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A lot of vtubers have explicitly said that Covid forcing everyone to stay home is probably the explicit rreason why their viewsership has skyrocketed, especially with overseas audienes. In the last 6 months, Hololive has had Indonesia Branch open, 5th gen (which has some drama behind it sadly) and now EN opening up.
Yeah, makes sense. :waluigirose:


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
How is that their problem? It shows how weak I am. It shows I have an inability to be a good person, and I'll have to live with being a horrible person.

You don't get it. I'm the parasite. Every single time, I have to leave a community or I get blocked and yelled at. Either because of harassment, or because I anger everyone in a chat. And I've tried improving for YEARS, and no results. I've tried SO HARD. I want to give up.

Look what happened around a week or so ago. Look what happened in Discord. Look what happened in Twitter. Look what happened in SmashBoards in 2019 July.

I cannot move on from this. I appears in my head a lot. It sticks to me like a very powerful magnet.
How can I move on from all of this when I have to sleep at night knowing I angered people? More people are going to know about my failures, and they will hate me. It spreads.
Much more important than if other people are comfortable with you is if you are comfortable with yourself. First and foremost you have to be true to yourself, and if not everyone likes you, that's their concern. You can't expect to please everyone. You shouldn't and don't need to go out of your way to fill your life with people who may not like you.

Figure out the steps you want to take to be more comfortable with yourself. Identify your shortcomings or things you would like to improve, and take incremental steps to make goals to self-improve a reality. Just keep pressing forward, and don't lose sight of the positive side of things. Instead of wallowing in the negative, use it as opportunities to learn about yourself and better mold a realistic direction forward.

But make sure you aim for reality. Having everyone like you is not only not as important as you think, it's not realistic. Trying to control how other people feel is not a productive goal. You can only control yourself. Don't focus on ingratiating yourself, aim in the direction to be self-content with who you are, and then not only what other people think will matter less, but the people who do gravitate towards you, and there will be people, will like you for you.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
So I had another session & I was going to say alot about it, but it's too late for that, so:

-Got Trickster Level 2.
-Got Artemis
-Died a couple of time - normal - but getting better & better.
-Died alot on Vergil, but that's because I was trying to get better with Royal Guard, but I just can't do it at level 1. I have to either level it up to lvl2 for aerial block, or just leave it in the dust.
-Once I tried seriously, I died a couple more time - sound familiar - but I eventually did it.
-I tried to play a bit more, but my brain was too dusty to continue, so I stopped.

Brief, DMC3's good stuff, even if it's salt inducing at time.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Yeah I've apparently been seeing this game getting some pretty low reviews and such. I'm surprised especially given the cinematic graphics it has.
reviews are high during the story campaign, but a majority of the endgame needs more content future dlc aside...and of course Spider-Man even more aside cause Sony gonna PlayStation
To be fair graphics aren't everything.

true, but the game’s graphics (especially when compared to Spider-Man PS4 and the constant design changes some to make people like Black Widow look more...human...) could be worked on some more...
...but after them glitches are dealt with. A ***** ain’t tryna be in space at random
Holy crud I had no idea the 2017 Spider-Man cartoon did a Superior Spider-Man arc. And in season 2, of all things: Looks like they were movin' fast in this one's storytelling.

...I've been going through animated Spider-Man stuff on Disney+ recently. Just finished 90's Spider-Man and thought I'd check out the current series and...first episode was okay. Peter not shutting up about the scientific method got a bit old, though.

I miss Spectacular Spider-Man...
every sane person misses the greatest Marvel cartoon of all time (followed by Avengers EMH), but Spidey 2017 is a very good show. Season 3 has been killing it so far especially, but seasons 1 and 2 managed to stay good as well.

Deleted member

Much more important than if other people are comfortable with you is if you are comfortable with yourself. First and foremost you have to be true to yourself, and if not everyone likes you, that's their concern. You can't expect to please everyone. You shouldn't and don't need to go out of your way to fill your life with people who may not like you.
I am absolutely not comfortable with myself.
Figure out the steps you want to take to be more comfortable with yourself. Identify your shortcomings or things you would like to improve, and take incremental steps to make goals to self-improve a reality. Just keep pressing forward, and don't lose sight of the positive side of things. Instead of wallowing in the negative, use it as opportunities to learn about yourself and better mold a realistic direction forward.
How can I mold myself better? I have demonstrated in communities I'm a failure. If I disappeared forever, who would notice I am gone besides my parents and a few people? I'm too broken. I feel like it is too late for me. Death
But make sure you aim for reality. Having everyone like you is not only not as important as you think, it's not realistic. Trying to control how other people feel is not a productive goal. You can only control yourself. Don't focus on ingratiating yourself, aim in the direction to be self-content with who you are, and then not only what other people think will matter less, but the people who do gravitate towards you, and there will be people, will like you for you.
I know not everyone will like me, but when I want to get close to people, they always begin to hate me. Like I said, look what happened to me in the past. When I try to ignore them, my past haunts me. I am not content with who I am, and I feel like I cannot be my dream self. And it is not like if I love myself, then people will love me. If anything, if I love myself, people are going to stop me, because they will notify me of my past, and how I'm an awful person. Look at my past. Look at it.


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
If you're interested, check Pikamee out(The blonde gal with the little lightning rod on her head).

She's bilingual so it's easy to follow her without subs since she constantly speaks English alongside Japanese.
Funny that you mention her, I was just watching this after it came up in my recommended:



Dimensional Dile-Up
Feb 26, 2019
So I've never known anything about Vtubers, what do they do exactly?
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