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Reginn Suits Up! - Reginn (Fire Emblem Heroes) Support Thread


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Reginn Suits Up!

Who is this?
Reginn is a Princess of the Kingdom of Niðavellir. Using the power of Seiðjárn - a scientifically-inspired type of magic-metal fusion - she fights in a Gullinbursti. Basically, she's a horseless cavalier fighter with a mech suit taking the role of her horse. She fights with a mix of the sword she carries and the magical devices that are totally distinct from machine guns attached on her armor.

Why is this?
Well, I'm guessing someone at the Fire Emblem Heroes team was like "We've done Fire Kingdom, Ice Kingdom, Death Kingdom, and Dream Kingdom... What next?" and someone replied "What if we had some robots with loose Norse roots?" and someone said "That sounds awesome!"

And now it's happened.

And it is, indeed, weirdly awesome!

How would she be different from the other Fire Emblem characters?
Well, the bad news is that she has blue hair and a sword.

The good news is that she is in a vaguely horse-shaped mech with machine guns attached to it. If you look carefully, you will notice that Marth is, in fact, not in a vaguely horse-shaped mech with machine guns attached to it. So, she has that going for her in terms of unique traits!


If you look very closely, you may notice the mech in this image.

So... Fire Emblem Heroes reps?
Smash Bros is weirdly hestiant on representing spin-off games, but Fire Emblem Heroes is a juggernaut of Nintendo's non-Pokemon-Go mobile game output. It makes a tonne of money and has a fairly large active playerbase. It even does have some songs in Smash Bros already, but no spirits and no particular home stage - even though a Fire Emblem Heroes stage would be a perfect way of putting in a lot of fan-favourite Fire Emblem cameos at once (possibly even using the Choose Your Legends poll as a reference to decide to include). It also has a tonne of OCs at this point, so it could easily be an all-OC spirit board!

As for whether or not Nintendo should promote a gacha game in Smash Bros morally... They probably shouldn't, honestly, so take this thread as my favourite incarnation of a dubious idea. Though honestly I like Alfonse and Sharena and Anna fine too.

Moveset Pitch!

The main gimmick of this moveset is based on FEH Skill Inheritance, where characters can equip a variety of skills including ones not naturally standard to that character. For this, Reginn has a total of 6 options for her side-special and each direction can have different skills equipped on them. There is also a gach mechanic on her FInal Smash as we had to represent that somewhere.

Seior Shell.png

As the meme goes, for her neutral special… she does indeed wield a not-a-gun-because-this-is-magic-and-not-gunpowder.

She uses the power assigned to the A Skill slot in her down-special. Here are three examples of skills!

She does a super-powerful charging sword attack, but inflicts a small percentage of damage onto herself. Basically, she becomes Pichu for exactly one move. This move also has a slow build-up, making it very easy to dodge. Good for kills if someone is already stunned though!

Close Counter
She pauses in defense and then does a slice if attacked… like with most Fire Emblem characters.

She charges forward, attacking anyone she hits and while spinning them around, causing her to take the position that they were in when attacked. So, for example, if she’s falling off the stage and Lunges, then she could swap spots with an edgeguarding foe to become the edgeguarder and to knock them off the stage.

She uses the power assigned to the B Skill slot in her down-special. Here are three more examples of skills!

Poison Strike
She does a quick sword stab, with a lingering curse after-effect, similar to Joker’s Eiha.

Breath of Life
She grabs onto the opponent and shoots at them with her gatling guns, healing herself in the process, similar to Robin’s down-special.

Quick Riposte
She does a quick strike. This move can be used multiple times in a row to form a 3-part combo of strikes, but it depends on the amount of health she has. 0%-20% allows for all 3 attacks, 20%-60%, allows for two, and 60% or above is just one.

Similar to Hero, a menu appears overtop her portrait. On it, six icons and names appear representing the six skills (explained above) that can be assigned to her two skill slots (A and B). The first one you select becomes her A skill and the second one becomes her B Skill. If you are attacked mid-selection, then you can fill an empty B skill slot right away by doing the down-special again.

These skills all have a set order of appearance (all six appear at once with consistent placement) and the chosen skills’ icons will be displayed by her portrait at all times, ensuring other players know what moves she has access to.

Similar to Zelda, she has a teleporting up-special.

Additionally, when sent into free fall, she loses her mech suit - this helps her fall slower and more gracefully (as her mech suit would have her dropping like a rock) at the expense of not being able to do aerials.

Upon activision, Alfonse appears and does a slice attack, similar to Chrom in Robin’s Pair Up. Unlike Pair Up, however, any foes contacted will be sent to a cutscene Final Smash.

Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna all do dramatic poses alongside Reginn. The camera then pans out to the hero summoning altar from Fire Emblem Heroes, with has a puff of smoke appear around it and a fifth hero appears.

45% of the time the hero is Fjorm, the Book 2 unit and Princess of Nifl. She shouts “This is my all! For Nifl!” and joins the others for an attack, KO-ing at over 100% and launching otherwise.

30% of the time the hero is Eir, the Book 3 unit and Princess from the land of the dead. She calmly declares “Don’t worry. You won’t suffer.” and joins the others for an attack, KO-ing at over 80% and launching otherwise.

20% of the time the hero is Peony, the Book 4 unit and resident of Ljósálfheimr, the land of dreams. She laughs and shouts “Nap time for you!” and joins the others for an attack, KO-ing at over 60% and launching otherwise.

5% of the time the hero is Veronica, the Book 1 villain (turned Book 2/3/4 uneasy ally) and Princess of Emblia. She excitedly shouts “This time, we stand together!” and joins the others for an attack, KO-ing at the objectively-absurd rate of over 40% and launching otherwise.

For some stability, this Final Smash gets standardized when playing on Battlefield/Final Destination stages. The graphics will still be different, but it always KOs at over 90%.

amageish amageish
SharkLord SharkLord
Clumsyzephyr Clumsyzephyr
C chocolatejr9
♕Pretty Roger♕ ♕Pretty Roger♕
Mushroomguy12 Mushroomguy12
Last edited:


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Y'know what? I support. Heroes doesn't interest me much in terms of gameplay, but the settings are pretty interesting, and the sheer audacity of having a steampunk centaur mech with guns and missiles in a Fire Emblem game is too much to pass up. Plus, I'm pretty interested in the concept of a full high-tech Fire Emblem game. Until it actually happens, I think Reginn can serve as the face of that concept pretty well for now.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Y'know what? I support. Heroes doesn't interest me much in terms of gameplay, but the settings are pretty interesting, and the sheer audacity of having a steampunk centaur mech with guns and missiles in a Fire Emblem game is too much to pass up. Plus, I'm pretty interested in the concept of a full high-tech Fire Emblem game. Until it actually happens, I think Reginn can serve as the face of that concept pretty well for now.
Added! Heroes definitely has upped its settings game since the game's launch for sure. Obviously they're not at the level of the mainline games, but I'll admit the stories have gotten me quite invested.

High-tech Fire Emblem is seemingly something they've been dancing around for a while, given Awakening's original concept, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, and now FEH Book V. It'll be interesting to see if it happens in full.

She's got such a weird/interesting looking mech, I support!
Added! It's a bizzare mech, but I kind of love it...


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Added! Heroes definitely has upped its settings game since the game's launch for sure. Obviously they're not at the level of the mainline games, but I'll admit the stories have gotten me quite invested.

High-tech Fire Emblem is seemingly something they've been dancing around for a while, given Awakening's original concept, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, and now FEH Book V. It'll be interesting to see if it happens in full.
Also the Agarthans and Shambhala, don't forget those guys


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Also the Agarthans and Shambhala, don't forget those guys
Right! How could I forget the City of Dubstep, as one of my friends calls it.

I just hope a techy FE game would keep up the fantasy grounding, instead of ending up as Advance Wars with defined characters... FEH's "magic-infused metal" is kind of silly, but it still works all things considered.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Right! How could I forget the City of Dubstep, as one of my friends calls it.

I just hope a techy FE game would keep up the fantasy grounding, instead of ending up as Advance Wars with defined characters... FEH's "magic-infused metal" is kind of silly, but it still works all things considered.
Yeah, I was saying over on the newcomer thread that I'd prefer a steampunk/magitek style of technology over a straight modern military FE. Aside from being a bit too far from what FE's known for, it might seem too much like a replacement for Advance Wars.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Yeah, I was saying over on the newcomer thread that I'd prefer a steampunk/magitek style of technology over a straight modern military FE. Aside from being a bit too far from what FE's known for, it might seem too much like a replacement for Advance Wars.
Definitely agreed. I'd be fine with a bit more steampunk then even Niðavellir is - fully-robotic things instead of just mech-suits would be fine - but I'd rather not go all the way to guns/ships replacing the fantasy weapons and magic...

That said, if Nintendo would like to bring Advance Wars back, then that'd be fine too. I just hope it wouldn't go too Fire-Emblem-y either - I like Advance Wars having mobs of enemies to throw at a wall, as opposed to Fire Emblem's "cry every time a unit dies."


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
I feel like I'm at least partially responsible for Reginn gaining some attention, namely by sharing the Book V movie on the General Newcomer thread. That being said, I like FEH in spite of its flaws, and Reginn seems like she'll be an interesting character. I'll support.

By the way, shoutouts to the Book V main theme:



Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
I feel like I'm at least partially responsible for Reginn gaining some attention, namely by sharing the Book V movie on the General Newcomer thread. That being said, I like FEH in spite of its flaws, and Reginn seems like she'll be an interesting character. I'll support.
Thanks for the outreach! Added to the support list. I just kind of thought she'd be cool and felt passionate enough to make a thread right away... even though I imagine most people would rather anyone over another FE character, especially a mobile one.

FEH music is pretty fantastic, which is both surprising and not... The key art is fantastic this book too.

Also, I have added a moveset pitch to OP! I tried to make her gimmicky (probably to a fault) to match the current fighter designs we've seen in Pass 2. You know, the "screw your ordinary control scheme"-type characters. So, we've got some unique skills that you can equip on her through her down-special plus a gacha mechanic in the final smash!


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018

Well, we've got a new banner with FEH OC focuses. Seems like New Years banners are just the ones they put the OCs in?


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018

Well, we've got a new banner with FEH OC focuses. Seems like New Years banners are just the ones they put the OCs in?
I remember Fjorm got a BUNCH of alts back when she was still relevant, but they seem to have toned it down in general when it comes to OCs.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
I remember Fjorm got a BUNCH of alts back when she was still relevant, but they seem to have toned it down in general when it comes to OCs.
True. The last few years have had an Heroes-centric New Year's though, which seems like it it is a trend here to stay... unless they just drop it, which they always can do given things like Farfetched Heroes...


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
True. The last few years have had an Heroes-centric New Year's though, which seems like it it is a trend here to stay... unless they just drop it, which they always can do given things like Farfetched Heroes...
Oh well. There's always CYL. They usually listen to that.

Mark my words, I WILL get my Brave Bernadetta! MARK THEM!!!!!!!


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Oh well. There's always CYL. They usually listen to that.

Mark my words, I WILL get my Brave Bernadetta! MARK THEM!!!!!!!
I'm hoping Bernie does well too! I was voting for her last time, but I'm worried the fact she's now in the game twice when other popular TH characters aren't in it once will cause her voters to jump to other ships. I also wouldn't be surprised if the "Whoops All Three Houses" banner last year caused some people to avoid voting for TH entirely (though that'll probably just result in more people trying to finally let Marth win the FE popularity contest)...

I'll probably vote for Bernie for a bit then see what the interim results are...


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
I'm hoping Bernie does well too! I was voting for her last time, but I'm worried the fact she's now in the game twice when other popular TH characters aren't in it once will cause her voters to jump to other ships. I also wouldn't be surprised if the "Whoops All Three Houses" banner last year caused some people to avoid voting for TH entirely (though that'll probably just result in more people trying to finally let Marth win the FE popularity contest)...

I'll probably vote for Bernie for a bit then see what the interim results are...
Yeah, all I can do now is hope people are still willing to vote Three Houses even a year after its release. Though I'm one of those weird people who doesn't vote for the same character everyday, so who am I to judge?

What? Somebody's gotta give the last placers a pity vote...


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Yeah, all I can do now is hope people are still willing to vote Three Houses even a year after its release. Though I'm one of those weird people who doesn't vote for the same character everyday, so who am I to judge?

What? Somebody's gotta give the last placers a pity vote...
I mean, one could argue people like you are the ones actually effecting the results and making them vaguely representivie, as obviously I do not exclusively care about Bernie. So, like, don't feel bad about it or anything haha.

I used to not vote strategically, but I do nowadays... I'll still toss a vote or two towards Anna though.

♕Pretty Roger♕

God Roger
Jan 5, 2015
Switch FC
I really like FEH and the OCs, i think Reginn would avoid the "too much FE" compaints even if she has a sword because of her mech, i do think Alfonse and Sharena seem like the obvious FEH rep, but i like Reginn too!


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
I really like FEH and the OCs, i think Reginn would avoid the "too much FE" compaints even if she has a sword because of her mech, i do think Alfonse and Sharena seem like the obvious FEH rep, but i like Reginn too!
Welcome aboard! I was hoping Reginn's mech would make her stand out at least... I would be fine with the other FEH OCs too though, assuming they come with some FEH-y flair to make their movesets stand out. Anna would have the bonus irony of a mobile game being repped by someone defined by liking money... Poeny is possibly one of the only flying FE units I could see, like, actually flying in Smash....

Also, hi Mushroomguy12 Mushroomguy12 ! I see you have liked the OP and I recall you mentioning in Tifa's thread that some threads have that be a way of indicating you want to be added the support list. Do you want to be added to the support list?


Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Welcome aboard! I was hoping Reginn's mech would make her stand out at least... I would be fine with the other FEH OCs too though, assuming they come with some FEH-y flair to make their movesets stand out. Anna would have the bonus irony of a mobile game being repped by someone defined by liking money... Poeny is possibly one of the only flying FE units I could see, like, actually flying in Smash....

Also, hi Mushroomguy12 Mushroomguy12 ! I see you have liked the OP and I recall you mentioning in Tifa's thread that some threads have that be a way of indicating you want to be added the support list. Do you want to be added to the support list?


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
I am reviving this thread to inform everyone that CYL5 has begun:

As is tradition, you can, in fact, vote for the Book 5 units, including Reginn!
Woo! I think I'm probably going to be continuing my Bernie-voting from last year until the interim results, at which point I will switch to whoever I like that is already in the top few...


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
I know it's been awhile, but I felt like pointing out that we're already getting Book 5 OCs added as playable characters.



Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
I know it's been awhile, but I felt like pointing out that we're already getting Book 5 OCs added as playable characters.

Yeah, uh, r/FireEmblemHeroes sure didn't take that one well, huh? Though that's partly just a result of how Mythics are kind of an underdeveloped concept in general...

As for Smash Bros, I do still think a mobile rep is possible, though I could see My Summoner as maybe making the Summoner themselves a more appealing candidate... I mean, you got a lot of alt options now lol.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Yeah, uh, r/FireEmblemHeroes sure didn't take that one well, huh? Though that's partly just a result of how Mythics are kind of an underdeveloped concept in general...

As for Smash Bros, I do still think a mobile rep is possible, though I could see My Summoner as maybe making the Summoner themselves a more appealing candidate... I mean, you got a lot of alt options now lol.
As far as mobile reps, I'm gonna go all in on Euden if we STILL don't have any Dragalia Lost content by the time we're speculating Fighter 11. Lack of European presence be darned.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
As far as mobile reps, I'm gonna go all in on Euden if we STILL don't have any Dragalia Lost content by the time we're speculating Fighter 11. Lack of European presence be darned.
Yeah, mobile games generally lack content in the game. I could totally see Euden with Alfonse as a Mii Costume happening too...

I don't know if the salt would be more or less then FEH, honestly.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Yeah, mobile games generally lack content in the game. I could totally see Euden with Alfonse as a Mii Costume happening too...

I don't know if the salt would be more or less then FEH, honestly.
Trust me, not only would they be ending on another first party (I'd expect something along the lines of "they didn't learn from Byleth"), they would be ending on a MOBILE rep. There will be more salt than people knew existed on the planet.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Trust me, not only would they be ending on another first party (I'd expect something along the lines of "they didn't learn from Byleth"), they would be ending on a MOBILE rep. There will be more salt than people knew existed on the planet.
I'm sure any mobile rep would have salt; I was just wondering if DL or FEH would result in more salt... One is a new IP, but the other is the bigger game... Oh, who am I kidding, I'm sure people would say "It should have been [the other one]" no matter which one got in.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
The trailer is pretty cool. I like how FEH's production values keep going up year after year. Reginn looked pretty badass in it...

It also seems very not-subtle about the direction the book is heading, but hey. It looks cool! I continue to love the design of this world.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018

Nothing to do with Reginn herself, but I guess we have a new look for FEH sprite animation. It's very cute and feels weirdly nostalgic? Idk how; it's just very much in the style of old stop-motion animation, I guess...


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018

Nothing to do with Reginn herself, but I guess we have a new look for FEH sprite animation. It's very cute and feels weirdly nostalgic? Idk how; it's just very much in the style of old stop-motion animation, I guess...
To be honest, I'm surprised they're actually acknowledging Fjorm again. Feels like forever since last time...


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
To be honest, I'm surprised they're actually acknowledging Fjorm again. Feels like forever since last time...
Yeah, they seem to be doing a full Book 2 throwback with the next two Tempest Trials, interestingly enough. I guess they're going to explain why Fjorm is still chilling out in Book 5 instead of being dead?


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018

Again, not Reginn in particular, but Delzithin went to Zenith and cooked up a Kiran moveset, which is very entertaining to think about.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Well, a LOT has happened with Reginn recently...

But to try and keep spoilers to a minimum, I'll just say we've entered the endgame now. Case in point:



Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Well, a LOT has happened with Reginn recently...

But to try and keep spoilers to a minimum, I'll just say we've entered the endgame now. Case in point:
Yeah, I'm... mixed-to-positive on the story of Book 5! It is very obvious what direction the story is going in, but, hey, it's still enjoyable.

Otr looks neat! I probably won't pull on him myself though; I just got some exceptionally bad luck with the Ashen Wolves banner (a sparked Hapi was my only focus unit and I only got one other 5-star-exclusive unit outside of her) and am going to spend some time licking my wounds...

Anyway, as for Reginn and Smash... Yeah, I doubt it's happening at this point, but maybe we'd get FEH costumes if the fighter is Euden. There is also maintenance happening for FEH for the 5th which some people are taking as an excuse to be pre-emptively salty about "More FE," which seems very... pre-emptive.
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