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Screenshot LP: Fire Emblem 3 Reverse Recruitment - On to Book 2!

Should I use Abel or Rody for the final chapters?

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Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Well, this is a thing, I guess.

For those who don't already know, a "reverse recruitment" hack of an FE game reverses the order in which you recruit characters, also adjusting their stats to match whatever point they join at.

The patch is something I made myself. Part of the whole point of doing this is to debug the patch, so I won't release it until at least after I finish.

All that aside, let's not keep the two people who are somehow interested in this waiting anymore.

For those new to FE3, the game features two Books. The first is a slightly shortened remake of FE1, and the second is an original story. I will be playing both books.

I won't have much to say about the story since it's not really relevant to this playthrough, but I will highlight some of the weirdness that results from swapping characters around. Case in point, Lawrence here marching right across a ****ing mountain, because movement pointers in this game don't care about your class's movement type.

Our starting crew. Let's see what we've got.

Growth rates:
HP 50% Strength 10% Skill 50% Speed 60% Luck 80% Weapon Level 90% Defense 10%

Our lord for this run, replacing Marth. For those of you who have played FE11 or FE1, you may be wondering why this isn't Gotoh. Well, FE3 Book 1 actually cuts a few characters from the original game, and Gotoh is one of them. Who else might be cut? We'll have to wait and find out. You may also be wondering what's up with that Wlv stat, or why I didn't list a Resistance growth. FE3 predates the Weapon Rank system of modern FE, and instead has a single "Weapon Level" stat that determines what weapons a character can use. As for Resistance, every character in the game has a resistance growth of 3%, so listing it for every character would be pointless.

As to Elice herself, he bases aren't that stellar, but they don't really need to be since all she'll be doing for a long time is healing. Her growths are good enough so by the time her stats matter more, she should be much better off.

Growth rates:
HP 50% Strength 70% Skill 70% Speed 70% Luck 60% Weapon Level 70% Defense 20%

Est, fittingly enough replacing Abel. She actually lost 4 levels in the switch, making her stats somewhat lower than her original stats, but still serviceable. There are plenty of other characters who got hit harder by the debuff bat, as we'll see. Being Est, her growths are stellar, so she'll turn out fine.

Growth rates:
HP 50% Strength 30% Skill 10% Speed 40% Luck 30% Weapon Level 30% Defense 30%

Replaces Cain. His stats don't really matter since he'll just be copying the stats of another unit. Unlike in the DS remakes, in FE3 Xane doesn't gain EXP while transformed. Kinda lame, but again his personal stats don't matter much.

Growth rates:
HP 80% Strength 50% Skill 90% Speed 90% Luck 90% Weapon Level 0% Defense 0%

Replacing the point choker Doga Draug. Her stats went down a bit in the reshuffling, but it's nothing major. She'll gain a significant boost once transformed, but I'll get into that later.

Growth rates:
HP 50% Strength 50% Skill 30% Speed 40% Luck 40% Weapon Level 50% Defense 10%

Replacing Gordin, His growths aren't too bad considering he was originally a prepromote, but unfortunately that actually works against him here - he got hit by the debuff bat hard. Well have to see if the RNG helps him out.

Growth rates:
HP 70% Strength 30% Skill 20% Speed 20% Luck 50% Weapon Level 70% Defense 20%

Replacing Jagen, so he gets to keep his lategame prepromote stats. Because in FE3 all stats cap at 20 (Except HP and movement), he's actually only 3 points away from capping speed. His growths are pretty bad, but with bases like these who cares about that?

Growth rates:
HP 70% Strength 50% Skill 70% Speed 20% Luck 50% Weapon Level 70% Defense 20%

Oof. That's about all I have to say about Lorenz. Unfortunately, being Caeda's replacement he's our recruit bot, so we'll actually have to make some use of him. You might think his defense is a saving grace, but that's actually going to work against him for a while.

See, most enemies on this map have 12 Attack, so they can't damage Lorenz at all. This might seem like a good thing, but there's a drawback - the AI is programmed to not attack units they can't damage. So unfortunately this means training Lorenz will be even more of a pain as he'll be gaining basically zero EXP on enemy phase.

There's one random pirate on the map with 13 Attack, meaning he and the boss are the only units who can damage Lorenz. The only other enemies of note on the map are a single Hunter and the thief, who will be dispatched shortly.

We do some weapon swapping to get Est and Iron and slim lance so she can actually double. Javelins are pretty mediocre in this game - having 20 weight means no one using one can double. I derped and forgot I mean to give Lorenz the Steel Lance, but it doesn't really matter as it's not like he needs it right away. Afterwards, Est dispatches the thief.

There's not much to say about the strategy here - most of my units will plug along, and we'll leave Lorenz behind to take care of the pirates who come north of the mountain.

Time to talk about how dragons work in FE3. It's similar to the Laguz from FE9/10 - dragonstones are items that can be used to transform for a certain number of turns, determined by a unit's luck stat and a random number.

Tiki's transformed stats. She's also now over that 12 Def threshold, but unlike Lorenz she won't need help making herself useful.

Breath attacks in FE3 are 1-2 range. Like Javelins they have a weight of 20, so that locks attack speed at 0. Fortunately, breath attacks also completely ignore the defense of non-dragon units. conveniently, Tiki's 21 attack lets her do a good job of softening up units to feed kills to Est and Lorenz.

Oh, and naturally I had Xane mimic Samson.

Est gets the first level. good enough, including a surprise Resistance gain.

Samson is so good he can actually ORKO the pirates on this map with an Iron Sword. The only downside is it means he's not great at setting up kills for others. :/

Pictured: Tiki critting and oneshotting a pirate I really wanted Est to kill. :/

Our boss, a complete joke. He has a whopping 2 points of Strength and one speed over the typical pirates on this map.

Around the time I got to the boss, Tiki's transform timer ran out. Just shy of a level up, but as we have 19 maps ahead of me it wasn't worth wasting a use to retransform here.

The next character to be cut from FE3 is Wrys, being replaced by a vulnerary. Press f to pay respects.

Est gets another good level while fighting the boss.

And down the boss goes.

All that's left is some mopping up.

Lorenz manages to get a level. Not bad, but he'll need a lot more like this to get useful.

And with all the enemies cleared, we can seize the gate.

Prince Marth who? It's Princess Elice's time to shine. :shades:

And that's the map. Hopefully at least a few people will find this enjoyable. I'll try to keep this updated a few times a week.
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Huh. Funny how Elice ended up being the lord, in place of her brother. Neat. And also an interesting (though probably unintentional) bookend to the story.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
This is looking neat so far! Elice and Lorenz, Archanea's most unlikely couple. :p

Also great avatar.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Somehow this is still a thing. How long will this last? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Our map. For some reason the designers decided to have a bunch of reinforcements appear immediately after the prep screen. No clue why.

Let's check in on our fresh meat.

HP: 90% Strength: 50% Skill: 40% Speed: 20% Luck: 50% Weapon Level: 40% Defense: 10%
Once again, a prepromote his by the double whammy of losing a lot of levels and having decent growths. Hard to see any reason to use him when Samson exists. At least his growths mean he should eventually turn out better. Probably.

HP: 70% Strength: 40% Skill: 80% Speed: 80% Luck: 40% Weapon Level: 70% Defense: 30%

HP: 70% Strength: 50% Skill: 80% Speed: 20% Luck: 10% Weapon Level: 30% Defense: 30%

These two are more or less the same as their appearance in the vanilla game. Palla loses a bit of her edge, but still winds up roughly even with Catria. their biggest downside in vanilla Book 1 is their join time, so that's not a concern here. There's another benefit to them joining early which some of you might have figured out, but I'll get to that later.

HP: 10% Strength: 10% Skill: 10% Speed: 10% Luck: 10% Weapon Level: 10% Defense: 10%

10's across the board for growths, blegh. Though at least he mostly got to keep his original stats. He'll be able to chip in a bit for a while, but I can't see him staying useful for long.

The enemy mix here is basically the same as chapter 1, with the addition of some Cavaliers and one pirate with a hand axe.

Our boss, somehow even less threatening than the last boss. He actually has better stats, but they're kind of negated due to the hand axe.

I would like to leave Lorenz to deal with the enemies from the right, but we actually need him to recruit someone on the left side of the map.

An inauspicious start. >_>

Here we're dealing with the oncoming cavalry and the reinforcements from the right. Since the pirates can cross water it's actually somewhat difficult to block their movement.

Even these new cavalier enemies are no match for Samson with an iron sword.

Astram makes a good first impression by dodging this pirate. He'll need to keep this up if he wants to stay off the bench.

Tiki gets her first level after taking out a Hunter. Not bad.

We get our next recruit. No Darros replacement here since he was another unit that was cut from FE3.

HP: 50% Strength: 20% Skill: 20% Speed: 30% Luck: 10% Weapon Level: 50% Defense: 10%

I call him "Basically Gordin." Except I think Gordin actually has better growths than this guy...

I mean to feed Astram this kill but forgot to check the enemies stats. Even a measly 4 HP was too much for Astram to take out.

For some reason this enemy targeted Samson even though Est was in range and had lower defense. A very poor choice on his part.

Random overkill crit from Est.


Lorenz misses an easy kill. I hope this doesn't become a trend....

That's more like it.

Astram seems to have the RNG on his side today. Though he still doesn't get the kill.

Another now forgotten mechanic introduced in FE3: dismounting. All mounted units can dismount, with a reduction in some stats and swapping lances in favor of swords. Fliers also lose their vulnerability to arrows and can take advantage of terrain bonuses while dismounted, which is why I had Est dismount here.

On anyone else this would be fine, but speed is kind of wasted on Tiki. Well, it will help her avoid, at least.

Random crits are always nice.

Getting all three whitewings this early in the game gives us access to the Triangle Attack, which guarantees critical hits. Opted to demonstrate on this unlucky pirate here. There's a cool effect that goes along with it, but to doesn't really come across in the gifs or screenshots.

Extra skill is nice, but he really didn't need that defense. Now even fewer enemies will actually go after him. :/

Lorenz missing again. >_>

In the meantime, Est triangle attacks the boss to death.


With some chipping help from Tomas, Lorenz finally out the last enemy.

That's a wrap. Se y'all again later in the week.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Literally the only good thing about dismounting.
At least since this game uses weapon level they don't have to worry about separate Sword/lance ranks.

Honestly I'm fond of the system, I think forced dismounting on indoor maps is a good nerf to cavalry units.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
It continues:


Amusingly, I noticed a bug here were what should actually be a thief is replaced by Midia in the cutscene. Not sure if that's in the vanilla game.

New Blood:

HP: 50% Str: 30% Skl: 10% Spd: 20% Lck: 10% Wlv: 40% Def: 10%

HP: 70% Str: 30% Skl: 40% Spd: 30% Lck: 10% Wlv: 70% Def: 20%

Michelin Man and Dolph Lundgren. Will they be useful? Will I even try to use them? Who knows! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The enemies here are getting a bit tougher. Some of the normal enemies ever have *gasp* 14 attack!

The boss mook himself. Looks familiar, somehow.

HP: 80% Str: 30% Skl: 50% Spd: 50% Lck: 10% Wlv: 50% Def: 20%

Navarre's replacement. Seems more useful that Arran, at least at base. She might even be able to double some enemies with the slim lance! At least, once we recruit her.

Lets-a go!

Lorenz and not-Gordin head north while everyone else heads west toward the boss.


We obtain this thing. Not that it matters, as no one in my army can use it.

Surprisingly, Midia can actually damage Lorenz. :o

Get over here, you!

Would have been smart of me to send her to the fort to heal her scratches from Lorenz. But I'm an idiot, so I didn't do that.

Arran's first level. It's, uh, something, I guess.

Astram lucks out and manages a ORKO thanks to a crit.

Tiki serves as bait for the fighters around the boss. I actually didn't appreciate this crit, I need to feed these other losers some kills.

Screenshot because 1% crit rates are scary. Luckily, this one didn't go off.


Tiki baits some more Fighters. Unfortunately the first two attacked in such a way that the last one wouldn't go forward.

Not bad.

Triangle attack time, with Catria in the lead.

...I didn't even know the triangle attack could miss.

Not that it matters, as we get him on the enemy phase.

Eh. I guess defence is nice.

A nice dodge, though no crit to follow.

Midia managed to survive an attack from two fighters, surviving with just 1 HP. Oddly the thief didn't attack, even though he has enough attack to damage her.

Speaking of 1 HP, Astram gets a bit over eager and gets an overkill crit on a bandit with 1 HP left. Guess I can't complain.

Midia pls

Selling the Devil Axe since that's all it's good for. Unfortunately there's not much here worth buying. Half the stock is useless for a while.

The last thief hides on a mountain, annoying me to no end. Wasted an extra turn killing this guy because of misses.


And now we're swimming in dough.

Next chapter, we'll actually be getting another flood of new units. Recruitment being so front heavy means we'll actually hit the halfway point in terms of recruits in only two chapters, at which point I might do a poll on who I should use. See y'all on the next update.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
The next "exciting" chapter begins! Hopefully the triple post doesn't get me in too much trouble.

Le map. If you've played FE11 you'll have noticed the former chapter 4 has been cut. We've got an extra village here to visit to compensate.

Let's see if anyone other than Moydow is still reading this who our new blood is:

HP: 60% Str: 20% Skl: 10% Spd: 20% Lck: 10% Wlv: 50% Def: 10%

Well he looks better than not-Gordin, at least. He needs 1 speed proc before he can star doubling some things. Can he manage that, at least?

HP: 90% Str: 50% Skl: 40% Spd: 70% Lck: 40% Wlv: 50% Def: 20%
The most radical of mercenaries. Looks better than Astram, at least.

HP: 40% Str: 30% Skl: 50% Spd: 40% Lck: 40% Wlv: 70% Def: 20%
Objectively the best unit. I will hear no argument otherwise.

HP: 10% Str: 10% Skl: 10% Spd: 30% Lck: 30% Wlv: 70% Def: 0%
Our most underwhelming prepromote yet. I think her stats are only a little better that Boah's.

HP: 40% Str: 20% Skl: 70% Spd: 60% Lck: 80% Wlv: 70% Def: 10%
*eyes emoji*

This I can work with.

HP: 80% Str: 30% Skl: 30% Spd: 20% Lck: 10% Wlv: 30% Def: 10%
Our Matthis replacement. I had to deploy Dolph to recruit him, and for that he shall never be forgiven.

A good start. Thanks to a few well timed crits, the squad from the northeast is taken care of fairly easily.

Conveniently, this forest lets Jeorge take on the archers and the oncoming pegasus knight.


One guy I know may or may not be reading this just for Palla. so this is for you, Palla guy.

Javelin chip failed.

Catria goes here to hopefully obstruct the thieves from the top village.

More crits.

...well, it's not like he needs much more to be useful.

We get some glowy rock. Tiki want.

Pegasus knight down after a dodge.

Not pictured: Jeorge missing his shot before this.

To my surprise, this Javelin chip actually works.

More dodging. Fortunate since he has no access to healing where he is now.

...I forget why I took this.

More missing. I can't rely on any of you people. :/

An okay level up, though she'll need to start getting speed eventually.

This bishop jerk undoes all the hard work Jeorge did chipping this archer.


Even though he hit the counterattack, with all the misses I didn't trust him to get the kill. So he runs away for now.

Instead of Book Bro, we get Ban Ban.
HP: 10% Str: 0% Skl: 0% Spd: 0% Lck: 10% Wlv: 0% Def: 0%
With Tiki already in our party, there's even less reason to use him.

Palla's first level went by so quickly I almost missed it. C'mon Palla, you're not doing your fan proud here at all.

More dodging! By this point I think the bishop was down, so no more healing for this guy.

Benchwarmer get.

Shopping, mostly for steel swords.


I almost forgot to show you the boss until after Maria had gotten his health down.

I'd say this level up was...pretty rad. :shades:

And that's that. Hopefully people are still enjoying this.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Ah yes. The 4 whitwings assemble. Pegasus Emblem is where its at. Also prepromote Linde with 14 spd. Very Nice!
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Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
More of this nonsense:

Behold, a very purple castle.

Le squad. No, I don't know why I brought Tomas either.

Since this is an indoor map, all our mounted units are forced to dismount.

Our boss man, the first promoted boss we face.

And off we go.

With infinite range warp, we can choke all manner of points. :3

Turn 2 jailbreak. Let's meet out new blood.

Character | HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Wlv | Def
Rickard | 50% | 50% | 20% | 60% | 40% | 30 % | 20%
Wendell | 50% | 10% | 30% | 20% | 40% | 70% | 10%

Since Book 1 actually has an even number of characters, these two serve as our "pivot," so to speak. I could have swapped them but with them joining right in the same place and all, that just seemed silly.

On to the characters themselves, Linde existing means there's not much reason to use Wendell. Rickard seems fine, and with Julian not being around he might actually see some use.

I derped and forgot to get Tiki the firestone so we're burning another divinestone use.

Surprisingly, one of the soldiers up top can actually damage Lorenz.


A lucky dodge and a good level. Not bad.

...well, I did say she needed more speed, so I guess I can't really complain.

Radd missed. This was decidedly not radical.

Without this crit, Samson would have just managed to ORKO this archer. We may need to start getting him something other than just an iron sword.

Yoink. Elice will appreciate this very much. More so than a healer normally would, with her needing to beeline to the throne usually.

Radd's miss forces me to do the unthinkable: rely on Tomas for something. Though in the end Midia gets the kill.

Not bad.

Xane takes out two armors in a row with crits, surviving with just 1 HP. Really living on the edge here.


Linde did enough damage to feed Arran this kill.

Very nice.

The AI in this game can be very odd - this (unarmed) bishop decided the best thing for him to do is walk right up to Lorenz,


More AI weirdness. You can't really see because of the terrain window, but this thief didn't go for the last chest and just ran up to Lorenz. I guess the AI is just programmed to grab one thing and then run.

Not bad.


More loot. Apparently in the FE1 version of this map, thieves didn't drop treasure that they stole. Good thing we don't have to worry about that. :3

We yoink the last treasure.

This is fine, I guess.

Samson served as bait for the ranged dudes in the throne room.

Very nice.

That's...less nice.

The last archer standing decided his best bet was to attack Linde. Bad move.

Tiki's transformation timer ran out just as we got to the boss.

Who Linde double crits into oblivion. :3


With that there's nothing left on the map. After this, Elice gets the Fire Emblem and can open chests.

Since we've reached the halfway point in terms of characters, there should be a poll soon on who y'all want to see more of. See you on the next update.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC

The map. A straight shot down, with a detour for the village. The dracoknight and pegasus knights will cause some trouble for us.

Minerva & co's replacements are here, but they won't stick around for long. Consider this a sneak preview, I guess.

The squad.


The map is pretty small so this dracoknight approaches pretty rapidly.

With some meaty damage from Tiki, he'll prioritize retreating to heal over going for an attack.

Minerva Roshe & co retreat after the second turn.

One of the mercenaries and both pegasus knights go after Tiki. Fools.

Arran eats a crit. That luck stat of his is a bit troubling....

You know what? I'm not disappointed. He really needs that luck.

I derped and wasted a physic use on the wrong cavalier. Yes, in FE3 you can use healing staves on units even at full health.

The dracoknight gets healed and heads back into action.


Xane takes out the dracoknight with a crit after Tiki weakens him again. I was not actually hoping for this. That's 40 EXP down the drain. :/

Elsewhere, Minerva gets her first level. Not bad.

Uh buddy you okay there

Character | HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Wlv | Def
Merric | 80% | 20% | 30% | 50% | 50% | 80 % | 20%
Book bro. Base stat wise he's the same as vanilla FE3, though now he's kinda overshadowed by Linde.

After advancing far enough we trigger the "trap" that gives this chapter its name.

Good RNG.

With the whitewings around this fort, and reinforcements that spawn will have to eat a triangle attack.

Midia no


A good level for Elise too.

With Tiki's transformation timer run out, we switch to the Fire Dragon form for the rest of the map. Unfortunately she's quite a bit less accurate in this form...

Lorenz gets his first point of speed. Wow.

I forgot to screenshot the boss until he was about to die.


Not sure if it's because the boss died or I reached the turn limit, but at this point the reinforcements stopped. All that's left is some mopping up.


Elice having 5 move is staring to feel...rather inconvenient.

I think there was an extra two or three turns spent just getting her to the throne.

That aside, see y'all next time.

Edit: gosh darn it, I just had to update while the uploader is broken. Lovely.
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Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC

The map. A straight shot down, with a detour for the village. The dracoknight and pegasus knights will cause some trouble for us.

Minerva & co's replacements are here, but they won't stick around for long. Consider this a sneak preview, I guess.

The squad.


The map is pretty small so this dracoknight approaches pretty rapidly.

With some meaty damage from Tiki, he'll prioritize retreating to heal over going for an attack.

Minerva Roshe & co retreat after the second turn.

One of the mercenaries and both pegasus knights go after Tiki. Fools.

Arran eats a crit. That luck stat of his is a bit troubling....

You know what? I'm not disappointed. He really needs that luck.

I derped and wasted a physic use on the wrong cavalier. Yes, in FE3 you can use healing staves on units even at full health.

The dracoknight gets healed and heads back into action.


Xane takes out the dracoknight with a crit after Tiki weakens him again. I was not actually hoping for this. That's 40 EXP down the drain. :/

Elsewhere, Minerva gets her first level. Not bad.

Uh buddy you okay there

Character | HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Wlv | Def
Merric | 80% | 20% | 30% | 50% | 50% | 80 % | 20%
Book bro. Base stat wise he's the same as vanilla FE3, though now he's kinda overshadowed by Linde.

After advancing far enough we trigger the "trap" that gives this chapter its name.

Good RNG.

With the whitewings around this fort, and reinforcements that spawn will have to eat a triangle attack.

Midia no


A good level for Elise too.

With Tiki's transformation timer run out, we switch to the Fire Dragon form for the rest of the map. Unfortunately she's quite a bit less accurate in this form...

Lorenz gets his first point of speed. Wow.

I forgot to screenshot the boss until he was about to die.


Not sure if it's because the boss died or I reached the turn limit, but at this point the reinforcements stopped. All that's left is some mopping up.


Elice having 5 move is staring to feel...rather inconvenient.

I think there was an extra two or three turns spent just getting her to the throne.

That aside, see y'all next time.

Edit: gosh darn it, I just had to update while the uploader is broken. Lovely.
Quoting it makes it work

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
*crosses fingers the uploader isn't borked*

Le squad. Maria is here for...reasons.

Ditching the scrolling view of the map for this chapter since imgur wouldn't accept the upload without converting it to a video. Let me know if y'all prefer this or the old way.

Lorenz and Maria will be on arena abuse duty while everyone else actually heads out to complete the chapter.

Let's meet our new blood.

Character | HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Wlv | Def
Matthis | 50% | 40% | 30% | 20% | 20% | 70 % | 20%
Vyland | 50% | 30% | 10% | 20% | 10% | 70 % | 10%
*insert spiderman pointing meme here*

I think I'll pass.

Also press f to pay your respects to Roger, who was also cut for FE3. So he gets no replacement in this chapter.

Finally we get a chance to buy some more healing staves for Elice.

Random Pyrathi pirate eats a triangle attack from Palla. The Pyrathi chapter was also cut in FE3, so this guy is all that is left in this version.

Not needing to bait enemies, Lorenz being immune to damage dpesn't have any drawbacks here.

Midia gets the angel robe. In future I might poll to see who gets statboosters, but I'm not sure if there's a way to do that alongside the existing question.

These horseman are actually a bit scary. Tiki is there to delay them and hopefully weaken them a great deal so others can kill them easily.

Not a great start.

Better? Tiki managed to take out two of these guys with crits. Was kind of hoping there would be more for others to KO...

Excellent dodging skills.


Something else to mention, there were a LOT of level ups in this chapter, and I didn't want to have to come up with something interesting to say about all of them. So I'll just end up posting the notable ones, and at the end of the chapter there will be a "status update" to see how everyone is turning out.

Oops, I let Jeorge get attacked. Luckily he's not in much danger.

No, I didn't miss anything. Jeorge just didn't get any stats. Dangit, Jeorge.

Armors are no match for Samson, as long as he crits.

Meanwhile, others swap around the armorslayer to finish the armors off.

Dodging skills seem to run in the family.

Catria smash! Though she still misses the kill.

I'm sorry, I thought archers were able to hit things.

By turn 9 we clear out the starting enemies. I could just head to the boss and seize...but I want to take this opportunity to grind a bit on the reinforcements. They don't start spawning until turn 14, though.

Lorenz continues in the arena. Eventually the enemies are able to hurt him, which is why Maria got deployed to patch him up.

I know this may not seem like a notable good level, but trust me when I say that it's great for Maria.

The reinforcements arrive. 2 Cavaliers and one archer from the top left, two armors from the top right. Fire Dragon Tiki chokes the point on the left as nothing can damage her, with Jeorge and some javelin tossers doing occasional chip. For the armors the pegasus knights, Radd, and Samson alternate on the front lines.

There were a couple of close calls, Catria would have ended up dying if she had crit this guy.

Dangit, Jeorge.

Double crit from Est against this unlucky armor.

...dangit, Jeorge. You know, he really needs only one speed proc to start being more useful.

Catria, seen here thwarting my plans to feed Minerva a kill with a three damage crit.

That's a lot of horses.

Anyway, this was about the point that the reinforcements stopped.


Linde and Radd are on boss killing duty.

I ended up putting Samson up to face the cavalry, which almost ended up being a mistake - he might have singlehandedly wiped out all the cavalry on his own, when the whole point of this was grinding. Also, resistance gains are always noteworthy.

An archer decided to attack Midia, blocking the other cavaliers from dying to Samson.

Lucky Javelin crit. :o

Seriously. One point of speed. That's all you need.

Take a look at out boss before he dies. Nothing special here.

Linde weakened him enough for Radd to kill him safely.

...well, dang. Well done.

....dangit, Jeorge.

30+ turns is a reasonable amount of time to clear a chapter, right?

Next time, we're off to rescue...someone from Deil Prison. See you then.

Jeorge and to a lesser extent Palla will need to start improving pretty soon if they want to stick around. Minerva is still somewhat weak(her speed is low enough she can't double with the Steel Lance, and she only just hit the needed weapon level to use the Silver Lance), but I think she can be salvaged. Radd, Midia, Arran, Lorenz, and Elice seem to be turning out nicely. But who knows what the future holds.
Last edited:

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Surprise update only a day later!

Jeorge and Radd will be sitting this map out. Rickard is along for doors and chests and such.

Outdoor map with a big building in the middle. This map also features, fliffs, which is a terrain feature pretty much unique to FE1/FE11. I don't even think Book 2 has any maps with cliffs. Ther'e kind of like mountains and can't be crossed by armors and unpromoted cavalry.

I actually remembered to screenshot the boss before the map starts this time! Nothing we haven't seen before.

Let's also check out our (soon to be) new blood.

Character | HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Wlv | Def
Wolf | 70% | 40% | 10% | 20% | 50% | 60 % | 20%
Roshea | 80% | 40% | 50% | 40% | 50% | 30 % | 30%
Fittingly, two red-haired girls get replaced with two purple haired guys. Sadly Wolf isn't packing his broken FE11 growths so we won't be using him here. Roshe on the other hand might be worth using.

To start out, Lorenz takes out this thief. With the Silver Lance, Lorenz has just enough attack to OHKO the thief.

...text weirdness aside, Arran gets the goddess icon so he actually has some protection against crits.

Interestingly, the prison area isn't actually treated as indoor, so mounts can move about freely here.

The enemies split up to chase after us. The fliers and Roshe come at us from the northeast, while the cavaliers come down the west side since they cross the cliffs. Midia can handle these three easily.

Lucky crit, from Est I think?

This should come in handy later. The chest next to it contains a Levin Sword

Oops, I didn't edit the battle quotes. Oh well/

Everyone gets inside just as the Dracoknights get here. Tiki chokes the point.

...well, I really only needed him to bait out the Sniper, but some chip would have been nice.

Triangle attack FTW.


Very nice.

...that's less nice.

Samson is here to save the day, luckily.

Mediocre unit get.

This hero might actually be scarier than any of the bosses we've faced.

While everyone else is dealing with that, Samson, Tiki, Linde, Arran, and Midia, are dealing with the boss and the goons near him.

Luckily Lorenz is bulky enough to survive two hits even with the armorslayer.

Lucky Est crit again.

Palla gets the kill. Overkill? Maybe.

Meanwhile this jerk is hiding out in these pillars, making killing him harder than it should be.

Reinforcements arrive on turn 15. Only one wave this time.


The boss is no match for Linde. :3

Loot get. The Speed Ring actually boosts speed by 5 points here, so it's even more valuable than usual.

Conveniently, once we recruit Wolf Roshea just walks up and recruits himself.

The horseman can't actually cross the cliffs, but I was able tog et them to come this was anyway. First by sending someone over the clisss for them to reach, then by butting Lorenz on the other side of the cliffs so they could attack him.

Est crit again.

To my astonishment, going after one of the horseman with a javelin at range doesn't backfire horribly!

Well, one is still alive, but with Elise so close to the gate we should be able to seize before-

...well, ****.

A stroke of luck! Elise has warp handy. We can send Midia over to take out the last Horseman.

Or not, since she can't double him and the crit didn't go off even with the killer lance.

Even though he's trapped, Palla is still in range and he deals just enough effective damage to OHKO her.

I was really thinking I'd have to restart at this point.

Crisis averted! Rickard is still holding that Physic staff, and Linde can take it to save the day.

*heavy breathing*

My incredible tactician skills have saved the day! Even though it was my own fault for getting into this situation.

The threat is gone, finally.

All that's left is to take out the remaining cavaliers.

Well, that was something. Se y'all next time.

Not much new to say here. I forgot to screenshot getting the wyrmslayer. We also got our first promotion item, but no one can sue it yet.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
If an LP is updated, but no one reads it, is it really updated?

This map actually has a few changes compared to other versions. There's an extra village and a path though the mountain to the villages.

This is also the first map in the game with ballista. And since in FE1 ballista were more like armored bows, it's more or less the first map in the series with "modern" ballista. I think.

By "popular" demand, Elice gets the speed ring.

Jeorge can one shot these pegasi, at least.

Radd sneaks through the mountain pass to take on some of the mercenaries in the village, while everyone else takes the normal route. Interesting this about those walls around the village: they're completely impassable, even to fliers. Must be some big ass walls.

Don't need to worry about effective damage from ballista if you don't get hit.

The cavaliers and horseman from near the castle will charge to meet us. Roshe acts as bait, but fails to hit with a Javelin. The regular enemies will ignore Tiki, so she charges ahead to take care of the catapult and bait the boss closer to us.


Samson keeping ahead of the curve.


That's less nice.

TFW your target is a giant red dragon and you still miss.


Won't be abusing the arena too much this time, actually.

Down he goes.

Our boss, and the first dragon enemy in the game. He actually does move about. In the meantime, the throne is occupied by a generic catapult. No Jake replacement here.

Tiki baits him to the main group. That aside, dragons are actually immune to the defense negating properties of dragon breath.'

no ur not

Let's meet the new blood from both villages.

Character | HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Wlv | Def
Hardin | 50% | 30% | 50% | 60% | 30% | 70 % | 20%
Sedgar | 90% | 30% | 20% | 10% | 10% | 30 % | 20%
Opossum Opossum it's ya boy

Hardin looking spiffy, crappy luck aside. Sedgar, not so much.

Sedgar makes himself useful by buying some weapons for other people.

The boss cometh.

Rad. :shades:

Est the best. :p

With the boss dead, all that's left is this sniper and the remaining ballista. The fliers head over the mountains to take the ballista out,, while everyone else takes the long way. Roshe baits the sniper.

Arrowspate down and out.


Needed to use a physic heal to keep her safe.

I don't think there are any reinforcements, but I blocked the forts all the same. Arran took out the "boss."

Lorenz was a bit behind the main group, but Elice took so long to seize that there was enough time for me to send him back and fight one more round in the arena.


Promotion and/or movement booster can't come soon enough.

Not a whole lot has changed. Xane finally got a level and a few characters have gotten bumps to some of their stats. Radd is just shy of being able to promote. The next map is indoor, so some characters might look like their stats went down due to the forced dismounting.

See y'all next time.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Triple post update? Is this entrapment?

Return of the purple indoor map. It's much better than the eye bleeding palette indoor maps had in FE1, though.

Our boss, a bishop for a bit of a change. Bolganone will hit like a truck but he's slow and has paper thin defense. There's also a random dragon enemy here.

This random soldier is holding our next promotion item.

Our new blood is all stuck in a jail - let's go ahead and meet them.

Character | HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Wlv | Def
Navarre | 90% | 50% | 40% | 50% | 60% | 30 % | 20%
Lena | 10% | 20% | 40% | 20% | 70% | 40 % | 10%
Julian | 80% | 70% | 50% | 50% | 80% | 40 % | 30%
Castor | 70% | 60% | 40% | 40% | 20% | 20 % | 20%
Barst | 60% | 50% | 50% | 50% | 70% | 30 % | 50%
RIP Jeorge lol

Him aside, most of these guys looks like they could be good, but I think I have the team I want already, so I don't think there's much room for them.

Leaving them like this to take hits form the guards.

Some lucky dodges to start off. Nice.

This thief was nice enough to open the door to the treasure room for us right as he's about to die-


Luckily Radd was able to take him out.

Julian can just open the door whenever he wants, but doing so perhaps wasn't the best idea as it draws the attention of the javelin knight.

Warp to the rescue! Again.

We also get this, not that it matters, since no one can use it.

This dude is three for three in hitting my units. Quite annoying.

Woo Palla! \o/

Samson refuses to not be badass even as I try to gimp him with the levin sword.

Jailbreak completed by turn 7, more or less. Most of our group will crowd into the treasure room and head to the boss, while Radd and some support head to take out the dragon.

Can you guess who's getting this? Hint: not Jeorge.

There's also some statboosters, 10k gold, and a silver sword here.

RIP random general, we hardly knew ye.

Using my incredible strategic skills, we trap this sniper in a corner.

In the meantime, Radd takes out the dragon.

Sniper down. I forget who this is.

Getting awfully crowded in here.....

Radd is our first promotion of the run. Stat update will come at the end of the chapter as usual as he won't do muhc for the rest of the chapter.

What a jerk. >:[

The boss hits like a truck with magic damage, so anyone going up against him gets some RGB lighting to soften the blows.

Midia gets the kill in the end. And with that, the map is over!

Just kidding. We have more loot to get.

Castor already proving more useful that Jeorge ever was.

Miscellaneous stat boosts and Midia's promotion thanks to loot we got in the chapter. Midia won't actually gain any stats this chapter due to dismounting. Radd gets the goddess icon for crit protection. Castor's WLV growth is trash, so he gets the manual to push him to 12 WLV, which lets him use every bow in the game.

All things considered, this isn't a bad level up, considering magic users in this game all have garbage strength growths.


Elise want.

No more waiting around for Elise to reach the throne for me.


Hardin's not here because he didn't end up doing anything in the chapter. Oh well.

Not a whole lot new to say aside from our two promotions. Also hooray for finally getting a good bow user.

With that we're halfway done! Well, with Book 1 anyway. So a quarter of the way done? Except Book 2 has more than 20 chapters. Well, whatever percentage of the game we're on, see y'all next time.
Last edited:

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Much to everyone's disappointment, the run continues:

Our first hybrid indoor-outdoor map, since the prison in Chapter 8 somehow didn't count as indoor. No ballista map here, RIP Beck.

Fun fact: when I did my girls only run I couldn't use any of the thieves, and since you can't get bridge before this chapter, I couldn't lower the bridge. Meaning anyone who couldn't cross rives(so everyone but Marth and fliers) had to take the long way around the building with the archers..

Our boss. There's nothing really notable about him statwise, just another General boss. The only kind of interesting this is the developers decided putting two avoid boosting columns on either side of him was a good idea...

Character | HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Wlv | Def
Bord | 90% | 50% | 50% | 10% | 30% | 20 % | 50%
Cord | 10% | 30% | 20% | 40% | 40% | 50 % | 40%
Ogma | 80% | 40% | 20% | 30% | 40% | 70 % | 30%

We'll deal with new blood since they'll join pretty quick. Don't think I'll be picking up any of them in my main party. Ogma looks like the best of the bunch, but I think Navarre would outshine him if i was going to use one of these mid game heroes. Coincidentally, Navarre is needed to recruit Ogma here.

Well he's not here so RIP.

Down goes the sniper, and Ogma is recruited.

Minerva gets buff. Favoritism? What favoritism?

Conveniently, Bord and Cord will recruit themselves with Elise in range.

I didn't want to use warp, so the thieves will end up getting the treasure here, but I sent Midia down so she can kill them and take the treasure before they leave.

Castor putting in good work. He'll take care of all the archers in that building.

Making sure not to aggro this Hero was a bit annoying. Pretty sure Midia could not handle him on her own.

Uh yeah I'll definitely make sure that gets to him.

(spoiler: no I will not be doing that.)

Pegasus reinforcements start on turn 5. Tiki and the whitewings are on tanking duty.

Linde and Midia both miss a kill, which was troubling.

Julian just barely survives. Thankfully he's fast enough to not be doubled.

This jerk went and blocked Midia's path, forcing Linde to bust out Aura.


Dangit Est.

A fortuitous crit from Radd takes out the Hero..

I was expecting this to backfire horrible, but Catria's javelin toss ended up working completely as I wanted. Go go middle sister.

Wow would you look at that movement range. :3

Midia baits out the sniper hanging out at the bottom of the map.

Radd took out the two armor knights in the throne room pretty easily, so it's on to the boss soon.

I also derped and forgot to move Midia, so she took an extra hit without moving the sniper further.

Tiki pls.

Down goes the boss.

The reinforcements don't stop, though.

Castor can oneshot these pegasus knights, but that 1% crit feels like a bit of an ill omen for the future. Having a lot of units with low luck this run...

Tiki took a break from tanking Pegasi to help out with the Sniper.

Some loose ends before finishing. Samson taking out the bishop hiding in the archer building, and Midia finishing off the sniper.

That's not good. After all, you can't win against Gharnef.

Linde got a strength level, which is a rare thing for a Mage in FE3. Palla and Samson also got bumps in Strength. Radd is our first unit to cap a stat, that being Speed. Things are coming along nicely.

See y'all next time for a desert map.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
We're back! Terrible news, I know.

A relatively short update this time as there's not much to do in this chapter. We don't even have any new units to feature.

That sure is a desert, mostly. Plus a random building with treasure chests of to the side for...some reason.

Our boss. You may have heard we can't defeat him. True enough, at least for now. We'll need to collect some plot related items for us to be able to beat him later on. He's only around for a few turns in this chapter.

The "boss" guarding the seize point. He actually has lower stats than Volzhin had back in Chapter 10.

Conveniently, Castor can oneshot the mages in this map. Nice.

The pegasus squad heads off to the treasure building while everyone else heads north.

Every turn, a mage pops up in this building. From where, I don't know. Hidden staircase?

We need someone to block Gharnef from getting to the rest of the army, so Tiki gets the sparkly rainbow of res boosting.

Random super overkill crit from Radd. Unlike in FEH, Dracoknights do actually take effective damage from weapons with effectiveness against dragons.

This random bishop actually has both a weapon and a healing staff in his inventory, which isn't that common.

The Regalia don't aactually have the unique properties they have in other versions of the Akaneia games. In FE3, all three double EXP gained when using them.

Imhullu gets a unique background when used. Fortunately Tiki doesn't take too much damage here.

Also, I let Castor get attacked. Oops.

Gharnef leaves on turn 4. For some reason.

The reinforcements keep coming, though. Luckily the pegasus squad has Javelins and have enough Res to handle the mages.

Julian actually gets a unique animation among thieves. Not that it helps him KO this mage. Maybe he could have if I gave him a steel sword, but whatever.

Loot get. Annoyingly, this room is actually marked as indoor terrain, so one of them had to dismount before she could enter to block the reinforcements for Julian.

With Gharnef gone there's not much left to do here. Elise gets some shopping done. Mostly buying some silver and steel weapons, and a few tomes and healing staves.

Down the "boss" goes. We don't even get any cool loot from him.

I guess this makes up for that?

A bit more reinforcement grinding before we seize.

Also known as "Sir not playable in this version."

ok i guess

In hindsight, given all the pretty good prepromoted paladins we've gotten, maybe giving Arran that goddess icon wasn't the best idea, especially since Castor could really use it now. Oh well, guess I'm stuck using him, maybe.

Next time, liberating Marth's homeland: part 1. And we face a not so difficult choice. Fingers crossed I get that update out within a week.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Still not dead quite yet! Let's liberate Elice's and Marth's homeland, or at least start on it!

Turns out Altea is some islands surrounded by a big donut island. who knew?

Le boss. The scariest thing about him is his weapon. He actually has some attack speed too, but not enough do double anyhting.

These two are guarding the prison, so we will be avoiding them until later.

I positioned Castor to help bait the dracoknights, but they all ended up going for Tiki :/

Not that really helps them out in the end.

Overkill? Perhaps.

Something to note is if you place a unit on or near the central island, the cavalry AI might prioritize attacking them and will delay the point when they reach your "main" army. This can also be a handy way top stagger the point at which you have to face enemy units.

Castor's promotion. Getting the horse is nice, but in terms of stats he doesn't actually get much. Only some gains in skill and defense.


Thanks Arran!

Let's meet our Samson/Arran replacements.

Character | HP | STR | SKL | SPD | LCK | WLV | DEF
Jagen | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 0% | 0% | 0%
Gordin | 40% | 30% | 30% | 30% | 40% | 50% | 10%

Sure is a tough choice, huh?

Another competent looking Archer get.

Inconveniently, Tiki's transformation ran out fairly early this time. I was hoping to use her to take out the boss and the other general.

A good first impression from Gordin.

Oops, I let Elise get attacked.

Revenge is had!

Oi, hold still and let me kill you, jerk!

Gordin tanking the Horseman.

Dang. RIP Jeorge even more.

Probably should have given someone an armorslayer at this point. >_>

Reinforcements start on turn 11. Apparently which reinforcements actually appear is slightly randomized.

Some light Arena abuse. The pegasus sisters can get matched against Mages, who aren't much of a threat to them.

With the Parthia, Castor manages to do some meaty damage to the boss, but unfortunately can't double him.

I was planning on having Gordin take on the hero guards, but he wasn't able to do the job, so this ended up being kind of a waste.

with the Silver bow Castor can double, though it's less damage overall.

Linde to the rescue!

Down goes the boss.

Conveniently, Linde takes out the second hero on the enemy phase.

Lorenz chokes this point, while Tiki chokes the other one.

Conveniently, Cain will walk up to Elise and recruit himself.

Character | HP | STR | SKL | SPD | LCK | WLV | DEF
Jagen | 60% | 30% | 60% | 60% | 50% | 90% | 20%
He has the same stats as the start of the game. To the bench with you!

While Lorenz has too much defense for most of the enemies to attack him, a few of the Horseman have enough attack to slightly damage Tiki.

Not that it really works out for them in the end.

We clear out the last of the reinforcements and do some shopping, then end the chapter.

Castor's class is listed as a Hunter because of forced dismounting. Next time, we have another purple indoor map as we finish the whole "liberating our homeland" thing. See y'all then.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
I like how the Whitewings are remaining among the more useful units even in this setup. Like, they're not the all-conquering force in regular part 1/FE11 that they are in part 2/FE12, but they're still pretty strong. They're among my favourite Archanea characters, so it's neat to see them still pulling their weight when a lot of the other traditionally strong units are getting screwed over.

too bad reverse recruitment is going to screw over Catria in part 2

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Another exciting installment, just in time for everyone to be too busy playing Smash to care!

I never noticed until I went to screencap this, but there's a lot of unused space in this map. Huh.

Also, that door at the top of the map definitely isn't suspicious. Nope. Not at all.

idk why I brought Julian, since the enemy thieves are nice enough to open the chests and bring the loot to us. :3

b-but then who's leading my army?

Le boss, the first non-fire dragon. He'll go down to a wyrmslayer all the same though.

Also there's these jerks guarding the treasure room.

Also, this guy has good loot.

In a stunning twist, Xane copies someone other than Samson for once!

Splitting up at the start.

Had Elice and Radd move one way one turn one and then the other way on the next turn. I am a tactical genius.

Go go Gordin.

Very oof, but at least the crit didn't happen.

This jerk thought he could take on Linde. Bad move.

Dragon vs dragon, fight!



Things over here are mostly done, Lorenz and Julian just blocking the thieves.

Wow, look at all these corpses I'll be looting soon!


Coincidentally, reinforcements start as we get to the boss.

Not pictured: me opening the door and taking out the two armor knights. Also Xane took out the other bishop.

Obligatory "NOT THE BEES" joke.

Morzas goes down like a chump.

Still not sure who to give that speed ring to. :thonk:

Julian contributes!

Gasp! The door was suspicious!

>buyable Physic

Yes pls, gimme like 10. Also some shavers, which are basically tome versions of killing edges.

That's that.

Linde capped speed and Lorenz hit his level cap. Will he get the next Knight Crest? We'll see.

Also, Julian managed to get a level and got a point of strength. Neat, I guess?

Next time, we skip another level from FE1 and get some plot devices. See y'all then.

too bad reverse recruitment is going to screw over Catria in part 2
We'll have to see if that's true, if I even manage to get to Book 2.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Another update! Didn't expect that, didja?

A smol map, and therefore a smol update. No boss stats because, well, really this chapter doesn't have one.

The rooms all contain either treasure or a chest. There's one treasure room and one "trap" room on each "row" in the main hallway. IIRC, if one of the thieves opens the treasure room, that also causes the corresponding "trap" room to open as well.

Each of the thieves is programmed to go after a specific room, which causes the humorous situation where they get bunched up around this first door and none of them actually opens it.

Merric is back, for reasons! He contributes by providing chip for units I actually plan to keep using.


Thanks to FE3's weird distribution of promotion items, Elice fits right in with the tradition in some games of lords getting super late promotions. It's like she's a real Lord or something!

More incremental progress + feeding kills.


Gordin continues to be surprisingly useful! Guess this more shows just how good Sniper bases are.

A thief yoinked the starsphere, and we yoink it back.

In FE3, the Starsphere boosts all growths by 30% and prevents weapon uses from reducing. VERY handy, but we only get to keep it for a few chapters for story reasons. :[

Hey, stop stealing kills, I just need you here to chip and for story reasons!

Surprisingly, even the combined team of Samson and Elice with 37 crit can't take this guy down. Samson didn't even double him! :o

We also get the Lightsphere, which negates enemy critical% and effective damage. Also handy.

The starsphere in action. :shades:

Elice's second attempt at combat goes much better than her first.

We also get this, which boosts hit and crit rates for nearby allies, and can be used three times to damage all units on the map.

Also handy, but who to give it to? :thonk:

We already have Tiki, so instead we get...

Character | HP | STR | SKL | SPD | LCK | WLV | DEF
Draug | 60% | 20% | 40% | 40% | 20% | 20% | 10%
AKA Sir will-not-be-choking-and-points-in-this-run. Kinda sad how most of the early units in the vanilla game are turning out.

More good loot.

Somehow I derped and didn't realize that Gordin doesn't have the WLV to use the Parthia. Guess he's not that useful in the end.

Went to open this trap room to try to kill the sniper inside, but couldn't quite manage it. Ah well.

And that's it for now. See y'all next time.

Not a whole lot has changed besides Elice finally getting her promotion. Hopefully we can make good use of the starsphere while we have access to it.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Chapter 1-16, in which we fight Camus:

Le map. That's a lot of mountains and ballista. Also for the first time, most of the regular enemies are promoted.

Triangle attack + armorslayer = not a good day for this general.

Lorenz is embiggened. So muhc for the suspense over if he was going to prmote or not.


Lorenz Takes out the three paladins and tanks a balista hit.


Lol rip random Paladin

New unit get!

Character | HP | STR | SKL | SPD | LCK | WLV | DEF
Caeda | 50% | 20% | 70% | 90% | 70% | 80% | 20%

She's better than Lorenz would be at this point in the vanilla game, but tbh I think we're good as far as draco/pegasus knights are concerned.

Lots of trading shenanigans to make sure we get as much use of the starsphere as possible. Thank goodness FE3 lets you trade multiple times per turn.

We also made use of this arena, though tbh probably not as much as I should have.

Repairing staff get

But that's not all - in addition to a fancy item, we get a new unit who has a fancy weapon!

Character | HP | STR | SKL | SPD | LCK | WLV | DEF
Abel| 70% | 40% | 50% | 50% | 40% | 70% | 20%
A fancy weapon he can't use!

At least he can provide support bonuses to Est and Palla while he's around.


Approaching the boss. Luckily, those paladins around him don't move.

Speaking of...

Dang Camus is actually kinda scary. Having a 2-range weapon, we have to be a bit careful taking out his guards.

Also Est gets b-Est-er.

Gasp! Reinforcements!

Luckily, we can firmly choke the point.

Going shopping, and we finally get access to killer bows.

Tiki and Gordin carefully chip away at Camus's guards.

Tiki no! D:

Though apparently he was scared enough to not use fortify the next turn. The AI in this game sure can be weird...

Squishy mage vs. scary knight man! Can Linde pull it off?

Survey says "no," but she didn't die at least.

This was a real team effort!

Is the chapter over?

Not yet, there's grinding to do!

During which, Arran also promotes. Huzzah!


Next time, we fight a flying dude and see some old guy in a village. See you then.

Managed to get everyone enough Wlv so they can actually use the regalia. Also I only just noticed this, but holy crap Midia has a lot of HP.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
I'm back with not one, but two chapters! Since they're both kinda short and I want to get to Book 2 fairly soon.

The squad and the map. Most of those enmies will be heading our way.

Our next plot relevant boss. Compared to Camus, he's not really that scary. For some reason, in my memory he used a javelin, but I guess he's not quite that pathetic.

Everyone uses steroids! Lorenz also used a Speed Ring but i'm too lazy to go back and screencap it. :v

Palla and Catria take turns baiting some of the enemies from this convenient spot on the wall.

Catria took three 38% hits in a row. >_>

The boss man cometh! He actually starts on the gate, but one of his goons takes his place.


Then this jerk heals the damage Est did. Rude.

:eyes emoji:

Sibling vs. sibling! Who will win?

Well, it was ranged and Minerva couldn't double, so we'll call it a draw.

Palla gets the kill.

Only some cavaliers left. Also, the thief made it to just one space from the village.

Shopping! Made sure to buy Wyrmslayers for everyone.

There's reinforcements here too! Three waves this time.

Meanwhile Est makes sure everyone in my army can actually promote.

Midia handled most of the reinforcements. Also, I messed up and let Xane get attacked twice, oops.

Catria's promotion!

And down the gate holder goes.

Everyone gets a promotion!

Lord who?

Anti Gharnef tome get. But sadly we lose the Starsphere.

Huh. For all that time, not much happened here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Surprisingly, FE3 actually has a completely different layout for this chapter than other games.

Time to see if we can win against Gharnef!

Our boss....

Or is this our boss?

Nah here's the real one. I don;t really get the point of this gimmick when it's pretty clear who's the real one based on the stat screen...

Through my tactical genius, I forced a ranged generic to attack at one range. :shades:

The two "Gharnefs" with Fortify will run away from your units, which can make killing them kind of a pain.

Loot get. I think there's usually a Talisman in other versions?

Carefully baiting out and killing the physical enemies here.

Gharnef time! The fancy background is because of Starlight. Starlight also gets its own battle music. Neat!

Down he goes, and we get an infinite use Marth-onl Wyrmslayer.

Really need to be more careful in checking ranges. >_>

Also for some reason the Meteor "Gharnef" never attacked at all. Weird.

Est takes out the guy on the throne.

And then there's just a few guys left to clear out.

Nice and speedy. There's some reinforcements in this chapter but we killed Gharnef before they spawn.

Marthipan get. He doesn't actually join us unit next chapter, so no stats until then.

Next time, we'll probably only do one chapter, so see you whenever that is.

Linde and Tiki both hit Level 20 in Chapter 17. Everyone got at least a small bump in their stats from the time we has the starsphere.

Well, except Samson. I don't think his stats have changed all that much.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
The penultimate update of Book 1 is here!

Pretty much the same as in other versions of the game. Kinda odd that there's some dragons transformed already and some not - maybe it's meant as foreshadowing of the degeneration plot point?

Also, this chapter would be our only chance to use the aum staff if we had any allies to revive. I think in SD you could use it wherever, but here you have to use it in the temple in the south.

Our boss is a palette swap of Morzes and has the exact same stats. Yawn.

Character | HP | STR | SKL | SPD | LCK | WLV | DEF
Marth | 90% | 50% | 40% | 50% | 70% | 40% | 20%
Our final unit of the game! (No Gotoh in this version, for whatever reason)

Not much to say as he'll be useful for precisely two chapters. Even so, thanks to Falchion he's our best bet for taking out the final boss, though it's not strictly a necessity.

Of we go! Starting by taking out the snipers on the other side of the mountains. I guess you could say we....sniped them? :p

Marth is already chugging roids to give him a boost. He needs the HP boost to not be one-shot by dragons.

Inventory management, the most exciting part of any run!

Dumped most of our unused weapon, including pretty much all of our lances as the final map is indoors.

Everyone who can crams into the gap in the mountains, and the horsies take the long way around.

*heavy breathing*

Not quite a kill, but good enough.

Again, the bishop with a long-range tome never attacked before Palla got to him. Bizarre.

Everybody gets teleported!


At least he didn't get doubled.

...how sad is it that the enemies here can't even double Marth?

Tiki takes out the thief.

The horse squad contributes!

Tiki & Gordin move in towards the boss and take out his guards.

Marthipan gets more kills fed to him.

Meanwhile the cavalry takes out some of the stragglers.

And Est takes on the temple guards alone.

Tiki de-transformed, but at this point I don't think preserving dragonstone uses is really much of a priority.


I was hoping to feed him to Marth, but guess not. :v

Excessive? Perhaps. But I regret nothing!

Yes hello I would like all of the steroids pls

And unlike in the remakes, you can actually buy unlimited quantities of each!

...not going to actually show each use because that would be boring and take way too many screenshots.

Hello extra dough to use for statboosters

Lena is here to patch up the regalia for the final chapter.

Since we're talking about Hamerne, I may as well mention that it works for weapons, but not items. And since in FE3 staves are considered a type of item, unlike in FE1/11 you can't use it to repair warp staves.

A nice even number, if perhaps not the speediest clear.

Lena got two levels off of Hamerne so I uncluded her because wynaut.

Pretty much everyone got at least one statbooster to speed or strenght, except Gordin surprisingly. I'll save more detailed thoughts for the finale.

See y'all next time for the exciting(?) conclusion!

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
I'm back! Didja miss me?

...well too bad, here's an update anyway.

Staying up til midnight to update an LP is normal and healthy, right?

Le squad gets split into 4 this time. Getting the right positions is somewhat annoying since it's based on unit order. Praise be to FE6 for letting people swap positions on the map.

Also, all the swordies got wyrmslayers.

The final boss! His stats may not me terribly effective, but he also halves the attack of anyone who goes at him. Unfortunatle this means Elice will not be able to take him out. Maybe I should've bought more statboosters.

There's also these jerks either side of him. One will heal the chip damage we do and the other chucks green rocks at us.

Off to a nice start.

Castor didn't crit here, but does enough damage for Radd to safely finish this hero off with the Levin Sword.

This guy drops a spare Wyrmslayer, but since everyone who could use one has one, it's superfluous.

>1 HP

Elice pls

Linde buffs her Res to ensure she can survive and KO the Bishop and one of the Knights over here.

On the first enemy turn, this generic dragon got a transformation cutscene. Weird.

I accidentally let Gordin get attacked at 1 range but it all worked out in the end!

Est fails to crit even with Minerva + Geosphere support.

Linde seals the deal!


After clearing out most of the starting enemies, we head up to the entrance tot he boss room. Gotta make sure in this halway you don't accidentally aggro the Mage Dragon or snipers inside.

Can't do much about the green rocks, though.

Weirdly on some of my earlier attempts he didn't attack much, but he did on this one. The AI in this game is just too weird.

Lorenz vwoorps to help deal with a sniper and block reinforcements.

Oh no, more dragons!

Luckily, there's only once wave,

Including one in this room, randomly. Maybe to get people who were a bit slow and hugging one side of the hallway?

Two more Physic bishops come a long as well. There's also two in the boss room, but Lorenz is blocking one.

Just once, Marth dodges the green rocks!

Hey reinforcements aren't supposed to spawn after you've blocked them >:[

Oh well, he's blocked off and he gives something else for Marth to kill.

The green rocks are no more!

Meanwhile outside the boss room, out two Heroes and Paladins deal with the remaining reinforcements.

Time for the boss!

Lorenz did 8 damage, but those stupid bishops healed it all. >:[

Didn't want to have Marth take out Medeus for...reasons. So instead, taking him out will be a real team effort!



in to


And for the coup de grace...

Conveniently, all the previous chip did just enough for Est to give the finishing blows!

...well, I guess considering she capped all her other stats, this isn't so bad for a "last level" for Book 1.

And with that, we've cleared Book 1! Time for final unit impressions.

Like Elice in vanilla book 1, Marth kinda shows up way to late to actually contribute much. With some help from a few statboosters he was pretty good at killing dragons, at least!

I think Gordin was the biggest surprise for me in this run. Since I had Castor to fill the archer role I was really only planning to use him as filler for a few indoor chapters, but he ended up getting some lucky criticals early on that convinced me to keep him on. Though I guess it really more just demonstrates how good Sniper bases are here.

Our first actually good archer! He didn't get to do much int eh finale, but he really helped out after he joined. Especially after having to use Jeorge as our only bowman for quite a while.

He was pretty rad after all.

He didn't really differ much from his appearance in the vanilla game, so there's not much to say.

If I'm being honest Minerva is probably overshadowed by the three whitewings. But Minevra happens to be my favorite character, so I used her anyway. She struggled a bit early on but once she got a power ring and started getting better leveles, she turned out well enough.

Probably one of if not the best unit in RR. I think I underutilized her honestly, but she was really helpful nonetheless.

Midia was not bad, I guess? The de-level hit her really hard, but she was more or less able to recover from it to start contributing fairly early.

Rating these two together because, as in vanilla, they would up being fairly similar. Early join time and not having to suffer much from de-levleing/promoting made them quite useful. And basically instant access to the Triangle Attack was just too good.

He didn't come to endgame, but i used him a fair bit so I'm including him here anyway! He mostly served as a second copy of Samson, who is good, therefor he is also good!

I wasn't expecting him to be useful, but then I remembered he actually has decent growths in Book 1 so I kept using him anyway. More or less he was a similar situation to Midia, with the de-level hurting him a lot, but able to recover and eventually contribute.


Probably also a contender for the best character in RR. Way better than vanilla Jagen. His stats didn't improve all that much over the course of the game, but his bases are so good I never really felt it.

Also a very good unit! Very useful at the beginning for feeding kills, and stayed useful throughout. Not much else to say really.

Est of course wound up being very good. The original Est archetype without the usual drawback of being an Est? Very nice. And as with her sisters, early access to Triangle Attack was amazing.

The ultimate meme character of this hack. Assuming I ever release this patch or someone else releases one, if you play this and don't use Lorenz, you're doing it wrong.

Elice as a lord was...interesting. Healer utility was helpful, but dealing with her movement restrictions for so long was rather unfortunate. And even after waiting for long for her to promote, I found she wasn't terribly useful for combat anyhow. But, I suppose she's not the weakest lord I've ever had to use in a game.

And that's it for Book 1! Hopefully I can gest started on book 2 soon-ish. I feel like a bit of a hiatus might be appropriate for this point, but I already kind of took a bit of a hiatus before this update, so who knows. See you all next time.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Time for Book 2! And this time with not 1, but 2 chapters!

Skipping the story cause who even cares about that :^)

Growths: HP 10% Strength 10% Skill 50% Speed 60% Luck 80% Weapon Level 90% Defense 10%
Well...she has more Str and Wlv than book 1, so...yay? Also IDK why her HP growth rate suddenly dropped.

If book 1 was any indication her combat abilities won't be that important for a long time, but still...oof.

Growths: HP 10% Strength 10% Skill 10% Speed 10% Luck 10% Weapon Level 30% Defense 10%

Our Jagen, sporting very Jagen like growths. Her bases seem serviceable enough and we should be able to do....something about her growths if I really want to use her long term.

Growths: HP 10% Strength 10% Skill 10% Speed 20% Luck 40% Weapon Level 30% Defense 10%

Dang, is Elice already getting overshadowed? Aside from Luck her bases aren't even that much lower that Nyna's.

Growths: HP 10% Strength 10% Skill 10% Speed 20% Luck 30% Weapon Level 70% Defense 10%

Man this RR is like "Did you like having a healer lord in Book 1? Here, have 3 in Book 2."

I would say more about Maria herself, but I don't think there's a lot to say. I think the healer slots on my team are already getting pretty full so I doubt she'll be sticking around much.

Growths: HP 80% Strength 30% Skill 50% Speed 50% Luck 10% Weapon Level 50% Defense 20%

...you know, I probably should have implemented HP/Wlv minimums. >_>

Considering she lost something like 25 levels, I'm surprised she has non-zero stats in anything.

Growths: HP 80% Strength 40% Skill 50% Speed 40% Luck 50% Weapon Level 30% Defense 30%

He has a more balanced stat spread than Midia and a bit of an edge in certain key stats. Wonder which of these two will end up being more useful?

Growths: HP 70% Strength 30% Skill 10% Speed 20% Luck 50% Weapon Level 70% Defense 20%

Jeez, even with a 15 level demote, Samson is just incapable of not being good.

Growths: HP 60% Strength 60% Skill 70% Speed 50% Luck 60% Weapon Level 60% Defense 20%

Do we have Lorenz 2.0 here? Actually, I think Sheema might be strictly better than Lorenz, and I think Midia with her 9 HP might be the more meme character. But I guess it's a subjective thing.

Speaking of Lorez, he's our boss, sort of. Seems he's seen better days.

To start off, we bunch up to deal with all the bandits down here. And yes, they're Bandits, even though they have the same map sprite as a Fighter. not sure why they're a different class. Though Book 2 in general has several odd enemy-only classes.

Nyna's bolganone tome is actually quite handy for weakening enemies for other to kill.

Excellent showings from Samson and Midia.

And we already have more new blood!

Growths: HP 90% Strength 50% Skill 40% Speed 20% Luck 50% Weapon Level 40% Defense 10%

Well...he has more defense than Samson? But also less HP. Oh, and more Wlv, for whatever that ends up being worth.

After we clear out the bandits, we have to make our way through this mess. FE12 actuallly changed this part pretty significantly, but in this version the terrain is mostly mountains, which slows our progress significantly.

Actually, since in vanilla FE3 Clerics can't cross mountains, I had to edit the cleric's movement properties in order to make it even possible to beat Book 2.

Once we get to the middle section a cutscene happens and the remaining Bandits will approach. Thought the Hunter AI doesn't seem to change...

Also, there's been thieves spawning occasionally from this cave. They can spawn on the first turn I think, but whether they appear is random. Book 2 has a lot of RNG reinforcements, so get used to that.

Blegh. I may have mixed feelings on FE12, but fixing this mess was A-OK in my book.

Instead of fighting Lorenz, we just have a chat. And then he explodes.

No, really. I don't understand it either.

Yeesh. Really can't wait till we get our hands on the boots for this Book.

No stat update until after the next chapter. What I willl say is Midia got really lucky and levelled up Strength and speed twice in a row, which will be very handy.

Our next map! No reinforcements in spite of all the forts. The two Dracoknights on either side of the boss will move to hold the two empty forts after turn 1.

Also, that thief is holding a Lady Sword for us to yoink. but getting to him can actually be somewhat tricky as you have to not only chase him but also have to deal with the dracoknights.

Growths: HP 70% Strength 40% Skill 50% Speed 50% Luck 40% Weapon Level 70% Defense 20%

The original Green Cav, looking like he might be our best option for one! Good bases all around and holy crap that defense. He's one point lower that Sheena's base.

Our boss. He's actually quite scary for a chapter 2 boss - his stats aren't bad and he will go after you if you enter his range. Yeesh.

FE3 earlygame has a bunch of tanky Dracoknights. In vanilla you get a ton of archers to deal with them, but the only unit we have that can really deal with them here is Nyna.

Nyna heads left to chase the thief (sort of), while everyone else moves to the right.

Conveniently, our next recruit flies right up to Abel, but they don't self-recruit.

Growths: HP 50% Strength 70% Skill 70% Speed 70% Luck 60% Weapon Level 70% Defense 20%

She comes with slightly better bases than Book 1. She was good there and she'll be good here, most likely. She also gets a support bonus from Abel.

Sadly she won't get access to the Triangle Attack like she did in Book 1, as her sisters won't be showing up until much later.

...I was not expecting that to hit. Nice.

Nyna handles the Dracoknight on the left.

Meanwhile everyone else bunches up around here.

I was really lucky with Javelin chucking this chapter, I hit with 3 in the ~60% hit range.

Reminder that these guys have a pretty big range. Really needed to be sure I didn't aggro the right one.

Hello there, you have something I need.

Est couldn't double so she needed a second turn to do the job.

The boss cometh!


All that's left is to wait for Elise to get to the gate without aggro'ing the remaining dracoknight.

Funny, on my test runs this chapter was quite tricky, but here everything went smoothly.

Midia got some key levels early so I'm thinking she'll be quite useful.

Did you know in FE3 you can heal someone even if they're at full HP? I may or may not make abundant abuse of this.

See y'all next time, probably with just one chapter.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Doing this before leaving for work today:

Probably one of FE3's more infamous chapters. Two villages on opposite ends of the map that only your lord can visit, and an enemy in the middle that can only be recruited with a character form one of those villages. Whee.

You can take the long "safe" way around, but we'll be going for the shorter route. I think it's shorter, anyway

I see Xane has been learning art of cutscene-only mountain crossing from Lorenz.

Let's meet some new blood!

Growths: HP 80% Strength 40% Skill 30% Speed 60% Luck 60% Weapon Level 0% Defense 0%

Technically she joins at the end of the previous chapter so you can choose to deploy her or not in the select screen, which is actually somewhat unusual for FE3.

That aside, Tiki will probably be even better that she was in Book 1. For some reason, in Book 1 she had Ice Breath, which was only effective against Fire Dragons. But in Book 2 she gets Mist Breath(I guess it's Breath of Fog now?) , which is effective against pretty much all dragons - including Wyvern Riders. This will be fun.

Growths: HP 50% Strength 30% Skill 10% Speed 40% Luck 30% Weapon Level 30% Defense 20%

He gets a bit of a better start compared to Book 1, but as usual his stats don't really matter as he'll be busy mimicking someone else. The beefy Res is neat, though.

Our boss actually has identical stats to Lorenz, but with an actual weapon.

That item he has is important, but not for him. There are 12 of these Star Shards in the game - they're needed in order to get the best ending of the game, and they also boost growths when held. If you've played Echoes, they work basically the same way.

Instead of Matthis, we have Book Bro! He's not quite as scary as he looks - the enemy AI isn't programmed to use multiple weapons, so he'll only attack with thunder. But he will be a bit of a headache.

On with the show!


While everyone else trudges on, Tiki casually slaughters 6 Dracoknights in a single turn.


She took a fair bit of damage, so she heads back to heal up. Est heads north to help Xane.

Time for a cutscene!

Hey, we killed you last Book!

The cutscene doesn't seem to affect gameplay at all, so...moving on!

A bit more threatening, but still not too worrying. Est has a Vulnerary to heal up.

And Xane takes out the Thief in a fittingly stylish manner.

Bye-bye Mr. Ballista.

Elice heads for the village while the drawbridge is lowered. I think in FE12 the enemies will all rush at you once the bridge in down, but here that's not the case, so we can pick them off one by one.

More Dracos for Tiki to slaughter.

Very RIP.

Hey hold still while I'm trying to kill you! >:[

Also reinforcements start happening a few turns in. They have a random chance to appear from each of the forts.

Don't really get the AI of these Dracos. They kinda just sit there. Even with Tiki right next to him, this one didn't attack.

Xane wasn't exactly able to do a lot of damage to these guys with his 4 Attack, so he and Est switch places.

We get a silver axe, even though we have no axe users! They''re meant to be sold and are worth like 5000 gold.

Operation "Bait Merric into a corner with unequipped Nyna while we wait for Elice to get to the other village" is a go.

Tiki finished with the Dracos, and here's the loot we got.

More baiting.

Meanwhile I decided to have Xane mimic Est. Not really sure that helped.

And he's trapped! Well, more or less. He could cross the mountains, but the AI seems to mostly keep him in place.


Down you go!

Now we just...wait for Elice to finish walking places. Whee.

Meanwhile, Tiki takes on the boss!

She missed! D:

We did get hidden treasure though. Convenient!

And after a crit, the boss is down!

Waiting for Elice to get places leaves plenty of time for Est to arena abuse. :3


More new blood!

Growths: HP 90% Strength 10% Skill 30% Speed 40% Luck 10% Weapon Level 70% Defense 30%

He's alright I guess? That Def growth is actually rather high, relatively speaking. Only the axe dudes in Book 1 have higher def growths.

Since he's Julian's replacement he's necessary for endgame, so we will be using him regardless.

in the meantime, more arena and shopping!

Time for Book Bro to chill out.

Growths: HP 80% Strength 20% Skill 50% Speed 50% Luck 50% Weapon Level 80% Defense 20%

A bit worse start than Elrean, but a bit better growths overall. He does get a support bonus from Ellis, so maybe we'll use him even if he's not required for endgame anymore.

Now Elice just needs to get to the gate and we're done!


...well, that's not as bad as it could have been, I guess.

Hopefully the next chapter will have less waiting?

Besides Tiki and Est not many people levelled up. Lena and Maria got bumps to their speed and Abel got more bulk. I wonder if that's going to be a trend...

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Spent half of my day today fixing stuff for this, but that won't be relevant until a future chapter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Another two villages on other sides of the map to visit. :/

We also get a bunch of new blood!

HP: 40% STR: 30% SKL: 50% SPD: 40% LCK: 40% WLV: 70% DEF: 20%
She fared pretty well here, methinks. Base skill and luck are a little worrisome but everything else is fine. /nobias

HP: 60% STR: 20% SKL: 10% SPD: 20% LCK: 10% WLV: 50% DEF: 10%

Oh, you again. After my experience in Book 1, he's going to need to get seriously lucky if he wants to stick around.

HP: 10% STR: 0% SKL: 0% SPD: 0% LCK: 10% WLV: 0% DEF: 0%

Given the positioning of the new units in this chapter I think he'll actually be useful for now, but as for afterwards? Yeah, to the bench with him.

Our boss. Not much of a family man, or much of anything, really. He has slightly better stats than most of the bandit bosses in book 1.

Est missed one attack, so I needed to bring Roshe down to corral this thief in place so he doesn't immediately destroy this village.

And meanwhile we deal with a few of these pirates.

Oh wait, they're bandits, not pirates. But since they're vikings, shouldn't they be pirates?

We have more new blood already!

HP: 90% STR: 30% SKL: 60% SPD: 60% LCK: 50% WLV: 60% DEF: 20%

Holy **** I think we found our MVP

He's basically in the same role as Sirius int he base game but with even better bases.

Samson gets two crits in a row!

As I hinted earlier, Bantu was immensly useful in choking this point.

I completely forgot to move Elise one turn and ended up getting to this village later than I could have. >_>

Wind magic get.

Luckily, Jeorge actually ended up hitting all the things I needed him to this chapter!

Minerva dismounts on a mountain for maximum defensiveness. Nobody has any access to healing here, so maximizing survival is extra important.

Cain and Bantu can handle the rest of the pirates. (Yes, these ones are actual pirates.)

More randomly spawning reinforcements! The one Astram is blocking spawns hunters, the other three spawn pirates with hand axes.

I accidentally let Jeorge get attacked twice, but he took the hits pretty well.

I was planning to let Astram take care of these guys as they spawned, but I forgot the had hand axes. >_>

Meanwhile, Tiki flies over the mountain to the boss area!

These guts are slightly annoying to deal with, but at least with a hand axe their hit rate is complete garbage.

Le gasp, Tiki missed!

A few turns later, Merric and Elrean team up to take him out.

With the boss down, we're just waiting on Elice to walk places again. So in the mean time, we corner a few forts for a bit of grinding.

This felt like it took forever. >_>

HP: 90% STR: 50% SKL: 40% SPD: 50% LCK: 60% WLV: 30% DEF: 20%

Jesus, Samson and Astram just got powercrept hard, lol.

Midia had an annoying habit of missing here. Maybe I should have tried having her use something other than the steel lance.

Darn stupid gates with their higher than regular terrain movement cost. >_>

Well I guess that's not as bad as it could have been.

Getting a bit crowded in here...

Marginal improvements all around. I gave Astram a bit of a chance here, but he didn't improve much. with Navarre as an option I don't see any reason to try to keep using him.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
One more for the weekend!

For the first time, we don't get to deploy everyone.

Another village in an inconvenient spot, but at least it's just the one.

HP: 40% Str: 60% Skl: 70% Spd: 80% Lck: 70% Wlv: 80% Def: 20%

The first dancer in the series! We get her a bit earlier than in vanilla. She actually has surprisingly stacked growths across the board.

Our boss is...actually not that threatening. Weirdly, I don't think he even ever attacked. Couldn't they at least have given him a better weapon?

He's holding the Gemeni shard, which boosts Stength and Def growths, but slightly reduces Weapon Level growth.

If not for the hit rate, these two might actually be more threatening.

Yumina is also here, being Jeorge's replacement. We can't recruit her yet, though. Not sure why really since we have the person who can recruit him, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There's also this guy who drops a physic, if you want to go after him.

More new blood already!

HP: 60% STR: 10% SKL: 30% SPD: 20% LCK: 40% WLV: 70% DEF: 10%

Well...he's faster than Elrean or Merric, at least.

Had a couple close calls dealing with these guys, but it ended up okay. yumina & Co won't move unless you get REALLY close to them.

Thief down!

Midia no. :[

Tiki and Cain head north to clear the dracoknights for Elice. Meanwhile everyone else crowd onto the bridge.

with the Iote's shiel, Est can pretty easily take out the Stonehoists.

Tiki no :[

probably should have used the divinestone for this map

Cain helps out as well.

Ended up accidentally making Elrean wait instead of attack , which was a bit annoying to correct.

Est takes out the last Stonehoist and Minerva takes out the Armor.

And that's all of the regular enemies!

The boss goes down easily to Elrean.


Now we're just waiting on Elice.

Doing some miscellaneous shopping in the meantime. Made sure to get two door keys for the next chapter.

*eyes emoji*

A bit of a close call here, but Est got some lucky doges and crits to pull of a win.

Got Tiki in position to try for the Physic staff. Even this close, Yumina and co won't move.

Also, thieves start randomly spawning form this spot. not sure why this spot, but whatever.


Having Feena does help a bit here.

Darn, didn't get the physic. Oh well, well get another one soon-ish.

Exactly the same time as the last map. :/

Next map is indoors, so some of the mounted units have their stats reduced. Est grew a lot thanks to all that arena grinding. :3

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Chapter 2-6:

An indoor map, and with a big covered area! Book 2 does this fairly frequently, actually.

Elice heads to grab these chests.

That really stung.


Pretty much everyone else heads over to deal with these armors.

The Swarm bishop goes down pretty quick, actually.

The armor squad also was pretty easy to take out.

Libra? I thought this was FE3, not Awakening!

Back to serious mode, Libra mainly boosts speed(40%) and slightly boosts luck and weapon level growth(10%), while reducing HP and resistance growths(-10%).

Tiki can't quite one-shot this bishop, but he only has physic so he's not as much of a problem.

Reinforcements! Potentially two soldiers, and archer, and an armored unit can spawn here. I say "potentially" because again, who appears is up to RNG.

Tiki opens the right door, revealing the boss area.

Our Boss, not-Jiol. Compared to the previous General Boss, Rucke, he actually only does one more point of damage even though he has a 3-point edge in attack. But he hes have 1-2 range now.

We also have Castor....

Psych! It's a faaake!

HP: 70% STR: 20% SKL: 20% SPD: 60% LCK: 10% WLV: 40% DEF: 10%

This little **** has caused me so many problems. First, there was a bug that cause Navarre to not respond to input after Samto was recruited. Then as I was writing this update, I realized Samto's stats were wrong and had to fix that. Blegh.

Anyway, he's the midpoint character so his stats don't change at all.

And his Aquarius orb boosts Strength, Skill, Speed, and Weapon Level growth by 10%.

These jerks move to block these narrow hallways. This will be annoying later.

I noticed Tiki has an interesting dodge animation on the map where she sort of...phases? Doesn't really come through in the screenshots, though.

Oops! Luckily she survived and will be out of harms way shortly.

Things got a little dicey for Sheema at times...

Vulnerary to the rescue! Est helped a bit too.

With the main group in the boss room, it's time to slowly peel off the armors around Lang.

Managed to funnel everyone here so that Sheema only has to face one enemy at a time.

Stupid bishop is blocking my way. >_>

Feena helps, but it'll take another turn to finish.

And with this guy killed, Sheema can move to where everyone else is without having to worry about taking damage.

Merric starts on the boss.

And Elrean finishes.

We got Cancer. insert your own joke here.

The Cancer orb boosts defense growth by 50% and reduces Strength growth by 10%.

Even with Lang dead, reinforcements can still spawn.

There's actually quite a lot of these guys following us.

Missed this Archer twice in a row. The hist rate was 71%, but still. >_>

Killed a few guys but I didn't really want to take the time to grind.

Not a bad time.

Stat Update:

Not a whole lot new here, mostly increment gains again.

See y'all next time.
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Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Oh that's right, I have an LP.

Chapter 2-7:

Le squad and le map. Let's meet our new blood:

Rickard: HP 50% Str 50% Skl 20% Spd 60% Lck 40% Wlv 30% Def 20%
Castor: HP 70% Str 60% Skl 40% Spd 40% Lck 20% Wlv 20% Def 20%
Shiida: HP 50% Str 20% Skl 70% Spd 90% Lck 70% Wlv 80% Def 20%

Wow, Rickard is actually pretty stacked! He replaced a promoted unit so I guess that makes sense. He'll be doing utility stuff for a while, so I'm not actually sure how much combat he'll see.

On the others, Castor looks fine enough, but Shiida...well, I wouldn't say she's bad, but at this point I don't see any reason to use her.

Our boss. Actually kind of interesting. His defense his low but he actually has decent avoid, which could be annoying.

Malicia is also hanging around, being Astram's replacement and all. Like Yumina in Chapter 5, she won't move unless you get pretty close.

Lots of thieves holding valuable loot. The Scorpio shard boosts Strength and Skill growths by 20%, Speed by 10%, and reduces Luck by 10%.

Even with the Silver Lance, Caeda can't finish off the thieves here. :/

For some reason I thought this was funny enough to include. :v

Some of the thieves will run away like they normally do, but some are programmed to attack.

Est heads up to lend a hand.

I'll be honest, I'm kinda surprised that hit. :v

When you get close enough a dragon spawns from this cave.

Feena takes out the last thief down here.

Castor actually took a fair amount of damage, but luckily he dodged here.

Lucky Javelin hit while staying just out of range to aggro the heroes! \o/

Giving Shiida a weapon she can actually make some use of.

The dragon had enough HP he needed an extra turn to finish off.

And we get a spare Firestone for our trouble.

After a few turns reinforcements start coming from the open forts.

Yikes. Shiida took a lot of damage this chapter.

Finishing off more thieves.

And we get a physic staff from the dragon cave.

And Shiida and Castor get patched up.

And down goes the last of the thieves.

Elise has to walk through the edge of the forest to avoid aggroing the Heroes, which slows her down even more. :/

Meanwhile everyone else is dealing with the armors.

Not much I could do about this since you can't block the mage spawn fort.

The boss was really annoying to kill, Minerva kept missing him. >_>

Elice gets away from the reinforcements and gets patched up.

More healing.

Finally got a hit using the Javelin, but the trade off is Minerva now gets doubled.

Down he goes. Jeez.

That was actually quicker than it felt like.

Stat Update:

See y'all next time.
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Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Time for more of this again!

Hey look it's that chapter that got cut in Book 1! Quite a lot of promoted enemies here, actually.

Roshe is here for recruitment reasons.

Some more thieves with loot. The Leo orb is really handy, it boosts strength growth by 50% and reduces Defense growth by 10%.

Damn we can't escape the OP armors even in games other than Heroes.

Edit: Forgot to mention, the darkspere makes him immune to damage, so even without the ridiculous stats there's no point in fighting him.

Opossum Opossum ya boi did some, uh, working out, it seems.

Oh, and Malicia and Yumina are here too.

New blood!
HP: 80% STR: 50% SKL: 50% SPD: 40% LCK: 30% WLV: 40% 30%

He's worse than Cain was originally, but he doesn't look like he'd be that bad. But I think we're good as far as cavaliers go.

Start off with Abel and Sheema taking out the thieves.

Sent Lena to do some shopping, and I finally remembered to sell the Silver Axes I had.

Elrean dodged both of these paladins. I think they both had Javelins, but still, not bad.

More new blood!

HP: 50% STR: 50% SKL: 30% SPD: 40% LCK: 40% WLV: 60% DEF: 10%

Yubello's main distinguishing feature is that he has a strength growth, unlike most other mages in the game. Again, I wouldn't say he's bad, but I think we already have better options.

More dodging, and a double crit to boot! :o

Darn, I was counting on a crit.

Thankfully we have infinite range healing. :3

More reinforcements, in the same arrangement as the last chapter actually.


Luckily the AI prioritized healing and didn't go for the second hit.

Down they both go on the next turn.

And Castor takes out the remaining General with a lucky crit.

Feena is helping Elice get to the gate slightly faster.

Tiki can handle the mage reinforcements easily.

More new blood!

HP: 30% STR: 20% SKL: 30% SPD: 40% LCK: 40% WLV: 60% DEF: 10%
She looks really good. Probably better than Nyna at this point, but I'm kinda committed to using Nyna at this point, so...

Rescue is a PRF for her though, so we'll have to user her on occasion.

A cutscene happens, some more generals appear, and all the enemies start to move.

It's that time already?


Took out a few enemies for a bit of EXP but It's time to skedaddle.

Wow, really not a bad time.

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Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
*insert witty update intro here*

Minor thing: did you know that you can start a chapter in FE3 by moving the cursor up to the "Start" menu text and pressing A? I didn't! And based on the cursor overlapping the text, I'm betting most fan translators of this game didn't either.

Hey, this looks familiar! :v

We're in a new section of the game, so we get new map music! The player phase theme is pretty good, but the enemy phase theme is so lame that most of the soundtrack rips of the game leave it completely out. :v

Abel and Sheema are sitting this one out, with Yumina along because of the desert.

Some of the thieves have some decent loot. Though there's a pretty big caveat on that thief staff - if you've played FE3 you might be able to guess, but I'll leave it to next chapter to explain.

The boss. Like most mage bosses, he's packing a hard-hitting tome that also weighs him down significantly.

He's flanked by two swarm bishops - one with a Speed Ring!

Getting the thieves with the loot was pretty easy.

Like in Chapter 3, Tiki is really useful here for easily taking out these dragons.

I accidentally let Yumina get attacked but it wasn't a big deal. Actually ended up getting Merric a level.

Elice has another out of the way village to get to, but being able to ignore the desert terrain helps a bunch.

Meanwhile Rickard is looting these chests that are here for...some reason.

Tiki's resistance is too high to bait the mages, but Elrean can clear them out just fine with the Shaver tome.

Merric also draws one out, though he's not quite as able to one round them.

And Tiki handles the rest of the dragons.

While she's immune to the regular mages, the Swarm bishops can damage her. Not much, luckily.

Tiki can oneshot them actually. :v

A lucky get, we don't need to bring Rickard back over to grab the silver axe.

This ones a bit of a mixed bag, boosting HP by 20% and Wlv 30%, while boosting Def and reducing Skl/Spd by 10%. Not quite as useful as others, honestly.

Most of the remaining enemies aren't very threatening.

Let's see what we get here...

We'll get to his stats in a bit. But if you're thinking "hey, his HP Looks awfully low..." well, you're right. It took me until halfway to book 2 to relaize it, but when I was recalculating unit stats I was using the same cap for every stat when I should have been using a cap of 52(I think) for HP. So I was unintentionally nerfing anyone with high HP.

But I fixed it now! Not going to change units who already were affected, but for future units they will have the proper HP amount. Unless there's some huge outcry demanding I continue with the 20HP bug intact, but since no one reads this LP anyway I doubt anyone will care.

And now for the corrected stats with a slight difference in color because I took the screenshot in the BSNES emulator I use for debugging...

HP: 80% STR: 40% SKL: 30% SPD: 30% LCK: 40% WLV: 70% DEF: 30%

Holy ****balls Ogma is busted. He's even got better stats than Samson does in the vanilla game. Combined with him being needed for endgame, there's not really much reason to use another mercenary...but honestly I think we have enough busted characters as is, so I'm kinda leaning towards not using him much. him being so busted means I think we can leave him benched for endgame and not worry about him not keeping up.

Onto the boss, who goes down easily like his flunkies.

Yes please. :D

Did some shopping for tomes and healing staves - this will actually be our last shop for a while.

Elrean gets the promotion, natch.

And just as we finish up. these guys show up! Kind of a time limit on the map.

Managed to take out one before we finish.

Not bad at all.

Castor used a manual but I totally forgot to screencap that, so here's the result.

This chapter was pretty focused on a few units, so only a few people got level ups. This isn't our last desert map, so that could happen again.

See y'all next time.
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Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Only a short update today, but perhaps still an interesting one.

This chapter will actually be fairly easy so we don't need our heavy hitters with us as much.

An indoor map with some outdoor bits that don't matter. You maybe be wondering about those chests on the outside, but...well, they're troublesome. I'll explain why later.

HP: 50% STR: 40% SKL: 30% SPD: 20% LCK: 20% WLV: 70% DEF: 20%

Yeah, I'd be lying if I said he's great, but he's certainly not the worst cavalier we've seen. He's forced for the endgame anyway so I'm probably going to use him, but with star shards that's not the worst fate out there.

No boss screenshot either, his stats don't matter until later.

The bishops are both packing swarm, so I gave Rickard a res boost to help shield him form that. With a dance he's able to cross the stream andd take one of the bishops out easily.

And Yumina kindly yoinks Matthis to safety.

The mercenary has a killing edge, which could have been an issue, but luckily he doesn't get the crit and Rickard one-rounds him.

And with that, on turn two the chapter becomes a cakewalk.

HP: 80% STR: 70% SKL: 50% SPD: 50% LCK: 80% WLV: 40% DEF: 30%

A bit more of a balanced spread in terms of Rickard, with slightly lower strength and speed but higher in other areas. I'd say they're about even.

After this, the enemy AI changes. They won't attack and instead will move toward the exit.

They're easy pickings for a bit of training.

I know in the DS remake you have to leave these clerics alive to get a bonus at the end of the chapter. I'm unsure if the same rule applies here, but they give so little EXP I left them alone anyway.

The watch staff is an odd one, it allows you to show areas hidden under roofs in some places. Not super useful, really.

Merric missed out killing this guy and I prioritized killing other enemies, so he managed to slip back to the throne. Kind of ended up being a pain.


On turn 11 a thief shows up with the silver card. I think he doesn't appear if you killed any of the clerics, but I'm not sure.

Down he goes, and the last mage as well. And with that the chapter is over...but there's still some business to deal with.

You may be thinking it's weird I didn't show anyone opening the chests on the outside of the map. Well, that's because I can't.

See those weird stone looking tiles? Those are "Blocked" terrain, meaning literally no one can move past them. Don't ask me why someone can't just fly over them(it is an outdoor area), I have no idea. And the bit of water is in the "border" area, which means even though we can see it, we can't actually put any units there.

The only way to open the chests is the Thief staff - which we have! Except in FE3 the staff is a PRF for Malicia, and since we can't recruit her yet, the thief staff is useless for now. So we can't get them.

The right chest has an unlock staff, which isn't that big of a deal, but the left one contains the Silence staff. That's an even bigger loss than usual, since Silence is busted AF in FE3 - it silences ALL enemies on the map for a single turn. So missing it is a great loss.

For a semi-related tangent: turns out in FE3 Yumina can use rescue even if she's completely surrounded. If you're thinking maybe it could be possible to force rescue to warp a unit outside the walls, that won't work - I'm pretty sure the game specifically checks for blocked terrain and doesn't permit warping past it. Trust me, I tried to make it work.

Oh boy did I try.

...well, that's that, I guess.

Navarre finally got another level - he's been sitting at level 8, ninety something experience for a few chapters now, but it was never convenient to get him a level.

You might be able to spot the terrain for the next map already, so that should be...fun? See you all then.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Time for another desert map, huzzah!

Lotsa sand and bones. I think the tower is the Thabes tower, the same place we fought Gharnef at in Book 1?

This chapter introduces Wyverns as enemies! They have capped move and sly, so they can be somewhat scary here. I seem to recall in FE12 they're quite fast, but here like all other dragons they have 0 speed.

Also introduced here are Barbarians. Oh, sorry "Barbarans." They're more or less "promoted" axe dudes, but axe dudes all the same. High attack, high bulk, but negligible Speed or Skill. Like other enemy axe classes, they're weak to the lady sword.

The "boss" of the chapter is just a Wyvern, but there's also this guy hanging around:

Yes, the original Berserker class was enemy only and used swords. He's holding the Master sword, which is basically a better killing edge.

As a class the Berserker is basically just a hero with a unique map sprite. with this being the only Berserker in the game, it makes you wonder what the point of including the class was....

Thar be treasure in these sands! This was the original desert map with hidden treasure, so if you've played any game that had a map like this, you can thank this game for "inspiring" that.

FE12 made it so that anyone could grab the treasures, but here only thieves have a 100% chance to grab them.

Merric can take out the Wyverns fairly easily thanks to Excalibur, though he does take quite a bit of damage.

I totally forgot to check the range of these guys and didn't realize they weren't affected by the desert!

Luckily, Rickard dodges!

He misses his attack on the next turn, so Merric gets the kill.

The hunters are limited by the desert so they're fairly easy to take out.

The Lady Sword makes short work of these guys thanks to effective damage.

Oops, I accidentally let Est get attacked by a wyvern. Their range is so huge it's easy to forget you even need to check it.

I actually sent Julian to grab a Speed Ring at the far southwest corner of the map, but totally forgot to actually put him on the proper tile to grab it. This will bite me later.

Some lucky gets from Est and Tiki will save us at least some time later.

And then Tiki de-transformed. It wasn't worth using an extra Divinestone use, so I just let her sit afterwards.

Nyna couldn't one-round this guy, so Est got the kill.

Lucky for us the Berserker is hindered by the desert, so units can stay just outside of his range to prepare to go after him.

Yumina and Merric took him out pretty painlessly. I could have had Minerva try to help out, but with his Massive crit chance I didn't want to risk

The boss also goes don fairly easily.

Feena grabbed the Power Ring here after dancing Yumina, which was unexpected.

Secret shop time! Lots of the next few maps have secret shops, actually. Wonder how much business Anna does out here.

That aside, the Rapier is pretty useless to us, but I did buy a few Wyrmslayers and Armorslayers. The Wyrmslayers will be especially useful.

And at this point I realized I had actually missed the Speed Ring. I sent Julian down, but also Est and Nyna to hopefully luck into grabbing it.

And they did. Huzzah!

Probably could have done 15 if I didn't forget the Speed Ring earlier. >_>

Tiki finally capped here. Her stats are a bit misleading as she's not transformed - she'll actually have 20 strength as a Divine Dragon, though she'll only have 18 as a Fire Dragon, so maybe she'll get a power ring.

See y'all next time.
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