@Dryn: I'm pretty sure he just cancelled the stone abilty, remember, Stone Mario can't move, so he had to snap out of it, the effect wears out but not that fast, IIRC.
The video shows the ability wearing off. Once it starts flashing, it means that it's wearing off.
It's a shame, most of Samus' attacks are OHKO, every other Mario character has something to prevent OHKO, the imperialist wouldn't have worked if it was someone else =/
I am going to bring up what I wrote to PowerBomb. I thought I wouldn't be able to use this information, so I decided to send it to PowerBomb. However, you brought up the Imperialist, so I'm just going to get a few things out of the way here for a few of Samus' beam weapons. This is more about the weapons' speed, rather than how destructive they are.
Spazer Beam
It's called "Spazer Laser Beam" in Metroid 2: Return of Samus. We both know what "laser" means. It travels at light speed. Think of this weapon like a flashlight in a way when Samus uses it. When you turn on a flashlight, the light is instantly there. It isn't being fired like out like the Power Beam where you can see it being fired and traveling. So, if in-game animation went with this, it would look like a flashlight being turned on and then off.
Light Beam
I believe it was PowerBomb who said that the Light Beam would travel at the speed of light, since it fires light energy.
Annihilator Beam
I was checking the day before yesterday to see why the Annihilator Beam was given this name. I don't think it has anything to do with matter and anti-matter. Otherwise, this would be the most confusing beam weapon Samus has. I still don't know how the Annihilator Beam uses light and dark energy to create this beam, but we both know that it is useful with the Echo Visor. Samus is able to see sound, and that's basically what the Annihilator Beam fires.
The day before yesterday, I asked myself why Samus would even have this weapon, and if sound could actually kill you. It turns out that sound can kill you at 200 decibels (dB). I suppose this is why it's called "Disruptor" when you charge up the Annihilator Beam. There are these things called sonic weapons, and there are different types. There is one that uses acoustic air that can knock people back. Another one can liquify living tissue. But, with the Disruptor, enemies are stunned. Perhaps they become disoriented.
Another thing we both know about the Annihilator Beam is that the Charge Combo is called "Sonic Boom." In-game, we see a mosaic, glass-like field before us. It instantly hits Samus' opponents and kills them. So, I've been thinking now that perhaps the Annihilator Beam travels at the speed of sound, or 768 miles per hour. That's 1,126 feet per second. A sonic boom can only be created when an object or thing travels at supersonic speed. I wouldn't be surprised if it traveled in the Mach 4 range. After all, it's not unheard of that firearms can travel these speeds, so I don't see why a sound weapon couldn't do the same.
This travels at light speed, because it's a laser weapon.