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Sydney Smash Thread - Comrades Of Xeno -


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Then what's going on Saturday? *cough*

Oh, and when do you have to vote for the federal election?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2006
Aren't we all Unreon...next meet will probably be once uni and tafe finishes in two weeks...stay tuned!


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007

The 2007 federal election has been announced, with eligible Australian electors to vote on election day, Saturday 24 November 2007.
Uh oh. Too soon.

*curses Johnny Howard for making young voters have a hard time to gain access to vote him out.*
“If you’re not on the electoral roll and you’re entitled to enrol, you must fill in an enrolment form immediately and return it to an AEC office by 8pm, Wednesday 17 October,”
Source: http://www.aec.gov.au/About_AEC/Media_releases/10_14.htm


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
Street Fighter 4, sweet.
Isn't Jaz hosting a meet in a couple weeks when TAFE/UNI is done? I hope I can see you guys heaps then when you're not busy with school!


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
Well.. we just started dating like.. a month ago.. online.. yeah its kinda a long story.. and a funny one.. cause your kinda involved Kulla.. I'll tell you about it.. but no it's not some camwhore I met on the internet.. we love each other.. first time we talked on skype.. we talked for 7 hour straight.. how's that for first conversation.. we send each other lots of pictures of each other.. our lives.. my comps full of them.. its pretty freaking sweet.. she thinks its hot i play video games.. wants to meet all you guys and come to smash tournaments and stuff..


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Omg so is anyone else going uts tomorrow? :o

Haha, if not, th is time be awake Stu :p

Then again I can't talk much, since I was feeling sick and had aching arms and legs too lawl.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2002
Well.. we just started dating like.. a month ago.. online.. yeah its kinda a long story.. and a funny one.. cause your kinda involved Kulla.. I'll tell you about it.. but no it's not some camwhore I met on the internet.. we love each other.. first time we talked on skype.. we talked for 7 hour straight.. how's that for first conversation.. we send each other lots of pictures of each other.. our lives.. my comps full of them.. its pretty freaking sweet.. she thinks its hot i play video games.. wants to meet all you guys and come to smash tournaments and stuff..
what if you meet her and she smells

Darkwing SykeDuk

Smash Dankist
Mar 5, 2006
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
Well.. we just started dating like.. a month ago.. online.. yeah its kinda a long story.. and a funny one.. cause your kinda involved Kulla.. I'll tell you about it.. but no it's not some camwhore I met on the internet.. we love each other.. first time we talked on skype.. we talked for 7 hour straight.. how's that for first conversation.. we send each other lots of pictures of each other.. our lives.. my comps full of them.. its pretty freaking sweet.. she thinks its hot i play video games.. wants to meet all you guys and come to smash tournaments and stuff..
I'm pretty sure it's some pedo who got the pics from sum school chick he targeted. gl though.


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
its not.
remember me mentioning me talking to her for 7 hrs (voice).
and one of my friends knew her in the usa.
how late are people staying at uts today?


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Lol. I've had some of those 'net' encounters - though not as romantic as Xeno describes. Trust me, RL is better than net stuff unless you really like to flirt and do blind dates...

and other stuff too.
Internet dating is okay in my books but from experience, you end up wasting too much time on the computer talking to your significant (at the time) other you don't get anything done yourself except get to know the other person a bit more. I s'pose that goes down the drain a fair bit thanks to skype.

I'm pretty sure it's some pedo who got the pics from sum school chick he targeted. gl though.
LOL. Rethink what you just said there syke. Pedos are mostly OLD MEN.

Bjay I'm pretty awake yeah should be right for today. See you there at 12.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2002
RL > net for the same reason that smash > wow. face to face contact is what its all about.

ill be getting to uts at...well, i have no idea. but a couple hours late fer sure.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Important Xenopost:

For those lazy like me but like news and sources all the time on Smash :) Here's hands-on from Smashboards

SmashBoards Hands-On
WAVEDASHAN is 100% removed, it's simply impossible to perform due to dodging no longer being controllable (it is now based on your momentum). Wavelanding and L-canceling are also out, apparently.

Bowser has been vastly improved. He's very powerful.
Fox and Peach have been nerfed (**** YEAH). Fox can triple short-hop laser, Peach's down smash is no longer broken.
Samus can no longer missile cancel. The Charged Beam is not that powerful.
Directional influence is even more effective.

Edge sweetspotting has been made ridiculously easy.
Sonic is hard to use, not as good as he seems to be.
Game speed and pace is overall slower than Melee. It's likely going to play VERY differently.
don't know what people know, but i just talked to Gimpy and some Oregon people on the phone who have been playing a Brawl demo setup for 1v1 with the classic controller, here's what they've said so far:
No wavedashing and no wavelanding
Airdodging is like how we predicted, just go with momentum,

Fox can SH triple laser.
Fox can jump out of shine, but it requires that you hold down and B, you can't let go or he'll go into a different animation, hold down and b and then jump.

Bowser is hardcore.
Claw is ridiculous
Bowser will probably be top tier
Up+B out of shield is same, just as powerful.

Samus has a dark suit red visor, Fusion suit, Sonic costumes are recolors of blue, Fox has a starwolf outfit. Diddy Kong has Dixie Kong outfit without the hair, Bowser has a golden costume, made out of gold.

Mario's fsmash is so slow,

Samus can't missile cancel, animation doesn't stop, hard to do though.
Bomb jumping is tough, hitting bombs not directly on top of them knocks you to the side.
If you die as zero suit, you stay as zero suit, you can't automatically be zero suit like changing from Zelda to Sheik at the beginning of a round.
Samus charged shot isn't strong, peach was shot with it fully charged at 87% didn't kill.

Can catch edge even if you're facing wrong way, edgehogging is easy. Edgehogging will be the new edgeguard of choice, characters ‘click’ to it.

Peach is nerfed.
Peach’s dsmash is nerfed, no range
Float canceling not sure
Peach seems heavier

Sonic, not as good as you expect
moves don't have much knockback, kind of 'loose',
all the new chars, he's least popular, hardest learning curve

Do an aerial that has forward momentum and when you land it’s almost the same as a waveland. Certain moves / aerials have less friction/traction,

DI is more pronounced, you can get out of stuff a lot easier, takes knockback easier, can survive until 150.
L-canceling is not in as far as we can tell.

How does the game feel: Feels slower, definitely, on classic, feels awkward, accidentally jump alot, can't SH on the wiimote, everyone is so floaty. Brawl plays really differently, it’s awkward for now because not used to it. Not a lot of lag for moves, maybe lag lowered for sake of demo.

What do I think?

Peach's Red Dress <- clickity click

I like her new voice and red dress. :p It's my new favourite unless there's better.

Fox? SH Triple laser? Nastayyy

Slow f-smash Mario? It was bound to happen some time.

Weak charged beam Samus? Aw :(

Sonic, lol. That's all I have to say. "lol"

Peach nerfed. Totally fine with me, there will always be some other character ready to take the spotlight. Her float is so weird in that vid though. Though the female using Peach barely floated I believe.

Well, time to get ready for UTS.


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
Smash isn't about balance, it's about shine cancelling.

First, regarding my girlfriend:
One of my best friends IRL who I used to hang out with all the time knew this girl.. not a stranger. Secondly, yeah, it is kind of wild because I've never gotten this close to anyone in such a short period of time and neither has she. Weird, but awesome.
Thirdly, she sends me videos of herself referring to me by name. So yeah, that's proof it's her and she's real.
Second, regarding (Br)lawl:
You can't instant adjust your dodge?
That's weird because today I was just thinking how in Smash movement is not really about momentum its about state.. what state your in.. and then Bjay posts and sort of crashes that observation with BRAWL.
If you're falling towards the ground and airdodge do you wavedash? Please tell me someone tried.
Improved DI: good. it's awesomely hard in Melee.
"Sonic: "lol". lol.
WTF samus missile cancel out.. ? charge beamed weaker? Bowser top tier? Fox nerfed?
Wtf are they thinking! Smash isn't about balance, it's about shine cancels!
Does shinespiking work?
Thirdly, regarding UTS:
I don't think I'll be able to make it tonight, getting off work late. If anyone wants to play smash or halo or whatever later tonight or all night, pm/post/msn w/e.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Internet dating is awesome. :D Not that I 'really' know, but lol, if you like it then it isn't really bad. D: As long as you find someone you enjoy being with, yyyeeep.

Anywho, Fox being nerfed is gay. Gay to the max.
I'll still play him anyway, and Sonic.
Wolf outfit will probably be my other costume when playing. :D Fox is still hotter.

Sounds really gay to me, though, I think.
I'll probably enjoy Melee more than Brawl even after I get used to playing Brawl and everything.
Looks 'way' too slow and just seems really lame.
Looks pretty and everything, but I dunno... =/
We'll see, maybe there'll be advanced things that'll take over wave-dashing and all that and make it more fun or something.

Still... if Fox is gonna get gayed, I don't wanna play it as much as Melee. Melee is awesome. Brawl better be awesome too.
But again, we'll have to wait and see. Maybe it'll be better. D:
Can't they just send us an awesome DEMO with like... everything already in it 'cause they're that kool to Australians and New Zealanders living in Australia? Yeah. I think that's fair.

... Omg I'm installing WoW onto my computer.
I must be going insane. x_X;;


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
At least someone agrees with me about internet dating (ty Sirias). Sounds like Dedu had some bad character matchups! They have a dating tier guide on smashboards somewhere..
But o_o dating w/ no plan to meet is not dating o_o, that's cyber-crazy.
We're losing Sirias to WoW!
Now that the UT3 demo was released, I'm actually enjoying playing UT2k4 then the latest incarnation of UT.
I'm good at UT3.. lots of second places and killing sprees but.. its not as fun. Why? Because they nerfed the weapons, the dodging, turned the graphics into Gears of War, have a ridiculous menu scene and a stupid account registration.. it seems like the later renditions of games are the worst, while the ones in the middle are the best.
Corporate direction = sucks more then pichu.
And Melee > B(lawl). Besides, do we really want online play? Do we really want to sit at home and send d-pad messages to each other? Or do we want the constant chatter as we sit next to each other and play a match.. we're able to stand up, talk to other people in the room, get some food, etc.
I think that's why Halo was so successful -- no online play the first edition. Forced people to be social.
I actually *miss* playing smash vs you guys. But the only time for me is at night and everyone is.. on msn jabbering about studying at night. (wtf). So I can't wait for school to end for you guys.
Plus the gamecube controller hurts my hands. :\


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
I have a proposal for Brawl or Melee:
You either pick fox or you pick random character. One person starts as fox, the next person goes random. If they win then they become fox and get to face the next person in queue. If they lose next person comes in as a new random character.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2002
we can still meet up and play...online play doesnt prevent that. and idk about you, but i think it will still happen for me.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2002
i can't see internet dating working for me. like yeah, emotional connections and all that jazz, but it's the physical that takes it from being a friendship to being something more. not necessarily sex (although it's kinda implied) but kissing, hugging, holding hands etc....I don't believe you can be as close to a person over the net as you can IRL. you're missing out on body language which is a huge part of human communication, youre missing out on physical affection etc etc...

just so im not being misunderstood, xeno, im not for a second doubting these feelings that you have for this girl (nor those she has for you).

basically, where i'm going is that there's nothing distinguishing an online relationship from a friendship. i'm as close emotionally (if not closer) with my close friends as i am with my girlfriend...that being said, the only significant difference is the physical contact. of course there's a difference in the way you speak to each (friends vs girlfriend), what you talk about with each etc...i just don't see what the difference is between an e-lationship and an (fri)e-ndship. there's always the monogamy, thing, but if you're saving yourself for someone you've never met....well....it's not something that i consider logical.

all things considered though, xeno, if you're happy, i'm happy for you. i wasn't trying to belittle your relationship. the world needs more love, and who i am to say what is and isn't love?


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2006
Megatron ripped me in half T-T
lol wrath of jaz

sounds like brawl is dumbed down and flashier melee, but its a change, now people will not be deterred from playing any more, they won't be like wtf are you doing.

but the professional scene will mourn the loss of L cancelling, wave dashing.

but **** yeah about bowser! about time they respected the the king of koopas
and sonic being hard is just what i wanted to hear, looks like n00bs will gravitate to link instead,
peach, the woman in red L M A O.... brawl is going for sex appeal.

and they nurfed fox and peach ._.
sounds like they are trying to make it fairer for everyone, by removing things we can abuse, eg fox, peach and wding

I'm still excited about getting brawl.


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
i can't see internet dating working for me. like yeah, emotional connections and all that jazz, but it's the physical that takes it from being a friendship to being something more. not necessarily sex (although it's kinda implied) but kissing, hugging, holding hands etc....I don't believe you can be as close to a person over the net as you can IRL. you're missing out on body language which is a huge part of human communication, youre missing out on physical affection etc etc...

just so im not being misunderstood, xeno, im not for a second doubting these feelings that you have for this girl (nor those she has for you).

basically, where i'm going is that there's nothing distinguishing an online relationship from a friendship. i'm as close emotionally (if not closer) with my close friends as i am with my girlfriend...that being said, the only significant difference is the physical contact. of course there's a difference in the way you speak to each (friends vs girlfriend), what you talk about with each etc...i just don't see what the difference is between an e-lationship and an (fri)e-ndship. there's always the monogamy, thing, but if you're saving yourself for someone you've never met....well....it's not something that i consider logical.

all things considered though, xeno, if you're happy, i'm happy for you. i wasn't trying to belittle your relationship. the world needs more love, and who i am to say what is and isn't love?
Fonti is correct. As I said earlier, relationship with no plan on meeting each other is a **** relationship, your just a friendship. We do plan on meeting.. and if things work out, living together. And we get to talk about you know.. sexual / relationship stuff that you just dont get to enjoy with "friends".
I'd be skeptical about it myself if I didn't absolutely enjoy talking to her more then anyone else I've ever met, including my best friends.
And just.. choosing someone at random, in another country over the internet? Probably a bad idea, better luck to look locally. Its just the connection, the total honesty. She's one of the only girls I don't have to bull****. You know what I mean. I've met some hot aussie women but.. they've just got some bs in them, and you can't approach them straight, can't talk about sex, can't talk about love, can't talk about philosophy, can't talk about anything without the bull****.
For choosing my top tier friends and choosing a lover, I have a no bull**** policy. She's pretty forward sexually, and digs me, which is great.
Hey if it doesn' work out then I've ended up having a best friend for whatever many months.
If it does, then sex and love for life.
Nice strat I think, I'll go for it.

Cheers, and thanks for the post Fonti.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Ugh I just got home, I'm so tired, but I can't sleep grr T_T

In regards to Brawl, you'd expect changes like these, and then we will be used to them, and there will be new techniques and moves to exploit I'm sure of it.

I know what I'm doing when I buy the game; begin with a round of 1P Classic and choose Mario, that's how I started both Smash games when I first played them.

Dedu, Joe, Fonti, great games guys, sorry I haven't much to say, I didn't have the chance to say that you guys are heaps good, especially not playing Fonti in ages, those matches that we sparred in, I had to like literally 'increase' my reflexes and all, and not cause you were Falco, but I dunno you're just like all over the battlefield when I vs you. I like that, I'm left with no chance to mindgame but just be prepared for every single situation possible.

Hoho Peach's Final Smash, what an update I missed :p I like that update. I know I'll be choosing those peaches most likely. =)

Hoho, I'm hungry. *runs off to eat* :lick:


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
I'll use everyone, and see who I like, I could have a new main, but there's no doubting the fact I'll have a nice start with Peach.

lol, it took me 8 years but I finally came to an appreciation for Peach.

First hated her cause of Super Mario 64, Mario Party, and Mario Kart, and have had a grudge against her in every game she's appeared in since. Especially Melee.

I only chose her (but still hated her, hence I always chose the Daisy outfit) because I was vsing my cousin day when I was a total noob, and as soon as I saw her float, I knew insane things could happen with that float, single player wise and multi-player wise. She floats at a lovely speed.

But yeah not too long ago I thought Peach was cool :p But maybe it was cause of Brawl, I'm glad her voice has matured a bit, it's not as annoying as it used to be. Plus she seems to annoy others like you guys :p So I like her style ^_^

Speaking of Peach... Here are some Adventure Mode Brawl videos from the Expo.

The Legend Of Kirby (Kirby is so cool :))

DK is the man! Or is he?

Pit Pwnage

PS: Does anyone have the tune for the Brawl intro (Ill be the marth, e.g. noob) but without the lyrics and just the orchestra in the tune?

EDIT - DK's forward air looks faster lol.

EDITx2 - oo Dark Link has red eyes. He's basically a 'Shadow' Link I believe.

It's nice there are three taunts :p


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
Smash story mode == ok I definitely want to play now.
Thanks for the links Bjay!
I love the story mode in GGXX#R.. melee's Adventure was awesome but no "story".
Jaz when's the meet @ your place?


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2006
Bendigo, Australia.
Smash... plot...

*head implodes*

Also, must... see... where Fox comes into it... all we've seen is his ship biting the dust. Wonder who he'll end up with?


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Oh I forgot to post if you wanna know all the stuff found out and the know how

Read Gimpyfish's Report

lol, I cracked up half the time cause Gimpyfish is funny :p

It's got stuff like how Fox has a bad up-throw, to Metaknight ownage, to Sonic has a dash dance more awshum than captain kick and Mario having his flower power up suit as a costume. Oh and how Peach's d-smash sucks :p


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2006
Megatron ripped me in half T-T
i'm not gonna look at any story vids
keep some surprises atleast.

meet may be delayed.... but its not this weekend hopefully the next

i recommend everyone read gimps report, awesome work gimpeh!


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
I understand Jaz. :) So I won't be saying anything, it ain't my fault if someone else did though. :p

Since you won't watch that...

Then watch a melee match. Captain Falcon. 3x

Show ya moves!

I can so picture Chicken Salad doing something like that, except the only difference is...There's 3 chicken salads.

falcon kick

Hmm not this but next week eh?

Does anyone want me to host this upcoming Sat then? I believe I'm free.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
It's Kas!

"Kas. Kas. I want him in my ***."

Ok, thanks, no more Sirias. <3

Ok, I've got WoW on my computer, I've played it, and I have to say, it's not pr0 like I thought it was supposed to be.
Far too lame.
Plus I have a lame internet connection and cruddy laptop so it's all laggy and stuff... :D

And sorry to bring it up again, but if it's love, then it doesn't matter. :D Okthxbai.
Although I admit, it's a lot harder to maintain after a while.

Omg Smash.
D: Omg tournament.
Omg I'm so going to win so I have moneyz so I can come down and play you guys again.
Or... alternatively... You all come up for CoK and I'll play you then.
Sounds kool.
Ok see you then and there. =]

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