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Samus vs. Luigi, full workup and priority (updated 3/15)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2006
Fresno, CA
I wasn't really able to find a vs. Luigi thread that fully explained everything I used to have questions about so I decided to make one. My best friend mains Luigi and since we usually do 8-stock matches, I've come up with all the pros and cons and counters and dos and don'ts and whatevers =P

Priority: (Luigi)

1. A luigi upsmash will ALWAYS go through Samus' dair, mainly because during those frames of animation luigi's entire head is invincible.
2. A luigi fair's hitbox will enter a Samus' Nair hitbox first if samus head is even with luigis waist; samus will be hit.
3. Luigi's NAIR hitbox will enter samus' NAIR hitbox first when Luigi is descending upon opponent.
4. A fair by Luigi has higher priority than a fair by Samus if her waist is even with Luigi's head, assuming both moves are executed at the same time.
5. A luigi UAIR has higher priority than a Samus FAIR or NAIR, and a larger hitbox than a Samus DAIR, assuming samus is directly above Luigi when move is executed.
6. A luigi DAIR has priority over a samus NAIR and FAIR assuming luigi is directly above samus.

Priority: (Samus)

1. Samus upsamsh has priority over all of Luigi's aerials assuming Luigi is directly above samus, however, only the last flame sends him flying so be careful he doesn't immediately reattempt his aerial, unless you're in good position.
2. Samus UAIR has priority over all of Luigi's aerials assuming Luigi is directly above samus., however, only the last flame sends him flying so be careful he doesn't immediately reattempt his aerial, unless you're in good position.
3. Samus FAIR has priority over all of Luigi's aerials assuming Luigi is within a 97 degree radius of the direction samus is facing starting from her VISOR, and extending outward/downward
4. Samus' BAIR will generally hit through a Luigi BAIR causing both players damage even if move is executed 2-4 frames after luigi's due to larger hitbox, assuming both characters are at the same height; if samus is lower she will be hit, if samus is higher she may still be hit, otherwise both aerial attacks will miss unless samus BAIR is sweetspotted, then no damage to Samus will occur
5. A samus utilit will go through a Luigi's MISFIRE; both players will suffer hits if connection occurs at midway point of samus' utilit (leg is horizontal)

Situational tips:

1. If you have a habit of DAIRing on Luigi and your opponents begins to make a habit of upsmashing your DAIR, try FFing behind Luigi and l-cancelling a BAIR. These two options make your opponent have to guess which move you will try, with there being no time to regroup before being hit for a wrong guess. Luigi's upsmash doesn't have the range to stop a BAIR.

2. Luigi's dash attack flows right into an upB, however, especially if you're CCing the dash attack, a dtilt by samus will interrupt the upB right before it's executed.

3. Do not sidestep Luigi's sex kick; his leg is out for too long. If you must sidestep wait until his foot begins connecting and your shield begins to flicker.

3. After sidestepping Luigi's aerials a dsmash works great. When your opponent catches onto your tatic, he will either shield or use his neutral A combo. A jab after a sidestep will come out first and stop luigi's neutral A, after which you can either A again or dsmash.

4. Save your jumps when recovering for FAIRs, as Luigi's FAIR can be a great edguarder when he hops off the edge to meet you while you're bomb jumping, assuming you're below the stage.

5. Ftilts are a godsend against Luigi's. Most of them will connect before Luigi gets close enough for any ground attacks, and angled ftilts are excellent against a low aerial luigi.

6. Luigi kind of floats, so a grab dthrow to a FAIR generally hits better than an UAIR, even if you SH it, because not only do you risk missing but a luigi sex kick comes out faster and has a better chance of hitting. Any other directional throws are fine, just a little more difficult to combo, even at low percentages.

7. Luigis fsmash is actually a good edguarder, but for some reason many luigi mains seem to utilize this move the least during battle. Plus, a fmash is easy to pary because of its slow execution. Try jabbing a fsmash, you'll find your opponent thrown off his game for a split second.

8. A smart egduarding technique is to edgehog a not-yet-upB'd luigi, fall away from the edge and shoot him with a full charge shot. Even if you fall away and jump outward to decrease your chance of being coined by his up b, the firing of the charge shot still gives you plenty of time to air dodge up and grapple the stage.

9. Luigi cannot sweet spot edgegrab a left or right B, but he is fully mobile after a misfire, so edgehogging when luigi is out and even to the stage surface isn't a good idea. During that time utilts are good and so are dsmashes.

10. Try intentional clanking, or parying, with the jab. In most cases, a clank makes your opponent instinctly cstick the same smash again, no matter what character they are so clanking, sidestepping(or ground dodging, whichever term you prefer), and dsmashing is a good way to fluster them.

11. If Luigi 1-ups you after 74% you will lose a life 90 percent of the time, after 64%, 46 percent of the time. You can, however, recover up to 86% if you hold the cstick downward and mash the joystick left and right immediately after being 1-up'd. ("1-up'd" is a successful upB which makes the home run bat sound, "coined" is the 1% damage from a miss.)

12. Always shield if luigi launches himself at you and his motive isn't recovery, reason being you can charge up a nice f, b, or dsmash for a full second if luigi misses and lands near you. Advanced luigi players rarely do this.

13. Try not to attempt WDing back and fsmashing a luigi if he WDs to Dsmashes a lot. He has greater range than you do and your WD back to DSmash will clank. Instead, Shffl a retreating FAIR, or WD Homing MC.*
*frequent use of bombs helps also
(Credit to Aftermath for tip)

14. Most seasoned Luigi players only use his spin move(down+B) for recovery purposes because they're easy to see coming and you can handle them one of three ways:
-dsmash the oncoming spin sending Luigi flying away from you
-WD back and f or bsmash
-shield the spin and quickly shffl ADA

Useful Tips:
-The Misfire-
I've noticed a misfire will occur twice in a row if the following conditions are present.
A) The first misfire launched Luigi from the left side of the stage to the right.
B) The first misfire leaves Luigi either significantly below the stage or above the stage but no ground directly beneath him.
Note: in a level such as Hyrule, a misfire will occur if the ground you launched from or above has another platform patch of ground near it that is EXACTLY the same height.
Also, a misfire is more likely to occur if during the same frame of animation your opponent presses the buttons for a launch, your character's back is to Luigi and you are pressing the buttons to turn around and face him.

Some of this information is general. For example, most character's upsmashes have some of the highest priority of moves in their arsenal. I'll add a lot more later, if there's any incorrect info, or tips please let me know. Also, if someones already done this for luigi and I'm a crazy fool, feel free to tell me. Thanks


Smash Champion
Mar 23, 2004
Portland, OR
You might want to just clarify the Luigi usmash thing by noting that during the attack frames of the move, his entire head is actually invincible. Aerials do not ever clank, they either outprioritize one another or both hit, so you might want to fix what you said about Samus bair against Luigi's bair. From my experience, if Samus sweetspots the bair, it'll go through Luigi's bair. Also, I think a good tip is to use bombs on a Luigi that does a lot of WD tilt.

Funny timing for this thread though, I just got back from a WA tournament where I lost a MM to Ka-Master. He's coming for an OR tournament this weekend, so I'll try to play him a bunch and see if I can add any tips to this.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2006
Fresno, CA
Yeah, thanks for correcting me on the aerials. I'd never actually seen them clank, just both hit or miss, but I assumed it was possible.


Also, punctuation and grammar for easier reading will be corrected later after brainstorm.
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