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Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
nah, squirtle is both land and water turtle, look at his legs, he has obvious feet for land movement


gases diffuse until a point of equilibrium...how do you think you smell something in the air...diffusion...if you're closer to the source the smell is stronger...when you are further away it's not as strong...we explained this concept in the ICs vs Olimar topic..and I would expect they deliver poison the same way Ivysaur does...
no, ivysaur sends out poisonous spores, not poisonous gas


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
NOT THIS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

okie-dokie, i had the epic argument with Dryn about this last time Ivysaur was up.

Animals like Rhinos and Hippos run fast BECAUS ETHEY ARE TREMENDOUS IN STATURE

this means that even with their stubby legs, their pace can cover like 12ft in a stride, making them go very fast

shrink them to ivysaur's size however, and theyre slow as crap
Ivysaur is still long enough to stride...and be ahead of squirtle...squirtle is slower than dirt...:p
nah, squirtle is both land and water turtle, look at his legs, he has obvious feet for land movement


no, ivysaur sends out poisonous spores, not poisonous gas
How big are the spores?
Are they like the little dust-looking spores that mold release when you pound moldy bread?
then how do snapping turtles or red sliders or other hard shelled river turtles swim?
compare their legs and feet to squirtle's and you'll see...


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
I find silly how people think spores = gas.

Im not responding to nor pink guy or marthage because they both didnt pay attention.

Spore = solid. Air = gas. Diffusion = with a waste of energy you can transport something with high concentration to a place with low concentration of what you want.

Like a water with suggar, and a water with none. Put them side by side, the water with no sugar will start absorving the watter with sugar until their concentration matches.

If you think spores will do difusion with the air, you are nuts. They just hang out there, and they travel with wind that blows them away.

So you both, learn to biology + chemistry and then argue ¬¬.

@Sam: Squirtle is a tortoise because he lives in land. Thats it.

Even tho, water turtles are sure to have less resistance in their shells(less keratin if you will) so they can be more mobile an swim smoothier. But, there are still hybrid turtles(ones that pass equal times on both land and sea depending on seasons) that have their shell as hard, or even harden than turtoises. Because depending on the season their keratin production changes.

Squirtle can be a hybrid turtle, and you cant say nothing about it =/.

@Zelda: The only "thing" capable of producing SPORES are mushrooms. Flowers and vegetables produce or seeds or "polen". So by bio-logic you can only say that the thing on ivy back is a giant mushroom.

Therefore you cant say im wrong =/.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil

My mind just blew up.

Suirtle is a squirrel.

Squirrel have those really good cheecks that can provide him enough pressure to shoot down water. The reason is that his cheecks can triplicate its size if needed too, and can take greats amount of pressures to handle 40 nuts in a mouth. Plus, squirtles are able to spit naturally.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY

My mind just blew up.

Suirtle is a squirrel.

Squirrel have those really good cheecks that can provide him enough pressure to shoot down water. The reason is that his cheecks can triplicate its size if needed too, and can take greats amount of pressures to handle 40 nuts in a mouth. Plus, squirtles are able to spit naturally.
did you just say squirtles instead of squirrels? or did you mean squirtle?
lol :laugh:
anyway it's the stats from the previous matches so wouldn't squirtle only be able to shoot water if he swallowed some from a source?


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Yeah ^^.

And i meant squirtle :p.

Edit: So people, stop complaining about squirtle not being able to shoot water. If ivy has a fungus on its back(note: fungus should prolly decompes the **** out of ivy, but we didnt make him do so), so its ok for squirtle to use his canon and shoot water too.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2009
So...after reading a few pages, i'm more than convinced that ivysaur wins this. let me explain:

- both of them can use melee attacks.

ivy has teeth and sharper claws. squirtle has jaws and blunt claws. ivy wins.

- squirtle cant fit in his shell to hide, therefore all ivy has to do is attack an appendage outside of the shell and squirtle takes damage. squirtle has no major way of hurting ivy. ivy wins.

- it was brought up that squirtle can run and attack. this exerts more energy from squirtle while ivy camps. ivy may not be as agile, but that means he uses less energy. and squirtle is carrying his shell the entire time, so that curtails any endurance arguements that may be brought up. ivy wins.

- the fact that squirtle can shoot water was another mute point. squirtle cant shoot what he doesnt have, unless you want to argue about a resevior of water in his body. and even with that, the water has no pressure and he can't spit water at poison spores to stop the poison. nullify, yes. to alleviate the entire effect of the poison, no. this is why allergy attacks can still happen when its raining (referring to pollen). ivy wins.

- if squirtle is a turtle, ivy is more than capable of knocking him on his back. he could use his tail to regain balance, but if ivy bites or steps on that, hes really dead, especially if ivy can use the poison at this close range. ivy wins.

- back to the water, without any pressure, hes literally watering ivysaur and the bulb on its back. all plants need are water, soil, and sunlight. assuming the battlefield has soil, ivy camping giving him sunlight, and squirtle giving water its safe to say ivy isnt geeting weaker while squirtle does what he can to delay the inevitable. ivy wins.

-plus, squirtle, with all the water in squirtle's body, his pores are open. spores say hello to your skin and gg in 10 mins (mind you with all the movement squirtle is doing, his heart is pumping faster and so is the poison in his body. given his size, that will not take long.) ivy wins.

-ivysaur is part dinosaur, so he has killing in his genes. what do turtles hunt? or squirrels for that matter? ivy wins. so unless someone can prove me wrong, i dont see why we're still having this discussion.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
I find silly how people think spores = gas.

Im not responding to nor pink guy or marthage because they both didnt pay attention.

Spore = solid. Air = gas. Diffusion = with a waste of energy you can transport something with high concentration to a place with low concentration of what you want.

Like a water with suggar, and a water with none. Put them side by side, the water with no sugar will start absorving the watter with sugar until their concentration matches.

If you think spores will do difusion with the air, you are nuts. They just hang out there, and they travel with wind that blows them away.

So you both, learn to biology + chemistry and then argue ¬¬.

@Sam: Squirtle is a tortoise because he lives in land. Thats it.

Even tho, water turtles are sure to have less resistance in their shells(less keratin if you will) so they can be more mobile an swim smoothier. But, there are still hybrid turtles(ones that pass equal times on both land and sea depending on seasons) that have their shell as hard, or even harden than turtoises. Because depending on the season their keratin production changes.

Squirtle can be a hybrid turtle, and you cant say nothing about it =/.

@Zelda: The only "thing" capable of producing SPORES are mushrooms. Flowers and vegetables produce or seeds or "polen". So by bio-logic you can only say that the thing on ivy back is a giant mushroom.

Therefore you cant say im wrong =/.
Yeah ^^.

And i meant squirtle :p.

Edit: So people, stop complaining about squirtle not being able to shoot water. If ivy has a fungus on its back(note: fungus should prolly decompes the **** out of ivy, but we didnt make him do so), so its ok for squirtle to use his canon and shoot water too.
Let's hear it for Tocador being a complete moron....>.>

Completely missing the other points in my and Zelda's posts....lrn2read moar...
^with my trolling session done..

A. You still haven't addressed the fact that the poison is UBIQUITOUS...
C.IVYSAUR Can force squirtle into breathing...
D.Squirtle is still back-heavy so if he falls on his back, he is screwed..
E. because of D squirtle can't move fast....
F. Ivysaur can just run circles around squirtle spreading the pores...squirtle can't catch him, Ivy can stride further

If we're pulling canon with squirtle shooting water...than Ivy should have vines...>.>

Ivysaur can wait all day...and still be in control the entire match

"Squirtle can shoot water"-even with this new squirrel theory...squirtle still won't have enough pressure to do anything major,

Plus where's squirtle source?
Water vapor from the air?-there are small amounts in each area of air...if Ivysaur is already spread his poison in the large quantities of air, then there goes that source...

"Absorb water from his skin"-Oh hey look remember how the poison gets trapped in water through osmosis :rolleyes: great job poisoning yourself squirtle

"Inside his body?"-Go ahead squirtle dehydrate yourself, make it easier for Ivysaur

^anything to say?


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
lol, I'm so bored I've resorted to CPU's to answer this MU for me :laugh:
10 matches Ivy vs. squirtle they are both level 9
no items
neutral stages
and Ivy beat squirtle 7-3

lol one match squirtle's trainer switched in
I had to restart it


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Let's hear it for Tocador being a complete moron....>.>

Completely missing the other points in my and Zelda's posts....lrn2read moar...
^with my trolling session done..

A. You still haven't addressed the fact that the poison is UBIQUITOUS...
C.IVYSAUR Can force squirtle into breathing...
D.Squirtle is still back-heavy so if he falls on his back, he is screwed..
E. because of D squirtle can't move fast....
F. Ivysaur can just run circles around squirtle spreading the pores...squirtle can't catch him, Ivy can stride further

If we're pulling canon with squirtle shooting water...than Ivy should have vines...>.>

Ivysaur can wait all day...and still be in control the entire match

"Squirtle can shoot water"-even with this new squirrel theory...squirtle still won't have enough pressure to do anything major,

Plus where's squirtle source?
Water vapor from the air?-there are small amounts in each area of air...if Ivysaur is already spread his poison in the large quantities of air, then there goes that source...

"Absorb water from his skin"-Oh hey look remember how the poison gets trapped in water through osmosis :rolleyes: great job poisoning yourself squirtle

"Inside his body?"-Go ahead squirtle dehydrate yourself, make it easier for Ivysaur

^anything to say?
OK, you lost your self when you said squirtle cant shoot water.

The only animal(or kingdom) able to produce spores are fungus. So meaning that ivy can use attacks called "Stun SPORE" means that the thing behind him, is a mushroom. Mushrooms are the reproductive organ of when 2 fungus interract with their micela.

That being said, fungus, and only fungus, are always decomposers. Decomposers are fun you know. They way they feed(get energy) is really fun, they breake down organic matter into particles like salt and Co2 or AMONIA. Mainly inorganic matter. Thats why dead peoples bodys get rotten and such.

This being said: The GIANG mushroom on ivys back means that there should be at least a few hundread fungus(yeah one mushroom can be the "reproductive thingy" for a lot of fungus if they feel like it), or 2 very agressive fungus.

Fungus decompose living matter, like ivy. So IRL, after a bulbassaur evolves to a ivysaur, it should have 1 to 20 days of life, depending on the strength of the mycosis(every disease called by fungus are name mycosis if you are wandering).

And with fungus decomposing the crap out of you, you shouldnt be even able to walk or such, as you would have 0 energy.

Case closed.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
he has stun spore, but also posion POWDER, etc. It might be pollen
Fungus are the only living "thing" capable of producing spores, and some of them can produce neuro-toxins(aka poison powders) to kill predators. O yeah, polen cant be harmfull, because usually the ones that get the polen to other flowers are insects/animals, and any harmfull polen would kill them, or at least make them not go to that flower anyome.

There are no harmfull polen in earth.(only if you are alergic).

@currentMU: Falco should be able to camp lucas easily, i mean, he never had amo for the lasers, and i think lucas use a "magic stuff" that goes aways after uses. Meaning falco's pew pew will last longer than lucas psi magnet.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
and Falco would sit there shooting the magnet?
♥ Well no, but Lucas has his own means for attack as well, obviously when he gets close enough,Lucas could just use PK fire...or his badass stick. Besides, how would Falco go about holding his Blaster? ♥

♥ @Tocador: It stays there for as long as he wants it to, that is, unless it's different in the Mother 3.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
So joe, i proved you that IRL ivysaur = dead. What about that mu now? Or you can say that the bulb is a flower and then spores/poisons wont be viable. So what, rematch or ivy dead?


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
even if it is a fungus, it can be a simbiosis:

Ivy spends his time eating stuff all day, and feeds the fungus on his back

in return, the fungus provides spores to defend the two


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Lucas and Ness had minor PSI abilities in their last match

It carried over to here, it;s not exactly canon, but it;s more or less Lucas having something to put up with Falco's OMG LAZOR
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