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Smash Bros x Mortal Kombat: Finish Him!


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
MORTAL KOMBAT: What's the big deal?
I have been getting more and more on board with the idea of Mortal Kombat characters in Smash Bros.
Mortal Kombat games can be see on over thirty-five (35) consoles, including the Super Nintendo, N64, Wii, Gameboy, GBC, GBA, and Nintendo DS. It was first released on October 8 1992, and has seen steady releases of twenty-three (23) titles up until as recently as 2016.
Together with Tekken and Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat is one of the top selling and most critically acclaimed fighting franchises of all time, with decades of history. Not only has it spawned 10 main games, dozens of spinoffs, and tons of media. In fact it has grossed over 5 billion, and is one of the highest grossing media franchises of all time (cartoon series from long ago, two theatrical movies considered to be a renaissance to video game movies after the failure of double dragon and Super Mario). As well as an insanely good Youtube series called Mortal Kombat Legacy.

Most importantly, Mortal Kombat is known for its blood, gore, comedy, and flair.
Many moves in the base game will cause bloodspill, and Finishing Moves: "The defining and best-known feature of the Mortal Kombat series is its finishing move system called Fatality. An original idea behind it was to give gamers a free hit at the end of the fight.The basic Fatalities are finishing moves that allow the victorious characters to end a match in a special way by murdering their defeated, defenseless opponents in a gruesome manner, usually in the predefined ways exclusive for the given character." (From Wikipedia).
  • Mortal Kombat IX is famous for having a highly acclaimed story mode, many stating that it "perfected" the fighting game genre's story mode.
  • Mortal Kombat is known for crossovers. Kombatants have faced off against the DC world, Hellboy, and some of the most badass horror villains of all time (Freddy Kreuger, Leatherface, Predator- How great would it be to see them against Ridley!)
  • Known for replacing all hard "C" words with "K" instead (a great event match set up for the Kremlings).
  • High Punch, Low Punch, High Kick, Low Kick! The standard attacks were a variety of different base punches and kicks, which were the same from character to character.
  • This made MK even more susceptible to Recolored fighters: identical but with different specials. (Que the echoes).
  • Infamous for clones! So we need an echo- and this means we can have one of the greatest rivalries in all of gaming enter the game: Scorpion versus Sub Zero.
  • Toastee! (just one example of its campy comedy, Mortal Kombat had self imposed memes long before the internet was mass-consumed).

  • Ed Boon, creator of NetherRealm Studios is a big fan of the Switch, having gone on record stating he wants to develop more games for it (and bring old games back to it).
  • The Bayonetta factor: That game is very violent, and is also very adult in nature. Many cultures will give violence a pass before sexuality, in fact.
  • Echo characters are a big deal. Now we do not need a "main" character, but can get the legacy fight/ rivalry.
  • Additionally, echo characters (though poorly defined) save development time: Scorpion and Sub Zero could both take moves from other fighters, and just alter the animations.
  • We have Ryu (Street Fighter), and Heihachi is one a top rated likely character (Tekken). Let's complete the trifecta with Mortal Kombat!
  • We have seen Nintendo kill off their characters in the announcement trailers: no more can we see that Mortal Kombat is too violent for Nintendo characters. I don't expect to see Mario decapitated, but I think we can see him speared.

How would they play?

The fun of any new series in Smash Bros is to see how that world's mechanics will be brought into the Smash realm. As a continued tribute to fighting games overall, I would love to see Mortal Kombat characters embrace the mechanics of their world, and the things that make it unique as a fighting game.
The two most notable characters from Mortal Kombat are Scorpion and Sub-Zero. All other attacks would be identical. This allows the moveset to fully encompass the gameplay of Mortal Kombat as a whole: high and low punches and kicks, sweeping trips, uppercuts! I may in the future detail this into the specific moves, but you get the idea. The differences between Scorpion and Sub Zero would be strictly in the specials.

FIGHTER: Scorpion/ Sub-Zero
SPECIAL: Spear/ Freeze (Horizontal)
SIDE SPECIAL: Teleport Punch/ Ice Clone
UP SPECIAL: Teleport Punch/ Ice Clone
DOWN SPECIAL: Flame Breath/ Ice Puddle

Can they crawl: No
Can they wall jump: Yes
How many jumps do they have: 2
Is there any exclusive abilities they have: No
Are they mirrored when they face left: Yes

Additionally, to reflect the cinematic effects and variety of the Finishing Moves, as well as the variety, both Scorpion and Sub-Zero would be given three different Finishing Moves (which means three different Final Smashes). One would mimic a classic Fatality, one a Babality, and one a Friendship. The input from the player would determine which of the three cinematic sequences. For balancing purposes, it could be three different final smash effects, or just three different sequences with the same results to gameplay.

Stage Entrance:
Idle Animation:
Series Icon: The iconic dragon!
Block Animation: Kneeling and Face covered
Stage: It needs a lot of ways to interact! That's all that matters to me. Stage fatalities!

The Former Mortal Kombat thread was locked, but I think Castlevania (and to a lesser extent, Final Fantasy and others) plus new information on Bosses and Echoes, makes a series' thread a necessity.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC

I think having Scorpion and Sub-Zero would be really stretching the definition of Echo Fighters but at the same time, if one gets in, the other should.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2018
Gotham City
Switch FC
Yeah i completely agree, Scorpion is one the big fighting characters left to be added (along with Heihachi from Tekken) in the game, and there's been many MK games on Nintendo Systems before, hell, the first 3 MK games were released on the SNES and they all have the Official Nintendo Seal of Quality.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I think having Scorpion and Sub-Zero would be really stretching the definition of Echo Fighters but at the same time, if one gets in, the other should.
As far as I can tell, the only thing that makes an Echo fighter an echo fighter is that it shortcuts development time within the current game.
Otherwise, there just is not a specific definition that is applicable; Chrom threw them all out the window.
I think if majority of the specials can be taken from current the current program, it will work.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
You SURE there's no thread for these 2?
I'm actually positive there once was a thread.
But I'm also positive that after the last direct on August 8th, entire threads and sub forums were lost on here.
I'm also sure that there are two identical threads used for pinned social content in the Simon subforum.
And I'm pretty sure there isnt a thread for "mortal kombat" overall, which is really what this thread is (with my postulated two being the two main, both getting in).

In other words: I'm more and more confused by how this forum chooses to allow or not allow threads. So if my intentions are positive and it is promoting healthy conversation and keeping this forum alive, then I'm sure it's fine to post this thread. Ultimately the end goals have to be considered.

That all said, Reptile could be a great background character.
I'd think Raiden would be the given Assist Trophy, and that if we get a boss it would be Goro or Shao Khan.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
I am a fan of Mortal Kombat from a time ago, though I fell off as the game became progressively more graphic.

I was a Raiden player, but there is absolutely no question to me that Scorpion and Sub-Zero deserve equal billing as the franchise mascots. This said, beyond body structure I wouldn't expect them to share that much.

I'd be interested in seeing one or both of them as I did like the series when the gore was more cartoonish, though it's not really to my taste nowadays and I tend to go to Injustice instead.

I don't know if I'd ever predict them, though. They're not a step down from some of the third parties we already have and I appreciate the history of the franchise but I can't see them here - though I do think that they'd fit, and removing the gore whilst keeping the iconic movesets and characters would not be a problem.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Another fun speculation point: Who do you think Scorpion would kill in the reveal?

Disclaimer: I don't think that we are going to keep getting character Deaths in the opening, just because we got Luigi (and arguably Mario/Megaman).


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2017
GET OVER HERE is one of the most iconic taunts in all of gaming

supports :)


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012
Another fun speculation point: Who do you think Scorpion would kill in the reveal?

Disclaimer: I don't think that we are going to keep getting character Deaths in the opening, just because we got Luigi (and arguably Mario/Megaman).
Yoshi, he uses his tongue just like Reptile!

And i was thinking about the stances and appearance, Scorpion and Sub-Zero have very similar Stances!
And i realy think they will go for a more Classic version.



Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Can people stop suggesting Yoshi getting killed in trailers?!! Why is this so common?
If anything, Id take it as a compliment. People who believe in the death/ trailer thing (despite it clearly being, at best, only 1/2 of trailers we have already seen) seem to pride themselves on death and the killing of the cartoonish characters.

Yoshi, he uses his tongue just like Reptile!

And i was thinking about the stances and appearance, Scorpion and Sub-Zero have very similar Stances!
And i realy think they will go for a more Classic version.
I know Ken is cited as "the original Echo," but if that is the case, then these two are the ones who made being a clone trendy. Mortal Kombat did not create the color palette swap, but it took it to the next level with its ninja characters.

GET OVER HERE is one of the most iconic taunts in all of gaming

supports :)
It truly is; it actually made me realize that I think the boss from this series, should it get one, would indeed be Shang Tsung. "Your soul is mine," also iconic, but more importantly, his character morph ability would be a lot of fun (as a boss).
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Another fun speculation point: Who do you think Scorpion would kill in the reveal?

Disclaimer: I don't think that we are going to keep getting character Deaths in the opening, just because we got Luigi (and arguably Mario/Megaman).
Bowser, to emphasize how much of a bigger fish he is.

Come to think of it, Scorpion is already dead to begin with, isn't he? All the more fitting.

GET OVER HERE is one of the most iconic taunts in all of gaming

supports :)
Alongside TOASTY!


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
I support this too! The blood would definitely be censored somehow, but that shouldn't stop their chances.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I support this too! The blood would definitely be censored somehow, but that shouldn't stop their chances.
Mortal Kombat is bloody, but its equally campy. Nintendo would emphasize the latter, but could still honor the former.
Perhaps only the MK characters would bleed, as a sign of taking damage.
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Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Mortal Kombat is bloody, but its equally campy. Nintendo would emphasize the latter, but could still honor the former.
Perhaps only the MK characters would bleed, as a sign of taking damage.
So, something like Bayonetta?


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I support. I think of all the third parties left to be added in Smash, Mortal Kombat is by far the biggest series you can add at this point. Even if it isn't popular in Japan it's backing in the West more than makes up for that hurdle. And it's literally why the ESRB exists lol. I also believe MK is bigger than a lot of third parties already in Smash Bros.

My MK character of choice is Sub-Zero though i'd be fine with Scorpion as well.
Another fun speculation point: Who do you think Scorpion would kill in the reveal?

Disclaimer: I don't think that we are going to keep getting character Deaths in the opening, just because we got Luigi (and arguably Mario/Megaman).
It would be jokes if in Scorpion's reveal trailer he doesn't end up killing anyone. :laugh:

But I think he should perform a Fatality on Ryu just so we can get a taste of Street Fighter VS Mortal Kombat since that crossover is never happening lol.


Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
My Head
Mortal kombat x dc universe was t rated game. They have toned down mk characters before they could easily do it for smash.

And no doubt, scorpion would be the rep. He is, like it or hate it, the face of the franchise.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
And i realy think they will go for a more Classic version.
They absolutely HAVE to be based on the original trilogy!

:ultmegaman: = based on the original design from the NES Mega Man games
:ultpacman: = based on the original design from Pac-Man and Pac-Land
:ultryu: = based on the SF II design from the 16-bit era
:ultsimon::ultrichter: = based on their original designs from Castlevania (NES) and Rondo of Blood (TG-16)

Why not Scorpion and Sub-Zero too?


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Yes. Once a month.
I dont mean this as an attack on you, because this is probably socially appropriate to say, yet it makes me irritated that discussing sexuality such as bondage is 'perverse' for the forums (and I wont start the argument of how natural it is or how damaging it is to insult other peoples versions of sexuality).


Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
pupNapoleon pupNapoleon Add my Scorpion moveset from the Scorpion thread to the op!

I can also make an in depth sub zero moveset when I have a chance

My biggest comment about ur moveset is they don't need 2 moves to be the same move. There's lots to work with.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Longtime MK fan here. My personal favorite characters are like Johnny Cage, Ermac, Mileena, and such, but Scorpion and/or Sub-Zero deserve being in Smash the most as the iconic posterboys.

Before last gen with MKvsDC and MK9, most of my previous owned games in the series (even the Sub-Zero sidescroller spinoff known as Mythologies) were on the Nintendo platforms, and the Game Boy ports and stuff sure were something for their time. What I’d give for MK to be on Nintendo again, but that’s mostly up to Warner Bros, much as Ed Boon likes Nintendo.


Smash Rookie
Oct 24, 2019
MORTAL KOMBAT: What's the big deal?
I have been getting more and more on board with the idea of Mortal Kombat characters in Smash Bros.
Mortal Kombat games can be see on over thirty-five (35) consoles, including the Super Nintendo, N64, Wii, Gameboy, GBC, GBA, and Nintendo DS. It was first released on October 8 1992, and has seen steady releases of twenty-three (23) titles up until as recently as 2016.
Together with Tekken and Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat is one of the top selling and most critically acclaimed fighting franchises of all time, with decades of history. Not only has it spawned 10 main games, dozens of spinoffs, and tons of media. In fact it has grossed over 5 billion, and is one of the highest grossing media franchises of all time (cartoon series from long ago, two theatrical movies considered to be a renaissance to video game movies after the failure of double dragon and Super Mario). As well as an insanely good Youtube series called Mortal Kombat Legacy.

Most importantly, Mortal Kombat is known for its blood, gore, comedy, and flair.
Many moves in the base game will cause bloodspill, and Finishing Moves: "The defining and best-known feature of the Mortal Kombat series is its finishing move system called Fatality. An original idea behind it was to give gamers a free hit at the end of the fight.The basic Fatalities are finishing moves that allow the victorious characters to end a match in a special way by murdering their defeated, defenseless opponents in a gruesome manner, usually in the predefined ways exclusive for the given character." (From Wikipedia).
  • Mortal Kombat IX is famous for having a highly acclaimed story mode, many stating that it "perfected" the fighting game genre's story mode.
  • Mortal Kombat is known for crossovers. Kombatants have faced off against the DC world, Hellboy, and some of the most badass horror villains of all time (Freddy Kreuger, Leatherface, Predator- How great would it be to see them against Ridley!)
  • Known for replacing all hard "C" words with "K" instead (a great event match set up for the Kremlings).
  • High Punch, Low Punch, High Kick, Low Kick! The standard attacks were a variety of different base punches and kicks, which were the same from character to character.
  • This made MK even more susceptible to Recolored fighters: identical but with different specials. (Que the echoes).
  • Infamous for clones! So we need an echo- and this means we can have one of the greatest rivalries in all of gaming enter the game: Scorpion versus Sub Zero.
  • Toastee! (just one example of its campy comedy, Mortal Kombat had self imposed memes long before the internet was mass-consumed).

  • Ed Boon, creator of NetherRealm Studios is a big fan of the Switch, having gone on record stating he wants to develop more games for it (and bring old games back to it).
  • The Bayonetta factor: That game is very violent, and is also very adult in nature. Many cultures will give violence a pass before sexuality, in fact.
  • Echo characters are a big deal. Now we do not need a "main" character, but can get the legacy fight/ rivalry.
  • Additionally, echo characters (though poorly defined) save development time: Scorpion and Sub Zero could both take moves from other fighters, and just alter the animations.
  • We have Ryu (Street Fighter), and Heihachi is one a top rated likely character (Tekken). Let's complete the trifecta with Mortal Kombat!
  • We have seen Nintendo kill off their characters in the announcement trailers: no more can we see that Mortal Kombat is too violent for Nintendo characters. I don't expect to see Mario decapitated, but I think we can see him speared.

How would they play?

The fun of any new series in Smash Bros is to see how that world's mechanics will be brought into the Smash realm. As a continued tribute to fighting games overall, I would love to see Mortal Kombat characters embrace the mechanics of their world, and the things that make it unique as a fighting game.
The two most notable characters from Mortal Kombat are Scorpion and Sub-Zero. All other attacks would be identical. This allows the moveset to fully encompass the gameplay of Mortal Kombat as a whole: high and low punches and kicks, sweeping trips, uppercuts! I may in the future detail this into the specific moves, but you get the idea. The differences between Scorpion and Sub Zero would be strictly in the specials.

FIGHTER: Scorpion/ Sub-Zero
SPECIAL: Spear/ Freeze (Horizontal)
SIDE SPECIAL: Teleport Punch/ Ice Clone
UP SPECIAL: Teleport Punch/ Ice Clone
DOWN SPECIAL: Flame Breath/ Ice Puddle

Can they crawl: No
Can they wall jump: Yes
How many jumps do they have: 2
Is there any exclusive abilities they have: No
Are they mirrored when they face left: Yes

Additionally, to reflect the cinematic effects and variety of the Finishing Moves, as well as the variety, both Scorpion and Sub-Zero would be given three different Finishing Moves (which means three different Final Smashes). One would mimic a classic Fatality, one a Babality, and one a Friendship. The input from the player would determine which of the three cinematic sequences. For balancing purposes, it could be three different final smash effects, or just three different sequences with the same results to gameplay.

Stage Entrance:
Idle Animation:
Series Icon: The iconic dragon!
Block Animation: Kneeling and Face covered
Stage: It needs a lot of ways to interact! That's all that matters to me. Stage fatalities!

The Former Mortal Kombat thread was locked, but I think Castlevania (and to a lesser extent, Final Fantasy and others) plus new information on Bosses and Echoes, makes a series' thread a necessity.
Let’s try to get people to notice this board


Smash Rookie
Oct 24, 2019
MORTAL KOMBAT: What's the big deal?
I have been getting more and more on board with the idea of Mortal Kombat characters in Smash Bros.
Mortal Kombat games can be see on over thirty-five (35) consoles, including the Super Nintendo, N64, Wii, Gameboy, GBC, GBA, and Nintendo DS. It was first released on October 8 1992, and has seen steady releases of twenty-three (23) titles up until as recently as 2016.
Together with Tekken and Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat is one of the top selling and most critically acclaimed fighting franchises of all time, with decades of history. Not only has it spawned 10 main games, dozens of spinoffs, and tons of media. In fact it has grossed over 5 billion, and is one of the highest grossing media franchises of all time (cartoon series from long ago, two theatrical movies considered to be a renaissance to video game movies after the failure of double dragon and Super Mario). As well as an insanely good Youtube series called Mortal Kombat Legacy.

Most importantly, Mortal Kombat is known for its blood, gore, comedy, and flair.
Many moves in the base game will cause bloodspill, and Finishing Moves: "The defining and best-known feature of the Mortal Kombat series is its finishing move system called Fatality. An original idea behind it was to give gamers a free hit at the end of the fight.The basic Fatalities are finishing moves that allow the victorious characters to end a match in a special way by murdering their defeated, defenseless opponents in a gruesome manner, usually in the predefined ways exclusive for the given character." (From Wikipedia).
  • Mortal Kombat IX is famous for having a highly acclaimed story mode, many stating that it "perfected" the fighting game genre's story mode.
  • Mortal Kombat is known for crossovers. Kombatants have faced off against the DC world, Hellboy, and some of the most badass horror villains of all time (Freddy Kreuger, Leatherface, Predator- How great would it be to see them against Ridley!)
  • Known for replacing all hard "C" words with "K" instead (a great event match set up for the Kremlings).
  • High Punch, Low Punch, High Kick, Low Kick! The standard attacks were a variety of different base punches and kicks, which were the same from character to character.
  • This made MK even more susceptible to Recolored fighters: identical but with different specials. (Que the echoes).
  • Infamous for clones! So we need an echo- and this means we can have one of the greatest rivalries in all of gaming enter the game: Scorpion versus Sub Zero.
  • Toastee! (just one example of its campy comedy, Mortal Kombat had self imposed memes long before the internet was mass-consumed).

  • Ed Boon, creator of NetherRealm Studios is a big fan of the Switch, having gone on record stating he wants to develop more games for it (and bring old games back to it).
  • The Bayonetta factor: That game is very violent, and is also very adult in nature. Many cultures will give violence a pass before sexuality, in fact.
  • Echo characters are a big deal. Now we do not need a "main" character, but can get the legacy fight/ rivalry.
  • Additionally, echo characters (though poorly defined) save development time: Scorpion and Sub Zero could both take moves from other fighters, and just alter the animations.
  • We have Ryu (Street Fighter), and Heihachi is one a top rated likely character (Tekken). Let's complete the trifecta with Mortal Kombat!
  • We have seen Nintendo kill off their characters in the announcement trailers: no more can we see that Mortal Kombat is too violent for Nintendo characters. I don't expect to see Mario decapitated, but I think we can see him speared.

How would they play?

The fun of any new series in Smash Bros is to see how that world's mechanics will be brought into the Smash realm. As a continued tribute to fighting games overall, I would love to see Mortal Kombat characters embrace the mechanics of their world, and the things that make it unique as a fighting game.
The two most notable characters from Mortal Kombat are Scorpion and Sub-Zero. All other attacks would be identical. This allows the moveset to fully encompass the gameplay of Mortal Kombat as a whole: high and low punches and kicks, sweeping trips, uppercuts! I may in the future detail this into the specific moves, but you get the idea. The differences between Scorpion and Sub Zero would be strictly in the specials.

FIGHTER: Scorpion/ Sub-Zero
SPECIAL: Spear/ Freeze (Horizontal)
SIDE SPECIAL: Teleport Punch/ Ice Clone
UP SPECIAL: Teleport Punch/ Ice Clone
DOWN SPECIAL: Flame Breath/ Ice Puddle

Can they crawl: No
Can they wall jump: Yes
How many jumps do they have: 2
Is there any exclusive abilities they have: No
Are they mirrored when they face left: Yes

Additionally, to reflect the cinematic effects and variety of the Finishing Moves, as well as the variety, both Scorpion and Sub-Zero would be given three different Finishing Moves (which means three different Final Smashes). One would mimic a classic Fatality, one a Babality, and one a Friendship. The input from the player would determine which of the three cinematic sequences. For balancing purposes, it could be three different final smash effects, or just three different sequences with the same results to gameplay.

Stage Entrance:
Idle Animation:
Series Icon: The iconic dragon!
Block Animation: Kneeling and Face covered
Stage: It needs a lot of ways to interact! That's all that matters to me. Stage fatalities!

The Former Mortal Kombat thread was locked, but I think Castlevania (and to a lesser extent, Final Fantasy and others) plus new information on Bosses and Echoes, makes a series' thread a necessity.
Ooh! Just realized shao khan can be a tank character. He’d be sorta like ganon but with a hammer
Up special: upward shoulder charge
Neutral special: a taunt (doesn’t do anything but hey let the man assert his dominance) or it could charge an x-ray type that will be activated with the same input
Forward special: forward shoulder charge (like banjos but has les range and is slightly stronger for reasons)
Down special: reflect
Not gonna bother with his normal move set because I’ll let him and his hammer run wild in your imagination
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Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
Aww man, I feel so forgotten. :(
And then I saw the date and realized I came to the conversation later. I'm an idiot.

Joking aside, I've made it no secret that I wholly support MK being included into SSB. It's one of those series that has transcended video games and is a cultural icon; many people who never picked up a controller can at least recognize the likes of Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden as well as Fatalities and the phrase "Finish him." It's also one of the few series that have directly shaped the gaming as a whole, not only bringing about the ratings board, but opening the door to mainstream games aimed audiences older than 12 years old. If you're going to celebrate video games and its history, then Mortal Kombat is a must.

Another fun speculation point: Who do you think Scorpion would kill in the reveal?

Disclaimer: I don't think that we are going to keep getting character Deaths in the opening, just because we got Luigi (and arguably Mario/Megaman).
There's no way the hype could be greater than if his trailer showcased Scorpion vs Ryu. It's the last major vs crossover left, now that Mario vs Sonic and Link vs Cloud are possible.
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
I can now agree that Scorpion or Sub Zero need to be based on their classic designs. The designs are from the era when MK was also heavily silly, specifically MK Trilogy.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Aww man, I feel so forgotten. :(
And then I saw the date and realized I came to the conversation later. I'm an idiot.

Joking aside, I've made it no secret that I wholly support MK being included into SSB. It's one of those series that has transcended video games and is a cultural icon; many people who never picked up a controller can at least recognize the likes of Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden as well as Fatalities and the phrase "Finish him." It's also one of the few series that have directly shaped the gaming as a whole, not only bringing about the ratings board, but opening the door to mainstream games aimed audiences older than 12 years old. If you're going to celebrate video games and its history, then Mortal Kombat is a must.

There's no way the hype could be greater than if his trailer showcased Scorpion vs Ryu. It's the last major vs crossover left, now that Mario vs Sonic and Link vs Cloud are possible.
I am quite pleased with the first fully fleshed paragraph. Well stated.

Though, I do think there are many other rivalries. Pacman vs Frogger, Master Chief vs Kratos, Heavy vs Tracer....
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Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
I'm not sure if any of those are on the same scale with the exception of Chief vs Kratos. At least, I never heard of the other two rivalries until very recently. Still, I do feel like MK vs SF is one of those big pipe dreams gamers still hold and Smash would make the best neutral ground for it to happen.

After seeing Terry's moves and abilities showcased, and how surprisingly complex he is, it has gotten me thinking about what kind of unique universal mechanics a Mortal Kombat fighter could bring that makes them stand out and be fresh and fun (since a fun fighter is the top priority for a character's inclusion). Obviously the hyper violence wouldn't work with "good boys and girls of all ages" to the surprise of no-one. I do think making the attacks look a little more hard-hitting would be acceptable, which could make use of some clever sound direction to make the blows sound harder than other characters' hits, slightly higher damage output and animations that look like the Kombatant is throwing a little more oomph into his attacks. Ridley's Down Special does open up to some brutality being acceptable as long as it isn't taken too far.

I was thinking of how the meter is handled in MK9 and onward where it is split into thirds and can be used for different actions depending on how much is used. Using only 1/3 of the meter would be used noticeably power up a single special move. Since it consumes from the meter, this increase in power/effectiveness would be far more noticeable than the command inputs of Ryu and Terry, but not quite as powerful as Cloud's upgrade since it uses less meter.

Using 2/3 of the meter in MK would trigger the Breaker to get out of combos, which I could see as granting some sort of intangibility to the user when translated to Smash. This would allow the user to dodge a single, hard-hitting attack and act out of without any delay, giving a free punish for the cost of being able to use the meter for other options.

And then finally, using the complete meter would perform a "Fatal Blow," using the name given in MK11 since there wouldn't be an X-Ray effect even though it's mechanically identical. Again, the violence would be toned down enough to be acceptable for Smash and this attack would function as a mini Final Smash that deals a good amount of damage and knock back, but not as strong as real Final Smash.

I don't think this system is required to make a MK fighter stand out, but it is a mechanic established in its series that would at least give a little more for the player to use without being too much like the current fighting game characters. Experienced players could use it to strategize with additional options while casual players would get enjoyment of unleashing strong and flashy moves.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
Due to its popularity, I do see a Mortal Kombat character as a plausible choice. Like Terry and Ryu, I could see a Mortal Kombat character having special input commands, as well as the face-the-enemy gimmick. It's been over a decade since I've played a Mortal Kombat game, though, so I don't know how the special inputs would work.

I recently did some research, and it seems that, despite being the hero of many of the stories, Liu Kang is not considered the face of the Mortal Kombat series. It's actually Scorpion whom is considered the mascot. That said, if I were to choose between Scorpion & Sub-Zero, I think Scorpion would be the best choice. I remember being a huge fan of his iconic "Come 'ere!" and "Get over here!" quotes. Personally, I like the idea of a grappling hook-based playstyle. Sub-Zero's freezing powers would be interesting, too--that said, I think he would make an excellent assist trophy.
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