If you can't pick it out for yourself, I can't really confirm anything. I'm happy to clarify anything that was in the trailer. I'm more interested in presenting discussion points and driving conversation here. It's part of my market research, lol.
Samus/ZSS is still a mystery. You may notice we even cut the clip at the end of ZSS' Final Smash, so you can't know for sure if even that transforms her now. Hey, we could just be especially concerned about keeping secrets though ;D
As for me. I'll still play Lucario. My background is in Traditional Fighting Games, so Lucario has major appeal for me. I actually had a lot more competitive success in the TFG scene than I ever did with Smash. But there's something about Smash's fighter-platformer physics-heavy style that always struck me as having beautiful potential. Struggling more in this game than other TFGs also pulls at my competitive side. Project M's Lucario will always be enjoyable to me for all of those reasons. For as long as I enjoy Project M. I have a hard time imagining if I ever wont.
Sorry, I can't confirm or deny that. As you may of noticed, a lot of bomb play was left out of the trailer. I will say thought that you can probably identify other core features of other characters that went missing in the trailer. Hopefully you can balance right there on the edge of your seat until the 9th.
Speaking totally as an individual, and not as a PMBR member. I think that's a fantastic idea! We talk and awful lot about aesthetics in the PMBR. These debates can often last a long time due to the subjective nature of these things. A lot of market research has to be done to really come to a decision. That and can you imagine the technical difficulties of it? I can tell you this: Have you noticed how SWD works? It's not an animation, which means its not its own action. It's this 'crazy' momentum tech. You're in wait the whole time. So how are we going to tell the game to have special gfx while in SWD, and not have them disappear as soon as you touch another button? Maybe we've already cracked it. Stay tuned.
I can't tell you anything you didn't see, but take a hard look at what IS there. All of the Ice moves had alternative coverage / timings. Normal/Fire Fsmash had the new explosion bubble at the end of the gunarm. Ice Fsmash had a solid Ice casing around the gun arm. We can see it has less range, but that range is more like what were used to in Melee. Look at the differences between the two Fairs! And did you see that Ice Usmash? We only saw one move in action though. Dtilt. Look closely. It hit Zard more than one time, and then sent him off. Do you think Ice Dtilt will be the only Ice move to have on-hit properties different from their Fire counterparts?