So here's a question.
For those of you who have played Final Fantasy VII, what do you think of the playable characters and why?
For reference...
Cait Sith
Man it's been a while so I'm a little hazy on some excuse some short explanations...
Cloud-The dude can wield a sword that's a big as he is, what's not to like? He is actually quite the complex character despite his demeanor...he does get accused of being emo, which is understandable...especially in AC where he is basically 'Woe is me' for half the film...but he's a fun character to play as in which ever game he's in and fun to watch when he stops moping and gets **** done...Don't want to spoil too much of the plot so I'll leave it at that...
He's pretty much one of the strongest characters you can play as, which is good since you're forced to use him for most of the game...
Barret-He's a cool guy alright, he's got a great sense of duty and is a loving and caring father, no reason to dislike him at all...and is man enough to admit that he's not cut out to be a leader...and is the only male character Cloud can go on a date with
Tifa-LOVE Tifa!!!! Who needs a giant sword or arm cannon when you've got fists! She's somewhat of a mother figure towards the team and shows
perhaps too much devoted loyalty to Cloud! Once again don't want to spoil too much of the plot but she's imo one of the strongest characters and easily one of my favourites, its really close between her and Cloud tbh....and her Limit Break Slots are fun as hell...seeing her twirl giant monsters over head and uppercut enemies with frikking Dolphins XD...
Aerith-It was handy having a healer, but I prefer having some power on board, plus I could simply use Potions and Phoenix Downs, as well as some Enemy Skills, when she's not around so I did not have much use for her...She's definitely likable as a character though I never really got all that attached to her, probably because I was spoiled that she was going know....
Red XIII (Nanaki)-The cool red lion dog, he's pretty much one of most used until I get Vincent...The whole Comso Canyon event was actually one of my favourite parts of the game and gave me the major feels...The teenager trying to prove himself, even though he's one of the oldest on your squad...
Cait Sith-Eh....don't hate him, but I can't say I'm a fan...his Limit break is a bit too unreliable and I never really found him that useful overall...
Cid-He's cool, I don't really find him that special compared to some of the other characters in the game IMO, but he's got an awesome
theme!!! Is kind of a jerk though...especially to poor Shera (though he does improve a lot)
Yuffie-I don't dislike her, but stealing my materia which forced me to traverse Wutai and playing hide and seek with her after she continually steals any materia I find then spending hours looking for a tiny ass lever is not my idea of a good time...she's a fairly effective unit however...though I rarely used her that was interesting recruiting her by walking in the tall grass...but I did enjoy that Battle Tower...whatever it was called after completely that side quest...
Vincent-My favourite character behind Cloud and Tifa and has played as my third wheel more than the others and dude can transform into a werewolf-bull, Frankenstein's Monster, Jason, and frikkin Satan!!! Has a very interesting backstory as well...and is the only character other than Cloud to star in his own game....even though it wasn't that well received, I haven't played it myself so I couldn't say for first playthrough I remember I didn't even find him, thought he was a late game addition...nope just walked right past him several times...until beating the game and thinking WHERE'S VINCENT!?