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So I want to main MK


Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2008
Hi, I'm pretty new to competitive smash, even though I played every smash so far, I have only what I've learned in the past week as knowledge of advanced techniques. My smash noob rank on the forums probably fits me pretty well.

I want to know what are some need to know techniques concerning meta knight. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I want to know from basic to advanced techs and combos that I can use to improve my skills as a MK.

Anything at all is VERY appreciated.


Smash Rookie
Mar 30, 2008
Victoria, B.C.
Learn to glide if you haven't already. Shuttle loop (up b) is a great killing move, and it goes into a glide. Remember that side tilt has 3 parts to it.

Try going to youtube and watch some MK vids. (I recommend gimpyfish's)


Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2007
Hi desert, Socal
To start it off.
There is nothing wrong with fair / bair spamming.
That is how he raises the percentage up by 9.

Most of Meta's combos are best if starting between 0 - 10%.

Meta is what is known as a freestyle char. Meaning you can make up combos.

Basic combo starters r
utilt, usmash, uair, nair, or any throw besides bthrow.

The best combo moves are uair, dair, sometimes nair, and dtilt (works as an otg)
Basic enders are f/bair, nair, shuttle loop, or any smash attacks. (i assume you can make up your own combos from that list)

Play aggressively, camping is not 1 of Meta's best options.

You really wanna keep the enemy guessing for your next move.

Rush at them with fairs, bairs, and the ftilt combo.

If they retaliate, it is best to quickly switch to defensive and use a quick move that'll push them back.
From there you can rush in and grab, or apply aerial pressure (which only a few chars can deal with)

Recovery is pretty straight forward. Just be sure to only use aerials if ledge campers become a serious problem.

And learn your glide mechanics.
There are several situations where gliding will save you over the traditional "Get back on stage" moves.

Just a little quick advice.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
when trying to get back on the edge his A attack out of his glide has insane priority and you can always use your down B.....and if all els fails fly under the stage and go on the other side

Deleted member

Check out the stickied guide at the top of the MK board. A great post and a lot of good discussion going on in there.

do this,its a good guide on meta for newcomers indeed =)

i would give you advice but i suck at smash lol
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