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Steel Thy Shovel! Shovel Knight Support Thread!

Cool Trainer Ace

Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2015
Scootin' Through Mafia Town
So... Nobody has made this yet? Wasn't this kind of obvious guys? Oh well.


Nonetheless, welcome my spade-armed brethren to the (self-proclaimed) official Shovel Knight Support Thread!

~Who is Shovel Knight?~
So, for the distinct minority of you may be asking: "Who is this incredible individual, and why is he equipped with excavation tools?" Well my friend, Shovel Knight is the main hero of the highly acclaimed and well-beloved game of the same name, created by Yacht Club Games. In of which he travels through many different 2D 16-bit-style levels acquiring treasures and glory while fighting off the Order of No Quarter and it's dastardly leader The Enchantress, all to rescue his beloved partner Shield Knight. I also like to think his code of honor is something called 'Shovelry.' Ha.

~Why should Shovel Knight be in Smash?~
I think the better question is, why shouldn't he be in Smash? His move set is huge, he's been on not one, not two, but THREE different Nintendo consoles (albeit in the same game across all platforms), and is an icon when it comes to well-known indie games. His move set would be pretty easy to come up with, and he has so many special moves he'll have Megaman levels of extra special moves for customs. I've made a makeshift move list here (subject to changes and ideas):
Jab: A shovel jab/poke

Ftilt: Shovel Knight's basic shovel swing. Good knockback and damage.

Utilt: An upward shovel poke (great for poking through platforms) that is good for juggling at low percents.

Dtilt: Shovel Knight's treasure digging animation. Shovel Knight's main combo starter. Can combo into Ftilt at extremely low percents, aerials at low-mid percents, and double-jump aerials at high percents.

Fsmash: Shovel Knight's charged shovel swing. A fast smash attack that is slightly slower than Meta Knight's, but still good enough to be used out of pivots or in the neutral.

Dsmash: A powerful digging swipe at the ground in front of Shovel Knight, burying the opponent on sweetspot. Has a spike hitbox that can net kills on unsuspecting opponents at the ledge. Only hits in front of Shovel Knight.

Usmash: Powerful Upward Strike. Does less knockback than Fsmash, but still nets kills at high percents.

Nair: War Horn. Lots of start-up, hits all around Shovel Knight, and has huge amounts of knockback. Shovel Knight's main kill move, and can be combo'd into from an Up Throw or Dtilt.

Fair: Shovel Knight's basic swing in the air. Does decent damage and has decent knockback. Great for comboing.

Uair: Shovel Knight's jumping animation from the "Catch Her" sequences. Good for juggling and racking up damage. Can kill off the top at higher percents.

Bair: A heavy backwards swing that has a decent startup, but lots of knockback.

Dair: Shovel Knight's iconic pogo attack. It bounces off characters and auto cancels to the ground. Can true combo into itself at low percents.

Neutral B: Flare Wand: Sends a ball of fire in a straight line when shot. Goes a medium distance and does decent damage with little knockback.

-Custom 1- Chaos Orb: Sends a bouncing magic ball that travels a long distance when shot. Can have up to 3 at a time out.

-Custom 2- Alchemy Coin: Sends out a magic coin that has the same properties as Dedede's gordo, but has a smaller hitbox. Bounces off walls and can be angled.

Side B: Propeller Dagger: A dagger with a propeller on it launches Shovel Knight a medium distance. Shovel Knight has super armor during this attack. Almost no startup or end lag, but does very little damage and almost no knockback. Can be used multiple times in the air to recover back to stage.

-Custom 1- Mobile Gear: Shovel Knight pulls out a fast-moving gear that he then hops onto and rides a long distance. Long start-up and decent end lag, does low damage and medium knockback. The attack can be canceled to stop moving.

-Custom 2- Dust Knuckles: Shovel Knight equips his trusty gauntlets and lunges forward a short distance with a short punch. Does good damage and knockback. Has no startup lag, but a good amount of end lag.

Down B: Troupple Chalice: Shovel Knight drinks some ichor and gains a boost depending on the ichor. Renewal Ichor restores a medium bit of percent, but has lots of startup and end lag. Boldness Ichor increases Shovel Knight's defense, making him harder to knock back, but lowers his speed. Fortune Ichor gives Shovel Knight a small amount of speed and draws all items and projectiles within a radius to Shovel Knight (like Rosalina's gravitational pull). These can be selected mannually through a rotation like Shulk's Monado Arts. The ichor can go through rotations while moving, but the animation of drinking a chalice will stop Shovel Knight in his tracks upon selection of the ichor.

-Custom 1- Ichor Favoritism: When Shovel Knight selects an ichor, this chalice will have its effects increased by 50%, but it is the only ichor Shovel Knight is able to select until the end of the battle.

-Custom 2- Empty Chalice: Shovel Knight throws an empty chalice into the air that can be caught and used as a projectile. It can be used to hit the opponent 5 times and lasts 2 seconds while on the ground before disappearing. Great for comboing.

Up B: Shield Knight. Shield Knight appears to give Shovel Knight a boost (Like Rush or Sonic's Spring). It snaps to the ledge, and has a hitbox located on Shovel Knight's head that is active the whole move.

Pummel: Shovel Knight headbutts his grappled opponent. Very slow, but does good damage (for a pummel, that is)

Fthrow: Shovel Knight places his shovel under his oppenent, then flings them forward. Knockback scales; this is Shovel Knight's main kill throw.

Uthrow: Shovel Knight scoops his opponent up into the air, then headbutts them, launching the opponent upwards. Can combo into Nair at high percents to score a kill.

Bthrow: Shovel Knight feints behind the grappled opponent and whacks them hard in the back with his shovel. Not as powerful as Fthrow, but can still kill at high percents.

Dthrow: Shovel Knight's main combo throw. He throws them to the ground and uses the fishing rod's Heavy Anchor to launch them. At low percents it can combo into Dair (which combos into another Dair), Fair, Nair (at low percents), and Utilt at low-mid percents, and double-jump Uair at high percents. The anchor hitbox can hit opponents in doubles.

The knights of the Order of No Quarter appear while the background shifts to the Tower of Fate. Each knight takes it's turn whacking you with their attacks (King Knight's Scepter, Specter Knight's Scythe, Tinker Knight's mech/wrenches, Treasure Knight's anchor gun, Mole Knight's claws, Polar Knight's snow shovel/giant snowball, Propeller Knight's rapier/ship with cannonballs), finishing off with a magic blast from the Enchantress.

1) Boss victory animation
2) Digging through a treasure chest and pulling out a piece of treasure
3) Sleeping (Campfire sequence after levels)

Entry into battle animation: He jumps on stage from off screen and raises his mighty spade.
Double Jump Animation: A forward flip from Shovel Knight's golden armor set.

Shovel Knight, I feel, would be a very versatile character with a mix of disjoints, ranged attacks, and a quick way of getting in (Ex: propeller dagger). A potential sword(ish) character with a huge combo game. He would be a bit slower than other characters because of his armor, but when has that ever stopped him? He has a high jump, and with his attacks used in tandem, could gain control of the battlefield quickly. His extra color palettes would just be his different armors from the game. I like this representation:

He would use his ground moves to combo into aerial moves (like Corrin), for instance, maybe a Dtilt -> Dair ->Dair/Fair combo because of the bouncing effect of the Dair. And if the Fair has no kill power, than reverse-aerial-rush Dair -> Bair at high-ish percents. This could potentially be a kill confirm like Uthrow->Dair. This is all speculation of course, but it's interesting to look into the applications of his moves and what effects and setups they may have (basing all this off my moveset, anyway).

So, would YOU like to see this stoic shovel-stricken chevalier join the fight? LET'S DISCUSS!
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Given GameGuy's absence, it was bound to happen. But hey, at least we have place to discuss shovelry and whatnot. :laugh:

I support.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Shovel Knight for Smash.

Just as long as Scrooge isn't invited, that duck is too crazy for him to handle. :troll:


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Shovel Knight: Defeats a godlike demonic spirit trapped inside an amulet and saves the world.
Gets killed by elderly duck.

We all have bad days.

Oh, uh, like, IDK if you knew this but I love Shovel Knight add me to the list

Cool Trainer Ace

Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2015
Scootin' Through Mafia Town
Okay, so I just found this, but if Shovel Knight gets in and gets his own stage, can we PLEASE get this song in too?

It doesn't have anything to do with Shovel Knight, but I mean, it's kinda awesome. Regardless of it being a parody.

~~Btw I updated the moveset with more ideas. Check it out if you want.
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
After playing a bit of plague knight, I finally stopped hating the idea of Shovel Knight in smsah.

In fact, I would say I support the idea :p

Plus, I really want this song being remixed in smash

Deleted member

After playing a bit of plague knight, I finally stopped hating the idea of Shovel Knight in smsah.

In fact, I would say I support the idea :p

Plus, I really want this song being remixed in smash
Looks like another naysayer was converted by the power of Shovelry.

I should know, I used to be a naysayer too. :laugh:
Then I played the game to see what the big deal was. Best decision I ever made.
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Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2016
Ah, here it is. This is my take on Shovel Knight!

Neutral Special: Chaos Sphere: Cliche idea neutral idea, but that is because it is obvious. Throw a bouncing, multi-hitting ball of death, in which up to three can be out at a time.

Side Special: Propeller Dagger: Dash forward to whatever horizontal direction you choose. This is why Shovel Knight's horizontal recovery is good. He is immune in the dagger, and the dagger hits once on anyone in the way.

Down Special: War Horn: How about a slow startup, long lag move that destroys all nearby (Except friendly) Projectiles and deals damage and tons of knockback and has super armor the whole duration except for the startup and end? Because that is what this is.

Other Ideas
Side Smash: That charge attack with your shovel. Basic.

Down Smash: Though it wouldn't hit on both sides, it would be cool if you dug at a dirt pile and flung rocks and dirt and treasure at your foes from pretty decent distances. In fact, maybe the first press summons the pile, the 2nd hits it once, the 3rd hits it twice, and the 4th throws the rest. If it is left alone for too long or an opponent hits it, it disappears.

Down Air: You use your Shovel Drop. It is like Link's but you have better horizontal movement, as in you actually control it, and you bounce higher. Bouncing Higher isn't always a good thing though, it gives the opponent better time to retaliate.

Down Throw: You grab your foe, lay them in front of you, and lay down the Fishing Rod's strong anchor upon them.

Forward Throw: You throw your opponent lightly forward, and follow up with the Dust Knuckles. This can go off the edge and leave you in a fallstate, but the damage is pretty good.

Up Throw: You throw your opponents upwards, and throw a Throwing Anchor after them. It sends them high, so it is terrible for follow-ups, but not a half bad kill option. Though this doesn't matter in 1v1s, the falling anchor can hit other foes or other hittable things.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Call me a supporter, because I am. :p

The game's had loads of success for an Indie game, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he at least gets considered for the next entry in Smash. I think he's got the right kind of moves to fit in as a fighter just fine.

Considering all the different settings in the game, I'd love it if Shovel Knight's home stage made use of all of them, cycling through each major stage in some form, maybe even making use of some of the unique mechanics introduced in each one. If not that, then the general layout can remain the same but change it's setting randomly whenever it's selected; maybe the music that plays on the stage would be determined by this as well.

Cool Trainer Ace

Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2015
Scootin' Through Mafia Town
Considering all the different settings in the game, I'd love it if Shovel Knight's home stage made use of all of them, cycling through each major stage in some form, maybe even making use of some of the unique mechanics introduced in each one. If not that, then the general layout can remain the same but change it's setting randomly whenever it's selected; maybe the music that plays on the stage would be determined by this as well.
They could definitely do it. They did it in the Mario Maker stage, and while it would be more like a Castle Siege shift rather than a Mario Maker shift, they could definitely work in the music like the Mario Maker stage.


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
With plague knight's quest taken care of I've now finished all three campaigns, so let's ask:

1) Between Plague Knight, Shovel Knight, and Specter Knight, at higher levels, who was your favorite to play as? Which was your favorite campaign?

2) After King Knight's campaign would you want to be able to play a four player campaign in addition to the four player battle mode that is coming out?

3) Do you think there's any chance of them crossing playable characters across campaigns/battle modes in a later release?

4) If your favorite isn't shovel knight, do you think there is any chance of either of the other playable knights getting into smash?


My answers:

1) I don't know. At high levels all three are so massively overpowered they're all great. I think specter knight might have been the most fun though. I enjoyed the sheer villainy of Plague Knight's campaign the most I think, but a large part of that could be

2) yes. I would like that.

3) as much as I would like to see it, I don't think it will happen. If anyone other than shovel knight gets co op, it'd probably just be the same one like shovel knight co op. And I don't know if they would want to make the battle mode work like that.

4) I do not see anyone other than shovel knight getting into smash. While I'd welcome either of the other two, they won't happen without shovel knight and I don't see them happening anyway.

Deleted member

With plague knight's quest taken care of I've now finished all three campaigns, so let's ask:

1) Between Plague Knight, Shovel Knight, and Specter Knight, at higher levels, who was your favorite to play as? Which was your favorite campaign?

2) After King Knight's campaign would you want to be able to play a four player campaign in addition to the four player battle mode that is coming out?

3) Do you think there's any chance of them crossing playable characters across campaigns/battle modes in a later release?

4) If your favorite isn't shovel knight, do you think there is any chance of either of the other playable knights getting into smash?
1) Haven't played Specter of Torment yet, so I can't answer that completely.
My 3DS went kaput so I have to replay Shovel of Hope and Plague of Shadows on Wii U before Specter of Torment.
But between Shovel Knight and Plague Knight, I kind of enjoyed Plague Knight's campaign more honestly.

2) No. Trying to play Shovel of Hope with two players is hectic enough for me.
Unless this is a brand new campaign designed specifically for four players and it doesn't have the whole "borrow another player's health for respawn" thing. Then possibly.

3) Not really.

4) Nope. Shovel Knight is the lead. Now, could Plague, Specter, or King show up in a later Smash as a secondary character? Possibly, but we'll need to see what the future lies for the Shovel Knight franchise at the time. That wouldn't be for quite some time, though.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
1) Between Plague Knight, Shovel Knight, and Specter Knight, at higher levels, who was your favorite to play as? Which was your favorite campaign?
Haven't finished Spectre Knight but
Plague > Spectre> Shovel
Although Spectre could very well take first by the time I beat it

2) After King Knight's campaign would you want to be able to play a four player campaign in addition to the four player battle mode that is coming out?
3) Do you think there's any chance of them crossing playable characters across campaigns/battle modes in a later release?
Probably not. A lot of the mpas are specifically designed around their character and would either be impossible with other characters, or boring if reworked
4) If your favorite isn't shovel knight, do you think there is any chance of either of the other playable knights getting into smash?
Plague might get an AT but no one but Shovel would ever be playable.


Smash Lord
May 18, 2015
I played Shovel Knight and I think this indie character would be a good pick. I say I support the Shovel Knight for Smash. Props to the OP for including custom move ideas.

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but considering that Shovel Knight has had his own amiibo, AND that apparently a lot of Nintendo people like him, I'm convinced that he has a slight bit of hope.

I support.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2013
I'm not big on Shovel Knight but I just can't for the life of me understand why he never made it in the Sm4sh roster.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Shovel Knight found himself coming to another new indie game.

Just want you all to know.

And Yacht Club Games are still talking about the possibility of making a 3D platformer for Shovel Knight. I wouldn't mind him going 3D.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
Huge Shovel Knight fan here! Got one of my two votes in the Smash Ballot.

Sign me up as a supporter!

Also great work with the moveset TC. I also have some ideas for one which i might share later.
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Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
If we do get an Indie character, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Shovel Knight, since he seems to be more popular than most Indie characters. Also, he's got an Amiibo figure, so that's a plus.

Unfortunately, I haven't played any Shovel Knight games, so I can't say much in that regard. Though, judging by the videos I've seen, it looks well-made.

Shovel Knight would be unique in that he uses a different weapon. That said, stabbing and slashing aside, his main gimmick could be digging up things. One move I thought of (could be his down-smash), involves him digging a pitfall for the enemy to fall into. While trapped, he can pogo-stick the hell out of them.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013

Plague Knight, Specter Knight and King Knight amiibo. They look amazing, Yacht Club Games is really kicking it off with these.

Also, Shovel Knight collaboration confirmed to be included in No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again as well. He really is in everything and I'm loving it.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Inb4 Travis has to be the one to kill Shovel Knight in his own game.

But this is great news for him.

I need those over Knight Amiibo. The commercial just felt too much like something entirely different. If you know what I mean. :troll:

Deleted member

I support.
I wanted butt butt before it was cool.
I'm not joking, I actually did discuss it with my friends way before the ballot was a thing

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Despite loving the Shovel Knight game I was initially against the idea of him in smash. he just didn't seem like he "deserved" the spot. not yet at least.

But as time has passed and I've seen more and more stuff to change my mind. I've rethought it and reversed my stance.

Nintendo seems to really be into supporting "Nindies" and Shovel Knight is pretty much THE face of the Indie gaming scene. appearing in more and more indie games all the time.

plus, his series has 4 amiibo now! that's more than some Nintendo franchises even have yet
(Metroid: Samus, a Metroid. Chibi-Robo: Chibi-Robo, BoxBoy!: Qbby, Pikmin: the Pikmin)
And on par (currently) with the Kirby and Fire Emblem series for Amiibo releases.

So yeah, the fame/importance is there. the nintendo history is there, the moveset potential is there. I'm all for Shovel Knight in Smash now!


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I'd definitely have no problem with seeing Shovel Knight in Smash. He seems to be the face of indie developers on Nintendo consoles, more or less, and he has a lot of material that would transfer well into Smash Bros. (plus, he seems to be an unofficial mascot for indies as a whole, given his appearances in Runbow, Blaster Master, Yooka-Laylee, Azure Striker Gunvolt 2, and so on)


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
One hundred percent. When I went through and played the three campaigns (again) I found myself wishing for all three of them to be playable in Smash Bros. BUT I guess we'd be stuck with just one and it'd have to be the OG himself. He'd be fun, especially if all of his specials are relics.

Would demand a Plague Knight assist trophy though.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I thought the support here would be MASSIVE!
I know there's probably a lot of silent support, like mine. But I'll show it anyway.

The reason why I haven't really expressed my support for SK before is... Because he's just TOO perfect for Smash.

He has the attacks, the specials, the "Nintendo charm", the color swaps, the awesome stages with fun hazards, the kick-ass music, and the popularity.

And what I mean by this is, that I didn't have anything to add to the thread.

Although I didn't vote for him, he was clearly the winner of the ballot in my eyes.

To me it's not a matter of if he gets in. But more like when he gets in.

Oh, for ATs I would love to have Shield Knight, who will block incoming attacks and let you bounce off her if you're off stage.
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Deleted member

I'm in the process of making a moveset for Shovel Knight and I wanted to ask, do you guys think Shovel Knight should use relics in his standart moveset? Some ideas I had include:
-Dust Knuckle as a jab
-Throwing Anchor as an up smash
-Fishing rod being used for a throw or two
-Propeller Dagger as a back air (he holds it behind himself. Multi-hit attack with windbox, propels him forward)
-Fleet Flask as a dash attack
-Maybe some other relics for his throws such as the Flareo Wand

What do you think?
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Smash Lord
May 18, 2015
I'm in the process of making a moveset for Shovel Knight and I wanted to ask, do you guys think Shovel Knight should use relics in his standart moveset? Some ideas I had include:
-Dust Knuckle as a jab
-Throwing Anchor as an up smash
-Fishing rod being used for a throw or two
-Propeller Dagger as a back air (he holds it behind himself. Multi-hit attack with windbox, propels him forward)
-Fleet Flask as a dash attack
-Maybe some other relics for his throws such as the Flareo Wand

What do you think?
I was thinking of the Propeller Dagger as a nice up air or a predictable thought of it being an up special.

As for relics, that could go either way of being part of the standard moveset or as Shovel Knight's specials. It's how you imagine Shovel Knight would work.

Deleted member

I was thinking of the Propeller Dagger as a nice up air or a predictable thought of it being an up special.
I feel that the Rising Dagger would be better suited for an up special personally.

As for relics, that could go either way of being part of the standard moveset or as Shovel Knight's specials. It's how you imagine Shovel Knight would work.
I think the relics should be used in both the specials and the standart moveset. It would make the moveset flashier and more unique.


Smash Lord
May 18, 2015
I feel that the Rising Dagger would be better suited for an up special personally.

I think the relics should be used in both the specials and the standart moveset. It would make the moveset flashier and more unique.
I just looked up the Rising Dagger and found out about it. I can see why you used it. I need to be aware of the Custom Knight relics.

Overall, what you have is cool.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
I'm in the process of making a moveset for Shovel Knight and I wanted to ask, do you guys think Shovel Knight should use relics in his standart moveset? Some ideas I had include:
-Dust Knuckle as a jab
-Throwing Anchor as an up smash
-Fishing rod being used for a throw or two
-Propeller Dagger as a back air (he holds it behind himself. Multi-hit attack with windbox, propels him forward)
-Fleet Flask as a dash attack
-Maybe some other relics for his throws such as the Flareo Wand

What do you think?
Maybe the War Horn could be a Neutral B? And a Troupple Chalice can be a Down B with different cycling effects?

Deleted member

Maybe the War Horn could be a Neutral B? And a Troupple Chalice can be a Down B with different cycling effects?
I feel that the War Horn's best use is for a Down B (Or Neutral aerial). The Troupple Chalice seems like a waste to me.
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