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Sleepy's Super Awesome Birthday Bash(Battleaxe Chronicles) September 18th, Durham, NC


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
I got that Falco beak. :[

But I look like a Falcon main. ;]

EDIT: OMG Color discussion

Let's see:

Mood Based but top 3:
Isai/Classic Falcon
PAC!/Pretty in Pink/Naked Falcon
Ali/Blood Hawk/Arab Money/Rage Falcon

Almost always:
PP/Heartless/Black/Green Falco
Adam/Greed/Green Fox
M2K/Haven't had my coffee yet/Soulless/Black Marth

"Because they're brown" -Aasem <3
Arabian Fire Sheik (Default is also amazing though)
Middle Eastern Daisy

Hellspawn/Red Kirby (+Falco's lasers = devil bird)
Adam/Bubblegum *****/Pink Weegee
Spearmint/Green Doc
Beautiful Blue Bow Puff
Aqua Ganon
TrueDarkness Link/Y Link
Blackest Pitch G&W
Aviator Pichu
Shamrock Pikachu
PAC!/Golden ****ing Roy

By the way, Purple Ganon is definitely Ivan Ooze, Blue Doc is Winterfresh, and Pink Doc is Salmon.

I once saw Adam rage so hard while playing teams with Gerod, Thundaa and I, he actually messed his hair up, and then finally stood up and (I swear) firefox'd and let out a Fox cry of fury. Can't top that for looking like your main.


I look like Michelangelo.
Fixed for great Pizza Time justice.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Adam came in with that SSJ look because he was teamin with Beanz that night, from what I understand. I think that was also the same night 59JS' Marth was doing unusually good.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Adam came in with that SSJ look because he was teamin with Beanz that night, from what I understand. I think that was also the same night 59JS' Marth was doing unusually good.
False. You weren't there. It was late one night at Thundaa's house in the hood with just the four of us.

I do remember the night you're talking about though. HO Marth's magical Bean tippers hahahah


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Clarify where you were at, the, because I wasn't at the one I mentioned, either.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I understood that from your last post.

I suppose I should have mentioned the garage, as well, when I mentioned the SSJ look.


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
yuh PLUR I couldnt have done well alone.

you played good also.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
will I actually do shoutouts for the first time since forever?


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
that's how i always feel

but by the time i get around to it it's already 1 month later


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006


then browser fail thanks to school website

at least it was only the first three shoutouts

from now on only doing shoutouts in ms word


Half Genie
Aug 24, 2005
Scuttle Town
lol. that's why I always write long posts in a word document then just copy and paste it. Although I never write long post but whatever.


Smash Ace
Feb 9, 2010
Greenville, NC

Shout Outs!!

Michael Harrell: You are amazing and wonderful and I love you soooo much. Your constant presence reassures me and helps me stay calm. I would not have been able to get through the day without knowing I would be able to fall asleep in your arms at the end of it. Also, you played super well and I am very proud of you <3 :)

Dr.PP: It feels awesome to know that I will always have your support. I am glad you managed to come out and I was super happy to have you there. It is too bad we did not get to record anything :( but there will definitely be a next time. Sorry I worried you so much by being so stressed out. Also Halo was too fun at my house haha, I love you bro <3

SleepyK: Thanks so much for coming out and bringing GA with you! I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves and would be willing to come back again sometime. Good **** at this tournament and thank you so much for recording and getting all that livestream stuff done. And I hope you had a super duper awesome birthday! You are too cool :)

Mike G
: It was super nice to meet you in person. I would have liked to get some matches or something with the famous Mike G but alas I was very busy :( I hope you enjoyed yourself and good **** on 3rd place!

Georgia: Thanks so much for coming out! You guys were all super cool and I hope you decide to come back for more stuff in the future. Sorry about you guys not getting much sleep and then having to play :( Hope the drive back was not too bad and that you guys enjoyed yourselves.

Mahone: It was really nice to meet you. Thanks for bringing VA with you since I know you were the main guy hyping them up to come. Sorry about the little incident, I hope that does not keep you from coming back again. NC was really glad to have you guys. Next time we need some Pika/Puff friendlies for sure.

Virginia: broken record status buuuuut: I am super glad you guys could come out! It was really nice meeting all of you. I hope housing and everything worked out well. Next time you guys want to come back, know that I can help you guys with anything you need. I want to go out to your guy's tournament and support you all like you supported me! Hopefully I can make it out and play some with you guys instead of running around being impersonal haha

LOZR: You are the very dern best. I am so glad you could come cause I had not seen you in forever! Hope you had fun, and we will get PP hydrated next time ;) since I know you really wanted to see that haha.

Dop: oh wow! So glad you came out. Good job on 4th! We still have to do the dinner double date sometime :)

Jim: It is always great to see you, you are so funny! You make every tournament better :) Hope to see you at more stuff

Smith: You are so silly. Ride to my house in the morning was fun. I am glad I got to see you! Next time I am not running a tournament we should friendly.

Ocean: Thanks so much for housing VA! It is always good to see you. Wish we could have gotten some friendlies though :(

BEHR: You are so much fun to hang out with! I am glad you could make it out. You and PLUR did super well in teams :) Hope to see you again soon sometime.

Diatenshi: It is always fun to see you at stuff! You are really nice to hang out with. Halo was fun last night too :) more tonight!

Stingers: Thanks for your help again. It is always nice to see you since you live so far away :( Good job on you and Jim getting third in everything. Next time you can run low tier doubles :)

Karn: Thank you for helping with seeding and for your advice on things. It is always nice to see you.

Fiz: You are hilarious, and no problem for the water haha. It is really nice to see you at stuff.

Raggy: You are always fun to hang out with at tournaments. Hope I get to see you again soon! And next time you are going to **** that bracket.

Twitch: Nice to see you, thanks for coming out! What possessed you to enter brawl?!

Shady: Always nice to see you at stuff! Sorry you got bracket ***** :( It was still really nice to get to hang out and talk to you some.

Uncle: lshgldfhgldfhg You are always so happy! It is always good to see you. I love your attitude towards life :)

Moo: It is always nice to see you. Too bad we did not get to talk as much as we usually do and stuff :( Next time you got that upset against Twitch!

VZakat: Glad you got to come out! I did not get to talk to you much :( we gotta frindly next time so you can see how much better I got. Us low tier mains have to stick together :)

Manley(Turnip T): I missed you bro :( Felt like I had not seen you in ages. I am glad you got to come out though!

Dark Hart: Thanks for making it out and bringing Manley. Hope you enjoyed yourself. It is always nice to talk to you.

JMH: You are super cool, but you probably knew that. Keep me updated on the kid's tournament if you are still up for that. My bro has tons of friends that would love to do something like that. It was nice to see you :)

Criosphinx: You are so mellow all the time, it is awesome! It was fun hanging out with you at my house, I still have to buy one of your books XD

CT: Thanks for coming out! You are always super supportive of me and I am really glad to have that. Props to you for playing both games and for taking PP first round willingly! So brave haha

Gardevoir: It was nice to see you even though we did not get to talk much. You should come to more stuff! I feel like I never see you around.

True Darkness: You will always be Black Chris to me :p I love the mentality you have when it comes to smash. You are going to get good, I know it! And bring Ashley to more stuff too.

DJ: Thanks for being there in case I needed help, it is always nice to see you.

Gofg: I have not seen you in forever! Hope you have been well and you enjoyed the tournament :) Come to more stuff.

Craig: I think I would rather have zombies bro. It was cool to see you again! Shoulda gone Marf... your secondary... sup bayb?

Big Lou: Thanks for coming out and being so patient when the tournament ran late. I hope you decide to come back. You were really cool even though I did not get to talk to you much. Good stuff in bracket!

LDPK: It was nice to talk to you. Good stuff on 3rd place. Pikachu rocks!

Ilove: Nice to see you again! Sorry about the DDD suicide thing. I had already made a decision on suicide kills earlier on in the tournament :/ Good stuff in bracket regardless!

Snap: You are really awesome. You should have brought Rhiannon again so she could play some! It was nice seeing you.

Cory: You are always really funny to talk to and be around. Glad I got to see you. Good stuff getting 4th :)

Cam: I am glad you got to come out, even if you held up the bracket!! but seriously, it was not that serious and you are the coolest. Sorry I took Michael away from your Link/Puff friendlies or whatever other shenanigans you two were getting in to when he had to go take the girls home. GET HALOOOOOOO

Stockfield: Always good to see my cousin! It was nice talking to you, thanks for coming to my tournament :)

KSK: You got dem nutz at this tournament broooo. Good ****! It was good to see you, we gotta hangout at your house all together more. And lemme know when you want to get on Guild Wars. Even though I have been busy with Halo haha

Darkfire: It was super nice to meet you. Thanks for all your help and support as I was running things. I am going to take a lot of your advice next time. I am glad I got to meet you, you are pretty awesome :)

Slasher: Nice to see you, as always. We HAVE to play more since you live so close to me! I want to get some stuff of me recorded so I can watch it :)

PLUR: Almost forgot you boy! It was great to see you, you are too much fun :) You and BEHR were awesome in teams. I am proud of you! Hope to see you at more stuff.

NC Smash Community
: Thank you so much guys. Thank you for the set ups, housing OOS, coming out, supporting me, and being just plain awesome. I am going to do this better next time, I promise. Thank you for having faith in me :) I love you guys <3

Anyone I forgot: I am sooo sorry, thanks for coming out and it was nice to meet some of you. I talked to so many people I could not remember them all for shout outs :( I really enjoyed having everyone there and there are tons of people not in my above list who were really chill and who I was really happy to meet. Thanks for your support! I wish I could have gotten to friendly more people and talk to a lot of you more but I was super busy. I hope I get to see you all again soon! :)
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