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Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Now we all know that I'm really for snake just because of Snake's skill in hand to hand and his weaponry expertise(lol flashbang)...but I just can't let an MU just die like this so I'm gonna be ******** and go pro DK until someone who is genuinely pro DK comes in.....<.< (It's for the ratings son...)
Really? Because I don't see anyone rooting for Snake since he doesn't have that many weapons

Nao-Things like grenades are deadly, large blast zone....but one must remember the circumstances that our fighters enter the arena under....they have no clue where the opponent is at, they just know they exist...if DK catches snake by surprise then his Simian strength is going to rip Snake in two...

^wtf my DK argument fails
He doesn't have grenades, and I'm pretty sure they are out in the open, like the rest of the fights. Right?


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
the danger is that Snake has that flashbang....

With DK blind and deaf Snake can almost pull anything on him...

yes DK will flail around, but remember that Snake can see him...go in at the right time...and kill him....

Or wait for the flashbang to fade and as DK reorientates himself...snake knifes him...

Snake's flashbang opens up many doors for him...

EDIT: Justaway12-not always out in the open...there have been small discussions on what would be the best neutral environment for the MU to take place....<.<
also....joke son...(tis for the ratings, you're supposed to flame me for putting a stupid post...don't you watch tv...)


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2009
In the Cul-de-sac of Atlanta, GA
I figured they were fast but wasn't too sure. If Snake winds up fighting DK up close then Snake will have to be at the top of his game to avoid getting hit by DK. One hit by DK will probably put Snake in a coma lol Idk though Snake could win but I'm feeling more of a victory by DK..
Edit: Since Snake has a flashbang then as soon as DK's blinded wouldn't Snake just go ahead and go for the kill?


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
Umm....JOE!, I think you just screwed Snake completely.

I'd explain why but....then the disscusion would end too quickly.

I'll just say that Gorillas are bigger chimps.... and you know what bigger muscles mean.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA

Edit: Since Snake has a flashbang then as soon as DK's blinded wouldn't Snake just go ahead and go for the kill?
Well Snake shouldn't just out right go in for it...
the flashbang effects last for a little while...so Snake has some time...

One would assume DK would be flailing or something from being blind so Snake would just have to make his away around DK and *stab*

@ET-But DK can't see or hear.....Snake pretty much has DK defenseless with that...DK can swing, but he's more than likely just throwing at air...


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Snake;s knife is also a taser, it could very well parylize DK when he is stabbed (for enough time to do some damage)


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
the danger is that Snake has that flashbang....

With DK blind and deaf Snake can almost pull anything on him...
If you're talking about weapons, then no, he can't

yes DK will flail around, but remember that Snake can see him...go in at the right time...and kill him....
If he is flailing around, it would be very difficult to get close, and the smoke will a little make it hard to see him as well.

Or wait for the flashbang to fade and as DK reorientates himself...snake knifes him...
How many stabs would it take to kill him anyway? If Snake manages to get that close? I asked that question this question becasue, I'm pretty Gorilla are made of sturdier stuff than human. even a taser would cause him to react right?

EDIT: Justaway12-not always out in the open...there have been small discussions on what would be the best neutral environment for the MU to take place....<.<
Why? It should all be the same place in my opinion, if something takes place inside a jungle and something else takes place inside an arena then it might be completely different.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
Doubt snake will win. Gorillas have more dexterity than lots of other chimps, can hang themselves with one arm for extended periods of time, males are said to be 15 times stronger than a person....or even more considering there is so little known about them. So strong in fact, that they can bend metal bars with little problem.

They are also extremely tough animals whose muscles require a weapon as strong as a rifle to take them down. A simple stab will only pierce through their outer skin, not their muscles.

And tasers are made to stun humans, not giant male gorillas.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
it depends on where he stabs, not how many Justaway
You could say both, I asked how many because I want to know how many hit a gorilla would take, but it would still be easier to hit a non-critical place rather than somewhere that's critical right? Beside I always thought it wouldn't go deep enough since they seem to be very muscly

EDIT: I guess like what Payasofbia said


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
If you're talking about weapons, then no, he can't
I'm talking about the knife....

If he is flailing around, it would be very difficult to get close, and the smoke will a little make it hard to see him as well.
Flash bangs don't use smoke....that's a smoke grenade...
Flashbangs emit deafening noise a bright flash of light that leaves the victim blind and deaf for a period of time...flail all DK can but Snake can still pick out his time...DK is completely helpless after the flashbang[/quote]

and no....Snake wouldn't be blinded and deafened by his own Flashbang....duck and cover...

How many stabs would it take to kill him anyway? If Snake manages to get that close? I asked that question this question becasue, I'm pretty Gorilla are made of sturdier stuff than human. even a taser would cause him to react right?
No living mammal on this planet has utter resistance to electricity...
a stab to the vitals will kill or seriously wound any living organism...

Why? It should all be the same place in my opinion, if something takes place inside a jungle and something else takes place inside an arena then it might be completely different.
Have you seen the show "The Deadliest Warrior"?

environment plays a crucial part in who is deadliest...a deadly warrior should be able to have ways to adapt and take control in a variety of environments...not just open field...


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
Doubt snake will win. Gorillas have more dexterity than lots of other chimps, can hang themselves with one arm for extended periods of time, males are said to be 15 times stronger than a person....or even more considering there is so little known about them. So strong in fact, that they can bend metal bars with little problem.

They are also extremely tough animals whose muscles require a weapon as strong as a rifle to take them down. A simple stab will only pierce through their outer skin, not their muscles.

And tasers are made to stun humans, not giant male gorillas.
And on top of that, DK is intelligent. And gorillas have extremely strong bone breaaking bites.

And the flash bang will only delay the inevitable for it is mostly useless.

BANG! the flash bang hinders DK senses, but now Snake has a rampaging monster waving his arms around, and vreaking it's neck or slashing it's throat is out of the question, unless he wants a broken limb....or two....or three.

JOE! this match is extremely unbalanced, change it.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
And on top of that, DK is intelligent.

And the flash bang will only delay the inevitable.
Doesn't matter how smart you are....

If you're blind and deaf what can you do? use psychic...
Unless DK has extrasensory then trying to walk somewhere is just leaving him wide open...

DK will have to reorient himself when his senses return to him...

Snake can seriously wound DK in this state...

son learn flashbangs....
Dk flailing around...now that I think about it....wouldn't DK cover his eyes or ears in response to the stimuli given to them....
if DK is sooo intelligent that would be it....yeah....I'm scared of a gorilla clasping it's ears or face...

The flashbang is rendering DK helpless and putting snake in the position to kill


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
I'm talking about the knife....

Flash bangs don't use smoke....that's a smoke grenade...
Flashbangs emit deafening noise a bright flash of light that leaves the victim blind and deaf for a period of time...flail all DK can but Snake can still pick out his time...DK is completely helpless after the flashbang
O I C refer to what Payasofobia said.

No living mammal on this planet has utter resistance to electricity...
a stab to the vitals will kill or seriously wound any living organism...
Oooh where did you find that, anyway about that stab to the vitals thing refer to Payasofbia. Gorillas are too thick-skined

Have you seen the show "The Deadliest Warrior"?
No, TBH I thought is was just a snappy title

environment plays a crucial part in who is deadliest...a deadly warrior should be able to have ways to adapt and take control in a variety of environments...not just open field...
But we shouldn't just pick a place that suits snake or DK, anyway then why don't we do that every round? I think it's a good idea. JOE! will just give us a randon location, it seems like fun


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
If you're blind and deaf what can you do? use psychic...
Unless DK has extrasensory then trying to walk somewhere is just leaving him wide open...
He will move his arms around trying to keep around him safe

DK will have to reorient himself when his senses return to him...

Snake can seriously wound DK in this state...

(Assuming you haven't replied to my previous post)

Well not enough time to leave any major damage.

son learn flashbangs....
Dk flailing around...now that I think about it....wouldn't DK cover his eyes or ears in response to the stimuli given to them....
if DK is sooo intelligent that would be it....yeah....I'm scared of a gorilla clasping it's ears or face...
I would think he would try to protect himself from attackers, this thread is basically what would be the best thing to do in a certian situation, we won't know what would really happen.

The flashbang is rendering DK helpless and putting snake in the position to kill
Not "helpless" and not "kill" unless you replied to my previous post

@Marthage: I meant the post before that:
They are also extremely tough animals whose muscles require a weapon as strong as a rifle to take them down. A simple stab will only pierce through their outer skin, not their muscles.

And tasers are made to stun humans, not giant male gorillas.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
He will move his arms around trying to keep around him safe
That makes no sense....
If you hear a loud bang what do you do?
do you just start waving your arms wildly?
If someone turns on a bright light, do you not cover your eyes?

If DK is intelligent-One could say he would emulate intelligent reactions to certain stimuli to his senses

(Assuming you haven't replied to my previous post)

Well not enough time to leave any major damage.
Flashbangs are not over and done as soon as they start...they're effects last for a while...there is also time when DK is reorientating when he finally recovers his senses

I would think he would try to protect himself from attackers, this thread is basically what would be the best thing to do in a certian situation, we won't know what would really happen.
Again this puts DK's intelligence into question...
what intelligent reaction occurs according to certain stimuli to the sense affected?

Not "helpless" and not "kill" unless you replied to my previous post

@Marthage: I meant the post before that:


and about tasers not hurting Gorillas-BS

they are made of flesh and bone just like us and an electric shock to them hurts just as much as it would us....

If Gorilla's were so resistant to electricity-let's stick one out in the middle of a lightning storm and see if it survives getting shocked by lightning...

exaggerated? yes...but the point...


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Donkey Kong has this one in the bag. "He's the leader of the bunch, you know him well! He's finally back to kick some tail! His coconut gun can fire in spurts, if he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt! He's bigger, faster, and stronger, too! He's the first member of the DK crew! DK, Donkey Kong! *simian noise* DK, Donkey Kong is here!"

Um, I'm not sure about this one. I like Donkey Kong, but I don't know if he'd be able to stop a genius with weapons.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
I don't know why I even got involved in this thread. It's really stupid. Why try to make this realistic when it will just ruin the point. DK is now just an ordinary gorilla and Diddy is now just a normal chimp. Then there are characters like Ness and Lucas who can't do anything whereas Snake could technically have all his weapons. Saying that he can't have them is stupid and defeats the purpose.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Trying to make it balanced. Curbstomp fights aren't fun.

What did DK have before anyway? A **** coconut gun? Big whoop. he still has his strength and intelligence.
Is that too me?

Anyway, balancing a canon battle is stupid. There will obviously be disadvantages to most characters whereas Samus, Ness, Lucas, and Mewtwo would be god broken. Taking away most of the things that make them so powerful is defeating the purpose of it being canon.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2008
My teacher says &quot;in my own world&quot;.
Ooh, This could be close.

DK is stronger, bigger and faster.
Snake is more tactical, has better weaponary and is so badass he deserves to win without a fight.


DK could easily out fight Snake, hold onto the hand with the knife in it, then wack him about the head until Snake stops moving.

DK has the speed advantage and could close the gap then beat the living hell out of Snake.

On the other hand:

Snake could throw the nade, turn his back/cover his ears, then take out DK while he's stunned.

Snake has the range advantage and is clever enough to time the nade (I'm only shortening it because I forgot how to spell granade/grenade) to go off as DK passes it.

I think Snake would win for the exact opposite reason that ZZS beat Zelda.
Snake needs less time for the nade to go off than it took for Zelda to fire her arrow.
If DK recognises it as a Flash-Bang grenade and also covers his eyes/ears, only Snake knows how long it the nade would go off for (it can vary depending on the nade) and he could strike DK while DK's unsure if it's really stopped.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2009
How would Yoshi knock the sword out of Kirby's hands when Kirby can wield a sword very well? He could us two of his arms and still swing the sword fast, (looks at his air attacks in the Kirby games), the next problem is that Kirby is Brawl size, meaning Kirby is too big for Yoshi to eat.
well i'm just reading this lol...but due to the fact that this matchup is over and to keep the integrity of the thread, i wont respond.

and i apologize 4 my rudeness, but ive been enteratained by this thread ever since the Bowser v. Charizard match, when i found this. the way you all debate some things, you could become politicians lol. keep up the good work JOE! with the thread. but i finally decided 2 add my meager 2 cents and here i am.

as for the matchup at hand, how long does a flashbang last? and is snake recieving any other weapons (i saw it mentioned earlier)? if not idk if snake has anything strong enough to kill DK, then DK, like any other angry gorilla would to a human, folds up snake like a CVS lawnchair.


they're about as fast as a human can go at top speed. now imagine if you make a gorilla mad how fast he can go. im going DK until i get more facts.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
That makes no sense....
If you hear a loud bang what do you do?
do you just start waving your arms wildly?
If someone turns on a bright light, do you not cover your eyes?
I would think you would get disoriented and move about, I'm not really sure what happen.

If DK is intelligent-One could say he would emulate intelligent reactions to certain stimuli to his senses
I don't think they are that intelligent, I always thought react violently to a threat.

Flashbangs are not over and done as soon as they start...they're effects last for a while...there is also time when DK is reorientating when he finally recovers his senses
How long would that take?

Again this puts DK's intelligence into question...
what intelligent reaction occurs according to certain stimuli to the sense affected?
I don't know, I'm just giving an option he could use, If he senses a threat, I would imagine he would try to find it


and about tasers not hurting Gorillas-BS

they are made of flesh and bone just like us and an electric shock to them hurts just as much as it would us....

If Gorilla's were so resistant to electricity-let's stick one out in the middle of a lightning storm and see if it survives getting shocked by lightning...

exaggerated? yes...but the point...

It's not really BS, come now you don't think gorillas can handle more than humans?
This many not have anything to do with the tranquillizers but read

These substances have been invented for animal injection only. Humans are far more affected by the drugs, as they trigger respiratory problems. The injection or consumption of only a drop of M–99 is sufficient to kill an adult man within a few minutes if the correct antidote treatment is not administered immediately.[5] Therefore, instead of the substances found above, only incapacitating agents would be suitable for military or police use.
Gorillas =/= humans


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008

they're about as fast as a human can go at top speed. now imagine if you make a gorilla mad how fast he can go. im going DK until i get more facts.
The average person runs at 15 mph, whereas an average gorilla can run at 25 mph.

Gorillas are faster.

So JOE!, we either take away Snake's flashbang and taser knife and give him a SOCOM and a normal knife, or we call this a day and DK wins the fight forever because big muscles also means throwing back-breaking rocks at incredible distances, giving him more projectiles with bigger range and precision than a flashbang.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
JOE!, I have some questions about the taser.

How much voltage does it hold? Like a normal taser? Becasue I think it is more powerful?

Can I see a picture of the taser? Just to see what it looks like?

How does it work? I wouldn't think it's on the whole time


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I'd call this one in Snakes favor. In addition to having RPG's, Grenades, MINES, C4, and all of his numerous gadgets that also exist IRL, he has the tactical advantage as well. Being human he would be able to easily identify his options.

While there is some "OMGWTFGORRILA" involved, if DK were to charge immediately (which he would have to, assuming he has no access to projectiles, are we giving him the coconut gun?), Snake can still react by hucking a C4 or what have you. Now, if DK manages to get in close, Snake is pretty much screwed. Nobody is happy when you're brutally beaten to death by a Simian.

I'll call this one for Snake, I think.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
I'd call this one in Snakes favor. In addition to having RPG's, Grenades, MINES, C4, and all of his numerous gadgets that also exist IRL, he has the tactical advantage as well. Being human he would be able to easily identify his options.

While there is some "OMGWTFGORRILA" involved, if DK were to charge immediately (which he would have to, assuming he has no access to projectiles, are we giving him the coconut gun?) Snake can still react by hucking a C4 or what have you. Now, if DK manages to get in close, Snake is pretty much screwed. Nobody is happy when you're brutally beaten to death by a Simian.

I'll call this one for Snake, I think.
He only has a taser knife and 1 flash grenade


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
He only has a taser knife and 1 flash grenade
Seriously? Wow, talk about handicapping. I'm not sure then. Snake is an expert at martial arts, but DK could have the raw strength to over-power him. Seriously though, that seems a bit excessive in terms of handicapping.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Flash-bang grenade will temporarily blind DK, while Snake goes in and stealth kills with the Knife,
straight at the heart w/ a taser knife,
Flash bang grenade keeps DK from winning this...
w/o it DK would probably have won this


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Seriously? Wow, talk about handicapping. I'm not sure then. Snake is an expert at martial arts, but DK could have the raw strength to over-power him. Seriously though, that seems a bit excessive in terms of handicapping.
He needs to make it fair so the disscusion won't get boring.
E.G. Giving Kirby the abilty to walk, and hold his sword (even though he got rid of that as it was to much of an unrealistic advantage)

Flash-bang grenade will temporarily blind DK, while Snake goes in and stealth kills with the Knife,
straight at the heart w/ a taser knife,
Flash bang grenade keeps DK from winning this...
w/o it DK would probably have won this
I'm really not sure about that, DK might see it as a threat and go on a rampage or something, it would be very hard to get close besides, as I said before:

How much voltage (or whatever it's called) does it hold? Like a normal taser? Becasue I think it is more powerful?

Can I see a picture of the taser? Just to see what it looks like?

How does it work? I wouldn't think it's on the whole time
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