Job #1: Time Travel Arc
The Time Travel Arc is about Mario and his friends travelling throught timeliness and time points to revert everything to normality.
Job #2: "Mario's Time Machine"
Plot: In Mario's House, Luigi requested Mario to clean up his room because of his mess and Mario angrily says: "Fine!" and he went for vacuum to clean up his room. While cleaning up his room, he notices Small Time Machine and he pressed that button and he was taken by Time Portal and he went back in time to SMG4's birth era, where he saw Baby SMG4 lying in Guardian Pod as crib. And Mario noticed that it was young SMG4 living in his Guardian Pod room and when Mario came back to present era with Baby SMG4, he landed in present time and SMG4 noticed that kid named SMG4, which SMG4 thought he was his son, but realized that he was baby version of him and SMG4 smelled him and he had in mind that smell remind him of Guardian Pod, where he was a Baby and his memories recalled when he was in his crib and when his parents came, they called him with Childhood name: "Funny Angel" and SMG4 remembered that he was born in Luke's old Computer as baby, but then Mario Realized that he was born in his Console and the Arc began to start with ther Origins and time Travelling.