I'm concerned about Sakurai's well-being. In the latest Direct, he blinked in a strange way while having a forced smile. Then, afterwards, according to his English translator, he said, "I wonder if I'll ever get to take a break." To me, this is a cry for help. Sakurai has poured his blood, sweat, and tears into directing Smash games and trying to make as many fans as possible happy, and yet he has gotten so much flack from ungrateful people. "But Sakurai isn't the only guy who works on Smash!" That's true, but he's still responsible for calling most of the shots, and any time someone complains that their most-wanted character didn't make it into the roster or a character they dislike made it in instead, they don't blame the developers or the programmers. They blame Sakurai. It's no wonder the man looks weaker as he gets older. All that fatigue from having to deal with haters has really taken a toll on him. So the next time anyone thinks about attacking Sakurai, take a step back and realize you're only making the problem worse.