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Should Metaknight be Banned? ***Take 3***

Should Metaknight be banned?

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Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
You say there's such a big gap between their games, yet:

-You cite the tier list, which is an awful source to use because it's arguably outdated, wrong in the first place, and IS JUST A LIST. You can't say, "He has his own spot on the tier list!" when that has absolutely nothing to do with how he's actually played in the game.But don't you think there is a reason MK has his own spot so high?

-You say Sheik was more easily beatable, which really is just an opinion and also still doesn't prove how one or the other is gamebreaking.Opinion backed up by others.

-It's annoying for you to go to a tournament and see a bunch of MKs? Couldn't any player of any fighter say the exact same thing about their top character? MK is no different. His usage isn't even forced; you still have a very good chance of winning using any other top or mid-top tier character, it's just that MK is popular.
I wonder why...?
-Someone shouldn't be able to CP MK and do a bunch better. Where are you getting this information/made-up statement? If they CP as MK and do a ton better, it either means that the matchup is better, they just suck with their main, or you just suck with the matchup. Yes, you can pick up MK and win at a very basic level, but a basic level of playing doesn't matter towards this when we're talking about top levels of play. Somebody will do better with their main that they've invested tons of time in than a character they think they can just win with three moves.If your playing agaisnt a person who was already very skilled, then you won. Then they CP and pick MK on a stage like Norfair or FO etc. They win.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
Spade is saying that MK isn't the worst matchup for a lot of characters; in fact, MK is only really the worst matchup for I think ROB, Peach, and Marth.

D3 makes more characters completely unviable than MK has worst matchups for.

It actually does change the fact that it's a perfect score. Did you read anything he said? It was agreed that MK was the best character, therefore he got the top possible points because the score displays the average of the votes. NOT that MK was the perfect character in everything, so they gave him the best possible score. It simply means that everyone thought he was the best.

It does change the fact that it's a perfect score because it's for a different reason. Learn to read.

Also, I fail to see how people get a piggyback ride from MK. That again, either means that they suck with their main or have an unviable main, that the MK matchup is simply better, or that the people they fight don't take the time to learn the matchup and are horrible at it for that reason.

And please list instances where at top levels of play, a notable main of a different character just suddenly switched to MK and suddenly started being amazing right afterwards. These rulesets are supposed to target high/top levels of play, not low-midlow levels of play.


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
Okay, so you understand this:
O.o Uhm...I think so? He is agreeably the best by so far because of the year+ worth of experience that people have been playing, with or against him.


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
Spade is saying that MK isn't the worst matchup for a lot of characters; in fact, MK is only really the worst matchup for I think ROB, Peach, and Marth.And IC's But I unno about everyone else. But he still is a bad matchup for most everyone else.

D3 makes more characters completely unviable than MK has worst matchups for.

It actually does change the fact that it's a perfect score. Did you read anything he said? It was agreed that MK was the best character, therefore he got the top possible points because the score displays the average of the votes. NOT that MK was the perfect character in everything, so they gave him the best possible score. It simply means that everyone thought he was the best.Because he is so agreeably the best for a reason O.o.

It does change the fact that it's a perfect score because it's for a different reason. Learn to read.

Also, I fail to see how people get a piggyback ride from MK. That again, either means that they suck with their main or have an unviable main, that the MK matchup is simply better, or that the people they fight don't take the time to learn the matchup and are horrible at it for that reason. Of course the MK matchup is gonna be better. MK has no bad matchups.

And please list instances where at top levels of play, a notable main of a different character just suddenly switched to MK and suddenly started being amazing right afterwards. These rulesets are supposed to target high/top levels of play, not low-midlow levels of play.
I'm loggin off so I'm not gonna be replying for a while.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Do you know the difference between best and perfect?

"Best" means that the person/object/whatever of matter is in comparison to others just better than everyone else.

"Perfect" means that the person/object/whatever of matter has no flaws at all, and in terms of a character for a fighting game is unbeatable, no matter what you do.

Edit: Gawd, I'm already posting like Yuna.

Of course the MK matchup is gonna be better.
Dedede's worst matchup: Falco
Snake's worst matchup: Dedede
Falco's worst matchup: Pikachu


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
It's different. MK=/=Shiek. There is such a big gap between the two in their games. MK even has his own spot on the tier list above everyone else with a perfect score of 15.00
Several games have an S-tier with only 1 or 2 characters. And nobody's banning anyone in those games.

Shiek was more easily beatable than MK is, or (seems to be) ever will.
Care to back that up with anything but your opinion?

And Shiek actually had matchups that weren't in her favor every single time. Melee atleast had CP chain. In brawl MK breaks that chain. There is no true CP for MK except MK.
Sheik did not have disadvantageous match-ups. She had one disadvantageous match-up: NTSC Fox. A 60-40. She had at least 60-40s (with a single 50-50 against Falco, I believe) against everyone else. Because of her downthrow and chaingrabs on various characters (no to mention other BS), her match-ups were anywhere from 60-40 to total **** - nill. As opposed to MK, Sheik was the very worst match-up to several characters.

MK, while having zero disadvantageous match-ups (at this point in time) has worse match-ups overall than NTSC Melee Sheik did. Overall, Sheik had better match-ups than MK, IIRC.
I do enjoy playing MK sometimes, but t is really annoying go to a tourney and see a bunch of MKs. It's especially annoying when every time you win a match, the person CP's MK just because and does a bunch better just because of it. MetaKnight is taking the fun out of brawl.
Then go play another game. Competitive gaming does not maximize fun depending on people's subjective impressions of what is "fun".

O.o wait...what? Seems to me like you kinda just listed chars thar. I know IC=no, Kirby=no, Cario=no, ZSS=no, Pit=No, Zelda=No, Shiek=definatly not, Ness=I dunno where you even got that, Sonic=Super hard, Jiggs=One of her hardest matchups, Olimar=No. That's just a first look at it. And yet still, no one is even with him.
Sonic has, like, a 45:55 or 40:60 against MK. All Sonic players (who aren't n00bs) agree to this. Super hard my tuchas. Several of those characters have an easy time facing MK. They might not have the advantage, but they suffer anywhere from merely 45:55 yo 40:60
And yet still, no one is even with him.
55:45 is even. It's not 100% even, but it's even according to most people's standards. Also, this clearly shows that MK is easily fightable and not in any way unbeatable, thus, a ban is not warranted.

It's so easy because he is so overpowerd because he has so much priority.
That was not the point. The opoint is that merely being the easiest path to victory does not mean you need to be banned.

Shieks only counterpick wasn't herself
Yes, and? That was not what I was proving. You are strawmanning.

Didn't they ban Yoda in SC4? And Akuma in SF4? But I personally think comparing brawl to other fighters is pretty strange because brawl is alot different from every other game.
1) Yoda and Darth Vader were temporarily banned for being console specific (for a time). So unless someone got both the XBOX 360 and PS3 versions, they could not get match-up experience with both. This is standard practice for fighting games.
2) Akuma is not banned in SFIV. Akuma is Mid-Tier. Also, what does this have to do with anything?! Who's talking about SFIV?!
3) People are whining about how a ban on MK is necessary or warranted or how we must ban him or else. We're showing how there are similar or worse characters out there who were never banned, yet none of the doomsday scenarios the pro-ban side are hyping up ever inflicted themselves on their communities.
4) Brawl is still a Competitive fighting game. Just because it's different doesn't mean we have to randomly start banning things for no reason.

Unlike most people in this thread (almost all of them on the pro-ban side, shocking, I know) who like to bring up other Competitive fighting games as examples, I actually have insight and play (or have played) several other fighting games Competitively at one time or another. If you bring up invalid arguments, be it about Smash or other Competitive fighting games, I will catch you on it immediately.

If I don't do it immediately, I can easily look it up. In debates, please research your facts before using them in "battle" because otherwise they might make you end up looking like a fool simply regurgitating invalid arguments he's heard in some place or other.

O.o No need to be rude mang.
Why shouldn't I? He just said that he refuses to reply to me anymore, implying my arguments were invalid without even trying to prove it.

Ken and M2K were the best mirite? but the person doesn't make the character any better. The person just uses his abilities to make up for his characters weaknesses (*Cough*mkhasnone*cough*) So with Ken and M2K being the best, they obviously are going to win the most tourneys.
I'm sorry, how many MKs are winning national or major tournaments again? A very select few players. The player racking up the most wins is, surprise, surprise, M2K. M2K is the best amirite? Doesn't that mean that he was obviously going to win most tournaments anyway?

If MK is so all-powerful and impossible to beat, how come so many are doing it and how come so relatively few MKs are actually taking major tournaments or placing well in them?

Difference is, MK carries his person. I'd like to see how well M2K does without MK. He could still be the best, but I doubt he'll be as good as he is now.
He'd undoubtedly still win tournaments. He did as D3.

For future reference, please do not reply to me in this manner again (within a quote) as replying to it in turn is a huge hassle.

But don't you think there is a reason MK has his own spot so high?
Why don't you at least attempt to explain how this warrants a ban? Simply making opinionated statements =/= proving a point.

Opinion backed up by others.
There are thousands of people out there who wish to use items in Competitive Smash. Having others backing up your opinion =/= matters.

If so many people back you up, at least some of them (maybe you) should be able to back up your "opinion" with facts and evidence. Please show us how Sheik's match-ups weren't overall better than MKs, which was what I was trying to prove with my argument.

I wonder why...?
You have yet to bring a single valid reason to ban MK to the table. I wonder why...?

If your playing agaisnt a person who was already very skilled, then you won. Then they CP and pick MK on a stage like Norfair or FO etc. They win.
Yes, because obviously picking MK = auto-win. How about you stop maining characters who suck against MK and pick up one of his evenish (several of which are becoming increasingly even as more time passes) match-ups instead.

And IC's But I unno about everyone else. But he still is a bad matchup for most everyone else.
That was not the point. The argument was that MK was the worst match-up for, like, a bajillion characters (several lesser intelligents have argued this). Someone even claimed he was the worst match-up for most if not all Mid Tiers. You are strawmanning (again)!

Because he is so agreeably the best for a reason O.o.
Being the best =/= Must be banned

Really, you've failed to prove anything but the fact that MK is the best character in the game. Congratulations on proving the obvious.

Of course the MK matchup is gonna be better. MK has no bad matchups.
He meant that MK's match-up against their character is better than whichever character the MK player was originally playing.

Edit: Gawd, I'm already posting like Yuna.
You're even stealing my trademark bolding of usernames! You thief!


Smash Lord
Sep 15, 2008
Barcelona, Spain
Dedede's worst matchup: Falco
Snake's worst matchup: Dedede
Falco's worst matchup: Pikachu

Well I disagree on Falco being DDD's worst match-up , I think it's Olimar, but it could be Pikachu or IC too.

but I agree with what you say, MK isn't the worst match-up of almost any character. ( well I think it was for ROB until ZSS appeared XD)


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
You ignored my "Top levels of play paragraph."

Also, the MK matchup isn't always better. Case in point, you're using D3 against a DK. If you switch to MK, you're going to have a much tougher time than if you stayed D3.

Just because someone is already very skilled does not mean that they'd be skilled with MK, ESPECIALLY at high levels of play. Take ADHD, the top Diddy main atm, for instance. Do you think that if he loses a set, he can switch to MK and autowin? Lolno.

Stop saying things that may work at low to midlow levels of play when deciding on rules has to be considered at high, or the top levels of play.

All you've been doing is basically saying that MK is the best character and people are using him because he's the best. Well congratulations; you're pointing out the obvious. The best=/=banworthy. MK is not good to the point where he breaks the game, and his popularity is not forced; he is not the only viable choice to win tournaments. There are easily 10 other characters that have just a smaller viability than he does. Does that make him banworthy? No. Because in every game, there's going to be a best option, but it doesn't mean that other options aren't viable.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Spade is saying that MK isn't the worst matchup for a lot of characters; in fact, MK is only really the worst matchup for I think ROB, Peach, and Marth.
I believe MK is merely one of Peach's worst match-ups, all three (two?) of which are 40-60. So he doesn't really count there.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
I think it's debatable whether DDD constitutes as Snake's worst matchup. It's pretty much around even.


Smash Lord
Sep 15, 2008
Barcelona, Spain
O.o wait...what? Seems to me like you kinda just listed chars thar. I know IC=no, Kirby=no, Cario=no, ZSS=no, Pit=No, Zelda=No, Shiek=definatly not, Ness=I dunno where you even got that, Sonic=Super hard, Jiggs=One of her hardest matchups, Olimar=No. That's just a first look at it. And yet still, no one is even with him.

oh I didn't see this before. well here you have the answer.

And marcbri actually used the matchup threads for his information, while it looks like you're just saying no to random matchups. Because I know for a fact that Lucario, Kirby, and Zelda are all no worse than 60:40 for their own characters.
While I used the match-up threads in each character board you invented your match-ups. And if you disagree with them, it's cause you don't know nothing about those characters, at least not as much as the top players that main them and have done the match-up threads.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
I think it's debatable whether DDD constitutes as Snake's worst matchup. It's pretty much around even.
That's not the point. The point is that MK isn't every character's hardest matchup. Maybe Snake is a bad example, because his only other hard-ish matchup is probably only MK.

You're even stealing my trademark bolding of usernames! You thief!
I'm sorry, Yuna, but your awesomeness rubs off on me! If I go to Otakon 2010, I promise you to come as Red Zelda.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 26, 2009
North London, UK
If we ban MetaKnight, there will be a whole lot more Snake and DDD mains. That's my only worries. There would be very little bad match-up for snake and only DDD has a decent record against him (as MK is banned). There just isn't a win situation.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Unless someone has something literally gamestoping occurs (M2K'S HAVING A BABY or OVERSWARM WENT TO PRISON), I personally think that this thread needs to be closed soon...

And I know that that sounds stupid, but honestly, most of the current discussions have been past discussions, and will be talked about in a cyclical mannor for quite a while now. Everyone repeating the same things over, and over, and oveR, and ovER, and oVER, and OVER, and OVER again probably won't be changing too much. Granted, keeping people from using just their oppinions is good, but I honestly don't see the point in trying to argue about little facts about this for the next few months, unless something astronomical happens like some one finds a way to counter Metaknight, or that Metaknight finds a move that gives him the ability to become everyone's worst matchup.

The vote is 11% Not Sure, 40% No, and 49% Yes. The percents might change over time (although recently, they've just been increasing for the antiban), but to ban MK, assuming this thread was an official vote and not just a way to hear about what the community wants, it seems that (under a democratic system like this) that a 2/3rds majority (or something around that point) would be needed. And I don't think that is going to happen any time soon.



Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
Do you know the difference between best and perfect?

"Best" means that the person/object/whatever of matter is in comparison to others just better than everyone else.

"Perfect" means that the person/object/whatever of matter has no flaws at all, and in terms of a character for a fighting game is unbeatable, no matter what you do.

Edit: Gawd, I'm already posting like Yuna.

Dedede's worst matchup: Falco
Snake's worst matchup: Dedede
Falco's worst matchup: Pikachu
Well thar ya go. there is a chain right there. But when MK comes in he doesn't really have a "worst matchup"

Several games have an S-tier with only 1 or 2 characters. And nobody's banning anyone in those games.

Care to back that up with anything but your opinion?

Sheik did not have disadvantageous match-ups. She had one disadvantageous match-up: NTSC Fox. A 60-40. She had at least 60-40s (with a single 50-50 against Falco, I believe) against everyone else. Because of her downthrow and chaingrabs on various characters (no to mention other BS), her match-ups were anywhere from 60-40 to total **** - nill. As opposed to MK, Sheik was the very worst match-up to several characters.

MK, while having zero disadvantageous match-ups (at this point in time) has worse match-ups overall than NTSC Melee Sheik did. Overall, Sheik had better match-ups than MK, IIRC.

Then go play another game. Competitive gaming does not maximize fun depending on people's subjective impressions of what is "fun".

Sonic has, like, a 45:55 or 40:60 against MK. All Sonic players (who aren't n00bs) agree to this. Super hard my tuchas. Several of those characters have an easy time facing MK. They might not have the advantage, but they suffer anywhere from merely 45:55 yo 40:60

55:45 is even. It's not 100% even, but it's even according to most people's standards. Also, this clearly shows that MK is easily fightable and not in any way unbeatable, thus, a ban is not warranted.

That was not the point. The opoint is that merely being the easiest path to victory does not mean you need to be banned.

Yes, and? That was not what I was proving. You are strawmanning.

1) Yoda and Darth Vader were temporarily banned for being console specific (for a time). So unless someone got both the XBOX 360 and PS3 versions, they could not get match-up experience with both. This is standard practice for fighting games.
2) Akuma is not banned in SFIV. Akuma is Mid-Tier. Also, what does this have to do with anything?! Who's talking about SFIV?!
3) People are whining about how a ban on MK is necessary or warranted or how we must ban him or else. We're showing how there are similar or worse characters out there who were never banned, yet none of the doomsday scenarios the pro-ban side are hyping up ever inflicted themselves on their communities.
4) Brawl is still a Competitive fighting game. Just because it's different doesn't mean we have to randomly start banning things for no reason.

Unlike most people in this thread (almost all of them on the pro-ban side, shocking, I know) who like to bring up other Competitive fighting games as examples, I actually have insight and play (or have played) several other fighting games Competitively at one time or another. If you bring up invalid arguments, be it about Smash or other Competitive fighting games, I will catch you on it immediately.

If I don't do it immediately, I can easily look it up. In debates, please research your facts before using them in "battle" because otherwise they might make you end up looking like a fool simply regurgitating invalid arguments he's heard in some place or other.

Why shouldn't I? He just said that he refuses to reply to me anymore, implying my arguments were invalid without even trying to prove it.

I'm sorry, how many MKs are winning national or major tournaments again? A very select few players. The player racking up the most wins is, surprise, surprise, M2K. M2K is the best amirite? Doesn't that mean that he was obviously going to win most tournaments anyway?

If MK is so all-powerful and impossible to beat, how come so many are doing it and how come so relatively few MKs are actually taking major tournaments or placing well in them?

He'd undoubtedly still win tournaments. He did as D3.

For future reference, please do not reply to me in this manner again (within a quote) as replying to it in turn is a huge hassle.

Why don't you at least attempt to explain how this warrants a ban? Simply making opinionated statements =/= proving a point.

There are thousands of people out there who wish to use items in Competitive Smash. Having others backing up your opinion =/= matters.

If so many people back you up, at least some of them (maybe you) should be able to back up your "opinion" with facts and evidence. Please show us how Sheik's match-ups weren't overall better than MKs, which was what I was trying to prove with my argument.

You have yet to bring a single valid reason to ban MK to the table. I wonder why...?

Yes, because obviously picking MK = auto-win. How about you stop maining characters who suck against MK and pick up one of his evenish (several of which are becoming increasingly even as more time passes) match-ups instead.

That was not the point. The argument was that MK was the worst match-up for, like, a bajillion characters (several lesser intelligents have argued this). Someone even claimed he was the worst match-up for most if not all Mid Tiers. You are strawmanning (again)!

Being the best =/= Must be banned

Really, you've failed to prove anything but the fact that MK is the best character in the game. Congratulations on proving the obvious.

He meant that MK's match-up against their character is better than whichever character the MK player was originally playing.

You're even stealing my trademark bolding of usernames! You thief!
Ugh, lawd...Long post. Well, firstly Sorry for replying in your post, but it makes it easier for me to keep track of what your saying. But If you prefer I don't, I won't. And I was kinda just asking about Akuma out of curiosity...Also I have a question. Obviously they neve tried to ban Shiek, but they are trying to get rid of MK there have been plenty of reasons why, and plenty of reasons why not.
IMO The "whys" out do the "why nots" I mean, they've gotten to the point where they've polled 3 times whether or not he should be banned. It's gotten this far so why do you insist that he is sooo not banworthy? There is so much evidence pointing toward his ban. It's all over the place.

Also IMO I'm not the right person to be giving it seeing as I probably have the least amount of tourney experience, I'm only 13 and my parents won't let me go anywhere (though I am going to HERB2, I'm hoping to play M2K there) But anywayz, I as I'm writing this I decided to resign. I had a big wall of rebuttle typed up but I'm getting the feeling anything I say won't change your mind. Even after MK gets banned, I don't think your mind will change. So yeah, I'd just rather not contriubute to a worthless cause, gg Yuna, Panda, and everyone else. Though my question still stands.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Well thar ya go. there is a chain right there. But when MK comes in he doesn't really have a "worst matchup"
Snake, Diddy, Wario... those are all his harder matchups. I wonder if I really have to state this every page of this thread.

Meta Knight is no tournament viable character's worst matchup, with the exception of Marth and Peach (since ZSS is now worse for ROB due to her Infinite).

I wasn't talking about the fact he is or is not part of the CP chain. I was talking about the fact that he every other character fears someone else more than Meta Knight.
He is the safest choice but never the best with 2 exceptions! 2! Two! One Two! Zwei! Ni! Dwa! Duo! Dos! Deux!


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
If any other character had either d-tilt, shuttle loop, tornado, f-tilt, dash grab, or d-smash, it would be their "spam all the time" attack.

Um, no? Let's compare MK to Arceus. While he may have really good traits, other characters have better moves. Ever heard the phrase "Jack of all Trades, Master of None"?


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Well thar ya go. there is a chain right there. But when MK comes in he doesn't really have a "worst matchup",
That was not what we were discussing.

Also I have a question. Obviously they neve tried to ban Shiek, but they are trying to get rid of MK there have been plenty of reasons why, and plenty of reasons why not.
IMO The "whys" out do the "why nots" I mean, they've gotten to the point where they've polled 3 times whether or not he should be banned. It's gotten this far so why do you insist that he is sooo not banworthy? There is so much evidence pointing toward his ban. It's all over the place.
There's no evidence pointing towards a warranted ban. There are emotional statements, half-truths and downright lies being passed around.

Also, just because people are discussing it doesn't mean it's warranted. Sheik's chaingrab was considered cheap and quite a few wanted to ban it for a while there, IIRC.

Also IMO I'm not the right person to be giving it seeing as I probably have the least amount of tourney experience, I'm only 13 and my parents won't let me go anywhere (though I am going to HERB2, I'm hoping to play M2K there)
Then you shouldn't be in this thread.

But anywayz, I as I'm writing this I decided to resign. I had a big wall of rebuttle typed up but I'm getting the feeling anything I say won't change your mind.
If you can back up your assertions with logics, facts and evidence, I could very well be swayed.

Even after MK gets banned, I don't think your mind will change. So yeah, I'd just rather not contriubute to a worthless cause, gg Yuna, Panda, and everyone else. Though my question still stands.
What question?


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009

I hate it when people keep saying they're done arguing with Yuna because he won't change his mind.

Maybe because he's RIGHT and you AREN'T?!

Goodness, you people are ignorant.


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2009
Deltona, FL: USA
As it stands, 959 people need to play against more Meta Knights to shut them down entirely.

I think its safe to say this guy won't be banned anytime soon.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
As it stands, 959 people need to play against more Meta Knights to shut them down entirely.

I think its safe to say this guy won't be banned anytime soon.
I agree he won't be banned, but I don't think we'll find a way to shut any character down entirely (chaingrabs not included). Metaknight is the game's best character, but no one seems to state what the problem with that is yet. He's popular, but people don't HAVE to switch to him. They WANT to, because they are scared by their own lack of skills, or those that do have skill prefer him.


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2009
Deltona, FL: USA
I agree he won't be banned, but I don't think we'll find a way to shut any character down entirely (chaingrabs not included). Metaknight is the game's best character, but no one seems to state what the problem with that is yet. He's popular, but people don't HAVE to switch to him. They WANT to, because they are scared by their own lack of skills, or those that do have skill prefer him.
Well when I say: Shut him down; I don't mean make him a useless and forgotten character. I mean some people are just really good at reading other characters and are more skilled at breaking their game than others. As a personal example, I'm personally really great against Marths just because I've spent the majortiy of my time playing the game against Marth mains.

People need to experiment playing as Meta Knight to get a feel for his moves ,as well as play against Meta Knight mains more often to really get a feeling for how to react/counter certain moves.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Well when I say: Shut him down; I don't mean make him a useless and forgotten character. I mean some people are just really good at reading other characters and are more skilled at breaking their game than others. As a personal example, I'm personally really great against Marths just because I've spent the majortiy of my time playing the game against Marth mains.

People need to experiment playing as Meta Knight to get a feel for his moves ,as well as play against Meta Knight mains more often to really get a feeling for how to react/counter certain moves.
This guy basically just registered and already proves himself. This man deserves attention. So I will give it to him:


Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
DeDeDe's worst matchup is Pikachu. <_<
Details, honey, details.

I was just trying to say that Meta Knight is not the worst matchup of any character but 2. If it's now Falco or Pikachu that's Dedede's worst matchup doesn't REALLY matter. They're both horrible matchups for the penguin.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Dedede's overpresence in the metagame has completely destroyed Donkey Kong's capacity to win high level tournaments.


Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Untrue. DDD is not even close to popular enough to completely obliterate the validity of a character like MK does to ROB.
That's why he is ranked in third, right?
And that's why ROB still is ranked 9th in the character ranking list, far above Donkey Kong (like 17 I think).

But yea. Meta Knight destroys ROB and ... uhm... Marth a little bit.
Dedede's infinite makes 5 characters completely unviable. They can't do **** against it, either... except to not get grabbed lulz.




Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Akorn(Akron) OH
Untrue. DDD is not even close to popular enough to completely obliterate the validity of a character like MK does to ROB.

This leads to a question...

How many characters actually have their WORST machup being against MK?
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