occasionally using a charm on a rope, which acts as something of a whip.

Moveset Idea(s)
- Under construction -
Basic idea: Team Lora cannot switch as freely at any given time as the Pokémon Trainer can, but in exchange for that, they deliver a strong switch art with effects that replicate the Topple, Launch and Smash effects from Xenoblade 2

Community Members - Supporters

View attachment 187918
I made the jin icon now, here's the link https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=72785752
I might work on the haze icon later this week
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I support.

This also reminds me that I should play this more often.


Smash Cadet
Aug 1, 2007
Support! I love Lora and Haze so I would love for his happen along with Rex/Pyra, Adam/Mythra, and Malos! The more XC2 reps the merrier!


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2018
They're okay, but I really just want Malos as an echo fighter for Shulk (both use the Monado) so that I can beat the hell out of him without a cutscene then telling me I actually lost.

Deleted member

What is it with Nintendo Series associated with Swords and having more characters that I think would be amazing Smash additions then can realistically be added?

First it was Fire Emblem, then I saw that Potential in Zelda, and now we have Xenoblade.

Rex & Pyra are at the forefront of everyone's mind for a new XB character
Elma is another likely pick. Though for her it's probably base game or bust.
Malos as a Shulk Echo would be interesting.
And now, we have Team Lora

Got to admit though, for as much trouble as I have with bringing Rex & Pyra's potential together in a moveset, Team Lora gives me even more trouble. I like the idea of having Haze there with Lora and Jin, but trying to figure out a character concept based on all that Switching boggles the mind a tad. You've got Lora in battle at all times, but either at Vanguard or Rear Guard depending on your choice, and then you can Switch Jin and Haze out of battle as well. It's got potential, but it's quite complicated. I certainly lack the moveset craftsmanship to be able to work with it, I'll tell you that much.

And if it wasn't obvious by this point, I support Team Lora for Smash.


Smash Cadet
Jan 31, 2015
Seeing as how Rex and Pyra got deconfirmed (I personally didn't want Rex anyway because he's just disappointing compared to Shulk as a protag) yeah count me on team Lora getting into smash!


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
Well then, I should probably get around to setting up a supporter list. There may not be much, but it's about time. I think I'll thematically use Community feature as namesake.


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2018
Yeah, I'd be all over this honestly. I'm indifferent toward Jin and Haze, but Lora is a really nice character. Probably my favorite thing about her is that she's cute, but they never have to sexualize her to establish that. She just has that charisma innately. We need more characters like that.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 27, 2018
My most wanted character from the Xenoblade series would probably be Fiora from the original, but I know a cool character concept when I see one. Count me in for support. Team Lora may not be what I personally want the most, but still I think it is the objectively BEST choice for a Xenoblade newcomer.
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Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2018
There's very little Xenoblade content in Ultimate, but there's no reason to assume that means anything for DLC. The Golden Country has come and gone so whether or not they still want to advertise it is a crapshoot. Keep your heads up, Tornans--Lora isn't one of my most wanted or anything, but I think she's a really good admirable female protagonist and would make a great character in Smash.


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
My most wanted character from the Xenoblade series would probably be Fiora from the original, but I know a cool character concept when I see one. Count me in for support. Team Lora may not be what I personally want the most, but still I think it is the objectively BEST choice for a Xenoblade newcomer.
I voted for Fiora during the Smash Ballot, but other than that, put me in on the support list for Lora's inclusion.

Pega-pony Princess

Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2013
How did I forget about this thread? Sign me the the heck up! :)

Also potentially great news if you believe that spirits deconfirm playable characters: Jin, Lora, and Haze haven't been seen anywhere in the game at all. That might mean these three have a higher chance to be in Smash as part of a Xenoblade 2 DLC package. I'm optimistic about their chances since Torna has been selling well, but of course they still have competition with the likes of Rex or Elma.

Go team Lora! :happysheep:


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
So, I gotta say...I didn't enjoy what I experienced of XC2. I didn't enjoy the protagonist, I didn't enjoy the gameplay, i didn't enjoy the character designs, and those things blinded me to the rest of the game. However, I saw Lora and Jin and fell in love with their designs and wanted to give it another chance. I like Shulk and mostly liked XC1. I loved XCX. And after a few hours of Torna, I've grown the love the music and aesthetic of 2. A lot of that is down to Team Lora, the different pace and storytelling method, and just genuinely being enamoured with the main characters and their designs. I would LOVE Lora and Jin as DLC. Haze would be cool as well. Elma may be my number one Xenoblade want (and KOS-MOS my number one Xeno rep) but I would love Lora and Jin to be in.

I'm looking forward to playing more Torna since I'm only a few hours in but between them (and Addam, I love Addam) I can say I'm a proud supporter.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
Alright, everyone added to the supporter list! A slow growth, but we're getting more people here.

Though I gotta say, I'm also starting to consider opening up a thread for Malos as a Shulk Echo Fighter. . .

There's very little Xenoblade content in Ultimate, but there's no reason to assume that means anything for DLC. The Golden Country has come and gone so whether or not they still want to advertise it is a crapshoot. Keep your heads up, Tornans--Lora isn't one of my most wanted or anything, but I think she's a really good admirable female protagonist and would make a great character in Smash.
So, should I add you the supporter list or not?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 27, 2018
I did my best to make a Stock Icon for Lora, using her official artwork as a template. It didn't come out very well, but I might as well post it anyway. Perhaps one of you guys could make something better?
Lora Stock Icon.png
BTW, you never added me to the Supporter list.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
I did my best to make a Stock Icon for Lora, using her official artwork as a template. It didn't come out very well, but I might as well post it anyway. Perhaps one of you guys could make something better?
View attachment 180210
BTW, you never added me to the Supporter list.
Good work on the icon! It's a bit rough around the edges, but I think it's still pretty neat.

I support, if only for Fan la Norne. :)
Added! And a valid enough reasoning, really.


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2017
Boise, Idaho
Switch FC
Hard support. With Rex being deconfirmed this is the best way to rep XC2 now imho.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 27, 2018
It's been confirmed by Reggie that all DLC characters will be from unrepped franchises. So unfortunately, Lora and co. are out of the picture. Maybe next time.
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Smash Apprentice
May 30, 2018
It's been confirmed by Reggie that all DLC characters will be from unrepped franchises. So unfortunately, Lora and co. are out of the picture. Maybe next time.
That's not what he said.

What Reggie Said.jpg

He said new to the series. Not new franchises. I do think many if not all characters could be 3rd party but its definitely not guaranteed nor are Jin and Lora deconfirmed.
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Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
Count me in! Lora is so much better as a character than Rex!

Xenoblade is amazing and deserves another rep and there's Noone more deserving than Lora


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
So question: how does one get on that supporter list?
Publicly denounce Xenoblade Chronicles 2 as being far inferior to Torna: The Golden Country
Nah, just joking. You only need to say that you support them and want to be added to the list, and I'm gonna do that.

View attachment 187918
I made the jin icon now, here's the link https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=72785752
I might work on the haze icon later this week
Sweet! Gonna add that to the OP as well.
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Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
Publicly denounce Xenoblade Chronicles 2 as being far inferior to Torna: The Golden Country
Nah, just joking. You only need to say that you support them and want to be added to the list, and I'm gonna do that.
I'm not denouncing XC2 but TTGC was much much better
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