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Should Metaknight Be Banned? The Poll (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

Should Metaknight be banned?

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Banned via Warnings
Nov 8, 2008
Tucson, Arizona
Panda Edit: The Show Me Your News team just recently recorded a podcast with various SBR members in the style of a debate. The issue we were debating was, of course, whether or not to ban MK. Here is a temporary download link to the podcast: http://smyn.smashnexus.net/download.php?id=45 . I encourage everyone who has been debating in this thread, or wants to learn more about the issue, to listen to this podcast. It could definitely change what you think about MK. I'll be remaking the public poll on banning MK whenever we get the permanent download link up. I'm interested to see what people will think about this issue after listening to it. Show it to all of your friends too, so we can get people as educated as possible before voting on it again.
Due to the process while I'm watching the video about banning Meta Knight, Meta Knight should be still not banned, because any projectile attacks should work against Meta Knight, like Mario's fireball, Ike's quickdraw, Diddy's peanut shooting, Fox's Laser shooting, Falco's laser shooting, Snake's grenade, Ice Climbers' Ice throwing, Samus' Laser cannon, etc.

Remember that reading 'SSBB: Premiere Edition' Guide should let you know about 'Fighting against Meta Knight, and make sure that if you have any siblings or friends if they were skilled in any 'Smash Bros' game, you should let them be as Meta Knight and try this test according to this list.

  • Escaping from Meta Knight's tornado slash, if the other player spams the B button.
  • Projectile attacks against Meta Knight.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
Bwett will tell you himself that a win against Dojo's meta is an exception and far from a rule. So he two stocked Dojo with Yoshi one time? I would like to see the data on how often Dojo 2-stocks Bwett's Yoshi. The reason nobody gives Mmac the time of day anymore is he never listened before when people did. His anger (and hilarious ridiculous "racism" claims) are nothing more than a sideshow on SWF now.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Don't tell me that a legitimate argument is "rather tiring".

We claim that Yoshi does not go even with Metaknight. This is the default position, as general consensus is that Metaknight has a better-than-even matchup with every other character in the game. Also, he is the best character in the game, while Yoshi is some random low-tier
This says what? That there is bias. That doesn't say anything about a bad argument
. Low tier characters do not automatically have bad matchups against top tier characters.
there have been many cases where a low tier character has a neutral against a top tier character. low tier characters are low tier based on overall just as top ties are top tier overall.
If we were to go purely off tier placement then Sonic should have a disadvantage against the great majority of characters should he not>
ye we know better than to do so since such a thing would be devoid of an actual argument.

IT can all be destroyed by just one simple statement.
Ther tier lists are handmade so there WILL be changes.
So characters that are high may actually be low. So going based on current tier list position is bad.

That is not creating a status quo.
We don't need to make any more arguments than that.
You do.
Just saying KM is top tier Yoshi is low tier automatic advantage/disadvantage is NOT a legit argument. You MUST prove your argument otherwise, you have not established ANYTHING.
We don't need to provide any more proof than that.
You do. Unless of course you were among the people who said "Sonic is bottom tier" without any justification.
Status quot is established when there is actually something present. in this case, it was presumed without an actual argument. nothing was established.

If it turns out that in the actual game mechanics, Yoshi has an even matchup with Metaknight, then we will have to change our position, but as it stands, there is not a single Yoshi on the North American continent who is beating good metaknights.
yet you don't have any good Mk's facing any good Yoshi's so it works both ways. It should not automatically be assumed a disadvantage purely on tier position. That is illogical and a bad argument.

As I said, you are challenging the status quot, and as such, the burden of proof lies on you.
There is no status quot. Its baseless assumption!
Mk is top tier
yoshi is low tier.
Automatic disadvantage. There is nothing to challenge simply because nothing was proven.
If neither side has no argument then the matchup is left undecided, it is not presumed to be advantage or disadvantage based on nothing.

The burden of proof only comes into effect when there has actually been something established, where there is an actual argument.
There is none.

Also, DK in Melee was underplayed, but there is little doubt that early in the game, he countered Fox. No one argued with that. Later as Foxes got better and became harder to grab, that all changed, but in the early days of the game, DK ***** Fox hard. We knew this because Captain Jack would **** every Fox he met, in tournament and out of tournament, with DK.
yeah. you had actual data otherwise, if Captain jack had not gone about abusing Fox's weaknesses would you have automatically assumed DK had a disadvantage?
No. That would be terribly wrong to do especially considering the experience and knowledge from many years of competitive gamin.

Claims are just that, claims. If you claim MK beats Yoshi you must justify it.
if Yoshi claims to beat MK they must justify it. They both must justify it.
If neither side has justified their claim why make a totally illogical assumption?

As far as him getting beaten by other characters... so does every character but Metaknight. Melee DK players did not play DK against Marth; they only switched to DK for playing against fast fallers. Why could someone not learn Yoshi well enough to play against MKs, and also learn another character to beat non-MKs?
if I am maining yoshi more often than not my main will be much stronger than my secondaries.
why main someone who overall has bad matchups when you can choose MK who breaks everyone else?

@inferno: We would also need other good yoshi players beating other MK players so it would e accepted as solid proof.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
Due to the process while I'm watching the video about banning Meta Knight, Meta Knight should be still not banned, because any projectile attacks should work against Meta Knight, like Mario's fireball, Ike's quickdraw, Diddy's peanut shooting, Fox's Laser shooting, Falco's laser shooting, Snake's grenade, Ice Climbers' Ice throwing, Samus' Laser cannon, etc.

Remember that reading 'SSBB: Premiere Edition' Guide should let you know about 'Fighting against Meta Knight, and make sure that if you have any siblings or friends if they were skilled in any 'Smash Bros' game, you should let them be as Meta Knight and try this test according to this list.

  • Escaping from Meta Knight's tornado slash, if the other player spams the B button.
  • Projectile attacks against Meta Knight.
Ok...what the ****. Projectiles do not shoot down his offense in any way, what the hell does "they work against him" even mean. oh, and Ike's quickdraw not only isn't a projectile, but it's also a terrible attack.

And wow, dude, stop talking about the mother ****ing guide, to players did not make that, it is not credible. You've never been to a tourney, and you dont understand what the **** you are talking about.

I implore you, please oh dear God stop posting here.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Due to the process while I'm watching the video about banning Meta Knight, Meta Knight should be still not banned, because any projectile attacks should work against Meta Knight, like Mario's fireball, Ike's quickdraw, Diddy's peanut shooting, Fox's Laser shooting, Falco's laser shooting, Snake's grenade, Ice Climbers' Ice throwing, Samus' Laser cannon, etc.

Remember that reading 'SSBB: Premiere Edition' Guide should let you know about 'Fighting against Meta Knight, and make sure that if you have any siblings or friends if they were skilled in any 'Smash Bros' game, you should let them be as Meta Knight and try this test according to this list.

  • Escaping from Meta Knight's tornado slash, if the other player spams the B button.
  • Projectile attacks against Meta Knight.
Premiere Edition guide? Like the one responsible for this..?

I don't know if it helps but here is PT's weight class Lowest to Bigest: Ivysaur, Squritle, Charizard and take advantage when PT switches like attacking as soon as the next pokemon comes out hope this helps.
It doesn't help, because you're wrong.

Squirtle is lighter than Ivysaur, who's lighter than Charizard.

And also, it's common sense.
Oh, smarter PT players will tend to knock you off the stage or high in the air before switching pokemon, to keep safe IF they have to do it.

For example, I might D-throw you off the edge with Charizard, Switch to Squirtle, damage you a bit, then use Squirtle's D-throw to kill.
Actually Tenki I got the Smash bros. Prima limited edition guide and it said for some weird reason Squirtle is heavier than Ivysaur.
Lol, didn't the Prima guide say Falcon was one of the best characters, because he has speed and power? I remember skimming through that guide while I was in a GameStop, and laughing at everything inside.
Yeah they said that but I got it during the midnight release I didn't know.

Yes I think we all know that and by the way when they switch use a powerful attack to KO or rack up damage.
SWF will always be more up-to-date, and we can at least correct errors whereas with those guides, as soon as they're printed, there's no changing them.

and smashboards is free2use. ;d


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Ok...what the ****. Projectiles do not shoot down his offense in any way, what the hell does "they work against him" even mean.
Well, MK has a unique weakness to projectiles, in that he is unable to interrupt them with his jab, ftilt, and smashes. This is a priority mechanic unique to MK. But it's very rare that this actually ever matters :laugh: Oh, and none of MK's aerials are capable of destroying Snake's mortar. That's not entirely unique to MK (ex. Ness' Fair), but worth mentioning I guess.

and LOL @ Tenki's post..... just, wow.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
I havent read all the posts on here recently but from what I have read, it seems like Mmac is fighting for a neutral matchup, or atleast that is what his opposition is stating. Yall can take this as my opinion whether you want to put stock in it or not, your choice.

First of all, an exception to the rule does not mean that it holds true in all cases. Just because I beat MK's on occasion doesn't mean that Yoshi is even with MK.

Furthermore, Mmac, you are boasting Yoshi's options vs MK alittle too much. It is true that Yoshi has options and viable strategies against MK and it is true that you can beat MK if you are careful, but the truth of the matter is that MK has more options and more ability to kill us than us kill him. We can beat out all of his B moves with egg. Dair beats his shuttle loop. Uair clinks with his glide attack. Usmash can beat tornado and clinks or beats glide attack. It is true that we have a CG on him. I will say about 90% certainty that CG to Usmash is guaranteed.

You may say that CG to Fair works if you are in the correct position and I will give you that. HOWEVER, in a tournament setting and in the fray of combat, you will grab MK where ever you are at, then CG to the edge for a possible fair spike. It is not guaranteed that you will land that perfect position though, and it is rather difficult to land it even when you are just sitting there testing it.

Because of this, unless you are absolutely sure it is in the correct position, if you try the fair and miss, MK has a perfect opportunity to upB and spike you against the stage. If you look at my vids, you will see it alot because I WANT it to work, but it doesnt work alot of the time.

These are the most prevalent options that Yoshi has.

For MK, he has much more options to deal with Yoshi. His dair can knock you horizontally, the worst direction besides down for Yoshi. This allows for extremely easy gimps. A good MK who knows the matchup and also knows the few ways that Yoshi can get off the ledge can punish in any instance as long as they guess correctly. In some cases, this punish results in a gimp.

The only safe strategy is to keep a mid distance to egg, but pivot grab when he approaches. Even then though, his attacks are extremely fast and can punish your shield with little that you can do. Also spamming Dsmash at the edge is an estremely effective strategy against Yoshi while Yoshi is returning since its so fast.

If Yoshi is above MK or MK is on the stage while Yoshi is returning from off, then it is greatly in MK's favor. If Mk is on the ground with you or he is above you, it is either neutral or slightly in his favor. Either way, it leads to the fact that MK has an advantage against Yoshi. I would claim 6:4 or 55:45 at the very least in his advantage.

Like I said, take it as you will. This is my opinion.

EDIT: Rofl Inferno. I typed the exception to the rule without seeing you type it =P
As a side note, Dojo and I have gone pretty even in friendlies. However, our tournament match led to 2 2stocks on me. I think I was cocky from the night before but those are my johns. I don't think I can beat him in tourney but Im sure if we are both at our best, it could be close, if not just a 1 stock on me lol.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2008
Columbia University, NY
It might be worth noting that on AllIsBrawl, the polls I have seen regarding this issue have the anti-ban side winning by a landslide.

Random example: http://allisbrawl.com/forum/topic.aspx?id=39738

There are a lot more, but I am too lazy to find them.
Although I am very much anti-ban myself, I would venture to say that many of the players on AiB are more scrubbish that those on smashboards. Sorry for generalizing, but thats my overall experience from visitng their forums. Doesn't mean they're worse players necesarily, but yea. I do guess it is worth noting though.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Nah, there's a vast amount of scrubs on both boards.

Also, MK is supposedly more broken/annoying at the lower levels, so more scrubs should mean more wanting the ban.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 27, 2007
Wouldn't you like to know pedo=/
I think for the time being, he should be banned. We can bring him back eventually, when we know enough about all the characters to know his match-up as best as possible. If in about a year, we know only a little more about every character, and there still isn't any difference, we can decide from there.

I'm actually pretty neutral for this. Though I do believe that we should give MK a rest even for a little while. Not forever, unless proven that is what needs to be done


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Don't tell me that a legitimate argument is "rather tiring".

We claim that Yoshi does not go even with Metaknight. This is the default position, as general consensus is that Metaknight has a better-than-even matchup with every other character in the game. Also, he is the best character in the game, while Yoshi is some random low-tier.

We don't need to make any more arguments than that. We don't need to provide any more proof than that. If it turns out that in the actual game mechanics, Yoshi has an even matchup with Metaknight, then we will have to change our position, but as it stands, there is not a single Yoshi on the North American continent who is beating good metaknights.

As I said, you are challenging the status quot, and as such, the burden of proof lies on you.

Also, DK in Melee was underplayed, but there is little doubt that early in the game, he countered Fox. No one argued with that. Later as Foxes got better and became harder to grab, that all changed, but in the early days of the game, DK ***** Fox hard. We knew this because Captain Jack would **** every Fox he met, in tournament and out of tournament, with DK.

As far as him getting beaten by other characters... so does every character but Metaknight. Melee DK players did not play DK against Marth; they only switched to DK for playing against fast fallers. Why could someone not learn Yoshi well enough to play against MKs, and also learn another character to beat non-MKs?

Rehab, I believe Mmac is the best Yoshi. Ask him.
*cringes at the misuse of basic logic concepts*

No, you're totally misplacing the burden of proof. Before evidence is put forth the burden of proof is on a suggestion there's anything other then "nothing". Existence of anything, advantage, disadvantage, etc is proven.


However since debates are generally between two different existences (55-45 compared to 60-40 in this case), there is a burden of proof on BOTH sides, HOWEVER the greater the difference from true neutral, the greater the burden of proof.

Mk's relative tier position doesn't matter in this, just actual character attributes.


The Meta-Yoshi matchup is 60-40. I believe it is almost becomes 65-35 if Metaknight CPs Battlefield.

The matchup isn't that much of a counter. It counters stupid mks, that's about it.
That's the Snake match-up... (wrong stage though)

MK can't approach Yoshi because his pivot grab kills MK's approaches, unilaterally.

Basically, they both fail on approach, but MK has a better slightly zoning game in this match-up.

Unlike Snake where if MK spaces correctly, Snake has no answers.

Aeghrur, then why aren't Yoshi's doing better in tournaments than they are? Why aren't they beating Metaknights? If it really is that close to even, then Yoshi is one of MK's worst matchups, yet we don't see anyone switching to Yoshi for the MK fight. Why is this?
Because picking up Yoshi just for that one match-up is difficult. It's easier to just play MK himself or stick with your main, plus yoshi has the bad character stigma.

Plus, Yoshi is relatively hard to use, really it's just easier to use MK.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
EDIT: Rofl Inferno. I typed the exception to the rule without seeing you type it =P
As a side note, Dojo and I have gone pretty even in friendlies. However, our tournament match led to 2 2stocks on me. I think I was cocky from the night before but those are my johns. I don't think I can beat him in tourney but Im sure if we are both at our best, it could be close, if not just a 1 stock on me lol.

Hmm, gameplan. At Oh Snap, if I form a distraction and help you defeat Dojo, you have to help me beat him in our My Little Pony Challenge. It's so stupid it's bound to work.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
*cringes at the misuse of basic logic concepts*

No, you're totally misplacing the burden of proof. Before evidence is put forth the burden of proof is on a suggestion there's anything other then "nothing". Existence of anything, advantage, disadvantage, etc is proven.
You misunderstand.

The current tier list, consensus of the community, and every matchup chart, has Metaknight with the advantage over Yoshi. That is why it isn't "nothing". That's our evidence for MK's advantage.

Mmac then wants us to provide proof that Yoshi does not have an even matchup, but as the currently held position is that MK beats Yoshi fairly, why should he not have to provide proof that he is right?

For some reason, this is the only example that comes to mind, so excuse its crudeness. During the american civil rights movement, if blacks could have just said "Prove to us that we aren't as good!" then it would have been much easier for then, but no, they had to prove that they were just as human as whites. This is what you have to do! Except with Yoshi and Metaknight instead of ethnicities.

To quote T-Rex, that is exactly what it is.


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
You misunderstand.

The current tier list, consensus of the community, and every matchup chart, has Metaknight with the advantage over Yoshi. That is why it isn't "nothing". That's our evidence for MK's advantage.

Mmac then wants us to provide proof that Yoshi does not have an even matchup, but as the currently held position is that MK beats Yoshi fairly, why should he not have to provide proof that he is right?

For some reason, this is the only example that comes to mind, so excuse its crudeness. During the american civil rights movement, if blacks could have just said "Prove to us that we aren't as good!" then it would have been much easier for then, but no, they had to prove that they were just as human as whites. This is what you have to do! Except with Yoshi and Metaknight instead of ethnicities.

To quote T-Rex, that is exactly what it is.
You're giving the smash community a bit too much credit. They didn't evaluate Yoshi, Sonic or any of the low tiers properly. They just took tournament results and said Yoshi does poorly. Nobody came to the conclusion that MK had an advantage on Yoshi, people just started to assume that.

Your evidence is based on lack of evidence.

edit: You do realize your analogy just proves your "racism" - read unfounded judgement - on Yoshi?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
You misunderstand.

The current tier list, consensus of the community, and every matchup chart, has Metaknight with the advantage over Yoshi. That is why it isn't "nothing". That's our evidence for MK's advantage.

Mmac then wants us to provide proof that Yoshi does not have an even matchup, but as the currently held position is that MK beats Yoshi fairly, why should he not have to provide proof that he is right?

For some reason, this is the only example that comes to mind, so excuse its crudeness. During the american civil rights movement, if blacks could have just said "Prove to us that we aren't as good!" then it would have been much easier for then, but no, they had to prove that they were just as human as whites. This is what you have to do! Except with Yoshi and Metaknight instead of ethnicities.

To quote T-Rex, that is exactly what it is.
Tier list shouldn't be factored. This does not equal matchups.

Half of the smash community believes both ways. It's just like the MK needs to be banned debate.

If you're going by IvanEva's chart, then quit while you're ahead. It's a terrible chart to begin with when about half the matchups are inaccurate. Also, DanGR's matchup thread shows the match as neutral. Take a better look at these things before you use them.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
You misunderstand.

The current tier list, consensus of the community, and every matchup chart, has Metaknight with the advantage over Yoshi. That is why it isn't "nothing". That's our evidence for MK's advantage.
Community consensus means nothing in debate. If the community consensus was that an invisable Pink Unicorn existed, the burden of proof would be on the community to prove it's existance still, in each and every related debate.

That is a wonderful example of the Apeal to Popularity fallacy (aka the Bandwagon fallacy), popularity does nothing to a position logically speaking, not even something as innocuous-seeming as shifting the burden of proof.

Mmac then wants us to provide proof that Yoshi does not have an even matchup, but as the currently held position is that MK beats Yoshi fairly, why should he not have to provide proof that he is right?
Because the default position is no effect, you've got it reversed, he thinks it's a 45-55 match-up, and the burden of proof lies on him proving that it's NOT perfectly even (though the burden is less for that conclusion).

Why? Because you can't prove a negative, the negative is sustained by lack of evidence to the contrary. Any effect other then "no effect", aka neutrality therefore has the burden of proof.

For some reason, this is the only example that comes to mind, so excuse its crudeness. During the american civil rights movement, if blacks could have just said "Prove to us that we aren't as good!" then it would have been much easier for then, but no, they had to prove that they were just as human as whites. This is what you have to do! Except with Yoshi and Metaknight instead of ethnicities.
Why were racial minorities forced to prove a negative? Because racism and racists are stupid, that's why.

Logically they had no obligation to do so, the burden of proof was ALWAYS on the racists, but racists used what was essentially an appeal to force (they had the political power, therefore they forced anti-racists to debate on their totally illogical terms) to shift the burden of proof to a completely illogical position where other ethnic groups were forced to prove a negative.

It was illogical, and totally stupid but what do you expect of racists?

For a lack of desire to be reported for flaming, I won't extend the metaphor directly to you, but why did you set yourself up for that?

Seriously dude, why the heck would you bring up the way racists did something as historical precadent? Not only were their actions totally illogical objectively, there also is a strong idealogical bias against them. Are you sure you're not arguing for my position?

Point is, the racists were wrong for using appeal to popularity and technically appeal to force to require the side that had no burden of proof on them to actually prove a negative. There is no reason that we should make their mistake.

To quote T-Rex, that is exactly what it is.
If you're refering to practicality, people act illogically, so it does happen that defiance of popular opinion is treated as if the burden of proof is on it, even when it isn't. Don't reference to logic to sustain it however, logically the burden of proof is ALWAYS on the existantal statement.

And no, previous "solving" of the issue doesn't change that, though it does allow for "critical points" (points of information, that if changed would have x, y, z effects on the conclusion) removing the need for a lot of debate, if the previous debate segment is agreed upon as correct in all but it's information.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
The current tier list, consensus of the community, and every matchup chart, has Metaknight with the advantage over Yoshi. That is why it isn't "nothing". That's our evidence for MK's advantage.
The majority is not always right and a stated before, the matchups were not evaluated they were assumed without and evidence.
Common consensus doesn't mean anything.
There was NOTHING proven, no argument was formed, it was just assumed just like many of the other low tiers. Illogical assumptions are bad.

Mmac then wants us to provide proof that Yoshi does not have an even matchup, but as the currently held position is that MK beats Yoshi fairly, why should he not have to provide proof that he is right?
Wait have to edit.
i misread that don't you mean the other way around?
That he is stating neutral?
The currently held position of MK beating Yoshi is the exact same as Ganondorf beating Ike 70;30. There is no actual argument just an illogical assumption based purely on tier position.

For some reason, this is the only example that comes to mind, so excuse its crudeness. During the american civil rights movement, if blacks could have just said "Prove to us that we aren't as good!" then it would have been much easier for then, but no, they had to prove that they were just as human as whites. This is what you have to do! Except with Yoshi and Metaknight instead of ethnicities./quote]
They didn't need to prove that they were just as human as whites. Their existence was proof enough.
The whites assuming that blacs were an inferior race automatically based on color of skin is similar to the case of Yoshi vs MK.
The only reason they had to prove other wise is because the racists were so god**** stupid that they had no choice.
The smash community should not be stupid.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Guys, we first have to state if 55-45 is even. Because if you count that as even(which I believe most of us do?) then GofG's thing about community assuming MK>Yoshi isn't that accurate...


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
Well, polls become innacurate on which view is more favored in the community by a plus or minus 2 percent difference. The polls have been at a 10% difference for a long time now. I think more of the community is favoring with banning him...


Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2008
CT / United States
The fluctation has been of ~20. From a difference of 200. >_>
Not to mention a lot of No votes are people saying "I don't want him banned yet, but maybe in the future when we have more data"

And Overswarm, I'd put the "Ban MK" thing in my Sig, but I need something to go with it. Any suggestions? Also, excellent job in the podcast, I could give you a few more points for Proban if you want?


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2006
Provo Utah
Meta isn't getting banned anytime soon. I would say at the earliest next summer but that being very optimistic. I think if it takes that long to get him banned it one happen at all, unless of course Meta dominance increases by twice as much as it is now.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Meta isn't getting banned anytime soon. I would say at the earliest next summer but that being very optimistic. I think if it takes that long to get him banned it one happen at all, unless of course Meta dominance increases by twice as much as it is now.
He's already being banned in tournaments here and there...
Of course, unless you meant nationwide. That won't happen for quite some time, as the Midwest are playing hard to get when it comes to convincing them.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
He's already being banned in tournaments here and there...
Of course, unless you meant nationwide. That won't happen for quite some time, as the Midwest are playing hard to get when it comes to convincing them.
eh? well im right in the middle of the midwest, and i'd say there are alot less fans of MK around here than west coast or east coast, most of the people i know are pro-ban here in the midwest.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
I love how everyone is acting like the overall results have somehow changed. 200 vote lead. Like always. Since this started.

Maybe it's because percentages matter, not absolutes. Consider this parallel case. We hold a vote on whether the stage Lylat Cruise should be a counterpick. Within 5 minutes, we have 7 votes for "yes" and 3 votes for "no". It's 70% for yes and 30% for no with a difference of 4. Let's say then 200 people vote for each side. Now it's 207-204 which, percentage wise, is a gap of less than 1% (0.9756097560...%). If analyzing the opinions at the two times, we would have to make the following two statements:

Initial Group: There is a strong preference for Lylat Cruise being a counterpick.

Final Group: The group is almost equally divided for Lylat Cruise being a counterpick with a very small majority for it being a counterpick.

[Disclaimer: I am making no statements about Lylat Cruise in any way in this post; this was just an example that has no intention of reflecting the community's position on an issue]

The Meta Knight poll is the same way. If the absolute gap remains the same while the number of voters increases, that means it reflects a more even division.


Smash Rookie
Sep 7, 2008
No, Just No.

Don't be saddos and hypnotised into CREATING more ******** rules that go against the natural game crap, If you ban this ban all adv Techs


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
No, Just No.

Don't be saddos and hypnotised into CREATING more ******** rules that go against the natural game crap, If you ban this ban all adv Techs
..................... they make the rules because nintendo doesn't care if the game is competetive, in order for it to be competetive we have to make a ruleset for everyone to follow, hence the reason stages and items are banned, and we don't play coin matches and that bs, MK is just another step in making the game more competetive, you don't belong here if thats what you think, to ban all advanced techs. smashboards is for competetive smash players.
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