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Survivor: Gabon - featuring Melee champion Ken

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Smash Apprentice
Oct 17, 2007
This is GREAT in the long run.

Now the old Kota foursome is now a threesome and Fang still has the numbers in their tribe. Only thing that could go bad is Ace using Sugar's idol in a smart way and voting off one of Fang.

Either way, I think it will end good for Ken... somehow.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
heh, heh, looks like GC will be lost next week, just before their challenge.

as for the Tribal Council basically it was a vote-off between Jackie and Kelly after a poor performance on a paddle ball challenge. Both jackie and Kelly are in a newly Ken tribe, oh and did I mention Kelly is Ken's girl.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Ok am I crazy or does Ace's accent fluctuate? It sounds british at one point, and australian at another point. I am listening closely and it keeps changing every so often. I have a feeling it is fake.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Ok am I crazy or does Ace's accent fluctuate? It sounds british at one point, and australian at another point. I am listening closely and it keeps changing every so often. I have a feeling it is fake.
Of course it is. It's just people trust people with accents, and he is using that to his advantage.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county
wow people are dont know anything.

Ken has always either gone by kenny or ken

its just you smashers who call him ken or sephirothken.

2nd for all those who said ken did horrible at the event, try not eating for days and then do the same endurance events.

survivor is an easy game to play when you are sitting at home watching what people think , with fast fatty foods in your hands and stomach saying you could do the same things. Get on the show first then talk otherwise its all speculation.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2005
North Hollywood, CA
You know, I think it would be very entertaining if the "survivors" actually did some hardcore hunting. Like killing any mammal that is dangerous and using its fur for clothing and bones for tools LOL. The show would so much more baddass.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
wow people are dont know anything.

Ken has always either gone by kenny or ken

its just you smashers who call him ken or sephirothken.

2nd for all those who said ken did horrible at the event, try not eating for days and then do the same endurance events.

survivor is an easy game to play when you are sitting at home watching what people think , with fast fatty foods in your hands and stomach saying you could do the same things. Get on the show first then talk otherwise its all speculation.
lmao honestly I'm watching it with friends and they all say stuff like "wow Ken sucks" and I tell them "you know he's barely eaten, right? And he's not exactly the most athletic person on the tribe in the first place"

After today's episode I'd say that Ken is looking good. He has tribe members on his side, and unlike many others, he really doesn't have an attitude problem. I don't see someone like Ace, who tends to influence the opinion of other tribe members, creating a grudge with Ken.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2006
"Kelli"? These people really need to explain how to spell each other's names!

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Fang is in an interesting position. :/

Matty, Crystal, Ken and GC on one side, and Ace and Sugar on the other. Sugar has the immunity idol, and Kelly could go either way. (lol, notice how Matty is now with the people he was originally planning to vote out. May be problematic)

What's dangerous is that Ken said that Kelly should be worried about getting voted off. Which she might take to mean that Ken himself (and the other members of old Fang) had considered voting her out.

Which is understandable (and true), since they were originally from different tribes, but it still gives Kelly doubts as to whether she should trust Fang or not.

If Kelly decides to stick with Fang, things will ride out smoothly for Ken and old Fang. Even if they all vote for someone who Sugar gave immunity to, and they lose a member (hopefully not Ken D: ) it'll be 4v2, so next immunity, so long as there aren't any new immunity idols or people changing alliances, they'll vote out an old Koda (probably Sugar, since Ace is still useful to them for challenge winning). Then they can vote out Ace, and Kelly afterwards (since she's useless/old Koda) and it will be all old Fang alliance. Then they'll probably merge (they might merge even before that, though, so they could keep Kelly through the merge).

AFTERTHOUGHT: They could probably even vote out Kelly before Ace, since 3v1 isn't exactly a winning battle for that 1.

The problem comes in when Kelly decides to go with old Koda. Old Fang votes for someone with immunity, old Koda kicks out 1 of old Fang's members, its 3v3. Not good. It's possible someone from Koda or Fang will betray their own old tribe in order to guarantee getting through the merge. And unless that person's Ken (who'll probably just get voted out anyways for betraying), he might not make it through.

Now, let's talk Sugar. Sugar holds the key to stopping a total Fang domination; the immunity idol. As I said above, if used right and under the right conditions, Ken could be looking at trouble. Of course, it doesn't automatically mean insta-save for whoever old Fang votes for. Sugar (or, more likely, Ace) will have to decide which person old Fang will try to vote out. The obvious choice will probably be Kelly for betraying Fang (and being useless), so, in retrospect, giving her the idol (as reluctant as Ace might be) would be the smart move if everything holds true. But the thing is, they forget who is on the Fang tribe.

Ken Huang.

With his superior mindgames, he'll be able to predict this and choose Sugar or even Ace himself to vote off, the person Ace didn't expect to be chosen, thus making the use of the idol void, and useless, like Jigglypuff's inclusion in Brawl. Then Ken will lead the way for old Fang, fsmashing GC out of DK's belly, wavedashing around the competition and grab comboing that *** butt Randy. Sure, if they vote Ace, they'll probably lose every challenge after that, but all they need to do is keep voting old Koda members out and they'll make it to the merge.

And if they stick together with their alliance, they can all win, as long as that alliance holds.

Then Ken will be crowned supreme Survivor champion and settle down in a nice Smashball shaped island off the coast of Florida.

With Charlie.

And have 3 children.

Marth, Fsmash, and Isai.

The end.


Ken said in the episode that he "just kept spinning around". Which is what happens when you don't know how to paddle, since you're supposed to paddle on both sides. I guess Ken just wasn't thinking when he did it, but it's no excuse for sucking, which is why we say it. He should have used logic to figure out how you're supposed to paddle.

Though I guess he did, if you consider him raking the water his attempt to figure it out. :laugh: oh ken


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
They made a smart decision voting jacky off instead of kelly. Kelly hates Ace. The original fang members suspect that Sugar has the idol. Sugar does and that's bad for them. If she plays the immunity idol, she'll vote off one of the fang members but there will still be enough as long as the surfer dude stays alligned wtih the Fang tribe.

I would've tried to keep it as ambiguous as possible whether they preffered Kelly or Sugar. I probably would vote for Sugar and lose Kelly (I think Sugar would vote her off), then vote off Sugar again, then Ace, then it's up for grabs. Ken would probably vote the surfer dude off first as it seems he is the most distant from the original fang group even if the's probably the most helpful in challenges.

I think Ken is set for the merge (which happens after 8 people are voted off right?)

Crystal really hasn't shown her athletic ability yet. Maybe it's the lack of nutrition?


Smash Rookie
Aug 27, 2008
Very very smart move by Ken, GC and Crystal. Having watched Survivor since Season 1, I'll tell ya there have been a lot of people who have had the perfect opportunity to get a lot of power easily and they fell for the old "Team Unity" card. I'm glad Kenny, GC and Crystal weren't stupid enough to fall for it.

Its interesting, I think Ken, GC, Crystal and Kelly can be a solid four as they are definitely "the outcasts" and they've come together. Now if Ace and Sugar do some idol shenanigans next week, if I were the outcast alliance, I might even knock out Matty when he doesn't expect it. Sure Matty will stick with the outcasts till the merge but I guarantee once he can reunite with the others on KOTA he'll jump ship right away. I say get rid of Matty and Ace before the merge. Throw a challenge next week to get rid of Ace and then get rid of Matty if they go to TC again.

Ace and Sugar are a two person alliance. Matty is 5x more dangerous if he makes the merge. He'll join up with Randy, Susie, Marcus, Charlie, Corrine, Bob or Dan or whoever is over there.

Everybody has been saying they thought the Onion alliance should dominate this game and Kenny, GC and Kelly will be out from this episode on. Looks like they actually have a real chance.
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