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Tap jump against hand pain - advices for a new configuration


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2014
Hi, a diddy mainer here, and I use a GC pad. For the last 2 months I note that inputting X and buffering A to do short hop fair autocancel in fastfall cause me issues to my right hand. This preventes me to play fast and very often I renounce to do some things to not fell pain anymore.
Looking for new ways to keep on playing Diddy, I ask the best diddy mainer of my country what configuration he uses (because I want to reach his level of speedness in playing the little kong). His reply shocked me: He plays with the tap jump on! (and tilts on c-stick)
So I try it for a couple of days. It's pointless to say how hard it is, after 8 years of muscular memory with tap jump off, but in just 2 days I discover many little advantages on keep the tap jump on: the bigger speed it grants makes some things almost impossible before possible and relatively easy. Moreover it seems to me that buffering an aerial with the c-stick makes impossible to do a full hop (and short hopping all day for diddy is almost essential imho). And overall c-stick set to tilts makes possible to keep the momentum when inputting aerials, granting to do retreating fair and bair very well spacied, totally safe on the shields if executed correctly.

But, the cons:
-tilts on c-stick oblige me to do smash attacks with A. This thing makes me losing some frames to slipping my thumb from c-stick to A.
-glide tossing in this moment seems to me pretty impossible with the analog: I have to use X
-also specials attacks requires me to slip my thumb from c-stick to the buttons.
The points 1 and 3 aren't just a loss of frames. They entail me to do almost the same movements that caused me this sort of tendinitis, so I'm looking for new ways to do these inputs. Any suggestions?
Keep in mind that I would not renounce to L for shields and Y for grabs(/items drop)


For the Empire
Aug 10, 2015
Since my knowledge on Diddy play is pretty lackluster, I'd suggest asking the Diddy boards if you're looking for an optimal control scheme to play him better without any physical toll. (If there's anyone who reading this right now who DOES have some ideas, feel free to fill OP in on what you know.)

Best advice I can give you if you're looking for a better control scheme in general is to stick with what's comfortable to you. In my opinion, it's not worth any physical toll to improve your game. It's always better to be a terrible to decent (depending on your skill) player than end up being worse off because of a physical ailment. Just my two cents.
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