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Ryu always faces the opponent in 1v1 now? That's not good...


Smash Rookie
Jun 19, 2018
I just don't see the problem with this. Sakurai might've made it so that even if Ryu's always facing the opponent, when he's in mid-air, simply holding the analog stick behind him and pressing A he'd still do a bair only it'll redirect and do the bair towards the opponent, so essentially an automatic RAR bair.
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Deleted member

I think it's a really neat touch. I was a big fan of his command inputs in Smash 4 cause they felt good to do successfully.

The fact that he gets even closer to his origin makes him feel even more original.
Tbh if you don't like his command inputs to begin with, I don't see why you'd want to play him. His most satisfying gameplay is through those.

I can't wait to see how this will impact his eventual movement, cuz that stuff was tight as heck.

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
Should this be exclusive to Ryu? Because I feel like Marth needs this mechanic more because of how his Final Smash backfires when he misses.

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
your suggestion sounds like a personal problem and not something people are looking for in buffs
So what? Being able to keep facing your opponent would help the accuracy of your moves to avoid Marth self-destructing at his Final Smash just because he was facing the wrong direction. And hey, it could benefit players who don't pay attention to where their characters are facing and fire projectiles the wrong way or punch at the wrong direction. Then again, if everyone faced their opponents, you can't really take advantage of Shulk's Backslash.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
And hey, it could benefit players who don't pay attention to where their characters are facing and fire projectiles the wrong way or punch at the wrong direction.
They could just be good and pay attention. Why would I want the game to give freebies to people who don't want to put the same level of work into it as me?


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
So what? Being able to keep facing your opponent would help the accuracy of your moves to avoid Marth self-destructing at his Final Smash just because he was facing the wrong direction. And hey, it could benefit players who don't pay attention to where their characters are facing and fire projectiles the wrong way or punch at the wrong direction. Then again, if everyone faced their opponents, you can't really take advantage of Shulk's Backslash.
This is a board for ryu, not marth. This mechanic was put in for ryu as a call back to his own games, as he’s the only character who is truly from another fighting game series, and lately sakurai has been really picky on having characters have very distinct mechanics from their own games if possible.

You should start paying more attention, you’re asking for something not because it would make marth feel more true to fire emblem, but because you’re not paying attention to what you’re doing in a match.

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
Well, if you want players to pay attention and not be given the freebie of always facing the opponent, Ryu shouldn't have that mechanic either. So what if the Street Fighter games have you face the opponent? This is Smash Bros. And if this face opponent thing works only in 1 on 1 but not four player Smash or eight player Smash, that could mess some people up. Captain Falcon is not racing in his Blue Falcon (except to run over the target in his Final Smash). Sonic's not collecting rings. The Fire Emblem characters aren't moving one-at-a-time. The Star Fox characters aren't flying in their Arwings (except in the new Final Smash), the Pokémon aren't stationary on two platforms on the battlefield. Ridley had to be shrunk. Olimar had to be bigger. Not everyone has to be accurate to the gameplay of their original games. What next? Street Fighter health bars on top of the screen?


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
Honestly it's a huge buff to Ryu to be able to move backwards while facing the opponent. Being able to use your forward-facing moves while fading back on the ground is a pretty big deal for him. In general he struggles with mobility and getting in on people, so having a tool to be moving while having access to his kit is a raw deal.

His range is still hilariously stubby, so characters with longer ranged options can still collapse on him, but, now Ryu has access to invulnerable options in DP, and held uTilt. He'll even be able to get away with making people walk into his cr. MK (held dTilt), which was one of his stronger tools in Ultra. On top of that he's got the frame data to use these tools against characters like Cloud and Marth, assuming Ryu's startup data isn't jacked up. Being able to actually do traditional SF shimmies will let his kit do what it's supposed to do. He can make up for his range by making people have to come in on him now, which is what he's been the most solid at in most of his appearances.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2018
Well, if you want players to pay attention and not be given the freebie of always facing the opponent, Ryu shouldn't have that mechanic either. So what if the Street Fighter games have you face the opponent? This is Smash Bros. And if this face opponent thing works only in 1 on 1 but not four player Smash or eight player Smash, that could mess some people up. Captain Falcon is not racing in his Blue Falcon (except to run over the target in his Final Smash). Sonic's not collecting rings. The Fire Emblem characters aren't moving one-at-a-time. The Star Fox characters aren't flying in their Arwings (except in the new Final Smash), the Pokémon aren't stationary on two platforms on the battlefield. Ridley had to be shrunk. Olimar had to be bigger. Not everyone has to be accurate to the gameplay of their original games. What next? Street Fighter health bars on top of the screen?
That's pretty backwards logic to be honest, at that point you might as well just give this mechanic to everybody and not have bairs
( like villager having the same fair and bair) and pivot- grabs,tilts and smashes at all in the game.

I mean I get that sometimes Sakurai gets a little carried away with how original and loyal, he wants to make certain character's movesets and quirks/abilities
( cloud and bayo come to mind), but that doesn't mean you should just omit every such speciality/privelege for other characters( as long as it's within reason, which it definitely is for ryu).

Not gonna lie, you just sound whiny with the way you're argueing. To give you an example, I once mentionned within the ganon boards, that it's pretty bull that bowser (Tough Guy)
had/has light armor compared to Ganon, despite being overall faster and more viable and not to mention Ganon actually wearing ****ing solid ass armor and when regarding canon, being untouchable by anything but holy weapons like Master sword and light arrows!!!

But does that mean I'm gonna go over to the Bowser boards and complain about this matter, while being way more justified in my reasoning?! NO! Just, no.

With your reasoning I could just as well say that ganon deserves Kirby's Inhale ability, just because his neutral B is legitimate crap >_>
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Well, if you want players to pay attention and not be given the freebie of always facing the opponent, Ryu shouldn't have that mechanic either. So what if the Street Fighter games have you face the opponent? This is Smash Bros. And if this face opponent thing works only in 1 on 1 but not four player Smash or eight player Smash, that could mess some people up. Captain Falcon is not racing in his Blue Falcon (except to run over the target in his Final Smash). Sonic's not collecting rings. The Fire Emblem characters aren't moving one-at-a-time. The Star Fox characters aren't flying in their Arwings (except in the new Final Smash), the Pokémon aren't stationary on two platforms on the battlefield. Ridley had to be shrunk. Olimar had to be bigger. Not everyone has to be accurate to the gameplay of their original games. What next? Street Fighter health bars on top of the screen?
You forgot the part where I said “lately” how sakurai designed characters in the past isn’t really relevant to how he’s doing it now. Again, certain characters he’s lately been picky about incorporating several elements from their own games. And certain mechanics from those characters games translate better than others to smash anyway. Ryu is a no brainer as he was from a traditional fighter and it’s much easier to translate certain traits and mechanics from his games than say... falcon or the star fox crew.

But you know what, I’ll just tell you what someone at the ic board told me since i was disappointed that sakurai couldn’t find a way to include their strong grab game(despite me hating facing ics in both Melee and brawl) in switch in a way that was balanced this time since they have been known for their strong grab game in both games they were in;

At the end of the day it really doesn’t matter what we think or feel, it’s what the developer wants and envisions for the character(s).

As annoying as that response was, it’s the truth, while they might incorporate some things if demand was high enough (Ridley and Daisy for example) others it’s all up to the developer and we don’t have much say.

And tbh, demand for having every character face their opponent at all times in smash is low, extremely low, in fact many more are likely actively against it as they’d feel it might make smash feel too close to a traditional fighter and lose a part of what makes smash feel like smash.
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Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
And Ryu's back air may be harder to do when he always needs to face his opponent.
Which I'll gladly trade for everything that facing forwards while walking backwards gets me. I'm not ready to cry about one move when I get so much extra.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2014
Sean Wheeler Sean Wheeler - So which is it? Does everyone need to have the mechanic or is it too bothersome? In one case you make it seem like everyone should have the SF mechanic because it's so OP, but then you turn around and say that fighters would be losing viability if they always faced each other. It can't be both there bud.

Some folks have talked about toggling rage. Then only Lucario has it and we're right back to your arguments of equal ability distribution again. In fact, even without turning it off Lucario essentially double rages so he's still got an ability advantage over the other fighters. Bayonetta can jump after each of her aerial specials, should we make sure that everyone can? I'd love to give that to someone like CF or Link right about now. No. They have unique abilities because the game revolves around the idea of combining a multitude of characters into a massive slugfest.

Now. Onto the topic of facing the opponent. He turns only while he's standing so when he's in the air all of the usual Smash Bros mechanics are in place. Considering where the meta went in Sm4sh I am pretty confident he'll be in the air a lot so the advantage or disadvantage the mechanic gives will probably become minimal once the fight leaves the early neutral stage.
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Smash Rookie
Aug 29, 2018
I like this change, doing the inputs always felt kinda awkward in Smash 4 imo (especially doing the tatsu) so I'm over the moon with this change, the only thing of concern to me is his keep away game, it looks like you can't run backwards.

Payaso Jazzista

Smash Rookie
Oct 4, 2018
Village of vale
this change is really good because he can cover all ledge options, plus missed inputs will be less likely happening with him. my only gripes with this is that ryu will be vulnerable against mewtwo's disable and objects behind him like luma and nana, but overall it's more of a buff than a nerf if you think about it


Smash Rookie
Feb 5, 2019
Did any other Ryu players feel like this new "mechanic" with Ryu could really mess up their play style if it doesn't have a means of being turned off? I find myself turning away during one on one fights quite often for many things from back air setups to "accidentally" jabbing the wrong way right on front of another just to reverse-input-shoryuken them right as they try to take advantage of me being open from behind. The second I saw that backwards walk I couldn't help but think, "please let there be a way to turn that off".
You can still RAR, cross ups are better, it’s not a problem except for people stuck in Sm4sh mentality
Suck it up and adapt
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