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Smash Back Room Weekly Character Discussions! FINAL UPDATES: Ness + Lucas. All done!!


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
What about his matchup against D3?

Pikachu is great against him, also has Neutral B for long range, and Dsmash and Thunder for close.
He has a chaingrab against Deeds, so that gets that point. I haven't seen many Pikachu's placing high except for Anther.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
It really seems like Zelda, honestly, because Zelda can annihilate DDD's recovery and ranged Din's Fire spam him into KO power.


Smash Rookie
Apr 11, 2008
La Verne, SoCAL
i think it could be either Pika or TL, but ima guessin PIKA.

Both can be powerful at close range while still having a good long range game. They both have few weaknesses and seem like great characters.

Pika can own DDD with thunder though, if DDD is forced to use his up special to recover.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
What about his matchup against D3?

Pikachu is great against him, also has Neutral B for long range, and Dsmash and Thunder for close.
He has a chaingrab against Deeds, so that gets that point. I haven't seen many Pikachu's placing high except for Anther.
everyone best be waching out cuz there's a new pika in town. my first tourney ever...FAST, which is in central florida. i have learned from the best in florida, no i really mean it. they are ranked top 5 in the state. i got my butt kicked many...many times but i am now tourney ready. i main pika and i am coming. anther best be watching.

as for DDD, all i can say is that he really surprised me at first when brawl came out. i remember thinking that he was way to big and slow to be any good. but the more i played with him and the more i played against him the more i realized how much better he was than i thought. then when i learned that he can chaingrab most charcters he shot way up on my list. for DDD, priority isnt a problem. also, he can spam his waddles and occasionally he can get a spike or a waddle which can sent out an attack of its own. his super armor on his recovery pair with his knockback landing and his many jumps makes his recovery great. his bair/uair is great for dealing damage and hit tilts are very good.
he is also a heavy character which makes him harder to kill than most characters. moves like snakes bair have little problem with this but with other characters, like sonic per se, killing is quite a task and a lot of damage will be dealt before the end.

but he has a few bad matchups which i think will never make him the best in the game. a very good example of this is pikachu. DDD cannot chaingrab pika, but pika can chaingrab DDD. combine this with pika's ability to combo with the utilt/usmash with the uair>nair makes this matchup very difficult. his recovery can be thwarted by pika's thunder and he is slow enough for pika to use the QAC to effectively rack up tons of damage. but this is just one matchup. overall. he is a solid character and i believe there will be more DDD's out there after all is said and done.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2008
yeah im thinking toon link as well. the hint fits him best and hes one of DDD's more disadvantaged matchups as he cant be CGed and he has a great projectile game with good kill moves. WTF is up with his awesome fsmash


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Bellingham, Washington
I think it might be Lucas...
Strong at close range with a great long range game and a surprisingly decent ability to KO, this character has had a lot of potential since Brawl was first released.
Strong at close range? Fsmash, usmash, good aerial game... Check.
Great long range game? PK fire, thunder (both 1 and 2) and freeze... Check
Hype at launch? Check

But what happened? It seems like this character hasn't been holding up in tournaments, with a few exceptions, despite having only very few faults. Perhaps its because much of this character's strong points are situational, and very match-up dependent. This character has a few strong match-ups (watch out DeDeDe), but has to work hard to keep up with some other characters.
Semi poor tourney results? Check
Few faults? Release grab lock, a few bad matchups... Check
Situational Strong points with few strong matchups and a few bad ones? He's good at some match ups and poor at some... Check

It seems to fit pretty well.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2006
Madison, Mississippi
Both Olimar and Pit have been doing reasonably well in tournaments, haven't they? I believe that's what Ankoku's thead would have us believe.

And on a more general note, I'm seeing way too many people ignore parts of clues.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 30, 2007
DDD can chaingrab Toon Link and Pit with dash canceled grabs, pit can be chaingrabbed at low porcents so i am gessing its pit, he hasnt been showing in tourneys lately and has all the qualities hinted, i don't think its toon link, toon link doesn't have that any moves to KO, but pit does


Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2008
New York
DDD can chaingrab Toon Link and Pit with dash canceled grabs, pit can be chaingrabbed at low porcents so i am gessing its pit, he hasnt been showing in tourneys lately and has all the qualities hinted, i don't think its toon link, toon link doesn't have that any moves to KO, but pit does
Did you just say Pit has more KO moves than Tink? Tink has far more KO moves than Pit and he has an easier time landing them then does Pit too. The chaingrab doesn't matter too much since Tink gets out of chaingrabs earlier than other characters due to his amazing DI and his quick Nair. Pit's close range game is nothing to write home about and he relies on gimping for his more than actual KOing which does not equate to strong at close range.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2006
Southington, CT
Pit is indeed out of the question. The problem... since Pika, Zelda, and TL have good air games, is deciding who has the word that people seem to keep missing... situational. Pika and Zelda seem more situational, so I want to put TL out of the list.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2008
Guarantee it's Toon Link.
Good lord it took me a while to figure out how to spell guarantee.


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2008
Personally my first thought for next is Zelda, she has nice Smashes for close range, and good long range combat (Din's Fire...) but yet isn't performing to stellar at tourneys afaik.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Yeah it obviously seems like Toon Link to me, but maybe that's just because I've been wanting him to come up since this began...

So I'll say Toon Link as my guess but Pikachu for an outside chance (TL is really just too obvious).


Smash Cadet
Jun 10, 2008
I really think it is toon link because everything seems to point to him but they might of just been trying to throw people off. I'm still thinkin TL though.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
I was thinking Toon Link, but what about Diddy Kong? He doesn't have many weaknesses, has a good long range game (nanners), but hasn't been doing well in tournaments. Could be pit, though.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2008
i was thinkin samus for #1, but samus has never been doin great, and the hint said it was doin good at first, so i think wolf or tl


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2006
Centennial, Colorado
I think the hints suck, and when it seems like we're almost sure what it is, it isn't even close. So I'm going to guess Yoshi. No one would guess Yoshi. You lose this round Samurai Panda.


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2008
In eighteenspikes' heart
I'm just gonna start this out focusing on 2 of the bigger parts of the clue
1. good matchup vs DDD
2. isn't doing all that well in tournies (but with a few exceptions)

characters with a check on the chart:
Diddy, Falco, G&W, Kirby, Lucas, MK, Ness, Peach, Pika, Olimar, Sheik, Sonic, Squirtle, Toonlink, Zamus, Zelda

characters in ranks C and D on Ankokus chart:
-first, why go with that rational? Well the clue says that there are a few exceptions to them doing poorly, the best you can say for this was C Falcon and pokemon trainer with 3 top4s. Honestly i dont think the clue fits either of them well at all (maybe squirtle, but they would've mentioned more about PTrainer in the hint if he really were the target).
-So back to the list (descending order):
Fox, Olimar, Ike, Kirby, TL, Lucas, IC, Peach, Zelda, Sonic. Now for D: Zamus, Diddy, Sheik, Luigi, Ness, Mario, Bowser

and now combine the lists and keep the common ones (in order of decreasing rank):

Olimar, Kirby, TL, Peach, Zelda, Sonic, Zamus, Diddy, Sheik, Ness

-now we can factor in the "great long range" part using a select few characters, which gets:

Olimar, TL, Zelda, Zamus, Ness

easy enough now that there are only 5 characters.

-TL's killing power hasn't been a surprise to me and pre release it didn't seem like people doubted it either (so many people started calling him top tier after the floating dair trick was found, not to mention how awesome it was). They praised him for his bair and nair and his ability to get quick kills.

-Olimar, he's been kicking *** this summer, so it isn't really just a few exceptions especially since he was #15 before the summer stats, which isn't all that bad (upper 50%....). Not to mention his meteor, fair, bair, usmash, and dsmash get him some nice kills while his throws rack up damage.

-Zelda, ok, have to defend the "surprising KO ability" part here. Everybody and their mother knew that zelda had gotten a buff, very few knew exactly how large of one. Here's the big surprise: zelda's kicks have far less range than in melee. But I'll trade that for the >B, uair, usmash, dsmash, fsmash, dair, utilt, ftilt, and throwspeed gained. Anybody that doesn't find that many moves beign boosted on a single character has some insane standards.

-Zamus, honestly, i know the fewest about her of all the remaining 5. But from my experience messing around with her i wouldn't call her a good KOer. Sure, there's uair, >B, and nothing else really. Nor is her long range game "great" because it's difficult to spam her laser and use that short opening to attack appropriatly.

-Ness, definitely is close range, and definitely my first choice for the clue. He has a very few strong match ups (13), obviously he has situational matchups, Marth will annihilate him. He's tied for 3rd with Sonic over the most strong disadvantages (gdorf-2nd, falcon-1st). And if that doesn't prove he's matchup dependant, i dont know what is. Maybe it's the number of neutrals. Ness has 5, which makes him tied for 2nd with Samus, Ike, and gdorf (falcon is #1-3). Honestly, his game is all about matchups in which he either has a chance, not a chance, or needs to fight his *** off in order to get a chance (which fits nicely with the end of the hint). Only problem with Ness is that he has 4top8s, 2top4s, and 1 win, but i think that qualifies him as one of the best with a few exceptions in tournaments.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
zelda or toon link
i would think toon link because everyone can easily dodge zeldas aerials even though she has "suprising ko ability"
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