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Smashboards Creates: Battle of AGES, a SEGA platform fighter

What's the roster number gonna be?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Assist 1: Prince Egle (Alex Kidd)

Pit Pot.png

Alex Kidd's elder twin brother, and knight prince star of 1985's Master System title Pit Pot.

Armed with his magic hammer, when summoned Egle has the ability to knock holes in the stage.

When he slams his hammer down, he'll create pitfalls directly down. And that means directly down.
If summoned at the top of Mount Eternal for example, Egle's hammer will create a hole ALL the way down from the very top of the stage.

These pitfalls only last roughly ten seconds, but can be used to greatly alter the terrain temporarily.

If an opponent, instead of the stage, is hit by Egle when hammering, the pitfall will not be created. Instead the hapless victim will be buried in the ground for five seconds, half the length of time the pitfall would be there.

If an opponent attempts to make it back onto the stage try having Egle smash a pitfall on where they're about to land and watch them freefall!


Assist 2: Crymaria Levin


Desperate to be seen as helpful, Crymaria Levin when summoned will launch ice shaped shards of pure ragnite at the opponent.

These shards fly directly up and come crashing down in an arch, homing in on opponents. When they land they explode into bright blue orbs causing decent damage.

Unlike most assists, if her summoner is killed whilst she's out she will become overcome with grief. She will summon a red hot ragnite blizzard around her as she becomes overwhelmed with grief and anger, burning anyone touched by it. If she is not knocked out in time she will explode, enveloping the entire stage in a huge nuke style blast that will annihilate anyone standing on the stage. Make sure to summon Crymaria if you feel like you won't survive the next ten seconds.

The huge nuke can be avoided by either waiting Crymaria's summon out before killing the summoner or with good timing by leaving the stage and managing to stay out of sight whilst it goes off.
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Hatsuho (Sakura Wars)

Hatsuho would go around the stage bonking people with her huge hammer, This hammer attack can either stun the opponent or do incredible Knockback and damage

Edelweiss (Valkyria Chronicles)

The Assist would spawn, Isara would pop her head out of the cockpit wave and go back in to pilot the tank. The Tank would then move up and down the stage, Acting as a giant platform and if you are run over by the Edelweiss you take a lot of damage. It also fires a machine gun at close up targets and a powerful explosive shell at far away targets.

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Sorry I'm late, stuff came up last night. Here are the results:

Elenor: 7 points
Witch: 13 points
Wolf: 8 points
Puffy: 1 points
Egle: 7 points
Levin: 2 points
Edel: 8 points
Hatsuho: 2 points

Our next assist will be Witch!!!!!

Moving on:

Job #259: Submit up to two items

Yeah uhhhhh you can submit items! You can submit just one orrrrr if you want to, you can put a second one forward as well. Have fun

Captain Shwampy

Smash Master
Jul 20, 2014
Job #259: Super Energy Combat Armor (Rent-A-Hero)
Screenshot (157).png

Armor created by SECA(SEGA) to give anyone super strength to take out crime in the city. Grabbing this suit out of a box with its label has the user dress in the heroic suit and doubles their strength in battle, however it only last for a short period of time as these suits require batteries to use. Male characters will get Taro's armor and Female characters will get Hiroko's armor.

Job #259: Light Phaser/Zillion Gun/Ruby Bullet
Job #239 Light Phaser/Zillion Gun/Ruby Bullet
Bringing this one back

But im also gonna add one more thing, the weapon appeared in PSO as weapon name the Ruby Bullet, its very rare and can afflict burn on enemies in the game.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
Job #259 - New Items

Gag Item (Pole's Big Adventure):

Pole's Big Adventure is a side-scrolling platform video game which was developed by SEGA and produced by Phantasy Star Universe's Takao Miyoshi for the Nintendo Wii via WiiWare exclusively in Japan on 2009. The game itself involves a eponymous cowboy, Pole, trying to rescue his girlfriend Sharon from a kidnapper by killing enemies with a upgrade-able shotgun. It featured an 8-bit style presentation and gameplay similar to those of NES and SEGA Master System's platforming games like Super Mario Bros. (with Pole "rescuing" Sharon at the end of each level, only to find out that she is a poorly-disguised enemy character) and Alex Kidd in Miracle World, poking fun at the conventions of these games while featuring a crude sense of humor and references to the fourth wall in the form of 100 hidden gags (as both items and mechanics), that Pole has to stumble across in the game, such as limping after breaking his leg when landing from a high platform and a power-up mushroom that turns him so giant he'll lose a life, with even having deliberate bugs and glitches (slowdown/graphical corruption).

And yes, that game WAS a real thing (a big shame that Nintendo's Wii Shop Channel is now closed down).

In Battle of AGES, the Gag Item will appear as a brown 8-bit block with a question mark inside the blue square. When attacked or just touched in contact similarly to Poison Mushroom, it will momentarily transform the character into a messy, pixelated version of themselves (much like Ratchet and Clank's Pixelizer weapon), decreasing their defense and strength for a short period of time before turning them back to normal. This references how one of the glitch-like gags will make so many enemies appear on-screen, causing Pole's sprite to not load in correctly.
Rocket Launcher (Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit):

Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit is a side-scrolling platform game developed by Arkedo Studio and published by SEGA, which was released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows and iOS in 2012. The game focuses on Ash, a skeletal rabbit-like being and the prince of Hell, who sets out across the hellish world to kill the hundred monsters on his self-imposing quest to restore his reputation as it's ruler following his father's death, after having been photographed with him playing a rubber duck in the bathtub as he travels on a large buzzsaw-like circular blade while cutting through enemies, flying with a equipped jetpack and firing them by utilizing a variety of projectile weapons, one of them which include a missile launcher.

In Battle of AGES, when picked up, the player is capable of using the rocket launcher to shoot out missiles that fly at a quick speed and explode either on-contact with a fighter or wall/surface, even being able to aim this weapon upwards or downwards with the control stick while indicating their targets with a red laser. Holding the button will make the player charge before releasing off a powerful swarm of missiles in-front of them, though when the player runs out of ammo, they will automatically discard the item and make it disappear.
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Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Resubmitting this
Job #119: Hand Scroll (Shinobi)

View attachment 341748

In Shinobi (2002) and Nightshade, scrolls are limited items that allow the player to use one of three strong abilities peruse. Originally, you need a trained ninja to read this, let alone use it to cast ninjutsu but where's the fun in that?

In this game, any character who reaches one of these first will use Ka'en, a fiery area of effect spell that burns anyone and anything in its range aka big bomb magic. However, this move will be activated in seconds after you get the scroll so it's in your best interest to place yourself somewhere you'll cause the most destruction as possible. Keep in mind that while your character will be immune to the fire damage caused by this move if you accidentally set off any explosive, you're gonna have a bad time.

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Alright, time to close things down.

SECA: 4 points
Phaser: 5 points
Gag: 5 points
Launcher: 0 points
Scroll: 4 points

The Light Phaser and Gag Item will be our items for this season!!

Anyway, before the next job, I have to be honest with you all: I'm a bit worried.

I've noticed lately that we've kind of dropped in activity, this last job got barely any submissions or votes, and I can't lie when I say it feels like some of that spark we used to have is being lost. It worries me cause I don't want this thread to burn out. So to this end, what can I do? I don't want anyone here to feel bad about their contributions, it's my responsibility as the threadrunner to ensure things go well, so again like, what changes can I make to make this a bit more engaging? I've noticed the item/already-repped series jobs tend to be the sloggiest and less active, should I do something different? Idk.

Anyway, it's finally time for us to reach the second half of this here season. Which means....new series reps!!!!!

And what will the job be?

Job #260: Submit an arcade character (or series!)

We're doing this one last time. Mainly because I've noticed our DLC characters so far have been pretty low on arcade representation (it's pretty much just Amigo and Pai), and considering that there are still several notable names to pull from, I felt doing something in this regard would be appropriate. It's true that a lot of the big names are already in, but that just means we get to dive deep this time around! SEGA's arcade backlog is extremely extensive, so I thought it'd be nice to do this just one more time.

Also yes, if a series has multiple options, you can just submit that series itself

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
I'm pitching in myself. This time, with a character who has been submitted before, but who I wanted to give the full writeup treatment. It's time for.......

Job #260: Bruno Delinger from Dynamite Deka/Cop

Bruno Delinger is the protagonist of Dynamite Deka, a series of 3D beat-em-ups that started on the arcades and the Saturn. Bruno is a 42-year-old detective who works for the San Francisco Police Department. He goes to extreme lengths to catch criminals, and while he has a high success rate, the amount of property damage caused by his escapades has earned him the nickname "Mr. Dynamite". Bruno is especially trained in mixed martial arts, and also makes use of whichever items he can find as weapons, making for an often impromptu arsenal. In the first game, he and his partner Cindy Holiday are called to deal with a hostage situation in a tower, having to save the president's daughter, Caroline Powell, from a group of terrorists headed by Wolf Hongo. Fighting through various floors of over-the-top action, they were able to defeat Wolf and rescue Caroline. In the second game, released in the Dreamcast era, Bruno was roped into yet another hostage situation, this time taking place in a cruise ship. Hongo survived the last fight, and having become a cyborg, leads a crew of modern-day pirates to invade the ship and kidnap the president's daughter again. With the help of Navy SEALS members Jean Ivy and Eddie Brown, Bruno manages to take the terrorist group down and save the day once more. It's also worth mentioning the 2007 game Asian Dynamite, which is sort of an update/remix of the second game with more of an East Asian vibe.

Before anything else, I should probably mention the elephant in the room here, that being the series'....interesting origins. You see, the original Dynamite Deka launched under another name in the West: Die Hard Arcade. The game was rebranded with the Die Hard license, with Bruno being replaced with straight-up real-ass John McClane, and that's how that game tends to be known to westerners. This should probably be explained.

So DD was created by one Makoto Uchida, an important SEGA creative who's responsible for games like Altered Beast, Golden Axe and Alien Storm. His games tend to take heavy inspiration from American film, and this one is no different. Uchida wanted to make a game that felt like an action movie, and he loved the Die Hard films and had envisioned a game based on them since he had watched them. The game was a collaborative effort between the AM1 division of SoJ and SEGA Technical Institute, who were located in America and were responsible for games like Comix Zone. The game is obviously very clearly inspired by Die Hard, but they didn't actually pick up the license until very very late in development. Thus, it landed us with a classic case of "original IP in Japan is rebranded as an established property in the West". At least from the sources I've checked, it's not entirely clear whether they always meant to have the actual license, but regardless, I can see why this could give people pause. Having such a strong association with a licensed property might make it a bit of an awkward choice. However, let's consider the facts: not only did the sequel drop the license in all regions, but the series has continued to get a steady amount of love from SEGA with no problem, whether it be through rereleases, multimedia, or cameos in other SEGA stuff (as we'll go into more detail on later). I think that when you consider that, it's clear that Dynamite Deka has become its own thing and should be treated as such. It's part of the SEGA canon, like any other classic title of theirs. Though the association has often made it more of an under-the-radar pick, leading to this really interesting situation where one of the most overtly Western-influenced classic SoJ properties gets much more play in Japan.

So what exactly is this series' cred? How popular is it? While it is decently popular with Western SEGA enthusiasts as well, it gets a ton of love from the JP side of things. It's important to remember that the original came out during the Saturn era, which was the height of SEGA's powers in the JP console market. As such, games from that era tend to be more popular and get more play in these things, and DD is no exception. It's regarded as a legitimate big classic SEGA property over there, not just by fans but by the company itself. And this is the part where I list off the bits of acknowledgement the series has gotten, so here we goooooooo
  • The game got a SEGA AGES PS2 release, gaining a full visual remake and various bits of bonus content based on Uchida's past creations
  • In 2014, the series got its own light novel, Dynamite Deka: Burning 2020, following the adventures of an older Bruno who partners with a younger agent who was saved by him as a child
  • In House of the Dead 2, you can unlock a Bruno costume
  • Caroline is one of many SEGA characters who you can recruit for your dev team in SEGAGAGA, and she also shows up in the climax. It's funny cause like none of the lists I've seen online mention her but she's right there in that big famous climax cutscene
  • Bruno shows up as a Solo Unit in the first Project X Zone. Interestingly enough, he's voiced by Ben Hiura, who also voiced John McClane in the JP dubs of Die Hard. That's cheeky. I like that.
  • Bruno, Cindy and Caroline all make cameos at different points in the HiScoool! SeHa Girls anime
  • Dynamite Deka was all over SEGA's 60th anniversary material, with various characters from the series showing up in the concert banner, in the badges, etc.
  • It's also one of many SEGA properties featured in the logo that plays before the Sonic movies
  • In a much more recent bit of acknowledgement, we've recently seen the release of 404 Game Re:Set, a mobile game by Yoko Taro where you recruit various SEGA game-based anime girls to fight SEGA, who have become a dystopian megacorp that rules the world. And indeed, one of the 17 SEGA games featured at launch.....is Dynamite Deka!
So as you can see, that's quite the resume! And there are probably still a few I've forgotten or don't know about. When you line them all up like that, it becomes clear to me that this is a legit noteworthy classic SEGA property that's worthy of being in our roster. It also helps that it serves as another rep for the Saturn era, which still has several great options left.

So how would Bruno fight? Well, let's go back to what I said about how he makes use of anything he can find. That would probably constitute the bulk of his moveset, giving us another sort of "item-based brawler" archetype following in the footsteps of Kiryu and Rikiya. However, I can see him differentiating himself by having a wackier, sort of Frank West-ish kit. He has his martial arts of course, but then we get to his weapons - we have stuff like handguns, missile launchers, rifles and machine guns, yes, but then we also have mops, fire axes, pipes, grandfather clocks, clubs, aerosol spray, explosive barrels, and that's just the first game! When you lay that all out like that, I think he has some really fun potential.

So yeah, basically my case for Bruno is that he's a cool character from a cool classic SEGA property that has a lot of both internal and external reverence. I think he'd be a fantastic add.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
Job #260: DLC Fighter from the Arcade Game - Pengo

Pengo is a funky little penguin and the titular protagonist of an eponymous maze puzzle video game developed by Coreland (currently Banpresto), published by SEGA and released for the arcades on September 26th, 1982, in which his home in the Antarctic was invaded by the Sno-Bees, a strange yet deadly race of blob-like monsters with cone-like noses, attempting to defend it by pushing ice blocks as they slide towards the Sno-Bees and squash them right into walls, all while going around multiple mazes consisting of them and a rendition of Gershon Kingsley's 1969 hit song "Popcorn" playing on the background (which was also included in SEGA's several compilation OSTs, even the 60th anniversary album).

As one of SEGA's first commercial successes back from the early 1980's, Pengo was notably the fourth highest-grossing arcade machine in Japan (on par with games like Galaga and Donkey Kong), even having a fair share of ports for various consoles such as Atari 2600, 5200, LCDs/VFDs, mobile (Sonic Cafe) & SEGA's very own Game Gear, dozens of copycat clones from other developers, and official sequels like Mega Drive's Pepenga Pengo (exclusively in Japan), which has a Bomberman-style structure with Pengo being able to create ice blocks to kick by himself, fight bosses and collect items in eight different worlds, and "Pengo!" which is basically a simultaneous eight-player widescreen competition (having been released on Xbox 360 and Nintendo Switch via "Ge-Sen Love: Plus Pengo!" in 2012 and 2019 respectively), alongside a licensed tie-in based on Kōji Kiriyama's manga/anime series, Ninku Gaiden: Hiroyuki Daikatsugeki.

Pengo himself and the game has also made cameos/references in various SEGA-developed games like Champion Boxing (where he holds up a "KO" sign if the player successfully knocks out their opponent), Teddy Boy Blues (appearing as one of the targets in a bonus stage alongside Flicky), Sega Saturn de Hakken!! Tamagotchi Park (being a virtual pet "Pengotchi"), Segagaga (which has a warehouse minigame where Taro Sega must load Dreamcasts into a truck by pushing them similarly to blocks of ice), a Badnik enemy in Sonic 3D Blast, a scrapped background role on Bark the Polar Bear's stage in Sonic the Fighters and most recently, a playable character in SEGA & Yoko Taro's mobile collaboration 404 Game RE: SET -Error Game Reset.

In Battle of AGES, for his normal/melee attacks, Pengo would utilize natural penguin stuff like his wings to slap opponents, kicking, pecking with his beak, bashing with his head and sliding/diving on the ground/air. Pengo's signature ability and most prominent attack of method, that of pushing large ice blocks, can be implemented for his toolkit to give him an element of stage control, even making the floor a bit slippery when sliding and setting up chain reactions to stun/damage opponents around. Perhaps his moveset may even include him summoning Sno-Bees from their eggs as hazards (potential All-Star Move based on King Dedede's old Final Smash in Brawl with a boss from Pepenga Pengo added for the finishing attack?), tossing diamonds as aerial projectiles (based on diamond blocks) and make himself temporarily faster for a brief time (as shown in Pepenga Pengo). Maybe even give him various ice-based attacks similarly to how the Ice Climbers were handled in the Super Smash Bros. series to solidly represent himself and his home series well (by the original game's experience).

As an acceptable nod to SEGA's early roots when it comes to arcade/video gaming overall, and considering his series' position in the company's history, Pengo would honestly make a interesting wild-card pick for this project's roster, given it's modern obscurity and relevant importance.
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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Once again throwing my hat in the ring to say Love and Berry would be based and epic and cool.

Job #186: Love and Berry

View attachment 349815

Love and Berry are the two protagonists of Love and Berry: Dress Up and Dance, an arcade game that utilizes the same card-reading technology as Mushiking and Dinosaur King. Love and Berry is definitely the odd one out amongst the Sega Arcade Card trilogy. For starters, instead of being aimed at a demographic of young boys who wanna see things fight each other, Love and Berry is squarely aimed at young girls who are into fashion. As the title suggests, the main objective of the game is to dress up the titular protagonists and then put on a show for an audience. The better dressed your girl is and the better you perform at the rhythm game section, the higher you’ll score. Think a mix of Style Savvy and contests in the Gen 4 Pokemon games.

Although the game was relatively unknown outside of Japan, Love and Berry was actually a pretty decent success for Sega. The arcade game itself brought in money and regularly got updates until 2008, it got a DS game which came with an accessory that allowed you to scan in cards from the arcade game, and it even got an anime film. Pretty good for a relatively niche Sega property. It’s not completely unreasonable for Sega to wanna reference these two if they wanted to go for a wahoo wacky pick. Also I just find it to be a fun little curiosity in Sega’s arcade history, being one of the few games they made that were directly aimed at a female audience.

Anywho, how would Love and Berry fight? Well, they’re witches whose main power is something called “fashion magic,” which allows them to change outfits on the fly. If you really wanted to take some creative liberties, you could lean heavily into that and make them into something of a mage-type character. Maybe do something wacky like give them an attack that changes their alts or the alts of the other characters? Incorporate the tambourine into their moveset somehow? You’d have to get really creative with their moveset, but I think they could be insanely fun if done right. Also I just think the idea is really funny. If Sakurai isn’t gonna give us Style Savvy in Smash, it’s time to take matters into our own hands.

ADDENDUM: In my quest to become a Love and Berry Lore Expert™️, I have discovered that the original arcade game actually was released in English sometime in 2006. It must not have been that much of a hit over here because I can’t find much info about it other than the fact that an English localization and dub does exist. It’s also in this search that I discovered that A, the game received regular Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer updates each season to correlate with those seasons’ fashion trends, and B, the game’s soundtrack is also on Spotify with no region lock whatsoever if that tickles your fancy. I also stumbled across this neat little 2005 article from Web Japan that provides a glimpse of just how big Love and Berry was at the time. It’s not super in depth, but the fact that this game covered by an official Japanese tourism site should speak to its popularity.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.

Wonderland Wars Logo.png

Wonderland Wars is a popular 4 vs. 4 MOBA game designed for Japanese arcades.

The basic premise is that when heroes from fairy tale stories finish their tale they are brought to compete in the Wonderland Wars, a huge spectator combat sport in which two teams compete to destroy their opponents towers on the field.


The game uses a unique pen like controller that allows users to draw their special attacks with 'ink'.

The game is extremely successful over in Japan becoming an e-sport with regular tournaments even to this day, although there is shockingly very little information about it over here in the west.

The closest to a Western release we got was the short lived mobile exclusive title; League of Wonderland which was a stripped down 1 vs 1 version of Wonderland Wars set to two minute matches. Unfortunately unlike it's Japanese Arcade cousin which started in 2015 and is still played to this day, the mobile version of the game lasted only a little over a year.

Regardless, the Wonderland series has a cast of incredibly colourful characters to choose from.

Option 1: Ash Covered Cendrillon (aka Cinderella)

The face of the franchise, the game's premise is shown via Cinderella's tale coming to an end before being whisked away to the Wonderland Wars stadium.
The famous glass slippers are now glass boots, and she fights with her twin blades made from the midnight clock tower's clock hands.

Her special ability is 'Crystal Smash' which causes a gigantic glass crystals to rise from the ground when she slams her blades down, cutting off routes and dealing heavy damage. She also has a selection of useful skills such as Ball Up and White Wish which gives her a balanced skillset with a recovery heal option.

Option 2: Little Alice (aka Alice in Wonderland)


Like Cendrillon, Little Alice appears to be a major face of the game, often appearing alongside her as one of the main characters.
Little Alice is a long range fighter who uses her wand to summon Bombs and has the special ability to grow huge in size, stomping her opponents into the ground in a pinch.

Option 3: Peter the Kid (Aka Peter Pan)


Peter the Kid is a support unit in Wonderland Wars, specialising in healing himself as well as allies using his ability Dreamwind which also greatly increases his speed. As you can see he also has a gun and knife to his name, so despite his support nature he can still deal some damage. Unsurprisingly for a character based on Peter Pan, Peter the Kid also has the ability to fly, making him able to perform very well as an aerial fighter.

And there's dozens and dozens more characters based off fairy tale favourites from both the west and Japan you can check out. There's bound to be at least someone that you like...and nearly every character comes in two different flavours, usually with one being a twist on the other version:
Click through the character list and check out the Youtube videos at the bottom to see the vast majority of characters abilities.

Even our own current Battle of Ages veteran Joker managed to get in on the action as a playable character!


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AKA nirvanafan
Oct 14, 2016
Fighting Vipers

Kind of the sister series to Virtua Fighter using the 2nd games engine & a crossover title with Fighters Mega Mix. Mixed things up from VF with breakable walls, a more wacky cast, and an armor system which particularly could be an interesting gimmick for our chosen fighter.

Honey/Candy is probably the front runner, even making a kind of cameo with a sonic-ish counter part in sonic the fighters but feel like we can give the rest of roster a shot to fully utilize some other interesting ideas such as lead singer/guitarist Raxel, skateboarder Picky, or the snake armored secret fighter Mahler.
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Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2018
Noneya Business
Switch FC
Bonanza Bros.

Originally released in arcades in 1990, then ported to the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive in 1991. While the game itself is probably one of SEGA's least memorable titles, I think these two gangster brothers, Robo (1P, Red) and Mobo (2P, Blue), would be pretty good fits, even though all they can probably do is sneak, hide, steal, jump and shoot.

If they had their own stage, it'd probably look something like this, or something bigger. And their theme music would be something like this:
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Deleted member


The protagonist of Altered Beast. Altered Beast is a fairly iconic game in sega's back catalogue. He'd be your standard punchy man, but would be able to transform into the beastly forms featured in his home game in order to habe stronger attacks. He'd also make use of magic in his moveset


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
I had a few different ideas for this one, including some more unusual picks, but I think this one makes the most sense to me.

Character Name: Harrier
Character Origin:
Space Harrier (1985)

The main character of the Space Harrier series, I'd argue this is a great pick - especially as we come slowly toward the end of the game's roster. When you think of "SEGA arcade games", a few come to mind - but one of the most iconic types is by far the Super-Scaler titles on the Sega System. Including iconic titles like After Burner, Hang-On and OutRun, the series is a pretty important part of SEGA's history to consider - and one of the most notable of these games is Space Harrier. Acting as a representative for such an interesting and important part of SEGA history, it's not unreasonable to suggest him. Space Harrier also has quite a lot of pedigree beyond purely initial arcade success, having had a continual series of sorts, even though the most recent release was in 2013.

That said, he'd also have a lot of potential in terms of moveset. Being unique as a surprisingly aerially-adept zoner, Harrier springs to mind as being somewhat of a glass cannon - somewhat representing the gameplay of his original titles, as well as being a fairly simple character in contrast to the perhaps more complex Demi-Fiend. Not only this, but he'd also have a lot of costume potential if we were to look at the various pieces of box art seen throughout the series!

That said, I think he could genuinely be a lot of fun, and there's plenty of potential for a really unique character (and unique interactions, too.)

Shoutout to Rage/Smarty/Janet though they came pretty close

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC

Deleted member

1. Fighting Vipers (Long Overdue)
2. Pengo (We could use a retro rep and this is a good pick)
3. Harrier (Sane as above)

Shout out to Bruno and Love & Berry. Both nearly made my list
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