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Social SGD: The hedgehogs are back in town.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
I wouldn't exactly call joining the military a free ride Reflex.

You can actually make fairly good money being a plumber, electrician, etc. nowadays I've heard, just because nobody is going into that type of career anymore.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
I actually joined the military for those VERY same reasons. It's a legit choice for many reasons.

Forces you to stay healthy (good weight, physical fitness level), steady paycheck, depending on your job its prett ****, and yes, free education with the supplemental G.I. Bill (60 some odd thousand) for use when I get out/ need extra money for more school

Honestly, I went on hiatus due to joining, but now I have been on many more vacation type trips, can travel ridiculous distances for 12 man tourneys for "fun". Its not perfect, but its nice

Free school/healthcare/room (soon, I get housing allowance, 720 a month tax free for SD area. Cali gives like 1300 a month, overseas is even higher...), 30 vacation days a year, free money for food (320 a month, tax free)

Any extra is just money in the bank, if u don't spend it you keep it.



Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
@DaKID - u trippin bruh... u jus gotta budget yo money, look 4 grants cuz there is a **** TON of em. Hell I got 5 stacks jus because I play VIDEOGAMES. Come on bruh...

I went 2 FSU, graduated and got an MC.

College was the ****!!!




Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
Cons: forced to live at/on Hellsworth AFB, SD. God's armpit. The most vaginaless state I have ever seen. The most racist place I have ever encountered. I cannot just fly to TX and play Espy even though my finances allow a spur of the moment trip like that, it requires coordination and approval. I could be deployed against my will. Some jobs are less flexible, some work 12+hrs a day on a regular basis, 6 days a week. It has negatives, but when I compared it to my 2009 engaged/broke lifestyle with a girl in part time college, swimming in debt.... it literally ****s on the old way of life. If you are young/single/fit, get your eduacation on a silver platter, part time. Live a young/carefree lifestyle, don't get into tons of debt for an uncertain future in today's job market

Ninja edit: grants and such help, but "life" isn't free. Not everyone is willing to be carless on Ramen noodle-type diet. I had a brand new car/rent/"family" to be paying for. Full time college even with grants did not pay for living expenses for me, hence I joined up. Straight from HS, sure. But if you're family cannot/will not supplement you, college straight is not the choice for everyone


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
Only reason I don't wanna join the military is cuz that's a life u gotta force ur wife n kids 2 live w/out u... its hard enough tryina get a woman who can go w/out **** in a long distance relationship but Black women.... man ***k that!



Yes I kno life ain't free so u gotta work. I DJ and hosted parties & Brawl tourneys. Pays 4 EVERYTHING. I hustled 4 grants every sememster and then I already started payin back loans. Nothing in life is easy. I myself didn't take advantage of a lot of these things until it was 2 late. Plus I have my Dads side of the family 2 take care of yet I'm still grindin and taking care of things. Lifes never been free... u gotta work 4 every breath of air u can get in life.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2010
Man am I the only Sonic main still in highschool? =/

All this college talk is getting me both excited and depressed at the same time.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
Military allows wife/kids man, lol. Literally if I apply for overseas assignments, its 1yr unaccompanied (single) or 2yrs accompanied (married/kids) and other assignemts are 2/4 or so respectivley. Deployments suck however, AF is 6months typically, and Army/Marines are 1 yr typically. Can't say it differently, not easy, and not all women are willing or trustworthy enough for that. And honestly, yes, "good" women are hard to find and commitment needs to come quick or you may move to a new duty station and potentially lose them, but still.... Nature of the beast.

In my life, AF was the smartest choice I have ever made. My boss and I are drinking coke in the break room, talking about housing come January when im eligible to move out of the dorms and collect that tax free money. Life is pretty good, lol



Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
this generation suggests that everyone should have an undergraduate degree, in the way that people used to think that everyone should have a high school diploma. As a result, even the most menial tasks are often taken up by graduates. Graduates are disappointed with their job prospects, and people who don't go to college can't get a job at all.

If you want to be set, just join the military. It's the closest thing you can get to a free ride on life in the us these days. Hell, in many situations, they'll pay for your college after you sign up.
and people who don't go to college can't get a job at all
bs; Not even McDonald's?


I'm going to a job interview right now.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
I know McD's is stingy with ppl who lack HS Diploma's/equivalents, and you hit the glass ceiling pretty hard without either serious time served/luck without some degree.



Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
I love my jobs, I love my life & I'm just saying that u can thrive off of going 2 college.

But I have been considering the Nationa Gaurd but the problem is once I leave ill have 2 restart my DJing career :(




Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
bs; Not even McDonald's?


I'm going to a job interview right now.
I spent two years trying to apply for jobs while in college. I had a lot of online classes at the time, so I was willing to take whatever hours they wanted. I finally lucked out when I did some charity work for half a year and the charity liked me so much they decided to hire me on for paid work, which had nothing to do with my work/job experience, as much as knowing the employees well.

Getting a job is -really- hard for some people. It's luck of the draw in a lot of cases. A lot of college graduates are sitting on their *** because they're not willing to apply at McDonald's, and in some cases, other people can't get that fast food job because other people are getting them. Since it's so hard for college graduates, they have to make do with whatever they can, and you can bet that the college graduate is almost always better qualified for an entry-level position than a high school graduate. Congratulations to you, but, after two years of applying EVERYWHERE I could, I strongly disagree with the idea that it's easy to get a job.

The military is almost desperate for people these days. They won't really turn you down if you're fit and have a reasonable record.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Times like this made me wish I could join the military.

Also, as far as I'm concerned down here in San Antonio, you'd have to be completely incompetent if you can't find a job. :applejack:

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
@DaKID - u trippin bruh... u jus gotta budget yo money, look 4 grants cuz there is a **** TON of em. Hell I got 5 stacks jus because I play VIDEOGAMES. Come on bruh...

I went 2 FSU, graduated and got an MC.

College was the ****!!!


Based on reading your posts, you DJ for a living right? Did you go to school to be a DJ? if not what was your major, and do you work in that field now? if the answer is no, no matter how many grants and scholarships you got, if you have any college debt at all, than that was a waste of time and money, because you could have been a DJ and got into that game without shelling out the money for school.

Nobody really tells you this, but the biggest factor of going to college is networking. You can have crummy (yet passing) grades for 4 straight years, but if you spend your time getting in good with the people in the high places, youre going to get farther than the geeky shut in kid who spent all his time in his room studying and got a 4.0 gpa and didnt meet anybody.

Hell, that is the entire concepts of frats/sororities in the first place.
I wouldn't exactly call joining the military a free ride Reflex.

You can actually make fairly good money being a plumber, electrician, etc. nowadays I've heard, just because nobody is going into that type of career anymore.
I agree, most of the friends I have that are my age and are doing well are people who decided to forego college as a whole and just picked up a trade or went to a trade school. I know a whole family of carpet layers and theyve never had those major finance problems like I did with my debt.

bs; Not even McDonald's?


I'm going to a job interview right now.
Tell me you got the job before you pop off at the mouth.
I love my jobs, I love my life & I'm just saying that u can thrive off of going 2 college.

But I have been considering the Nationa Gaurd but the problem is once I leave ill have 2 restart my DJing career :(


Its more about who you know than what you know. That is a constant. If any of you remember Dark Energy, (I apologise if she sees this and gets upset) she had this very situation happen to her last week. Shes spent literally years honing her craft, and flew from the midwest to Maryland to interview for a job with a game development company. SHes highly qualified and the only reason the other guy got the job over him is because they knew him and didnt know her, essentially.
I spent two years trying to apply for jobs while in college. I had a lot of online classes at the time, so I was willing to take whatever hours they wanted. I finally lucked out when I did some charity work for half a year and the charity liked me so much they decided to hire me on for paid work, which had nothing to do with my work/job experience, as much as knowing the employees well.

Getting a job is -really- hard for some people. It's luck of the draw in a lot of cases. A lot of college graduates are sitting on their *** because they're not willing to apply at McDonald's, and in some cases, other people can't get that fast food job because other people are getting them. Since it's so hard for college graduates, they have to make do with whatever they can, and you can bet that the college graduate is almost always better qualified for an entry-level position than a high school graduate. Congratulations to you, but, after two years of applying EVERYWHERE I could, I strongly disagree with the idea that it's easy to get a job.

The military is almost desperate for people these days. They won't really turn you down if you're fit and have a reasonable record.
There is however a alternative besides "get a job" and "join the military". If youre still looking for something, I can hit you up on Facebook. I want to talk to you about what I mean.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Networking is always key, even before college.
Hell, in High School it's the same damn song and dance. It's just not as significant just yet. :applejack:


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
When I moved back home in early September, 2009, I could not find a job. I had worked at Dairy Queen for 2 years while in HS still, Boys Scouts of America (Akelah/Cub Scout leader), commission sales, stockroom work (last two both for the same company), and finally Head of the photo department at a Walgreens down in South Carolina. I couldn't transfer into another Walgreens despite shining recommendations, couldn't get a job at even McDonald's/BK, anywhere. I got a "seasonal" position at Target for the Black Friday-Christmas influx of business, with a whopping 12hrs a week, 3 shifts. It broke even on the gas getting across town in back. My car payment/cell/insurance and need to eat did not cease. Nor did the rent I paid. I needed to make a change, despite a decent resume and stellar work history of a wide variance, and a HS diploma. Job market in Rockford, IL is just that bad.

Went military, lol. Not the choice for everyone, but it met all my financial needs/gives me that college accrediation boost with none of the drawbacks (being poor while attending/having to pay back the loans WHILE not having a job off the bat to do that with), get to travel a lot, ect.

You also network exceedingly well while serving, as many ppl have connections, for most ppl do a few years and get out. Hell, even if you knock out your 20yrs for a paycheck till the day you die, you'll probably work in the civillian sector another 20 or so so as to retire and be fairly well off. A co worker just finished his 6yr enlistment, did not get so much as an associates while serving, and netted a cushy Air Traffic job down in CO. 80k a year, no college, just his FAA certifications and 6yrs working at Ellsworth AFB's control tower, and some hook ups.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
There is however a alternative besides "get a job" and "join the military". If youre still looking for something, I can hit you up on Facebook. I want to talk to you about what I mean.
I'd be happy to hear you out. Always looking for a good alternative.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
So the gal mentioned a boyfriend offhand just as I was about to take the plunge.

Forever single.

My bookstore job is temporary at the moment. I'm only hoping that I can stay with it for the entire semester. Going to hit some career fairs in the meantime though.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
I had the monopoly on Forever Alone back in HS bro. You have no idea. "Can't spit anything out" doesn't BEGIN to describe it.

Kinda working on it now, with minimal success. dat namechange

True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
I like college so far. Maybe it's just because I'm a freshman and I'm excited but my first day was sweet as eff.
Don't mistake anything being said. College is fun as ****! I love it, but it is just not cool when your life is not guaranteed when you exit.

This generation suggests that everyone should have an undergraduate degree, in the way that people used to think that everyone should have a high school diploma. As a result, even the most menial tasks are often taken up by graduates. Graduates are disappointed with their job prospects, and people who don't go to college can't get a job at all.

If you want to be set, just join the military. It's the closest thing you can get to a free ride on life in the US these days. Hell, in many situations, they'll pay for your college after you sign up.
I would have joined the military, more so the Air Force, but my issue was that joining them would not help improve the skills I had that I was going into college for so I wouldn't have been getting a super plus out of the military.

I wouldn't exactly call joining the military a free ride Reflex.

You can actually make fairly good money being a plumber, electrician, etc. nowadays I've heard, just because nobody is going into that type of career anymore.
But you still have to get college degrees and stuff for that. Though with some of those aspects the Military can help cause my dad just retired from the Air Force and now has a degree in Electronic Engineering and works along side the Air Force as a civilian worker in the degree he has.

Man am I the only Sonic main still in highschool? =/

All this college talk is getting me both excited and depressed at the same time.
Don't let it depress you. But it is good to know about the good and the bad about leaving high school lol.

bs; Not even McDonald's?


I'm going to a job interview right now.
A lot of job places are hard to find openings for especially since they are supposed to accept kids in school first before accepting anyone else that has turned in an application. Cause places like McDonalds are like the starting point when people are getting there first job. Though I have worked there twice and hated it both times. The work place is very disrespectful to the workers and they abuse them like slaves, so to speak.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Navy and Air Force are very different internally, in the grand scheme of things they are kinda similar, but still pretty different.

Air Force is a lot looser than Navy in terms of regulations, but at least they've been cracking down in terms of body standards. :V

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
I'm going to a few career fairs this semester to see what can help me.

I can't imagine a History degree taking me anywhere without some initial assistance.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
Fun facts:

Navy actually has more planes than the Air Force, while the Army actually has more boats than the Navy (no idea how that works out strategically, but w/e)

2- Chair Force allllll day. I enlisted after the PT crackdown and changes, there are lots of fatty's higher up, but for the younger airmen, MOST are fit. 2% PT failures in my squadron, 52% score a 90+

3- Air Force is NOT more lax than the Navy, regulation wise. Force downsizing. Things that army/marines get verbal *** chewings for, get us discharged these days. Exceedingly prevalent, not just at my base.

4- If you're an inteligent individual, you'd like join the AF/Navy, higher concentration of females, and typically more "thinking" jobs that can set you on a post military career path (ex: Air Traffic in my case). Grunts join army. Marine's motto "muscles required, intelligence not expected" lol. Thusly, with a focus on smart individuals, lot of ppl used to be lazy and got fat. Hence, "Chair Force"

Ninja Edit: I am an Airmen, not a semen err.... seaman :trollface: shots fired :awesome:


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Fun facts:

Navy actually has more planes than the Air Force, while the Army actually has more boats than the Navy (no idea how that works out strategically, but w/e)

2- Chair Force allllll day. I enlisted after the PT crackdown and changes, there are lots of fatty's higher up, but for the younger airmen, MOST are fit. 2% PT failures in my squadron, 52% score a 90+

3- Air Force is NOT more lax than the Navy, regulation wise. Force downsizing. Things that army/marines get verbal *** chewings for, get us discharged these days. Exceedingly prevalent, not just at my base.

4- If you're an inteligent individual, you'd like join the AF/Navy, higher concentration of females, and typically more "thinking" jobs that can set you on a post military career path (ex: Air Traffic in my case). Grunts join army. Marine's motto "muscles required, intelligence not expected" lol. Thusly, with a focus on smart individuals, lot of ppl used to be lazy and got fat. Hence, "Chair Force"

Ninja Edit: I am an Airmen, not a semen err.... seaman :trollface: shots fired :awesome:
Awwwww it's on Sister branch. It's on. :mad:

And yeah i heard about the PT Crackdown. It was hilarious.

Are you guys still downsizing? The navy just finished downsizing and PTS is still ****ing over a lot of good sailors. :/


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
DaKid - True but my day job was in the feild of Sociology. However I get your point. Truth of the matter is that College IS mainly 4 Networking. That's the 1 reason I wish I went Greek. The house & fun will come regardless.


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