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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
Iri: -Nods- "We'll make sure to"

-The Slayer feels somewhat relieved-

Welp, I'd be cool with it honestly.

We would have to tell you the current etting for it...

Yukari: "The creators of Hyrule? Why?"

-Just because she knows many things doesn't means she knows everything- :V
You mean the arc that just finished? He can live without knowing :p

Palutena: "Let's just say you don't know everything." ;)
My character can jump in during the next arc, then.
The character I will be using is...

ChaldeaDex Entry
Umbra Witch #1

Class: Caster
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 231cm, 77kg
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Origin: Vigrid, Europe. Has a British accent, though.
Debut: Bayonetta
Likes: Killing angels, sarcasm, guns, snarky quips
Dislikes: Anyone more than willing to harm innocent children, Father Balder, Loptr
Line: “Let’s dance, boys!”
Character's Title/Biography: An Umbra witch hailing from Vigrid, she is one of the last remaining witches left alive. She is tasked with making sure that both the light and the dark in the world are balanced. A snarky, charismatic woman more than willing to use her body to lull her opponents into death, she’s a witch who has a heart and will always fight for the greater good. She’s a “guile hero”, not a character with a squeaky clean image, but isn’t remotely malicious.

Strength: B
Endurance: D
Agility: C
Mana: S
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: S

Class Skills
Territory Creation: Rank -. The ability to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus.
Item Construction: Rank -. The ability to produce various magical items.

Personal Skills
Sharp-shooter: Rank -. The ability to fire her pistols rapidly and with perfect accuracy. This lasts for one round of bullets.
Witch time: Rank -. The ability to slow down all enemies. Witch time protects Bayonetta, but not others within her party. This skill only lasts for one second and can only be activated as a counter-attack.
Bat within: Rank -. The ability to become unhittable for a split second. However, this move is a coin flip; only has a 50% chance of working effectively. This move is faster than Witch time, but doesn’t last as long.

Noble Phantasms
Gomorrah: A giant demon beast that does Bayonetta’s bidding. Seen as her final smash in the Smash Bros series. Gomorrah automatically kills any small enemies on the battlefield, and cuts boss health in half. However, this move may only be used once per quest.

Attribute: Man
Traits: Very tall and physically attractive. ESTP.

Notes: She enjoys lollipops. She actually likes kids but doesn’t let others know about it. Despite being an umbra witch, she is very fond of the color white and loves wearing white dresses on Sunday. Has a killer Catholic nun disguise. Her favorite music genre is Jazz, being a big fan of Frank Sinatra. However, she is also a fan of the Sex Pistols and Rolling Stones.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Iri: -Nods- "We'll make sure to"

-The Slayer feels somewhat relieved-
"...Unfortunately for Arnold, it doesn't, and he gets launched last, making Jenny the winner."

"Instead of taking the time to just celebrate, however, she instead springs into action! Activating her jets, she flies towards Arnold and grabs him mid-fall, bringing him down to the ground slowly and safely afterwards."


"Omnitraxus informed Queen Moon and King River of the good news, as well as the High Commission."

"Others informed all of Chaldea of Isis' death, as well as those of The Lich and Hades."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
My character can jump in during the next arc, then.
The character I will be using is...

ChaldeaDex Entry
Umbra Witch #1

Class: Caster
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 231cm, 77kg
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Origin: Vigrid, Europe. Has a British accent, though.
Debut: Bayonetta
Likes: Killing angels, sarcasm, guns, snarky quips
Dislikes: Anyone more than willing to harm innocent children, Father Balder, Loptr
Line: “Let’s dance, boys!”
Character's Title/Biography: An Umbra witch hailing from Vigrid, she is one of the last remaining witches left alive. She is tasked with making sure that both the light and the dark in the world are balanced. A snarky, charismatic woman more than willing to use her body to lull her opponents into death, she’s a witch who has a heart and will always fight for the greater good. She’s a “guile hero”, not a character with a squeaky clean image, but isn’t remotely malicious.

Strength: B
Endurance: D
Agility: C
Mana: S
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: S

Class Skills
Territory Creation: Rank -. The ability to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus.
Item Construction: Rank -. The ability to produce various magical items.

Personal Skills
Sharp-shooter: Rank -. The ability to fire her pistols rapidly and with perfect accuracy. This lasts for one round of bullets.
Witch time: Rank -. The ability to slow down all enemies. Witch time protects Bayonetta, but not others within her party. This skill only lasts for one second and can only be activated as a counter-attack.
Bat within: Rank -. The ability to become unhittable for a split second. However, this move is a coin flip; only has a 50% chance of working effectively. This move is faster than Witch time, but doesn’t last as long.

Noble Phantasms
Gomorrah: A giant demon beast that does Bayonetta’s bidding. Seen as her final smash in the Smash Bros series. Gomorrah automatically kills any small enemies on the battlefield, and cuts boss health in half. However, this move may only be used once per quest.

Attribute: Man
Traits: Very tall and physically attractive. ESTP.

Notes: She enjoys lollipops. She actually likes kids but doesn’t let others know about it. Despite being an umbra witch, she is very fond of the color white and loves wearing white dresses on Sunday. Has a killer Catholic nun disguise. Her favorite music genre is Jazz, being a big fan of Frank Sinatra. However, she is also a fan of the Sex Pistols and Rolling Stones.
Will be noted then. :p
Palutena: "See you later then." :)
Yukari: "Later" -Opened gap to go to Basel-
"...Unfortunately for Arnold, it doesn't, and he gets launched last, making Jenny the winner."

"Instead of taking the time to just celebrate, however, she instead springs into action! Activating her jets, she flies towards Arnold and grabs him mid-fall, bringing him down to the ground slowly and safely afterwards."


"Omnitraxus informed Queen Moon and King River of the good news, as well as the High Commission."

"Others informed all of Chaldea of Isis' death, as well as those of The Lich and Hades."
-And he is obviously very grateful-
Amakusa: "It is all over now... The mutliverse is safe from that woman"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-And he is obviously very grateful-
Amakusa: "It is all over now... The mutliverse is safe from that woman"
"It's just what she does!"

"It would seem a cause for celebration! Everyone looked overjoyed, relieved, or highly satisfied by this news."

"...Except for Undyne, who appeared have a more bittersweet expression on her face. For what reason would she, a monster who's determined and hopeful as her, especially through this time of universal war, suddenly be upset when their enemy has been slain and they know the worlds they're been working so hard to protect are finally safe again?"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
"It's just what she does!"

"It would seem a cause for celebration! Everyone looked overjoyed, relieved, or highly satisfied by this news."

"...Except for Undyne, who appeared have a more bittersweet expression on her face. For what reason would she, a monster who's determined and hopeful as her, especially through this time of universal war, suddenly be upset when their enemy has been slain and they know the worlds they're been working so hard to protect are finally safe again?"
I like the robot now. :3
Cu: "Hey Undyne, you okay, girl?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
I like the robot now. :3
Cu: "Hey Undyne, you okay, girl?"
"Maybe she's not so bad after all!"


It's...hard for me to admit that I'm not, but I'm really not...

"Not long after, it was announced that a monster rknown as "Asgore" died fighting The Lich. As most weren't familiar with that name, they clarified thazthe used to be the Underground's king."

"Gaster was very shocked by the news, as was Toriel. Evidently, Undyne must've cared a great deal about him, too."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Palu: "Same for you. Where are Din, Farore and Nayru?"
Kyu: "At Basel's Tower in your base"
"Maybe she's not so bad after all!"


It's...hard for me to admit that I'm not, but I'm really not...

"Not long after, it was announced that a monster rknown as "Asgore" died fighting The Lich. As most weren't familiar with that name, they clarified thazthe used to be the Underground's king."

"Gaster was very shocked by the news, as was Toriel. Evidently, Undyne must've cared a great deal about him, too."
-Nope, he helped the child after all-
Cu: "Hey girl, at least he died fighting against the thing. Sounds like he faced death with dignity, and I know many wouldn't have done it against that thing.

But I guess you still need some time..."

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
*Just then, a purple circle appears and the Umbran witch from Vigrid appears in front of the party*

"Hmmm, dreadful. This isn't Vigrid...and who are all of you?"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-it phases through like he's a hologram-

Do you mind...? You're scaring the fish....
Isis: "..."

Kyu: "At Basel's Tower in your base"
Palutena: "What...?"

*Just then, a purple circle appears and the Umbran witch from Vigrid appears in front of the party*

"Hmmm, dreadful. This isn't Vigrid...and who are all of you?"
Deadpool: -practically squeeing- Oh my god, it's the chick that lost to Dante!


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Nope, he helped the child after all-
Cu: "Hey girl, at least he died fighting against the thing. Sounds like he faced death with dignity, and I know many wouldn't have done it against that thing.

But I guess you still need some time..."
"The only reason she didn't try to help CatDog was because she's seen strange beings like them before and also witnessed said beings survive worse injuries. :V"

...Yeah. you're right about that. I think he went out like a true king; like a total badass, and a man who knew what was right. He gave his life trying to help all of us, I know he did.

Heh. I still remember when I met him in person for the first time...all I wanted to do was prove that I was a good fighter, so like the naive little brat I was, I tried attacking him. Emphasis on "tried"...I couldn't land a single hit. He didn't even fight back. He just kept dodging. I was that terrible...He could've just left me to be embarrassed at school after I threw that tantrum, but a few days later, he came back and asked if I wanted to know how to beat him. I said yes. He trained me just about every day from that point onward. By the time I finally knocked him down, he was beaming with pride. I hadn't ever seen someone so proud to have their butt kicked. My training continued even still, until the day I rose in the ranks of the Royal Guard and became their captain until the Underground's end.

"Sighs" Ugh, I'm probably rambling, aren't I...? Well, anyways, in short...Asgore...taught me everything I know. I owe so much of the success in my life to him. Heck, before Frisk came along, I'd even say that, along with training me to become the warrior I am now, he also helped soften my heart a bit, too...which helped me out in other aspects of my life. "Looking at her GF Alphys, and also at Papyrus, whom she mentored in a similar manner to how Asgore mentored her. She took a moment to be comforted by the former when she was done talking."

"Obviously Alphys cared about Asgore as well, but right now, her priority is comforting her GF."

"Undyne is a strong monster, and obviously doesn't want to be depressed over this, but she also isn't forcing herself to not be hurt by the loss. Because she definitely is."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Palutena: "What...?"
Kyu: "Oh yeah, they've been watching you guys all along, so they decided to go and clean and look afte your base as a sign of thanks for saving the multiverse and they asked me to look after this place while they were on that"
"The only reason she didn't try to help CatDog was because she's seen strange beings like them before and also witnessed said beings survive worse injuries. :V"

...Yeah. you're right about that. I think he went out like a true king; like a total badass, and a man who knew what was right. He gave his life trying to help all of us, I know he did.

Heh. I still remember when I met him in person for the first time...all I wanted to do was prove that I was a good fighter, so like the naive little brat I was, I tried attacking him. Emphasis on "tried"...I couldn't land a single hit. He didn't even fight back. He just kept dodging. I was that terrible...He could've just left me to be embarrassed at school after I threw that tantrum, but a few days later, he came back and asked if I wanted to know how to beat him. I said yes. He trained me just about every day from that point onward. By the time I finally knocked him down, he was beaming with pride. I hadn't ever seen someone so proud to have their butt kicked. My training continued even still, until the day I rose in the ranks of the Royal Guard and became their captain until the Underground's end.

"Sighs" Ugh, I'm probably rambling, aren't I...? Well, anyways, in short...Asgore...taught me everything I know. I owe so much of the success in my life to him. Heck, before Frisk came along, I'd even say that, along with training me to become the warrior I am now, he also helped soften my heart a bit, too...which helped me out in other aspects of my life. "Looking at her GF Alphys, and also at Papyrus, whom she mentored in a similar manner to how Asgore mentored her. She took a moment to be comforted by the former when she was done talking."

"Obviously Alphys cared about Asgore as well, but right now, her priority is comforting her GF."

"Undyne is a strong monster, and obviously doesn't want to be depressed over this, but she also isn't forcing herself to not be hurt by the loss. Because she definitely is."
-And she wasn't wrong since they looked fine- :V
Cu: "Hey, no issue in rambling now since he was important, besides guy sounded like someone I'd too would have loved to battle against" :p

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
Marvelous: "That's a question that we should be doing to you..."

Kyu: "So why are you here?"
I am the Umbra witch, Bayonetta. I'm supposed to kill angels in order to keep the peace between light and dark.
Killing angels DOES tickle my fancy, but it can get awfully boring.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Palu: "You seem very dedicated to keeping the place safe..."
Kyu: "Welp, what can I say? I am a divine intern who likes doing her job well. Kinda like your angel" :p
I am the Umbra witch, Bayonetta. I'm supposed to kill angels in order to keep the peace between light and dark.
Killing angels DOES tickle my fancy, but it can get awfully boring.
Don: "Did you just say... Kiiling angels?"

Gai: -Whispers to Marvelous' ear- "We should hide that angel guy and the Goseiger Keys from this woman"

Marvelous: "Hm"
Last edited:

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
Kyu: "Welp, what can I say? I am a divine intern who likes doing her job well. Kinda like your angel" :p

Don: "Did you just say... Kiiling angels?"

Gai: -Whispers to Marvelous' ear- "We should hide that angel guy and the Goseiger Keys from this woman"

Marvelous: "Hm"
You know it. Although, I will admit though that the angels I've met have faces not even a mother could love. And they're trying to rule over the world so there's that.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Palu: "Except you can read." :p
Kyu: "It's part of the course when trying to find the likes of my clients' potential dates" :p
You know it. Although, I will admit though that the angels I've met have faces not even a mother could love. And they're trying to rule over the world so there's that.
Gai: "Aaaaaaah, it's like Brajira the Messiah then..."

Marvelous: "Whatever case, how did you end here?"
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