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Some vids


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
I hosted a local tournament with some friends at my house yesterday. I won in the end, and was able to capture some videos. I have a couple vids from it where I use MK, and then I have a random vid of a fight with a friend. Unfortunately, the sound somehow got cut from this last one so I had to add music instead (but it's the best filmed performance of MK that I have):

MK vs Captain Falcon:


MK vs Wolf:


MK vs Sonic:


Enjoy, but don't criticize too much :p


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
I love the fact that you can swim in this game (makes the melee donkey kong stage a lot less lethal), but also because you can have water battles like that.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Thanks. There are definitely a few things I need to work on, though. Like my edgeguarding for example. I rarely edgehog like I did in melee and I tend to forget to follow my opponents off stage.

Deleted member

your meta is most definentally the defensive type lol


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
It depends who I play against. Most of my friends think I'm vicious.

Why do you label me as defensive? You've caught my interest.


Smash Rookie
Feb 17, 2008
Interesting vids. You get automatic BA points for the Megadeth song.
I would call you a defensive player too. For one, you don't follow your opponents off the edge of the stage. I'd recommend doing this, well timed fairs or nairs can get you easy kills at low percents, especially on a character like sonic who's up+b doesn't do any damage on the ascent. Just knock him out there a ways, then glide back onto the edge and hang there until he falls to his death.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Ah yes, following people out. My friends would murder me (not in the game) if I did this to them. They already can't beat me 95% of the time, so I chill out a bit on certain strategies to let them breathe.

Nobody likes getting slaughtered every time, and I like playing with my friends, so until they improve more, I gotta keep chilling out. So right now, I practice things like that on computers. I tend to practice gimping recoveries on characters like kirby who can jump forever...it's great practice.

The good news. We can all still enjoy playing against eachother. The bad news (for them), when they improve, I've already got my tricks up my sleeve XD


Smash Cadet
Mar 12, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Your MK is pretty well balanced. One of the things I would say is to not start out with your neutral b. When your opponent is at low percentages it is a *lot* easier for meta knight to string together a few moves to rack up percentage quickly. Neutral b does the same damage no matter what percentage they are at. I would also suggest following up your throws(down or forward throw). MK is one of the few characters that has a throw that can be followed up, if only with a nair or fair.

Deleted member

Ah yes, following people out. My friends would murder me (not in the game) if I did this to them. They already can't beat me 95% of the time, so I chill out a bit on certain strategies to let them breath
even with this in mind you still waited for them to come to you most of the time and then outprioritized them with things like the mach tornado and such.


Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2008
My only criticisms/opinions are:
1) I think that you should move a little more constantly to screw with your opponents' minds. Meta Knight is an overwhelming character, as he can combo you back and forth and be a real nuisance. Constantly sprinting around makes him even more overwhelming.
2) Although you're playing defensively, that doesn't mean you have to stand still. You can poke threats of attack in there to play defensively, maybe causing them to make a bad decision. This sort of goes with the first suggestion.

Otherwise I thought you played quite well, and the grabs against Wolf were excellent. It seemed like you were holding back at times, though, from a lack of Up+B's and chasing off of the stage?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Your MK is pretty well balanced. One of the things I would say is to not start out with your neutral b. When your opponent is at low percentages it is a *lot* easier for meta knight to string together a few moves to rack up percentage quickly. Neutral b does the same damage no matter what percentage they are at. I would also suggest following up your throws(down or forward throw). MK is one of the few characters that has a throw that can be followed up, if only with a nair or fair.
Thanks for the tips. I realize his throws are great for setting up, but I tend to forget when I actually do it so I'll have to start drilling it in my mind more.

You make a somewhat good point about the Tornado, but I have a couple things to say about it.

1) At low percentages, damage is damage. You can build it up fast with aerials and you can do the same with the Tornado since there will be little knockback either way.

2) I like using it to close the distance quickly in the beginning. Because it can rise and fall, it works whether there are platforms or not most of the time. If they see it coming, then it's easy to steer it to safety instead.

3) It's like a signature of mine :p

even with this in mind you still waited for them to come to you most of the time and then outprioritized them with things like the mach tornado and such.
Yes, but to them, this appears like I'm just doing regular edge hogging. It may frustrate them, but not to the point where they may just put the controller down. Against some characters, like Ganondorf or Falco, I can gimp their recovery and get kills below 40-50% sometimes. They would simply hate me if I did that right now. I'm going to give them more time (the game has only been out for a little over a week, after all)

My only criticisms/opinions are:
1) I think that you should move a little more constantly to screw with your opponents' minds. Meta Knight is an overwhelming character, as he can combo you back and forth and be a real nuisance. Constantly sprinting around makes him even more overwhelming.
2) Although you're playing defensively, that doesn't mean you have to stand still. You can poke threats of attack in there to play defensively, maybe causing them to make a bad decision. This sort of goes with the first suggestion.

Otherwise I thought you played quite well, and the grabs against Wolf were excellent. It seemed like you were holding back at times, though, from a lack of Up+B's and chasing off of the stage?
Thanks, I love MK's grabbing ability, and like DrSalvador mentioned, his dthrow and fthrow are excellent setups. If you watched the sonic video, though, you'll see it got reversed. He's too fast for me right now XD

Yes, I was holding back. I didn't always pursue so they could have a chance to breathe and get their head back into the game. Right now, my friends can't handle what I did in those videos, so I give them a chance to pull themselves together to try again. I want them to improve so that fights will be more interesting and if they are just dying and getting frustrated the whole time, they might just stop playing with me. Most of my friends did that against my Falco and Dr. Mario in Melee and it killed the game for me.

I will admit, though, that I'm not very proficient with his up-b yet. I don't get to play much, so most of what I have is the technical skill that I carried over from melee. I'm in the process of practicing my gliding and glide attacking, as well as aiming my up-b. I've improved drastically in following opponents off stage, though, in the past day. I may try new things against my friends in a couple days and see how how they respond. Thanks for the tips and feedback, though. Even with holding back, I didn't think I was playing defensively. I rewatched my videos and noticed how right you are.

Deleted member

no,not edge hogging,when you both are on the stage.
when they approach you,you stand there and retaliate by trying to outprioritize them.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Yeah, you do have a point there.

I tend do use more defensive maneuvers like that if I haven't played against a certain character with Meta Knight before. It's been proven foolish for me to automatically hunt them down.

I'll work on that. I think that's the biggest flaw in my play style to be pointed out thus far.

Deleted member

haha no its not a flaw im just saying that makes you more defensive =D


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Heh, I suppose. I put the pressure on them once it starts, but if they end up on their feet a fair distance away from me, I don't like rushing in until I see what they're going to do. There's really no perfect approach for MK, especially against some characters. I miss SHL XD

Deleted member

haha well if you understand this then i cant wait to see what you will do in your next mk matches =0


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Neither can I. I won't be able to play with anyone for another day or two, but I should have new videos up soon.

Next time, I'm going to put up a video between two of my friends. It was a long, but interesting fight. Unfortunately, I have to stick a couple songs to it, because the sound didn't record for some reason.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
If you want to be succsefull you need to be right beside your aponent at all times ....not nececarily useing smash atacks but it seems to me you need to take advantage of his speed just wateing by the edge for wolf to come for you wouldnt work with a better player .....


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Exactly! My friends need to learn to overcome that before they can hope to stand a chance once I start chasing them off.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
hell no never beside ike with teh night ...but then how do u you hit him ? ...ZOMG keep him of the egd is your best bet
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