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Smash Bros. Canon Tournament! (Mario Vs. ????) - 06/14/10

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
Well, even if holy defeats dark in other games, we're talking about Ganon, who's from the Zelda series where RPG elemental types don't exist.

Anyway, if we're talking about holy things as they are in real life, then pretty much no one gets them. Whenever someone touches something holy, they're generally in serious trouble (risk of death, disease), because non-holy people aren't supposed to touch holy things. So basically the Triforce should have destroyed Ganon as soon as Ganon touched it because evil (sin) can't touch holy objects....but he obviously took it and lived.

So no, the weapon has to be specifically destined to repel/destroy evil.

As for the silver arrows, we've talked about them. But no one in this list has any (not even the Links), so moot point. Not to mention its possible that the light arrows retconned the silver ones, because we haven't seen silver arrows since ALttP, but we've seen light arrows in multiple games (WW, ST, MC to name a few).

The Triforce isn´t such a good example since it´s an object that accepts both evil and pure users as its master. Beside of that I agree with you. When the Silver Arrows disappeared the Light Arrows appeared. And also..
If we are going with elements here than Ganondorf has more than just darkness. He has shown to use fire and lightning a lot(just as much as darkness) and those element represent him as well together with some other powers he always use (powerful light energy blasts, earthquake ect.)

On Topic:
Lucas takes this one. I can´t see how Marth is able to hurt Lucas.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Oh right, one more thing:

Snake v. Tink

Is that Mirror Shield shown to reflect a variety of objects? Hmm? I doubt it'll reflect bullets and rockets since the M.Shield isn't supposed to reflect physical objects.

EDIT: I'm going to find a video about Super Guard.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
I know what super guard is, by the way. You press the "B" button during a timing stricter than the A button guard, and you avoid all damage as well as do 1hp damage to your enemies' direct attacks. : |

The timing is still too hard to superguard all attacks thrown at you. How can Mario superguard all hits from Samus' charged Hyperbeam, shock coil, wavebuster, darkburst, sonicboom, and all other attacks? What inhuman reactions a player has to have to superguard all of these, right? It has a 'failure' factor since it's all about precision, so I dunno if it should really be allowed..... It's completely player-based.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
The Triforce isn´t such a good example since it´s an object that accepts both evil and pure users as its master. Beside of that I agree with you. When the Silver Arrows disappeared the Light Arrows appeared. And also..
If we are going with elements here than Ganondorf has more than just darkness. He has shown to use fire and lightning a lot(just as much as darkness) and those element represent him as well together with some other powers he always use (powerful light energy blasts, earthquake ect.)

On Topic:
Lucas takes this one. I can´t see how Marth is able to hurt Lucas.
Right on the Triforce. I was only saying that since I was talking about the real world, which Dryn brought up. Another example is that both Link and Ganon would be destroyed by the Master Sword, because its holy and people can't touch holy objects.

But true to Ganon's games, being holy does not necessarily make it deadly to him (as said before).



Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav

Super Guard can miss due to player control, but at Mario's highest potential, missing the timing shouldn't be a problem.

Super Guard would make PM: TTYD easier by 80%.
I'm very uncertain if it works on energy based attacks, like fire.
This is where Samus has better usage with her beams, but again, I'm unsure about that.

When fighting a partner, they cannot block at all.
They aren't programmed to do that.
When they join you, you can block for both Mario and partner. If enemy attacks Bobbery, he can block or Super Guard.
If an enemy rams at both Mario and partner, the player can individually block or Super Guard for both characters.

Trace is an AI that is supposed to attack, but miss.
Just like any regular AI boss.
If anything, I still question the Annihilator OHKO headshot.
If Trace hits Samus in the head, she's technically dead. But that's not my arguement atm.

Many abilities in games aren't needed.
In MGS3, all you need for weapons for the whole game are Stun Gun, RPG/Grenade and C3.
In Paper Mario, a variation of Spike Badge, D-Down Hammer/Jump, Zap Tap is all you need. Blocking isn't really needed either.
Super Guard isn't needed, but it's still at Mario's disposal.

Clock-Out working on Bowser in TTYD is meh.
I never used it on him so I'm unsure.
But I can see two reasonings

1. It does work on him.
He's not a legit boss so more leeway is available for status-like effects.

2. It doesn't work on him.
He's enough of a "boss" to be invulnerable to it.

Same goes for StopWatch.

In Paper Mariooo 64!
Bosses are immune to status effects such as Dizziness and time stops.
However, all are susceptible to Chill Out (Star Spirit power) which lowers their offense.


Stealth Camo makes Snake invisible.
Sniper + Stealth Camo = Win.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
I don't think Mario can Super Guard everything quick enough... I mean, if Samus is just launching every ****ing thing in her arsenal, it's BOUND to fail sometime.

Tap A! It's the only way!


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav
I don't think Mario can Super Guard everything quick enough... I mean, if Samus is just launching every ****ing thing in her arsenal, it's BOUND to fail sometime.

Tap A! It's the only way!
But at his highest potential, he can.
In Paper Mario, there's an attack where 6 mini-bees sting Mario in quick succession. The time between each attack is less than a second.
There's also a badge that makes all Action Commands easier to use where Super Guard would fall under. That would give Mario a bit more of a time window to use it.

As I said before, I'm unsure if it works on energy based attacks.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Perfect player controll = TAS samus is legit. >_> Better watch out when she shoots constant stream of 15-20 missiles per second, perfectly legit too (no glitch is used). =) Among other things.
A TAS is essentially slowing the game down to do all sorts of stuff, right?

REL said that the badge might not work against energy-based attacks.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
REL writes everything in prose.

Yes, you can superguard energy attacks, as well as fire attacks. I myself superguarded Bowser's breath many times, as well as lightning attacks which weren't item-based. Even throws can be superguarded, all you have to do is press the B button exactly when the damage is supposed to happen, and everything gets superguarded... And if it's a direct attack, they get damaged no matter the defense.

If Trace can shoot, miss, and still kill if he lands a headshot, then that means that aiming and headshots are not entirely player-dependent, since a CPU was able to do it too. Superguarding is player-dependent because it literally can only be done with a player there that learns when the attacks end, and when to press the controller's button. It's prone to failure, it's an all-or-nothing counter where either you null all damage and counter, or do nothing at all and take the damage, and it depends on a player's failure to keep up with the timing... I really think that it's closer to a game mechanic designed on making the game easier, and the player being the only thing that controls it, and it countering every single thing (including the demon queen's multiple hand attack, and all sorts of multi-hit moves that are impossible to guess when to superguard) really makes me believe it's a game mechanic designed to make the game easier for the player...

If characters are allowed to add realism to the battles, I'm afraid it's no longer 'true to their games'... I don't even know what to make of this thread anymore. Mario never grabs anyone while time is stopped, then sets them face down on the floor or anything of the sort. That small 'realism' bit makes it so much harder for Samus than it should be.

And I still believe that while Samus is invincible, status effects shouldn't affect her. Invincibility means 'not able to be overcome', so how can she be overcome by a status effect? Back when the discussion was up, you guys even said time-stopping was closer to 'immobilization' than 'time-stopping'. That would 'overcome' Samus' invincibility, wouldn't it? Status effects would also be bypassing her invincibility, which clashes with invincibility's definition, right?


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
So then why would the Stop Watch work?

...If the Stop Watch is neutered, Mario has a lower chance.

Samus should totally win. Mario has no definite invincibility, does he?


Smash Ace
May 18, 2009
Alright, Lucas it is.


Current Match-Up:

Donkey Kong Vs. Young Link

:dk2: Vs. :younglinkmelee:

Round 5, Match 11.

Overall Results

Wins +5:


Wins +4:

:samus2:, :ike:, :fox:, :ness2:

Wins +3:


Wins +2:

:bowser2:, :sonic:, :peach:, :luigi2:, :wolf:, :toonlink:

Wins +1:

:diddy:, :younglinkmelee:, :mewtwo:, :lucas:,


:dk2:, :falco:, :pt:, :link2:, :pit:, :snake:

Loss -1:

:roymelee:, :metaknight:, :lucario:, :falcon:, :wario:, :pikachu:, :pichu:, :marth:

Loss -2:

:kirby2:, :zelda:

Loss -3:

:zerosuitsamus:, :dedede:, :jigglypuff:, :yoshi2:

Loss -4:

:popo:, :olimar:

Loss -5:

:gw:, :rob:

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
We are using YLink from MM here right? If so he wins. His items easily overpower DK. Even though he is durable and strong he can´t win here. YLink has Fierce Deity Mask, Fire/Ice/Light Arrows, two powerful swords ect.. just too munch.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav

Okay then, I only used Super Guard early on in the game and never bothered with it again.
Never like using it myself.

In regard to Trace, his manner of shoot/miss doesn't mean it isn't player dependent.
He never gets off a headshot cuz Samus doesn't die. To add, Samus doesn't lose 200 units when hit by Trace iirc. If she ever did get headshot'd, she'd lose that much HP since a headshot in multi-player killed anyone in one shot. Where the highest amount of health units you could have were 199.

Thusly, Trace probably never gets off a headshot on Samus in single player.
The CPU can't pull off a headshot cuz it's not supposed to or it just can't.
It can only aim at the body.

Super Guard is part of Mario's abilities. It's just that it requires more commitment from the player to pull off. It makes the game easier in a way, yes. But you don't need to use it and it doesn't effect the story.

"Make the game easier" is subjective.
The Dark Burst isn't required iirc. It just makes things easier.
The Sonic Boom is hardly needed and makes the game easier, but Samus is allowed it.
Heck, you can play Metroid Prime and completely ignore the Flamethrower and such cuz you don't even need it to finish the game.

You yourself said you've managed to use Super Guard many times. If Brawl tells us anything, IC's chaingrabs have a very tight timing window, but it can be pulled off.
A player Super Guard'n every attack in TTYD is plausible, only no one really cares :p

The "realism" factor is meh.
Don't know why Mario would pick Samus up.
Seems rather silly.
If she's stopped by StopWatch and not in Hyper Mode/Boost Ball, then Mario uses D-Down Hammer


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
We are using YLink from MM here right? If so he wins. His items easily overpower DK. Even though he is durable and strong he can´t win here. YLink has Fierce Deity Mask, Fire/Ice/Light Arrows, two powerful swords ect.. just too munch.
Goron mask as well, which is probably just as strong as DK and just as big.

But then again, I think DK has some kind of invincibility or something occasionally.

I don't know much about DK, but YLink does have his wide variety of tools and magic.

And yes, YLink from MM (and also child parts of OoT).



Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
REL, I don't believe superguarding perfectly all the time is capable due to the 'error' factor, and how integrated it is to the player in comparison to everything else you're mentioning. Not because it's cheap, but because it's too player-dependent.

*waits for anyone else's rebuttal on the reply that talks about overcoming invincibility with Status Effects, as well as more on the 'realism' factor*

Samus should have taken that win. We even brought up lots of weapons that can hinder Mario further, like darkburst, grapple lasso, hyperball/hypergrapple, entanglers, wavebuster, shock coil, and who knows what else got buried back there. Samus has been invincible, and Mario's saving grace is inflicting a status effect on an invincible opponent, which shouldn't happen and has been my argument since the beginning. How can you overcome an invincible opponent with immobilization?


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Young Link could basically obtain what his adult self can, and Link has beaten Donkey Kong previously. Not much of a difference here.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
He can't use the bow, gauntlets, hookshot, etc. Kokiri Sword is bad?

MMYink is better...

Can MMYink use a bow?


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav
Waah! Part of my post was cut off! ;___;

Anyways, we've been taking characters to their fullest potential.
Super Guard is no exception if Samus' is gettin' OHKO headshots off.
Snake pulling off as much as 3 RPG shots in one second.
Heck, Kirby knowing to go Stone in miliseconds to avoid getting hit by Sonic.

Human reaction can't pull such things off at a constant.

In regards to invincibility, hindering movement =/= harm
Put Invincible Bowser in a giant mold encasing and he can't move, even though he is invincible.
StopWatch is more or less the same.
No harm is coming to the invincible character , they're only being limited in movement via some time suspension or w/e. The kind where they can't move, but their body is still functioning.

Not entirely sure what you mean by the "realism" part :/
I'll get to the other stuff once the current stuff is outta the way :p


That type of highest performance is only possible when the game is slowed down :p
Besides, if ya wanna add the "realism" bit, all of those would collide and explode before leaving her "boom boom" cannon :p


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
He can't use the bow, gauntlets, hookshot, etc. Kokiri Sword is bad?

MMYink is better...

Can MMYink use a bow?
MMYink = OoT Yink, so we can use both of their items. That means it doesn't really matter which is better or worse.



Smash Master
May 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
PowerBomb, notice the word "basically" in my sentence.

YLink will essentially overpower Donkey Kong with the varies items/tools he has.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Hindering movement =/= harm? But I thought stopwatch afflicted the opponent with a status effect, not encased them in a small room where moving is impossible. If that WOULD happen, why can't Bowser and the bossed be 'stopped in time' by a stopwatch? 'Immobilization' is a status effect that is afflicted to an opponent in that game, right? It prevents the opponents from moving; it stops them. Samus is unstoppable by anything except walls or unbreakable objects. Why would a status effect stop Samus? She's invincible, which means 'unable to be overcome'. That status effect would be trying to 'overcome' her, which she shouldn't be able to be stopped according to the description of the Speed Booster.

So... Stopwatches overcome opponents and prevents them from moving, Speed Booster allows Samus to run and be unhindered by everything except walls since she is invincible and running at supersonic speeds. WHy would the stopwatch work?


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
What's stopping Samus from constantly speed boosting toward mario? Stopwatch immobilization doesn't alter status, so she would be invincible anyway.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
What's stopping Samus from constantly speed boosting toward mario? Stopwatch immobilization doesn't alter status, so she would be invincible anyway.
I don't even know how Mario's "infinite dodging due to badges" can work. If he's standing still equipped with 40 Close Call badges, and you get a wooden board and CLEARLY hit Mario on his hip with it, will it go through Mario? What happens in this scenario? If it doesn't magically go through Mario as if you swinged it around in the air, then Samus can body-slam Mario with the Speed Booster. I don't think he can move out of the way of a supersonic object fast enough.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Well, he can still be hit even when he has close calls on (don't know how to calculate though). Applying logic to mario doesn't work unfortunately. I can't explain the scenario...it's a video game still.

We've established that the Stopwatch doesn't really stop time right? It just inflicts the "immobilized" status effect. Did anyone see if using a stopwatch on any invincible opponent worked?

Current matchup looks like it's going to Yink from what I've read.

And I still don't think we should be placing unjustified limits on Super Sonic. And did we say if standing your ground still counts as a loss?


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Well, he can still be hit even when he has close calls on (don't know how to calculate though). Applying logic to mario doesn't work unfortunately. I can't explain the scenario...it's a video game still.
We have to find a logical explanation if we want to make the fight as precise as possible between Samus (who lives in a reality-based world, which is what the example is for) and Mario (fantasy world).

We've established that the Stopwatch doesn't really stop time right? It just inflicts the "immobilized" status effect. Did anyone see if using a stopwatch on any invincible opponent worked?
Yeah, but all I got was "They're bosses, so status effects don't affect them anyway".

And I still don't think we should be placing unjustified limits on Super Sonic. And did we say if standing your ground still counts as a loss?
Wasn't the speaking of rings in SA2/SA2B's FinalHazard boss enough proof of there being a limit? They said they have to get rings themselves. Or did someone debunk this somehow? :confused:


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
We have to find a logical explanation if we want to make the fight as precise as possible between Samus (who lives in a reality-based world, which is what the example is for) and Mario (fantasy world).:
Good luck?

Yeah, but all I got was "They're bosses, so status effects don't affect them anyway".:
Did anyone try the iron clefts in the Glitz Pit? I don't think they count as bosses.

Wasn't the speaking of rings in SA2/SA2B's FinalHazard boss enough proof of there being a limit? They said they have to get rings themselves. Or did someone debunk this somehow? :confused:
No, i meant placing his ring limit at 1104. First, we placed it at 999 since we thought that was the limit, but I posted an example of Sonic exceeding that limit (only by about 100 rings, but not the point), and we place another limit onto him even though the only "official" one was disproven.

And another thing, if Samus using Darkburst to send people to different dimmensions is legal, why isn't Sonic warping people to space legal? Or to other zones to get rings? That's another limit right there.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav

Well, before I fully answer, is Samus' invincibility present in pretty much every Metroid game?
Via the Boost Ball, right?
Not trying to void Samus' invincibility. That's just silly.

Next, I wasn't literally implying the enemy would be in a little room of suspension. What I was saying is that the enemy is always unable to move, but are still affected by outside factors.

Also, Lucky Day makes Mario all wavy iirc
Like jell-o or something.
Doesn't make sense, but hey, neither does replenishing health with your weapons :p


StopWatch doesn't work on bosses for the obvious reason of game mechanics.
Just like how many attacks a character has can't do diddly squat against a lot of bosses.

idunno about the Steel Clefts, but I see it not working so the player is forced to use Yoshi.
Kinda like how Mother 3 forces you to use the New Year's Bomb on the Porky Statue.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Ok, whatever. Not a big deal. He remembers stuff. Awesome.
Which by all logic behind it doesn't make sense...if he was subject to the same rules of time as everyone else...he wouldn’t be aware of what is happening with time when he travels back to being a kid, back 3 days, or slowing time down…notice how no one else does in these games but Link and Zelda? (Zelda’s aware of it in case you don’t get it…she taught Link the song…she told him how to return to his own time)

That is a big deal…Link is aware of someone messing with time…

Ganondorf isn’t even aware of time being messed with right under his nose…

He's moving the block from one spot to another. >_> That's the only thing he ever moves, anyway.
Well…he moves himself as well using the same idea in case you don’t get it…

I meant how it affects the townspeople and enemies...not so much.
It does affect them though…any character running off a “schedule” in that game is affected by it…which is logical…the only foes not to be affected by it are the ones who aren’t running off a “schedule”…which sadly for game play mechs. affects most of the foes…but for any logically reasoning…what thing doesn’t run off a “schedule” of some type?

It's useless in something like this. A battle. So speeding up time can be ignored.
Thank you for saying the same thing I said…

Nope, it goes back three days ONLY, it's why there isn't a option to go back one or two days, just three days. Don't try to change it. It goes back three days only.
It goes back 3 days for game story mech. purposes only though…what don’t you get about that? The game clearly shows that the power could have dumped him off at any point…but chose the start of the 3 days because it was when he arrived in Clock Town…

It was a simple question asking whether he had some control over time, like you stated.
Ah no…my statement was that he wouldn’t be affected by time from others…not that he has any true control over time other than any outside help he gets…the only Zelda Character who I would give time control to would be Zelda herself (because her part of the triforce is dealing with “laws” well the flow of time is affected by “laws” oh and how she taught Link the song that ****s with time as well I guess)

You can argue all you want against the Speed Booster, it's not worth responding to. Again, waste of my time.
Really though…I still want to know why you think Samus is going to use them when she has to deal with mental assaults 100% of the time…

A lot of characters have lost stuff throughout Nintendo games, it'd be complicated to not allow a character something, when, at that same time, another character has something when he/she didn't in his/her game. You can also relate this to "being in possession of something".

For example; Mario gets certain 'power ups' in his game, but he was never able to carry some of them, yet we're still allowing them in this thread.
There is a clear difference between Bowser's star rod and Mario's hammer bro suit...Bowser for one has lost his star rod...like...you know...canon story put behind one of them...

Yes, the sages made the Master Sword. That doesn't mean its not holy.
I never said the master sword wasn’t holy/sacred/whatever…I said the execution sword was…
Oh…and I’m still waiting for you to come up with a story line from another game where something “holy” didn’t repel evil…

Aaron and Moses and the Levites made the Ark of the Covenant, but that was still considered holy.
Because of “god” being around…not because of them…
Also…I have to love how holy things in those stories as well…also keep evil at bay…man…

Many things are made by chosen individuals to make something that will be made holy once it is done.
No sorry…but according to the story…while the sages made the master sword…they were helped by the goddess’ as well…they weren’t helped by the goddess’ when it comes to their execution sword (and even then…said sword if you think about it…did a number on Ganondorf IMO…after all…where do you lay the master sword into him in TP? ^_^)

You can tell that the master sword is above average sword compared to other ones like the execution sword…I mean you have access to magic like certain things seen in LttP only because of it (oh and the fact that it is guarding the sacred realm as well/has some other important role in the game…you can’t forget that)

Basically, you just proved our point that the execution sword is holy.
No not really...there is no history behind that sword at all other than the fact that they shoved it into him…

Zelda said that the Master Sword is a sacred sword (sacred is just another way of saying holy) THAT repels evil.
She said, "that." Generally it implies "in addition" in such situations.
Actually the wording behind the master sword varies…to the point where you find out that it may just be a “high level” “holy” item…because again…how many “holy” items are in the Zelda series anyway?

WW itself highly implies that the “holy and repel thing” are the same…
Narration: You got the Master Sword! The legendary blade with the power to
repel evil... once wielded by the legendary hero himself!
I like how they don’t say it is holy…

Ganon: You cannot defeat me with a blade that does not sparkle with the power
to repel evil! What you hold is useless. Go back to the world below, and tell
that to the pathetic fools who made this blade! Its power is gone, and its
edges are dull!
That seems to imply to me that it lost its “holy” attachment…

The Master Sword, a mighty
blade forged against those
with evil hearts, is one of
They don’t say anything about it being “holy” here as well…
The Master Sword--the evil-
destroying sword that you pulled
out of the Pedestal of Time--was
the final key to the Sacred Realm.

Use the Master Sword!
Destroy Ganon with the sacred
Still no mention of holy…

Man…you got to love that they pretty much point out that holy=repel evil…or is repel evil it's own element?

Link is the chosen hero. In a sense, holy, because he was chosen by the goddesses for a specific task and granted a holy item to use (ToC). Ditto with Zelda. Why can't they kill Ganon on their own then? Oh, that's right. They can't banish evil.
Or get this…Ganondorf has had certain amount of time to use his stuff…and Link and Zelda haven’t had any time at all…also…I really want to know why you think Ness/Lucas couldn’t beat Ganondorf when their powers by canon **** evil up if they wanted to…as in wipe it out…destroy it (they can use them how they please you know according to the canon)

The blessing of one god or goddess is different to that of another. Just because something is holy for one god, doesn't mean it is for another. So yes, Zelda holy=/=Fire Emblem holy and so on. Just like Samus's invincibility differs from Ganons, the Master Sword's holiness differs from Ike's.
Samus’ invincibility differs from Ganon…and his differs from hers…so where is the proof that they couldn’t hurt each other when they have different stats about them?

But again, whatever can kill Ganon needs to be able to repel evil.
Define repel anyway…because I’m pretty sure being to wipe out all evil is sort of repelling it…

And we all know that Ganon is still a tank even without the ToP. Look at WW for proof of what he can do without it.
He blows up an island and fails at killing the one thing that he was aiming for in the process…

Also, how do you know the goddesses only used a little effort?
Because they can make worlds…create and destroy as they please…maybe that is why…man…Ganondorf to the goddess’ is like Black Mage to Sarda from 8-bit Theater…or something like that…only they didn’t **** up at creating their universe…and have their body taken over…or something like that

In Spirit tracks, Malludus (a Demon King, like Ganon, but without the ToP) had fought off the spirits and almost destroyed everything, but the spirits were able to beat him. But in doing so they used up most of their power and were extremely weak. If a demon king like Malludus could do that, what do you think Ganon can do? He's been called a demon king as well, but he has the ToP, magic, endurance, and so on (he's like 10x anything Malludus could ever dream to be).
Ganondorf has been called a demon king only by “title”
He wasn’t really a demon…until he got hold of goddess power and games happen as a result of it…w/o that surprise from the gods…the ****er would have been ****ed when said sword went through him…

Pichu and Luigi are compatible for obvious reasons.
They're normal characters that posses extrodinary powers capable of harming one another.
Luigi is a star child…one of 7…who put together can “alter” the universe…as in “everything” in case you don’t get that…
He is hardly a normal character
Pichu is a baby pokemon that at best according to the pokedex can zap a human...and can't store electricity that well...they clearly have been seen as pets...the odds of death seem low...

Wherelse harming Ike requires specific qualifications.
Where a god power from the Master Sword will have no effect what so ever.
A. The master sword is a holy weapon
B. Luigi’s power could mess with the universe…how would that (or any other character for that matter for that matter who has something like him) not be able to harm Ike…he can affect “everything”
C. You are going against certain games canons to deny someone being unable to “hurt” something…it is specifically said for their canon that they can “hurt” everything…so by saying they can't...you aren't being true to their game...you are aware that stat wise…my money is when comparing the world’s best sword to the best shield…I’m sword > shield...just thought I'd put that out there...

Those with godlike defences require specific qualifications to be harmed.
Yeah…another god power like them…that is even said in the game pretty much…

Where one god =/= one from another series.
Except in this case they do…Ike’s god made a universe that supports life…Zelda’s gods made a universe that supports life…how are they different other than number?

You might have a point if there were like 20 creation gods all packing the same power in the FE world and only one would work on the other one...but there is only one...

Will Thunder have a greater effect on a flying Pit?
The type chart is something that is affected by game mechs. as seen with how there are differences in how it is used in certain games…it would be best to just throw it out except in clear cases where it would make sense…

Does StopWatch effect Link?
Nah…not when he is holding something like the master sword…

The Ing being evil is iffy.
Ah no…they were pretty evil…they are compared to the X for more than the simple reason of lacking original story you know…

Trying to compare gods is a different matter entirely, but in this thread, comes down to "can this power/god power harm this god power".
Why wouldn’t they? Please give a good reason why something that works on everything…will now fail from this one thing…

It has no effect on Ike.
Of course the light arrow wouldn't harm Ike...it's because he isn’t evil…the only thing he would feel is the arrow IMO…which would hurt…

Ganon is a near godlike deity.
But he does not have the specific ability to cancel Bowser's Invinciblity.
He is using a god power that lets him do anything when it comes to creating stuff…Bowser is using more though (and has his own natural amount) so…Bowser>Ganondorf

Does anyone other than Link or Zelda have anything to fit this criteria?
Pretty much every character here has destroyed some super evil with world/universe destroying thoughs at one point in time…

Power of the Land =/= Yuna's Blessing
Ah no…they are the same **** thing based off definition…Yuna has made a world and ****ed up with it…Ness’ power could make the world…but now he is protecting it…please explain to me how their worlds are different? Or better in some way…

Oh…and I love how you think you can’t compare these gods…maybe in some ****ed up cases…but do you really think that the lowest powered god would win to the strongest powered god from various different theories that have a clear ranking?

Using Arceus wasn't the best example.
Well…yeah ^_^

Regigigas can pull continents, but Dialga cannot. But both are deities. That's because they posses different abilities.
Dialga is 1/3rd of Arceus’ power in case you don’t get that by pokemon canon (or maybe less…but considering how Arceus’ power can make either a baby Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina…I’m going to assume it’s 1/3rd)

Dialga is able to control time…do I really have to explain how he could move it as well? (BTW…I don’t really consider Regigigas a god pokemon)

In regards to Bowser, Ray Kalm answered that.
No not really…there is a big difference between being shown that you have lost a power…and just not using it anymore for game play reasons (don’t want things to be too easy you know)

Ness' "destiny" is heavily tied to the stroryline. His destiny is to save the world. It has no weight here because he is not saving the world. It's not part of the storyline.
His destiny is to save the world with a universal god level power that is naturally his though…so while it may be destiny…you can’t deny the fact that there is a reason for said destiny…

Also, it was never Bowser's "destiny" to lose the Star Rod. Never stated. Rather the goal of Paper Mario.
Mario’s destiny was to beat Bowser in that game (it’s even said that the fates need him)…therefore by that effect…Bowser’s destiny is to lose that star rod…
Eldstar: Everybody just calm down. As long as we keep it together there's
always hope. Now...
Our fates are in Mario's hands. We must try to revive him.
Gather round, everyone. Send Mario your power!
Their fates are in Mario’s hands…only he can save them…for some reason because it’s easy to do stuff like that o_0
(even if it is stupid)

So you assume that Ganondorf can be hurt by anything that is holy. So where is your proof?
Well…other than the fact that several games out there give hints that the power to repel evil is a trait that belongs to something like “holy”…and what with how the light arrows are from the guardians in the Zelda games (TP)…and how the sages clearly made the master sword with help from the goddesses of Hyrule…I think it is safe to say that other weapons that have + god power put into them should work on Ganondorf…

How do you know that any holy weapons doesn´t have this power?
Show me one fiction where holy weapons don’t do extra harm to evil/keep it at bay…oh and btw…real life superstition and all its craziness disagrees with you before you start…so your best bet I guess would be to look for “different werewolves”

And don´t tell me these are the only ,,holy,, powers in the Zelda Universe.
I like how none of the items you listed are around Ganondorf and are on another world, dimension, plane of existence at the time of fighting him for the most part except the magic in OoT…btw…why would Din’s Fire work on Ganondorf when that is the side of the triforce that he is using? Oh and I like how you list the other two as examples…they don’t even do any damage…but I sure do like how Ganondorf is able to hurt Link when he is using Nayru’s Love…don’t you/sarcasm

Of course… the great fairies are hardly packing god power that compares to Ganondorf’s…I mean…they can clearly be affected by him (LttP’s fat fairy)…but one wonders why the Silver arrows work then? Oh where oh where did they come from in LttP again?

BTW…I like how you didn’t bring up the “magical sword” in that list from Zelda 1…or how you don't get that "silver" is seen as "holy"

I said his power is compareable to one.
Of course his power is comparable to a god…he is using a god level power

They sended guardian deitys to Hyrule for protection. But Ganondorf can easily take them down.
Yes, he took them down because people weren’t prepared for an invasion that day or something stupid like that…and yet…they made the light arrows in TP…they clearly are more competent at their job than the Sages…

BTW…of course they are going to lose when they are fighting someone who has their masters power…I mean…really…why wouldn’t they?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Don't you people go to sleep =l

REL, I don't believe superguarding perfectly all the time is capable due to the 'error' factor, and how integrated it is to the player in comparison to everything else you're mentioning. Not because it's cheap, but because it's too player-dependent.

*waits for anyone else's rebuttal on the reply that talks about overcoming invincibility with Status Effects, as well as more on the 'realism' factor*

Samus should have taken that win. We even brought up lots of weapons that can hinder Mario further, like darkburst, grapple lasso, hyperball/hypergrapple, entanglers, wavebuster, shock coil, and who knows what else got buried back there. Samus has been invincible, and Mario's saving grace is inflicting a status effect on an invincible opponent, which shouldn't happen and has been my argument since the beginning. How can you overcome an invincible opponent with immobilization?
Raizen said we are adding realism, because even the stupidest of things can happen, for example, how can Marth dodge time?

Then that also mean pokemon also can't move as they are sprites just flailing around.

Seriously, it's a simple command, he's picked stuff up before, he can freeze time and as I said before (since nobody seemed to listen ;_; ), if he really couldn't get can't move Samus for the silliest of reasons, he can transform with his tanuki suit infront of Samus.

If it's a highest potential Mario could guard them all and everyone seems to be forgetting about his badges, which means there is room for error, even though he won't be making any.

Ah, but that would be an assumption. The point remains that enemies walk right past Mario and Mario doesn't act like a wall. Why would they be able to walk around Mario and not around pipes or blocks?
I dout it would be that much of an assumptions since it's shown to block fireballs.

Yes, characters at full potential... Not players at full potential. Hell, Samus and Snake could headshot instantly all the time in way less than a second if we talked about players' full potentials, yet we give them 'time to aim'... Like Zelda/Link and their arrows too, and a bunch of other characters.
That player potential is basically what that characters potential is, as he could super guard it all.

Story mechanics, man. Wouldn't be much of a game if all of Bowser's enemies died whenever he wanted them to, right? And SPM would have a crappy ending (and not that really sad one that it has now, i love it a lot) if Nastasia could control Dimentio. I could come up with theories, but they'd all be assumptions.
Exactly, it wouldn't be much of a game if all the enemies super-guarded everything, now would it?

I was using Paper Mario Bowser as the invincibility example, what do you mean by this? o_O
Forget the first part, I was tired, I meant TTYD was like Super Paper Mario Bowser, as in, he wasn't that much of a boss.

EDIT: You're messing up my colour tags on purpose, aren't you l:{


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Clinton, Yoshi's Island DS did make the seven children out as star childs, but Luigi has yet to use that power. I don't think he should get it since we really have no idea of what it can actually do. And, since it says that the seven children together could do something significant, how would it work here since backup isn't allowed?


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Which by all logic behind it doesn't make sense...if he was subject to the same rules of time as everyone else...he wouldn’t be aware of what is happening with time when he travels back to being a kid, back 3 days, or slowing time down…notice how no one else does in these games but Link and Zelda? (Zelda’s aware of it in case you don’t get it…she taught Link the song…she told him how to return to his own time)
That is a big deal…Link is aware of someone messing with time…
Ganondorf isn’t even aware of time being messed with right under his nose…
Yeah, Ganny is. He says he even let Link run around without intervening b/c he didn't expect Link to do much at all.
Well…he moves himself as well using the same idea in case you don’t get it…
Sure. He teleports using the Song of Time in OoT.
It goes back 3 days for game story mech. purposes only though…what don’t you get about that? The game clearly shows that the power could have dumped him off at any point…but chose the start of the 3 days because it was when he arrived in Clock Town…
Nope. Three days. Anything else is assumption. Unless you have proof that Link could've traveled one, two, or five days back in time then it's just three days.
Really though…I still want to know why you think Samus is going to use them when she has to deal with mental assaults 100% of the time…
Because it's not 100% of the time and Samus is invincible...


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
Clinton, are you dumb? The games that make no mention of the sword being holy and specifically mentioning the sword's power to repel evil only disproves you. It means that its specifically the power to repel evil that makes the sword special.

lol, and I already said that holy things IRL destroy everything, not just evil (well, anything that's sinned...which is everything [according most religions, which is what I used as my example]).



Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Yes, justaway12, buwahahaha... But this time I won't cuz I forgot to quote you and already started writing stuff.

According to the "bosses and special enemies not getting affected by status effects being game mechanics", where should we draw the line of what is and isn't a game mechanic? By how you're making it sound, ALL status effects should work on all enemies no matter what, since the game makes it so some enemies can't be affected by status effects... Plus, how would Samus be overcome by a status effect while she is invincible? That status effect would have to bypass her invincibility, and she doesn't stop for anything except walls (which I agree Tanooki Mario could count as one)... While she's invincible she's unstoppable, why would a status effect that has to bypass a character's traits first before it works (a character might have a Feeling Fine badge, or invincibility) stop Samus dead in her tracks? It's still a status effect no matter how you look at it.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
I knew it D:<

Didn't the speed booster not work on a boss? I belive it was Ridleys tails or something, yet we still counted that, Kirbys rock abilty basically says if you walk into an enemy they die, it doesn't work on Dedede/possily other bosses and Sonic as well, he got knocked out of Super Sonic by Knuckles and by a falling...metal thing, yet it's still allowed, that's why I belive we should use stop watch.

I wouldn't count it as a status effect because it's not technically stopping her, it's stopping time, even so, nothing states she's immune to status effects.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
but the stopwatch isn't stopping time, just putting the immoblized status effect on the enemy (might be different in SPM)


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Well, if we were to be completely true to Samus' games, in Super Metroid/Metroid Fusion/anywhere else where the speed booster existed, there were no status effects even though there was lava and fire attacks (burning), ice attacks (freezing), electric/energy attacks (paralysis), toxic substances and enemies derived from poison (poison), everything that made Samus sluggish stopped working when we got the Gravity suit... No instant deaths though, nothing killed Samus in one hit except her phazon corruption. In the Prime games, all status effects get "shaken off" in less than a second by mashing the B button. So, what happens to Samus now? If you tried to persuade me to leave the superguard and succeeded (you need to press a button in order for it to work), then I don't see why Samus can't shake things off (pressing the B button to speed up).
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