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Summoning all summoners! Kiran/Eclat (FEH) for Smash thread


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Fire Emblem in Smash has an unique problem. It has 13 games (not counting remakes) over 6 continuities, practically every game has a different set of protagonists, and even with 6 fighters, there are multiple games that don't have a jot of representation beyond a few music tracks. With practically everyone demanding Fire Emblem stop having as many characters as Pokemon, how will we ever get our lord and saviour Wrys into Smash?

Well I have a solution, and it's called "Fire Emblem Heroes is a godsend that will save us from the filthy weeb masses and their pleb tastes." Or as I like to call it, "Put the summoner from Fire emblem Heroes in Smash."

Kiran/Eclat is you! Or rather, the anonymous dude in the white cloak with a magic gun that shows up for the intro cutscenes that supposed to represent you. You use the magic gun to summon fire emblem characters, then command them in battle against the Embla army to save Askr!

So another Pokémon Trainer, then?
Actually, no. Thanks to the intro cutscene made for book 2 of the game, it's implied Kiran is perfectly fine with running into battle alongside his fellow heroes. Turns out his gun can shoot balls of light as well as summon heroes! In addition, his support sprites and their animations suggest he might one day be on the battlefield in-game.

Wouldn't Veronica be a better rep?
If you feel that way, make a thread. I won't object, she did get 2nd place in CYL, after all.

But how would he fight?
Let me give a quick moveset as a example.

Neutral B: Infantry
Kiran shoots a glowing orb out of his gun, which does damage by itself. When it hits something, or when you press b again, a random infantry unit will appear and perform an attack. Melee users swing their weapon about, magic users throw out magic, bow users will auto-aim at the nearest enemy, staff user perform a weak attack but heal you at the same time, and knife users perform a weak attack that debuffs the enemy on hit. Afterwards, they disappear. Only one infantry unit can be around at a time, but you can still use B to fire balls of light that don't summon anything.

You can select the colour of your orb before you fire, giving some control on what you might summon, but not selecting an colour fires a gold orb that is more likely to have a rare and powerful unit! Only infantry unit summoning can be influenced like this, so take care.

Red: press up. Swords and fire magic are usually here.
Blue: press left. Spears and thunder magic are usually here.
Green: press right. Axes and wind magic are usually here.
Gray: press down. Bows, staffs and knives all come from here.

Take care of your heroes: if your enemy manages to hurt them, you won't be able to summon the stronger heroes for a while. That applies to all units summoned with B!

Side B: Calvary
Kiran opens a portal right in front of him, and a Calvary unit comes charging out! They can be pretty quick, but infantry attacks are stronger, and in mid-air, their attacks are even weaker without their much-needed speed. Get a long strip of solid ground between you and your opponent for max effect. If you hold B, you can hitch a ride! Just be sure to jump off before you hit something dangerous...

Up B: Fliers
Kiran opens up a portal below him, dives in, and emerges on the back of a flying unit. use the control stick to move around freely, press A to attack, and jump off whenever you like! But be warned: pegasi and wyverns aren't that hardy. their light bodies with their big hitboxes can be knocked around quite a bit, and any damage they take applies to you. And if you get knocked off... ouch. Either way, if you get knocked off, jump off, or just take too long, fliers will disappear afterwards.

Wyverns are sturdier than pegasi, but they moves slightly slower, and their attacks have more start-up.

Down B: Armours
Use this moves to summon an Armour onto the battlefield, which will remain in place until you command it. Armours are slow, can't really jump, but they block attacks like it's nothing, and their attacks are seriously powerful. When they are out, you can use down+B to make them come to you, smash down+B to make them go after your enemies, or hold down+B to make them stay in place. After a while, they will disappear by themselves. But beware, if the opponent attacks from above or behind, they might hurt your armoured unit, and you might not be able to use your down B for a while!

And no, you cannot drop your Armour unit off a ledge for a meteor attack. That's just mean.

Final Smash: Send Home
The action pauses as actual artwork of Kiran with a quote appears on screen, replicating the special attacks in FEH. Kiran then spins his gun and fires a ball of light, knocking anyone it hits into some Askrian ruins. The units then get attacked by Anna, Alfonse and Sharena, before Fjorm deals the finishing blow,

And the rest...

The rest of his moveset will be similar to how Yuna fought in Dissidia. in addition, some of his moves would use items found in FEH, and his grabs would reference how his game uses a drag and drop control scene to move his units around. Lightning charms, light's blessings... you've got to use all you've got when you're in the thick of battle!

To sum up, Kiran would access to some seriously powerful attacks, and very flexible zoning. His poor mobility would be his main weakness, and the random elements of his specials would mean players would have to play quick on their feet. Played well, Kiran would quickly take his opponent to 100% and beyond without even comboing. Played badly, and Kiran will be chewed up like a wet paper tower once his enemies get a hold of him. If you can't manage your heroes well, you'll never deserve the true power of a summoner in your grasp!

(This is my first time making a thread, so any suggestions would be nice.)


Smash Lord
May 7, 2015
I was just listening to SpazzyD talk about how hilarious it would be to have the gun in FE Heroes that just shoots out other FE characters.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
Heyy I actually found this looking to see if there was a Veronica thread. I don’t know. One’s kinda the face of the game, the other is kinda the main character. Although Alfonse was kinda also both? Weird situation. Anyways, a summoner characters sounds amazing, and even though there’s a lot of FE characters and a ton more great ones to choose from, I can’t think of anyone better than Kiran or Veronica. Like what other characters could even fight like that? It’s a fun idea. Sometimes the fighting style comes before the character, right?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
To be fair, Kiran/Eclat is pretty much a non-character personality and dialogue wise. But I do have some ideas what his voicelines and taunts can be, so don't worry about that.

As for having the gun for an item, I believe having the summoning orbs as the item will also work, so no worries there.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
I'd love to see the summoner/more FE characters in Smash, but this move-set feels just too random. I totally agree with you about having quick thinking and all that; I just feel it wouldn't be well received in the competitive scene, maybe even banned. Imagine losing a tournament because you got a swordsman when you needed a magic user, which are completely different gameplay wise but can be accessed from the same move. Also, if the idea is to represent a ton of FE characters with even just some basic attacks, commands, etc, then it's going to take a ton of development time. It's something that can rival assist trophies/pokeballs in terms of scale.

A compromise would be like Pac-Man's neutral special for summoning different characters from one move. He cycles between numerous different items which he can throw with different properties. This would telegraph the multiple-effects-from-one-move problem and provide a more realistic way to implement as many FE characters as possible.

I like the other specials though, I just feel they should be consolidated to the most prominent flier/calvary/armor for clarity. Actually, it would be neat to have different units but the same effects through palette swaps. One palette summons a Sigurd as your cavalry and another would summon a Xander.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
I'd love to see the summoner/more FE characters in Smash, but this move-set feels just too random. I totally agree with you about having quick thinking and all that; I just feel it wouldn't be well received in the competitive scene, maybe even banned. Imagine losing a tournament because you got a swordsman when you needed a magic user, which are completely different gameplay wise but can be accessed from the same move. Also, if the idea is to represent a ton of FE characters with even just some basic attacks, commands, etc, then it's going to take a ton of development time. It's something that can rival assist trophies/pokeballs in terms of scale.

A compromise would be like Pac-Man's neutral special for summoning different characters from one move. He cycles between numerous different items which he can throw with different properties. This would telegraph the multiple-effects-from-one-move problem and provide a more realistic way to implement as many FE characters as possible.

I like the other specials though, I just feel they should be consolidated to the most prominent flier/calvary/armor for clarity. Actually, it would be neat to have different units but the same effects through palette swaps. One palette summons a Sigurd as your cavalry and another would summon a Xander.
That's a good idea. While I like the random element, being able to cycle through and choose your unit would be closer to FE's strategy roots.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
I was thinking of some ways that more FE weapon-types and characters could be repped. Can the summoner replicate the Pokemon Trainer from Brawl by using Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna? You'd be able to switch between the characters, giving a weapon-triangle gameplay akin to the grass>fire>water gameplay. Cycling through the three would be perfect representing the strategy of Fire Emblem which revolves around the weapon-triangle a ton.

Plus, wouldn't "switching" mechanics be perfect for the "Switch"?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2001
Originally, I would have never wanted Kiran since I thought that with all the many FE characters out there I would hope for one with their own unique personality/character (a reason I often didn't feel too fond of avatar characters in general), plus the fact that a blank slate that only summons seemed like something quite hard to imagine working. But as Heroes has added more options for the character, I started to wonder if maybe they could offer something interesting. Then I recently saw this concept video that convinced me it could be a character concept full of all sorts of fun possibilities.
Many often think the summoner archetype could be a fun concept for Smash, and there would be no character for whom such a thing would make more sense. Having a moveset that revolves around a lot of RNG can be interesting depending on how it is handled. I tend to have a lot of fun with Hero's whole RNG lottery; imagine a character that takes that up to a whole new level. A lottery of summons that makes you have to make immediate strategies and playstyle adjustments all based on how lucky you got.
There is no way that will happen in this game considering we're down to only one more character. Maybe next time.
Still, it is fun to imagine if it were to happen... Just imagine... Everybody sitting there holding their breath as the very last character is about to be revealed... Then boom! Another FE character! And not just any FE character, the star of a mobile game! (Some folks were so upset about FEH getting a song, just imagine their reaction to a playable character!) The resulting salt would nourish me for a lifetime! lol
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