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Rate Their Chances - Smash Ultimate Edition! Day 672: Five Most Likely First and Third Parties for Smash 6, and Final Goodbyes


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
Prof. Hector.

Chance - 0% - ROB being a robot that you interface with the game was more iconic than anything that actually was in the game. The scientist guy who was in the game? Virtually no one remembers or cares about the guy. Considering this is DLC we're talking about here, there's very little room for quirky picks.

Want - 25% - I would much rather have retros come from as many different games as possible. I'd also much rather have characters people actually cared about for DLC.


Monster Hunter X5


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2014
The elegant battlefield.
Well, the time has come.

R.O.B.'s Father

Chance: 0.01%
Yeah, I know there's absolutely no way this would happen for DLC. He would clearly be a base roster or nothing, like Mach Rider, sort of deal. However, I knew he wouldn't do that well in chance straight from the beginning. I more wanted to see what people thought of the actual character from Gyromite/Stack-Up as opposed to the peripheral we got. ROB is great, don't get me wrong, but it feels awkward to have an a ROB amiibo. It's a toy of a toy. ROB was never the main character of the games, he was your player 2. Professor Hector was the true main character. I also wanted to see what people thought of retro series getting more than one rep in the future. Regardless of all that, what's holding the professor back? Many things. For one, Nintendo sees ROB repping his franchise well enough. Another, would an obscure character like this sell? At all? In an era where Porky is up to debate due to his partial obscurity and missing a spirit, does Professor Hector really hold a candle? Finally, demand... yeah, I admit, it's not there.

Want: 90%
Which is a shame, because honestly, I don't think the Gyromite and Stack-Up games are represented well at all with ROB. Sure, he has a gyro attack, but aside form that, what else do you get from those games by seeing ROB fight? A jet burner? Lasers? Spinning arms? None of that was ever a selling point of his original titles, aside from ROB's motor arms maybe representing how ROB moved when playing the game (spoiler alert, it doesn't, no ROB unit can truly move like that). Where are the closing gates from Gyromite? The Stack-Up blocks from Stack-Up? Heck, the enemies from the game aren't even spirits. ROB is only scrapping the bottom of the barrel for truly showing off content from his games, and seems to more be about showing off the peripheral that ROB was back in the day. And believe me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but why not do both at once? I'm not saying I dislike ROB, quite the opposite, I find him rather interesting, but I feel more could be done for the games he is to represent. Granted, as much as I'd like to see the retro reps start being treated as actual series, I will knock 10% here, as I completely understand that DLC is not the place to do this. This is more a base roster addition, not a DLC choice.

Predictions: Shy Guy
Hmm, it would appear Piranha Plant already beat the poor fella to the punch... 1.16%

Q*Bert x5
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Teacher Eliwood

Chance: 0%. We already have a character from Gyromyte/Stack Up, and it's probably too obscure to get a second. Especially on a DLC Slot.

Want: Abstain. I've never played Gyromite

Noms: Maxwell x5


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018

Chance: 0 - Waaaaaay to obscure to get into Smash. Wouldn't even make sense with ROB already in the game too. That's like jamming a 2nd character from Game and Watch or Wii Fit into the game.

Want: 0 - I'd rather have the DLC characters be ones I'd get excited over instead of random retro reps that already have reps from their series

Cranky Kong x5


Smash Lord
Oct 30, 2018
D's best generic enemy ever
Chance:25%: He is definitely the Most likely generic enemy. But we don't know if we are getting a generic enemy.
Want:100%: Yes. so much potential, more so than most characters. He has so many forms. ALso 2nd Yoshi rep.
Nominations Black Mage x5
Also suggestion: How about you get more noms o n the day that a character you gave 25 noms or more? Just seems to make sense.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2018
Switch FC
SW 3649 6707 8868
Shy Guy, aka the boy

Chance: 0%
Big rip because Piranha Plant was already added and there's a snowball's chance in hell that another generic Mario mook will become a character with DLC. I think it is entirely possible (albeit improbable) that we could see him if there's a wave 2 DLC, or in another game, but not for this fighters pass. Not a chance. Hard zero.

Want: 100%
Boi i tell u what Shy Guy would be the most hype addition to Smash of all time for me. I have never not played primarily as him in any game where it is an option. He has diverse moveset potential across his many variations. He's a cutie. He's got a unique overall appearance relative to other characters in the game. He could easily represent many Mario spin-offs at once, and is arguably the best character to do so alongside Waluigi. I know for a fact that I would main him in a heartbeat over pretty much any other possible character in Smash. Pls Sakurai.

Noms: Q*Bert x5


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2013
New Jersey
Uh, oops. Let the old day slip by.

The actual video-game character from R.O.B's game

Chance: Gonna go with a hard 0%. Unfortunately he doesn't have anything that would make for a good DLC candidate when it comes to selling beyond the core fandom. Not very recognizable, not important, retro series rarely, if ever, get more than one character...

Want: 20%. I mean he's not Arle competition, and kinda makes more sense than R.O.B, but right now I've got some selective tastes. I won't cry foul at his inclusion at least, since it means R.O.B will have a place to call home.

As for this guy...

The endless mystery is going to be what's truly, canonically under Shy Guy's mask.

Chance: 0.01%. Unlike other characters who I'd give a hard 0, Shy Guy is at least iconic, so I don't think it's out of the running completely. Still, it's more-or-less in the same boat. I find it's very far down the Mario food chain, and the Yoshi food chain too since Poochy makes for hideously stiff competition.

Want: 20%. Not Arle competition shouldn't be this many characters' saving graces, though yet again that's all I can say about Shy Guy. Aside from that, Shy Guy has nothing they can offer, in my eyes, over an actual character like Waluigi or Poochy, regardless of series. Piranha Plant took the title of "Smash Mook", so I'm not sure we need another so soon to steal its thunder.

Ryu Hayabusa x 5.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2013
In that corner over there
Switch FC
give me a reason I shouldn't want him in Smash.
He's not Rayman.

Also whoops I missed Hector's day.
Anyway, Shy Guy.
Chance: 0%
We just got a generic Mario enemy as DLC, I highly doubt we'll get another. And before you say "but he's a Yoshi character! (despite what Smash itself says)", just ask yourself, does that really make a difference?
Want: 0%
I could think of about 20 Mario characters that would be more interesting than Shy Guy. As for Yoshi characters, the Yoshi series doesn't really need another character, especially since most of them are just carryovers from the Mario series. (Includng Shy Guys!)

Arthas Menethil prediction: 0%, if this gets anything higher, I'll be disappointed.
Noms: SE Rep x5


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Timid Primid

Chance: 1%
If Piranha Plant could get in so Can Shy Guy. Then again if Piranha Plant got in over Shy Guy it’s because they never considered this guy.

Want: 0%
In my youth I was actually kinda behind the idea of Shy Guy, if only to give Yoshi a second Rep. After Piranha Plant, though, I realized how huge of a waste of effort it is to have a generic enemy, and how antithetical to the point of Smash it is. So please no more mooks.

I’d prefer Kamek as a Yoshi pick, and there are so many better choices for a Mario character it’s infuriating.

Noms: Ryota Hayami x5

Will do a noms update but probably way later.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I actually got noms done early, so I’ll just drop them without formatting and clean them up later.

(Dante x205)
Concept: 100 characters (counting Echo Fighters and Miis/Pokémon Trainer as 3) x200
Maxwell (Scribblenauts) x199
Magikarp x199
Cranky Kong x195
Ryota Hayami x190
Concept: Style Savvy rep x190
Monster Hunter x190

200 - 151

Concept: World of Light expansion x185
Concept: No fan favorite/highly requested characters x175
(Hat Kid x165)
Q*Bert x164
Sly Cooper x160

150 - 101

Kat & Ana x145
Concept: Boss Rush x135
Bonkers (Kirby) x130
Poochy x126
Tracer x122
Concept: Undertale rep x120
Amy Rose x115
Vaati x115
Brash the Bear x115
Porky Minch x103
Impa x101

100 - 51

Nathan Drake x100
Concept: Microsoft Rep x100
Aloy x100
Protector (Etrian Odyssey) x100
Concept: Third-party character from unrepped Company x95
Lora (Xenoblade) x95
Ryu Hayabusa x95
Freddi Fish and Luther (Freddi Fish) x90
[Rerate] Erdrick x90
Boss: Kracko x85
Yuri Lowell x75
9-Volt x74
Creeper x72
Black Mage (Final Fantasy) x70
Spyro x67
Noctis Lucis Caelum x60

50 - 25

Ninten x50
Frogger x50
Papyrus x41
Frisk x40
Jin Kazama x35
Concept: Assist Trophy becomes Fighter x30
[Rerate] 2B x30
Decidueye x28
Thrall (Warcraft) x25
Cooking Mama x25

Under 25

Adeleine (Kirby) x22
Boss: Perfect Chaos x20
Kamek x20
Earthworm Jim x20
Gooey (Kirby) x20
Metal Sonic x20
Concept: Fire Emblem Three Houses rep x20
Hector (Fire Emblem) x15
Pyra & Mythra (sans Rex) x15
Reporter & Wrestler x15
Tetromino x15
Concept: Square Enix rep x15
Morrigan Aensland x15
Brian (Quest 64) x12
Concept: Dragalia Lost rep x10
Concept: Bethesda rep x10
Frog (Chrono Trigger) x10
Amaterasu x10
Beat (Jet Set Radio) x10
Tora and Poppi x10
Concept: Spectator Emotes x10
Concept: Spirits aren’t disconfirmations x10
Saber (Fate) x10
Blacephalon x5
Zhao Yun (Dynasty Warriors) x5
Monokuma x5
Concept: Another joke character x5
Neptune x5
Concept: Crazi Taxi rep x5
Oliver (Ni No Kuni) x5
Concept: Free updates (Splatoon-style) x5
Courier (Fallout) x5
Scorpion x5
Concept: Another literally who Level-5 Character who's popular in Japan, like Achilles or Mark Evans x5
Starman (Pro Wrestling) x5
Black Shadow x5
Marx (Kirby) x5
Malzahar (League of Legends) x5
King Boo x5
Concept: Master Chief Mii Costume x5
Crono x5
Worm (Worms) x5
Kyle Hyde x5
X (Mega Man) x5
Lizalfos x4
Toon Zelda x3
Eight (Dragon Quest) x3
[Rerate] Slime (Dragon Quest) x3
Boss: Sans x2
Concept: Persona Spirits x2
Urbosa x1
Stahl x1
[Rerate] Steve? x1

100 characters reaches 200 noms. So, 2 noms per character (hyuk!)

Monster Hunter joins the top 7 again, tying with Ryota Hayami and Style Savvy rep for fifth place and kicking World of Light expansion off.
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Smash Lord
Jul 29, 2014
Drenthe, NL
Mask Piranha Plant
Chance: 0.1%
Wether he'd be part of the Mario or Yoshi series doesn't really matter here.
I'm pretty sure a literal generic mook charcter is a one-and-done deal with Piranha Plant. I really doubt the Smash roster will be completely embracing characters like that anytime soon.

Want: 10%
Shy guys are pretty cute I guess. They'd probably rank high if I had a list of favourite Mario mooks. Still, I would appreciate them more if we weren't already living in a post Piranha Plant world. Plant was a nice heehee haha but I'd prefer not to have another character like that getting in before characters way more desired by the community.

Arthas: 0.27%
100 characters x5


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2018
Dang, I missed Professor Hector's day. Oh well...

Shy Guy

Chance: 1%
We already had a generic Mario villain in the form of Piranha Plant, so I highly doubt they would add another one. He also has way too many competition from fellow 1st-party characters for the slot. Besides, if we're getting one more generic enemy in Smash, Bandana Dee is surely on the top of the list.

Want: 0%
To be honest, Piranha Plant is more than enough to represent Mario series' generic mooks. If I want another generic enemy, I would rather have Bandana Dee instead of another Mario mook.

Arthas Menethil Prediction: 0.25%

Jin Kazama x5


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Shy Guy

Chance: 0.1%
Something something not third party/already a spirit/not-hype first party. In regards to Mario reps he'd have to compete with Toad and maybe even Waluigi. Even if you were to argue that Shy Guy would be good as another Yoshi rep (even though he's mainly a Mario character), he would most likely be overshadowed by Poochy or Kamek.

Want: 0%
At least with us getting a generic enemy in the form of Piranha Plant, it was a one time thing that was so outlandishly silly it kind of worked. Getting another generic enemy as part of the season pass would just be stupid as there are a ton of more hype characters to choose from. Looking at just the Mario series alone, I would not want Shy Guy to make it in over Waluigi or Toad.

Arthas Menethil chance prediction: 0.52% (Both Blizzard and Nintendo would probably choose to add a Diablo or Overwatch rep instead).

Concept: Fire Emblem Three Houses rep x5


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Shy Guy
I actually don't think it's truly impossible to get more mooks in a post-Plant world, but the fact remains that Plant was meant to be the silly "surprise" character and shake things up. When it comes to DLC, even with Nintendo choosing the slots, I don't think they'd go full Mario Party. The surprise of a generic mook becoming a fighter is gone, and a small part of Plant's appeal was that surprise. I don't think a Shy Guy has no moveset potential or anything, but I don't know if they'd go to the well of integrating multiple enemy types in one again.

Want: 5%
Not particularly! Don't get me wrong, Shy Guys are cute and make me smile, and between Stilt Guys, the Chefs from Paper Mario, traditional Shy Guys, and even related species like Snifits there's a lot you can do with a Shy Guy. However, at this point I either want my personal favorite Mario mook (Monty Mole), my favorite Yoshi enemy (Magikoopa/Kamek), or none at all. I'd accept a Waddle Dee if it meant getting Parasol Dee, and a Lizalfos would be fun too. But do I really want any of those guys outside of Kamek more than, say, Elma or Style Savvy? No, I can't say I do.

Generic mooks are fun and I love that you can play as them in Super Mario Party, but that doesn't mean I'm calling for them to be in Smash. Pirahna Plant is perfect already. And for a Yoshi rep I'd take Kamek or Poochy first over Shy Guy.

Nominations: Style Savvy Rep x5
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
PSA: Today is the last day you can change the top 7. So make your nominations count!

Also today’s nominations update is now actually nice, in case somebody reads them.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Shy Guy

Want: 100%
Easily my most wanted generic enemy. Plus with all of his variations, he has a ton to work with.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Timid Guy:

Chance: 1% - While Piranha Plant is playable now, I'm not really sure they're gonna added any more mooks, as Plant is just the silly bonus character (who is fun to play, mind those who hate him). I'll give it at least a 1% chance though, because Sakurai and his team could very well add more.

Want: 100% - I'm open to any mooks/generic enemies becoming fighters in Smash, and I like Shy Guy's design. I tend to like most of the mooks and their designs, however, so I'm not really sure what to put here other than "yes," but I would love the Shy Guy's inclusion even if my most wanted Mario mook would be a Goomba.


Creeper x5


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Shy Guy

0% Chance

If this was purely Smash 6, I would be more open. But let me be honest, I do not see it here. We already got a generic enemy as a pre order bonus. I doubt that Nintendo would put Shy Guy in over many other bigger characters. It is a simple fact of him being out competed by so many other characters. I doubt Nintendo would go for the same surprise twice.

0% Want

It took me a while to accept Plant. I still am mad mainly because Plant is just a lol so random choice. It honestly feels like it was chosen just to fill a quota of having something no one saw coming. Shy Guy being that again is something I am not into. He does not have nearly the same history that the others have. If we were to get him as a Yoshi rep, I would consider it, but even then that is even less unlikely.

Monster Hunter x 5

Also we gonna do the double day for Dante and Hat Kid so next week is 8 days :) .


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2018
Shy Guy

Chance: 0.1%
With Piranha Plant already represent the generic Mario enemy, Shy Guy's chances are not looking good right now. Not only does he have to face other generic villains like the big conteder Bandana Dee, he also has to face other first-party characters as well, which are more likely to get in than him.

Want: 5%
Shy Guy's great and all, but when it comes to adding another generic villain in Smash, I'd rather want Bandana Dee instead of him. Besides, he is already overshadowed by other more popular characters anyway.

Noctis Lucis Caelum x5


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2018
Center of the Zero Point
Switch FC
Not only does he have to face other generic villains like the big conteder Bandana Dee

Shy Guy's great and all, but when it comes to adding another generic villain in Smash, I'd rather want Bandana Dee instead of him.
Um, Bandana Dee isn't a generic enemy. He's his own character that happens to be a part of the Waddle Dee species. It's like Bowser being called a generic Koopa. Also he's not a villain.

Rating coming soon.
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Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2018
Center of the Zero Point
Switch FC
Honestly I'd prefer if we snuck them into other character's days so we're still rating something. Having a double day for disconfirmed characters feels like a waste of a day. Rating the disconfirmed character alongside a character that's still able to make it, makes it feel like we're rating something, and it'll just be want score for Dante and Hat Kid.

Ex. Day 1: Concept: 100 characters and Dante (Devil May Cry, Want Score Only)
Day 2: Maxwell (Scribblenauts) and Hat Kid (A Hat In Time, Want Score Only.)
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Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
The Most Terrifying Thing Luigi Has Seen

Chance: 0%
We already have Piranha Plant, so I can't see for any reason why the development team would chose Shy Guy at this point.
Want: 3%
Eh, I like Shy Guy in the Mario spinoffs, but I would prefer other Mario characters, other Yoshi characters, other generic mooks and overall a lot more characters over a Shy Guy.

Tracer x1
Decidueye x3
Porky x1


Smash Champion
Nov 1, 2018
Shy Guy

I'll be quick again

Chance: 0%
Not really a hype-generator for DLC. Not especially marketable and not a big crossover. Plus the Plant already fits the "surprising, wacky generic" bill.

Want: 0%
Shy Guy's fairly generic, and while he has interesting abilities, that's not nearly enough since almost everybody has interesting stuff they can do. I wouldn't want him added just for "second Yoshi rep meh," and besides, idk if he'd even be the top choice for that. As for representing various Mario spinoff games, others like Waluigi can probably do it better with a greater popularity base. A new franchise does way more than Shy Guy, anyway.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Shy Guy

Chance: 0%

-We already got a mario enemy as DLC.
-Again not enticing, compared to a guest character.

Want: 0%

-Just no thanks.

Nominate Concept: DLC Challenges x5


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
Shy Guy

Chance - 0% - We already have Plant, which would lessen his impact. Not especially notable, important, or popular. Really, it's hard to say what he has going for him.

Want - 10% - Yet another one of those "make a random enemy playable to shock everyone" picks would really make me upset. Having to pay for a random like this does not sit well with me. There are so many better options, even for a Yoshi pick.


Monster Hunter X5


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Pirahna Plant 2

Chance: 1%. I can't see it happening. We just got a generic Mario enemy, another one would be a bit dumb. It's not like he's the next in line, either. If we had to get a generic-esqe character, Bandanna Dee's right there. Even if it needed to be from Yoshi, Kamek's a much better option.

Want:5%. He'd be neat. But ultimately he would delay Kamek and/or Bandana Dee's inclusion, so I wouldn't like him.

Noms: Maxwell x1, X x4

Deleted member

Missed on Hector, but would probably have abstained so no big deal :b.

Tell me about Shy guy, Why does he wear the mask?

Baneposting aside, here are my thoughts

Chance: 5%
Being a mook or not, PP demonstrated that Sakurai will add any character regarding of their status to shift things regularly. Among Mario/Yoshi mooks, Shy Guys have been regulars in the franchise since their inception in Dokki Dokki Panic which was converted into SMB2 USA with them appearing more often in the Yoshi games and various spinoffs.

They are probably one of the most recognizable mooks in gaming, but we got PP recently so I doubt we will be getting another one soon.

Want: 40%
I dont mind mooks being playable in spinoffs of Mario, in the case of Smash well... its complicated. Smash has added pretty much all the core Mario characters (Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser), core Mario characters with their own franchises (DK, Yoshi, Wario), recurring characters (Rosalina, Daisy, Bowser Jr and the Koopalings), a Mario version from a Mario puzzle game (Dr. Mario), and a mook (PP).

I dont really have a strong preference for new Mario characters and given the choice, I would put another mook on the same level as many other options considering the strongest ones are probably Waluigi (which I would prefer for him to appear on a mainline Mario or Wario game before considering), Toad/Cpt Toad who I dont have strong feelings for or against, Pauline who doesnt seem to be a good option for a fighting game, one-shot characters, and so on. Unless Im forgetting someone, Fawful is probably my best option for a new Mario rep and even then Im kinda ambivalent on him.

Nom: Ryu Hayabusa x 5

(I seriously want to know whats under their mask)
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Smash Master
Jul 7, 2006
Seattle, WA
Switch FC
Eh what the hey, I guess I'll do a rating. not getting any younger.

Shy Guy

Chance: 5%-At least as a part of the Fighter's Pack anyway, since not only am I getting vibes that they may all be 3rd Party but also if we were to get a psuedo Yoshi rep I think Poochie or Kamek would get higher billing. Best option Shy has is if they are part of a DLC bonus outside the Pack like the plant was.

Want: 80%-not gonna lie, thanks to Piranha Plant existing he broke a paradigm of "what is a fitting Smash Character" that's kinda lingered in the community over the past decade that I have increasingly grown annoyed by. Many seem to think only safe options are worthy of being in Smash, and yet playing it safe would have robbed us of left field choices like Mr. Game & Watch or the Ice Climbers. SG was always one of my personal wants that I never saw as possible, but now I could actually dig them as a future character...and expecting the unexpected has always been part of the charm of Smash for me.

Nomination: Tetromino x5
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Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2018
Center of the Zero Point
Switch FC
Chance: 0%
Want: 55%

Sadly, Shy Guy is screwed. Our major surprise joke character was Piranha Plant, who also fills the role of a generic enemy fighter, and is from (one of) the same series as Shy Guy. Looking at the direction Sakurai is taking with this fighter pass, it's not gonna happen. Which is a shame because he has a lot to work with in terms of moveset. Just like our Plant Gang leader, Shy Guy could take multiple moves from the different types of Shy Guys throughout both the Mario and Yoshi series. He also has a spear for his main weapon. (Though there is a certain other spear wielder I'd prefer.) I would've given him a 60% if it weren't for the fact that Kamek would make a better 2nd Yoshi rep. Or Birdo as an easy Yoshi echo.

The Lich King: 0.12% (As cool as he would be, this isn't gonna happen. At all.)

I'm done nominating our lord and savior karp, so now it's time to nominate a gaming relic: Tetromino x5

Btw there's a small chance Karp might fall out the top 7. If anyone doesn't mind, can you give 1 nom to Magikarp to keep him in there if Monster Hunter Ryota and Style Savvy take over?
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Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2014
The elegant battlefield.
Super Mario Mimikyu

Chance: 1%
Piranha Plant kinda blew Shy Guy out of the waters of Shy Guy Beach. While Shy Guy might've been an interesting choice to help separate the Yoshi series a little more, I do understand that Shy Guy isn't as iconic, as the species often misses out on the Mario platformer adventures. He'd either be classified as a Mario Spin Off, which the spirit seems to do, or a Yoshi character, but spirit evidence leads towards Mario, which, again, Piranha Plant already fills the niche of.

Want: 25%
I suppose it would be nice to fill the Yoshi series out a bit more, but if I have to be honest, my preferred choice of a Yoshi character is Kamek. One could also argue for Baby Mario, if we're OK with doing to Smash what's already been done to Mario Kart (Pink Gold Zelda when?). I could even maybe take Birdo as a Yoshi echo, provided if they were added as fighters, Birdo and Waluigi would be Yoshi and Wario series respectfully if they ever did get in, which again, spirit evidence suggests not... uh, am I rambling? I might be rambling now, sorry...

Predict: Arthas
Uh... who? A Google search tells me World of Warcraft. Is... is that right? That would certainly be problematic. 0.43%

Q*Bert x5


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
Shy Guy

Chance: 0 -Nope. Maybe for a season 2 or 3 DLC pack, but not happening for this one. Think I'm on board with the theory that everyone is DLC and even if it's not I don't think we're getting another Mario side character

Want: 70 - Hell yeah. I love Shy Guys, and they'd be a perfect WTF pick. Would have been a good pick for the Piranha Plat spot

Cranky Kong x5

Good Guy Giygas

Smash Master
Jul 7, 2013
Official Doomguy Hype-Man®
Switch FC
Shy Guys

Chance: 0.5% - This is not happening. Shy Guys have always felt like "B-list" Mario enemies to me, and even if they're considered as a second Yoshi rep, there are way better choices for that.

Want: 0% - This just seems like "scraping the bottom of the barrel" to me and the novelty of "generic enemies" has already kinda wore off. Not trying to be mean or anything, but if you legitimately want Shy Guy, I think you should play more games. There are too many other characters that deserve it more and would be more interesting than just another generic enemy from Mario/Yoshi.

Frogger x5
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2018
Switch FC
SW 3649 6707 8868
Not trying to be mean or anything, but if you legitimately want Shy Guy, I think you should play more games.
This is the most presumptuous and conceitedly dogmatic thing I've read on this website. Shy Guy is pretty close to next on my list of characters I'd want in Smash and I can absolutely guarantee that I have spent more time involved with different video games throughout my life than 98% of this website, and I would not be surprised for a second if that included you. This is a non-point and the fact that you added the empty "no offense" to a pretentious statement like this makes my eyes roll even harder.

And the way you then follow up your underhanded gatekeeping with something that is also an opinion weirdly presented as fact
There are too many other characters that deserve it more and would be more interesting
speaks volumes of how you internalize your thoughts. Not to be mean or anything, but the things it says are pretty yikes, especially given that you're 23.
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Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Shy Guy
Chance: 0%
The fact that Yoshi hasn't gotten another rep in 4 games shows that they just don't care about series representation enough to prioritize balancing it, and frankly Yoshi is for all intents and purposes a Mario character more so than DK and Wario. So that leaves Shy Guy to try and get in on his own merits and even if they decided to add another Mario mook I don't know if they would be at the top of that list.

Want: 50%
I have other characters I'd like to see more but I always had a soft spot for Shy Guys and agree they have some fun moveset potential. If it happened I wouldn't be upset at all.

Nominations: Monster Hunter x5


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
This is the most presumptuous and conceitedly dogmatic thing I've read on this website.
and I can absolutely guarantee that I have spent more time involved with different video games throughout my life than 98% of this website, and I would not be surprised for a second if that included you.
If you’re gonna call people presumptuous, look in the mirror first, pal.

Good Guy Giygas

Smash Master
Jul 7, 2013
Official Doomguy Hype-Man®
Switch FC
This is the most presumptuous and conceitedly dogmatic thing I've read on this website. Shy Guy is pretty close to next on my list of characters I'd want in Smash and I can absolutely guarantee that I have spent more time involved with different video games throughout my life than 98% of this website, and I would not be surprised for a second if that included you. This is a non-point and the fact that you added the empty "no offense" to a pretentious statement like this makes my eyes roll even harder.

And the way you then follow up your underhanded gatekeeping with something that is also an opinion weirdly presented as fact

speaks volumes of how you internalize your thoughts. Not to be mean or anything, but the things it says are pretty yikes, especially given that you're 23.
Okay, I will say that the first sentence you quoted was not worded well and I apologize for that. I didn't intend it as a dig at anyone who supports Shy Guy; it was a snarky comment for the sake of my argument. I was trying to express the idea that resorting to putting more generic enemy characters in the game kinda hints that we're running out of various other alternatives. By "play more games" I meant "look at other games other than Mario" because there's a whole lot of other material out there to draw inspiration from.

But thanks for making assumptions about me and commenting on my age, which is irrelevant to this conversation. I'd assume you're a huge Shy Guy fan by your avatar, so I'm also going to assume that's why you're so upset by my comments. Also, you do realize this is a thread based around opinions, right? Nothing I said was stated as a definite fact, and if you can't even read my post without getting offended by my "pretentiousness" I'd suggest developing thicker skin or just ignoring it.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Shy Guys

Chance: 0.5% - This is not happening. Shy Guys have always felt like "B-list" Mario enemies to me, and even if they're considered as a second Yoshi rep, there are way better choices for that.

Want: 0% - This just seems like "scraping the bottom of the barrel" to me and the novelty of "generic enemies" has already kinda wore off. Not trying to be mean or anything, but if you legitimately want Shy Guy, I think you should play more games. There are too many other characters that deserve it more and would be more interesting than just another generic enemy from Mario/Yoshi.

Frogger x5
This is the most presumptuous and conceitedly dogmatic thing I've read on this website. Shy Guy is pretty close to next on my list of characters I'd want in Smash and I can absolutely guarantee that I have spent more time involved with different video games throughout my life than 98% of this website, and I would not be surprised for a second if that included you. This is a non-point and the fact that you added the empty "no offense" to a pretentious statement like this makes my eyes roll even harder.

And the way you then follow up your underhanded gatekeeping with something that is also an opinion weirdly presented as fact

speaks volumes of how you internalize your thoughts. Not to be mean or anything, but the things it says are pretty yikes, especially given that you're 23.
If you’re gonna call people presumptuous, look in the mirror first, pal.
No, this is not good form.

Attacking anyone for supporting a character is not welcome, at all. I will rip apart a character like Mipha for instance, but I do not attack anyone who supports them. Snark can be hard to read, so if you think it might come off as a bit tart, don’t say it. Someone nominated the character, assume someone wants them.

Next one, responding like that was out of line. Very hostile response tbh. I get that it is your characters day, but going all defensive was not a good idea. Just saying “Rude.” would have sufficed. Instead you got overly aggressive in your response, which from what I read came off even more snarky and aggressive than the post that set you off.

Also, getting involved in this sort of drama when you just make a snarky comment at the expense of someone else is not cool.

I don’t want these sorts of interactions to be a regular thing.

As for the day ending PeridotGX PeridotGX , expect tonight.
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