just try to calm down and lets get back to discussing stages.
GP- you control when you fire yourself out there but if you stay there too long it will fire by itself which it sometimes does pointing downwards
doo doo ben, what happened to "news flash, you're not always right?" and now you're disappointed because I have a different opinion from you like a whiny baby... loooool.
^100% angry
loooooooool if you GENUINELY believe that post was angry, I actually thought you were joking because no one could be more oblivious than to actually believe that I was upset from that post. it's kind of clear that I was just mocking you being "dissapointed" that I have a different opinion from you by quoting you and calling you "doo doo" and a "whiny baby" (not serious insults). why don't you actually discuss stages rather than stating your "dissapointment" with those who disagree and congratulating people who agree with you?
I am discussing stages with prof, hugo and various other people... but apparently me debating=me being angry with people who have different opinions from myself.
So you strike 12 out of 9 stages... maths fail.
On a serious note though, if you're having 9 stages (some of which are more controversial) you need 2 bans. There are too many levels which massively favour certain characters for one to be effective enough.
What tam said. =p
3 strikes in a row, i hope im not the only one who sees how ******** that is
It's apparently the best way to do it, I'm not really sure how to work out a better method either.
Right here, lol.
I don't want to sound like VA, but did you read my post? I clearly did say that, whilst individual stages may be considered too biased to play the first game on (because winning the first game does put you at an advantage), other stages are considered allowable on the roster because they balance in conjunction with other stages (as you get one counterpick stage each).
I did. Actually, in all honesty I mis-read and thought you meant the traits of the stage itself (i.e. FD being "Neutral" because it doesn't really do a lot).
Yes, exactly, the argument behind having "counterpick" stages is that some stages may be considered not "fair" enough for game one, but fair enough to play on for the remaining set on. My argument is that I feel that any stage that is considered fair enough for tournament play should be deemed fair enough for game 1 (with stage striking). By not allowing a stage to be played game one because it's "too biased", you are essentially admitting that
the stage significantly alters the outcome of a match, and therefore it shouldn't even be played in the first place.
I strongly disagree with communities attempting to "balance" a game by removing non-broken elements, I feel that if it's not broken it should be on, regardless of balance. So, for me, I don't really consider balancing match-ups at all when making a stage list (which seems to be your main criticism, am I right?)