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Social SGD: The hedgehogs are back in town.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
The Disco Room is a significant part of my post count.

But really, I don't do much outside of work, school, and traveling. My social life revolves around games. :V

Meaning I'm not very out going. Though I still manage to go outside on my own for Tennis or work outs.

It's odd how I work.

NH Cody

Smash Champion
Apr 17, 2010
Kakariko Village, NH
actually same here I'm really content just hanging around and playing old games ranging from pokemon TGC for GBC to...sonic adventure to bomberman 64 lol. but at the same time I'm not afraid to take a walk outside or something to get some exercise

variety is the spice of life is my motto!


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Considering I do a lot of my school work on my own laptop, I tend to drift in and out of Smashboards. I stopped visiting SRK and Dustloop because the activity in my choice of Fighting Games is disappointing.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Texas' Brawl scene took a huge nosedive too. The Brawl activity is primarily some of Houston, and a handful from Dallas. :applejack:

NH Cody

Smash Champion
Apr 17, 2010
Kakariko Village, NH
The brawl scene in New England is *somewhat* active...we have tourneys like once every month or two in MA, and usually one a month in CT. I think it's the same for melee


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Pittsburgh is still kinda comatose. We have like 3 tournaments a year, not counting Duq Melee smashfests and whatever we go to in OH that I don't because being a music major means I have even less life than I did before and I have to discard some Smash to make room (eg. I can't go to the next carrollfest because I have a gig that day) and I wonder if I can make this sentence even longer because I like unnecessarily long sentences...

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Pittsburgh is still kinda comatose. We have like 3 tournaments a year, not counting Duq Melee smashfests and whatever we go to in OH that I don't because being a music major means I have even less life than I did before and I have to discard some Smash to make room (eg. I can't go to the next carrollfest because I have a gig that day) and I wonder if I can make this sentence even longer because I like unnecessarily long sentences...
my region has been brawl dead for like a year now, but its a big college town, and school started last week, so hopefully ill have a new batch of kiddies to work with here.

neko, you were military too so I figure that has an impact on... everything. lol.

and quest, 1+ tournaments a month is really good. thats more active than most of the country. you should try and stay a weekend with fatal or pelca or bizkit or something so you can see how much you can learn from high level practice in a period of time.
Jun 26, 2008
Rhode Island
Kid Craft 24
Well RI's brawl scene isn't dead but we haven't been able to host a tournament since early this year since our venue closed. We still meet up every once a week though and sometimes twice a week if possible to practice. But with a lot of our players now either in school or college it's become difficult to plan out what tournaments we can go to. But we are slowly traveling farther out of our state. I think our next tournament we're going to try to go to will be in November this way we can get in one last tournament before attempting to go to apex.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
1. Marvel is a good game, thats why people play it. Not only is it fun to play, but possibly more importantly, its fun to WATCH even if you dont play the game.
2. Im glad people are finally starting to admit that Brawl is a good game.

for the record, I dont really understand why people would QUIT brawl to play marvel, when they can easily play and be good at both.
So... MUCH.... TRUTH

It's work to have a scene in any game, especially if no one is taking the lead. But being successful with it is the most rewarding thing and allows you to play a game you love with people as opposed to settling for something else.

my region has been brawl dead for like a year now, but its a big college town, and school started last week, so hopefully ill have a new batch of kiddies to work with here.

neko, you were military too so I figure that has an impact on... everything. lol.

and quest, 1+ tournaments a month is really good. thats more active than most of the country. you should try and stay a weekend with fatal or pelca or bizkit or something so you can see how much you can learn from high level practice in a period of time.
I thought u were regionless...

& it took me a year bt now I have over 30 ppl ready to play Brawl in Tally

I HOPE lol

NH Cody

Smash Champion
Apr 17, 2010
Kakariko Village, NH
Ah that's a good idea, KID. The only problem with training sessions before an upcoming big tourney (in this case GUTS) is playing 100% while other people sandbag to download you (like what Ally did to Mr R before sktar). I suppose the best way to approach a training session would be to just warm up, unrust, and try new mixups to see what works and what doesn't...but one must be careful.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
Roughly equivalent skill/game understanding gets skewed by tiers and MUs. Its not like friendlies get you roflstomped. You can learn them, and they in turn learn you. That's no advantage, unless you cannot vary your own playstyle or adapt.

But by defintion, that is a gap in skill/knowledge...


NH Cody

Smash Champion
Apr 17, 2010
Kakariko Village, NH
That, or just go 150% on the day. :applejack:
lmao you're right, why didn't I think of this before :laugh:
Roughly equivalent skill/game understanding gets skewed by tiers and MUs. Its not like friendlies get you roflstomped. You can learn them, and they in turn learn you. That's no advantage, unless you cannot vary your own playstyle or adapt.

But by defintion, that is a gap in skill/knowledge...


nonono. People may sandbag you in friendlies so you can't directly "learn" them right then. that's why I gave the sktar example xD


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2010
Being sarcastic and pointing out the obvious.
Pittsburgh is still kinda comatose. We have like 3 tournaments a year, not counting Duq Melee smashfests and whatever we go to in OH that I don't because being a music major means I have even less life than I did before and I have to discard some Smash to make room (eg. I can't go to the next carrollfest because I have a gig that day) and I wonder if I can make this sentence even longer because I like unnecessarily long sentences...
Our brawl scene sucks tournament wise. Most of us are wifi warriors / people that rarely practice.

back to lurking.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
Friendlies are to try new things, right?

If you play your tournament style strats and "go-hard" so someone gets accustomed to your playstyle, that's on you. If a more proficient player can sandbag you, or player randoms to keep their tournament stats "hidden", then you would be at your own fault. Slitting your own throat if you will

Either way, "downloaded" or not skill prevails. Adapation is a big part of the game.



Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008

If people are downloading you from a few friendlies, then you might have something to work on anyway. If you are overall better, you will win unless the matchup somehow prevents you from being able to take a set back.

NH Cody

Smash Champion
Apr 17, 2010
Kakariko Village, NH
Friendlies are to try new things, right?
well yeah I guess you could approach them with that mindset...

If you play your tournament style strats and "go-hard" so someone gets accustomed to your playstyle, that's on you.
more the opposite, as in it's cheap to purposely sandbag someone for the SLIGHT probability that you end up having to face that person in bracket. I played someone in friendlies in a recent tourney and IMMEDIATELY after we finished they announced we had to play for the tourney. I still won lol even though we were both going hard in all the matches we did. Friendlies can be mere warm-ups but at the same time you should aim to put in enough effort to *get into the zone* for your tourney matches. If everyone did that, people would go into serious sets completely warmed up and not only winning by downloading their opponents unfairly.
If a more proficient player can sandbag you, or player randoms to keep their tournament stats "hidden", then you would be at your own fault.
Player skill doesn't matter...idk why you're bringing this up. Anyone can sandbag...but if the other person is trying his or her best then yeah there is an unequal amount of downloading going on, and the person who sandbagged has a strong advantage to win in a serious set.

"I would be at my own fault?" lol

Slitting your own fault if you will
"Slitting my own fault"? xD
Either way, "downloaded" or not skill prevails.
do you even read what you type..? lmao you just said "not skill prevails" :laugh:

ohhh wait I see what you meant here (or at least I think I do)... If you're trying to say that downloading doesn't impact tourney match results then you are definitely wrong lolol. This happens all the time and there are numerous examples. You should have put a comma in between "not" and "skill" to convey this meaning if that's what you were trying to say.
Adapation is a big part of the game.

obviously...but it's 10x easier for the other person to adapt if he/she was sandbagging in friendlies and has planned out how to adapt


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Our brawl scene sucks tournament wise. Most of us are wifi warriors / people that rarely practice.

back to lurking.
Yooo are you or any other brawl people gonna start coming to Duq? Some of the melee heads say they're okay with brawl next week. We can totally fix this.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
Why the hell would you quote a phone auto typo? How does that help the discussion at all?

Ninja Edit: Just because I don't see you're viewpoint does't make mine automatically invalid. You "lololol" all day, which does absolutley nothing, or you can state why you disagree.

"I try hard, and use my exact tournament strategy, and it's not fair cause he didn't take it seriously, and got accustomed to my playstyle" Sounds like hella johns to me... because if you were better, you'd still win, or adapt your playstyle to win during the tournament set.

My opinion in no way demeans yours, however some see it in my view, so a little more respect would be cool. All cool though, honest

NH Cody

Smash Champion
Apr 17, 2010
Kakariko Village, NH
You wrote "fault" instead of "throat." Those are two completely different words. I find it hard to believe that you accidentally hit the wrong key on your phone five times to spell "fault" instead of "throat."

Profanities are immature.

Your last post was egregious. Yes I have to correct you because when people persist in making the same kind of mistake over and over again, it is quite obvious that unless no one corrects them, they will never improve the bad habit. If you want to discuss a subject intelligently and emit a sense that you deserve any kind of credibility, you have to put more thought into what you say (or in this case, type). Clarity is essential if you're trying to be convincing.
Just because I don't see you're viewpoint
Yes I will lol at this. You just said, "I don't see you are viewpoint." xD
does't [doesn't] make mine automatically invalid. You "lololol" all day, which does absolutley [absolutely] nothing, or you can state why you disagree.
I did, and you didn't even respond to what I said o_o
"I try hard, and use my exact tournament strategy, and it's not fair cause he didn't take it seriously, and got accustomed to my playstyle" Sounds like hella johns to me... because if you were better, you'd still win, or adapt your playstyle to win during the tournament set.
...not true at all. As I already said, you need to adapt 10x faster than your opponent in the serious set when he/she already studied your playstyle. You could be 5x better at adapting but that still wouldn't be enough...see?
however some see it in my view, so a little more respect would be cool.
appeals to popularity = invalid

I like Espy's idea. It actually seems logical. If you do indeed give it your all in friendlies and *get in the zone* before a serious set, you may find that you will pull off some unexpected reads and perform better than you usually do. This has happened to me before. I suppose that the moral of the story is to put in a good effort when playing friendlies, but at the same time, play to learn and experiment. This way, one can avoid being "cheap" while reserving that extra 50% for tourney play.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
There are times when punctuation and grammar can be really confusing when not used properly but this isnt one of those times. It was a silly thing to bother correcting imo. And he apparently edited it like a minute later so whats the big deal?

Profanities aren't any more immature than other words, but picking out silly irrelevant typos to attack someone's "credibility" is pretty immature imo.

NH Cody

Smash Champion
Apr 17, 2010
Kakariko Village, NH
There are times when punctuation and grammar can be really confusing when not used properly but this isnt one of those times.
No, actually his errors significantly altered the meanings of his sentences (like the lack of a comma that I pointed out).
It was a silly thing to bother correcting imo. And he apparently edited it like a minute later so whats the big deal?
I was responding when he edited it.
Profanities aren't any more immature than other words, but picking out silly irrelevant typos to attack someone's "credibility" is pretty immature imo.
Yes, profanities are immature. Their presence suggests a belligerence or an incapacity to discuss calmly and rationally in the person who uses them...among other things...

Permit me to clarify: I was trying to help him, above all. I have been fervently trying to raise awareness of basic compositional skills recently (see top 5 thread last week). I sincerely want everyone to talk and write with sophistication. This is the basis for complex thinking and analysis (particularly in the context of written communications over the Internet). I wasn't attacking credibility but rather emphasizing the importance of putting more thought into what you say (or post).
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